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Submitted in Partial Fulfilment for the award of the Degree of

BBA 2022-2023

UNIVERSITY PRN : 1928100909





I PRACHI (BBA SEM 6)would like to declare that the project report entitled “INDUSTRIAL
EDUCATION , ACADEMIC CENTER BVIMR NEW DELHI in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of the degree. It is an original work carried out by mr under the guidance

All respected guides, faculty members and other sources have been properly acknowledged and the
report contains no plagarism.

To my best knowledge and the belief the matter embodied in this project is a genuine work done by
me and it has been neither submitted for assessment to the university nor to any other institution for
the fulfilment of the requirement of the course of study.


I PRACHI (BBA SEM 6)would like to declare that the project report entitled “INDUSTRIAL
EDUCATION , ACADEMIC CENTER BVIMR NEW DELHI in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of the degree. It is an original work carried out by mr under the guidance

All respected guides, faculty members and other sources have been properly acknowledged and the
report contains no plagarism.

To my best knowledge and the belief the matter embodied in this project is a genuine work done by
me and it has been neither submitted for assessment to the university nor to any other institution for
the fulfilment of the requirement of the course of study.


First and foremost, I Would like to thank our Professor YASHWANT KUMAR who guided
us in doing these project. He provided us with invaluable advice and helped us in difficult

His motivation and help contributed tremendously to the successful completion of the
project. Besides, we would like to thank all the teachers who helped us by giving advice and
provide equipment which we needed.













Myntra is a one stop shop for all your fashion and lifestyle n e e d s . B e i n g I n d i a ' s
largest e-commerce store for fashion and lifestyle products, Myntra aims at
p r o v i d i n g a h a s s l e f r e e a n d enjoyable shopping experience to shoppers across the country
with the widest range of brands and products on its portal. The brand is m a k i n g a
c o n s c i o u s e f f o r t t o b r i n g t h e p o w e r o f f a s h i o n t o shoppers with an
array of the latest and trendiest products available in the country .Supply chain management (SCM)
is the management of a network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of
product and service package required by end customers( Harland ,1996). Supply chain management
spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished
goods f r o m p o i n t o f o r i g i n t o p o i n t o f c o n s u m p t i o n ( s u p p l y
c h a i n ) . Myntra was established by Mukesh Bansal, Ashutosh Lawania and V i n e e t
S a x e n a i n F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 7 . M y n t r a ’s h e a d q u a r t e r i s i n B a n g a l o r e w i t h
r e g i o n a l o f f i c e s i n N e w D e l h i , M u m b a i a n d Chennai. It began its operations in
the B2B (business to business)s e g m e n t w i t h t h e p e r s o n a l i z a t i o n o f g i f t s ,
w h i c h i n c l u d e d : - clothing, footwear, cosmetics In 2010, the company shifted its
strategy to becoming a B2C (business to customer) oriented firm. is ranked among the top 10 e-commerce companies in I n d i a I n t h e l a s t 3 y e a r s ,

M y n t r a h a s b e c o m e t h e m o s t p o p u l a r destination for personalized products in the
country. is i n t o t h e e - c o m m e r c e ( o n l i n e s h o p p i n g ) b u s i n e s s . I t i s a n
online retailer of fashion and lifestyle products in India. It began its
o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e B 2 B ( b u s i n e s s t o b u s i n e s s ) s e g m e n t w i t h t h e personalization of
gifts, which included:-clothing, footwear ,cosmetics In 2010, the company shifted its strategy to
becoming aB2C (business to customer) oriented firm, expanding its catalogue to fashion and
lifestyle products. is ranked among the top 10 e-commerce companies in India . In the
last 3 years, Myntra has become the most popular destination for personalized products in the
country. • Myntra pioneered the personalization of sports jerseys and offered sports jerseys
of several cricket and football teams such as Team India, IPL & FIFA . These jerseys could
be personalized with a name and number of the customer’s choice. O n l i n e a d v e r t i s i n g ,
a l s o c a l l e d o n l i n e m a r k e t i n g o r I n t e r n e t advertising is a form of marketing and
advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers .I t
includes email marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), s o c i a l m e d i a
m a r k e t i n g , m a n y t y p e s o f d i s p l a y a d v e r t i s i n g (including web banner
advertising), and mobile advertising. Like o t h e r a d v e r t i s i n g m e d i a , o n l i n e
a d v e r t i s i n g f r e q u e n t l y i n v o l v e s both a publisher, who integrates advertisements into its
online content, and an advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be displayed on
the publisher content. Other potential participants include advertising agencies that
help generate and place the ad copy an ad server which technologically delivers the ad
and tracks statitics and advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for
the advertiser.
Online advertising is a marketing strategy that involves the use of the internet as a
medium to obtain website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the
right consumer. Online advertising is a use of the internet as an advertising medium
where promotional messages appear on a computer on a computer screen. Since the
communication software or the browser reveals sufficient information about the site
visitors, visitors online advertising can be custom tailored to match user
preference .many common online advertising practise are controversial and
increasingly subject to regulation
To find out the mode by which the customer became aware of

1 To reveal the satisfaction level of the customer

2 To improve the services provided by the company for motivating the customers.

3 To analyse the customer perception regarding the price of the products.


Finding out the strength and weakness of the

1 Finding the number of future purchases

2 Finding the customer satisfaction and their means of awareness of

3 Finding the position among the competitors

4 Finding out the perception of the customers about

5 The main target is strongly supply chain and aggressively aquisition

- The limit in accessing the population for collecting data

- The lack of time to carry out a survey.

- The lack of funding necessary to carry out a survey.

- The lack priority for carrying out a survey because of competing urgent task
An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to
achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities .
The organizational structure also determines how information flows between levels within the
company. For example, in a centralized structure, decisions flow from the top down, while in a
decentralized structure, decision-making power is distributed among various levels of the
Having an organizational structure in place allows companies to remain efficient and focused
This structuring provides a company with a visual representation of how it is shaped and how it can
best move forward in achieving its goals. Organizational structures are normally illustrated in some
sort of chart or diagram like a pyramid, where the most powerful members of the organization sit at
the top, while those with the least amount of power are at the bottom . Not having a formal structure
in place may prove difficult for certain organizations. For instance, employees may have difficulty
knowing to whom they should report. That can lead to uncertainty as to who is responsible for what
in the organization. Having a structure in place can help with efficiency and provide clarity for
everyone at every level. That also means each and every department can be more productive, as
they are likely to be more focused on energy and time

Types of Organizational Structures

Functional Structure
Four types of common organizational structures are implemented in the real world. The first and
most common is a functional structure. This is also referred to as a bureaucratic organizational
structure and breaks up a company based on the specialization of its workforce. Most small-to-
medium-sized businesses implement a functional structure. Dividing the firm into departments
consisting of marketing, sales, and operations is the act of using a bureaucratic organizational

Divisional or Multi divisional Structure

The second type is common among large companies with many business units. Called the divisional
or multi divisional structure, a company that uses this method structures its leadership team based
on the products, projects, or subsidiaries they operate. A good example of this structure is Johnson
& Johnson. With thousands of products and lines of business, the company structures itself so each
business unit operates as its own company with its own president.
Flatarchy Structure
Flatarchy, a newer structure, is the third type and is used among many startups. As the name alludes,
it flattens the hierarchy and chain of command and gives its employees a lot of autonomy.
Companies that use this type of structure have a high speed of implementation.
Matrix Structure
The fourth and final organizational structure is a matrix structure. It is also the most confusing and
the least used. This structure matrixes employees across different superiors, divisions, or
departments. An employee working for a matrixed company, for example, may have duties in both
sales and customer service.

Benefits of Organizational Structures

Putting an organizational structure in place can be very beneficial to a company. The structure not
only defines a company's hierarchy but also allows the firm to layout the pay structure for its
employees. By putting the organizational structure in place, the firm can decide salary grades and
ranges for each position.
The structure also makes operations more efficient and much more effective. By separating
employees and functions into different departments, the company can perform different operations
at once seamlessly.
In addition, a very clear organizational structure informs employees how best to get their jobs done.
For example, in a hierarchical organization, employees will have to work harder at buying favor or
courting those with decision-making power. In a decentralized organization, employees must take
on more initiative and bring creative problem solving to the table. This can also help set
expectations for how employees can track their own growth within a company and emphasize a
certain set of skills—as well as for potential employees to gauge if such a company would be a
good fit with their own interests and work styles.
The product layout can be defined as an arrangement or a mechanism of various machines run to
produce the final product in a prescribed order.

In general, we can find these product layouts in the manufacturing units. Usually, the product
layouts are either linear or u-shaped in design. In the product layouts, the linear arrangeme

It involves huge equipment to produce the product.

•The machines available in the product layout are semi-skilled because each machine can perform
only a certain part of the whole production.
•Sophisticated machines are used here.
•The linear arrangement of product layout may be either paced or non-paced.
•It requires huge amounts of investments to purchase machines.
•The product layouts are required more physical work than that of the technical skill.

Over a year into the pandemic, we are still coming to terms with the increased uncertainties of life.
What keeps us afloat during these tough times is the strength we draw from each other, especially
from our families. Myntra is here to ensure that its employees feel secure about the future of their
families lest any harm befalls them.

Myntra has introduced a list of measures for supporting families and dependents of its employees in
the event of their untimely death. Whether this unfortunate death is by way of COVID-19, any other
illness, or an accident amidst other reasons, the Family Support Policy shall take care of the
immediate and long-term financial needs of the family. The goal is to secure their standard of living
and help them meet some of their most important necessities. Announced on 9th June, this policy is
in effect retrospectively starting January 1, 2021. Here’s what the measures entail:

The first hurdle- immediate financial assistance

A one-time payment of a lump sum amount equivalent to five times the total cost to the company
(CTC) of the deceased employee shall be made to the family, ensuring a sense of immediate
financial security. It shall also be assured that such coverage would offer a minimum of INR 25
The way forward for the children—educational assistance

Towards securing the future of the children in the family, Myntra will cover the cost of education of
deceased employees’ children until they turn 22 years of age. An annual sum of INR 1.2 lakhs per
child for up to two children shall be provided to the family to cover the education expenses.

Health comes first—medical insurance

Starting from the month of the demise of the employee, their medical insurance shall be extended to
cover the medical expenses of the family for the next five years.

Planning for the future—professional financial assistance

To support strong and independent financial planning for the future, Myntra will also facilitate
professional financial assistance programs for the family of the deceased employee.

Investments that make a difference—accelerated ESOP vesting

Investment is undoubtedly a crucial step towards achieving financial independence. All the
unvested grants of the employee under the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) shall be vested
immediately and transferred to the family. Along with this, the nominee shall be given an
opportunity to participate in the future repurchase programme.

Back to the basics—Gratuity and provident fund

There is no question that these new policies will also cover the good old gratuity and provident
fund. The amounts from the gratuity and provident fund shall be made available to the family as per
the requirements of the law.

Myntra expresses grief for the employees we lost recently due to COVIDor other reasons and stands
with their families. And while it’s no match to the loss of a human life, we hope these measures help
shape a better tomorrow for these families

Myntra is an Indian Fashion e-commerce marketplace company headquatered in
Bengaluru ,karnataka ,India. The company was founded in 2007 with a focus on personalization of
gift items. By 2010,Myntra shifted its focus to the online retailing of branded apparel. In may
2010, acquired by flipkart to compete against amazon which entered the indian market
in june 2013 and other established offline retailers like Future Groups, Aditya Birla Group In 2014,
Myntra was acquired by Flipkart in a deal valued at ₹2,000 crore (US$260million). The purchase
was influenced by two large common shareholders Tiger Global and Accel Partners. Myntra
functions and operates independently. Myntra continues to operate as a standalone brand under
Flipkart ownership, focusing primarily on "fashion-conscious" consumers.
In 2014, Myntra's portfolio included about 1,50,000 products of over 1000 brands, with a
distribution area of around 9000 pincodes in India. In 2015, Ananth Narayanan became the chief
executive officer of Myntra.
On 10 May 2015, Myntra announced that it would shut down its website, and serve customers
exclusively through its mobile app beginning 15 May. The service had already discontinued its
mobile website in favour of the app. Myntra justified its decision by stating that 95% of traffic on
its website came via mobile devices, and that 70% of its purchases were performed on smartphones.
The move received mixed reception, and resulted in a 10% decline in sales. In February 2016,
acknowledging the failure of the "app-only" model, Myntra announced that it would revive its
In September 2017, Myntra negotiated the rights to manage 15 offline stores in India. Myntra
reported a net loss of ₹151.20 crore in the financial year 2017–2018.
In January 2021, Myntra changed its logo, after a police complaint was registered that the logo
resembles a naked woman. The complaint was filed by a woman named Naaz Patel, who runs an
NGO called Avesta Foundation
Established by Mukesh Bansal along with Ashutosh Lawania and Vineet Saxena; Myntra sold on-
demand personalized gift items. It mainly operated on the B2B (business-to-business) model during its
initial years. Between 2007 and 2010, the site allowed customers to personalize products such as T-
shirts, mugs, mouse pads, and others.
In 2011, Myntra began selling fashion and lifestyle products and moved away from personalisation. By
2012 Myntra offered products from 350 Indian and International brands. The website launched the
brands Fastrack Watches and Being Human.
In 2014, Myntra was acquired by Flipkart in a deal valued at ₹2,000 crore (US$260million). The
purchase was influenced by two large common shareholders Tiger Global and Accel Partners .Myntra
functions and operates independently.
Myntra continues to operate as a stand alone brand under Flipkart ownership, focusing primarily on
"fashion-conscious" consumers.
In 2014, Myntra's portfolio included about 1,50,000 products of over 1000 brands, with a distribution
area of around 9000 pincodes in India.
In 2015, Ananth Narayanan became the chief executive officer of Myntra.
On 10 May 2015, Myntra announced that it would shut down its website, and serve customers
exclusively through its mobile app beginning 15 May. The service had already discontinued its mobile
website in favour of the app.
Myntra justified its decision by stating that 95% of traffic on its website came via mobile devices, and
that 70% of its purchases were performed on smartphones. The move received mixed reception, and
resulted in a 10% decline in sales.
In February 2016, acknowledging the failure of the "app-only" model, Myntra announced that it would
revive its website.
In September 2017, Myntra negotiated the rights to manage ESPIRIT's 15 offline stores in India.
Myntra reported a net loss of ₹151.20 crore in the financial year 2017–2018.
In January 2021, Myntra changed its logo, after a police complaint was registered that the logo
resembles a naked woman. The complaint was filed by a woman named Naaz Patel, who runs an NGO
called Avesta Foundation.
Acquisitions and investments

In October 2007, Myntra received its initial funding from Erasmic Venture Fund (now known as accel partners
Sasha Mirchandani from Mumbai Angels and a few other investors. In November 2008, Myntra raised almost $5
million from NEA-IndoUS Ventures, IDG Ventures and Accel Partners. Myntra raised $14 million in a Series B
round of funding. This round of investment was led by Tiger Global, a private equity firm; the existing investors
IDG Ventures and Indo-US Venture Partners also put in substantial amount towards funding Myntra. Towards the
end of 2011, raised $20 million in its third round of funding, again led by Tiger Global.
In February 2014, Myntra raised additional $50 Million (Rs.310 crore) funding from Premji Invest and few other
Private Investors.
In April 2015, Myntra acquired Bengaluru-based mobile app development platform company Native5, with a view
to strengthen and expand Myntra's mobile technology team
In July 2016, Myntra acquired mobile-based content aggregation platform Cubeit, to strengthen and expand its
technology team.
In July, 2016 Myntra acquired their rival to become India's largest fashion platform.
In October 2017, Myntra partnered with Ministry of Textiles to promote handloom industry.
In April 2017, the company acquired In Logg, a city-based technology platform for the e-commerce sector.
In April 2018, Myntra acquired Bengaluru-based start-up Witworks, a maker of wearable devices to strengthen its
technology team.
In August 2018, Myntra acquired Mumbai-Based start-up Pretr Online Services Pvt. Ltd., an end-to-end
omnichannel platform for retail.

Digital Reality Show (fashion influencer)

Main article :Myntra Fashion Superstar
Launched its first digital reality-based show "Myntra Fashion Superstar" which is based on the fashion influencer
talent hunt on Myntra app on 17 September 2019.
In association with Zoom Studios,his show will identify & reward India's next big fashion influencer.
Show has eight episodes of reality serious which will see 10 contenders competing with each other. They would
also be mentored and judged by a star studded jury, from the world of Bollywood, TV and fashion, including
Bollywood diva Nathani.

Regulatory action and lawsuits

The Enforcement Directorate are investigating Myntra for breach of Foreign Exchange Management Act.
In January 2016, Enforcement Directorate issued notice to Myntra's owner Flipkart. It has a tie up with Nike with
the dealer Funfash to sell all authentic Nike accessories

Labour issues
In June 2016, Myntra's logistics staff went on a strike alleging lack of basic employee benefits and poor wages.

Value proposition

Myntra's value proposition revolves around giving consumers the power and ease of purchasing
fashion and lifestyle products online.
Offerings such as the largest in-season product catalogue, 100% authentic products, cash on
delivery and 30 day return policy make Myntra, the preferred shopping destination in the country.
To make online shopping easier for you, a dedicated customer connect team is on standby to answer
your queries 24x7.

Myntra understands its shoppers' needs and caters to them with choice of apparel,
accessories, cosmetics and footwear from over 500 leading Indian and international brands.
Prominent brands include Adidas, Nike, Puma, Catwalk, Inc 5, United Colors of Benetton,
FCUK, Timberland, Avirate, FabIndia and Biba to name a few. You can also shop from
some recently introduced labels such as - Roadster, Sher Singh, Dressberry, Kook N Keech
and ETC.
Myntra - Mission and Vision

Myntra's mission and vision is to provide"a hassle free and enjoyable shopping experience to
shoppers across the country with the widest range of brands and products on its portal."

Myntra - Business & Revenue Model

Myntra operates on an aggregator business model (B2C) of premium brands. Myntra earlier
operated on a B2B business model prior to switching its business model to B2C.The business
model of Myntra is primarily based on procuring current season merchandise from all its associate
brands and making them available on its eCommerce portal as soon as they are available in the
respective retail brand outlets.
The major source of revenue for Myntra is commission. It generates income from a fixed
commission of 4% - 5% which it charges depending on the category and the brand of the product.

Myntra - Funding & Investors

Myntra has raised over $399.8M in funding over 13 rounds. The latest funding was raised on
September 24, 2021, led by its parent organization, Flipkart.
The fresh infusion came at a crucial juncture when the fashion giant was looking forward to starting
the Big Fashion Sale from October 7th onwards, which continued till October 13, 2021.

Date Stage Amount Investors

September 24, Funding
₹4.9 Billion FK Myntra Holdings
2021 Round
October 9, 2020 $103 Million FK Myntra Holdings
Funding $63.7
March 6, 2018 FK Myntra Holdings
Round Million
October 18, 2017 ₹500 Million Kotak Mahindra Bank
January 31, 2014 $50 Million -
May 31, 2013 $25 Million -
February 1, 2013 Series E $8 Million -
May 1, 2012 Series D $25 Million -
August 1, 2011 Series C -
March 4, 2011 Series B $14 Million Tiger Global Management
July 1, 2010 Series B $11 Million -
November 2008 Series A $5 Million NEA-Indo-US Ventures, IDG Ventures and Accel
Date Stage Amount Investors
October 2007 Seed Funding - Accel Partners, Sasha Mirchandani and others

Myntra investor, Jabong India Private Limited has decided to allot 7,08,025 equity shares to its
Singapore-based parent company, FK Myntra Holdings for Rs 455 crores, as per the regulatory
filings of the company. Furthermore, it has also allotted 58,195 equity shares to Quick routes
International Private Limited for Rs 37.40 crores, which has taken the total infusion to Rs 492

Myntra - Growth and Revenue

Myntra has become India's fashion expert that serves millions of customers, with 2000+ world's
top fashion brands on the platform. They sell more than 200,000 items on the app on any given day
and have achieved approximately $500M Gross Merchandise Volume in FY 2015 – 2016. The
company has recorded a Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) of $800 million in January 2016,
which is just a notch below its target $1 billion mark by FY16.
If we consider the footwear category only, we would have a wide array of varieties like shoes for
running, tennis, football, basketball, and fitness, along with casual footwear from world-renowned
industry leaders like Nike,Puma, Converse, Adidas, Decathlon, Reebok, Lee Cooper, Numero Uno,
Skechers, Crocks, Asics, Fila, Lotto, ID and many more. The other fashion brands of Myntra are
casual and include dressy footwear for women are Catwalk, Carlton London, Steve Madden, and
Here's taking a look at some of the prominent growth highlights of the brand:
• Myntra is currently the biggest name in the fashion e-commerce market of India.
• The growth of Myntra is estimated to be 300% in the sector of lingerie and loungewear
segment amid the second wave of Covid-19.
• Myntra website has tied up with top fashion and lifestyle brands in India. The Myntra
exclusive brands are Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma, Asics, Lee, Lotto, Decathlon, FIFA, John
Miller, Indigo Nation, and more.
• Myntra offers an array of current season merchandise from Myntra fashion brands, which
include some of the best brands across multiple categories from clothing to accessories.
• Myntra presently offers products from more than 500 Indian and international brands.
Myntra saw a 45% rise in its revenue, which rose from Rs 1,718.5 crore in FY20 to Rs 2,466 crore
in FY21, as per the reports dated January 11, 2021. The company managed to narrow its loss down
to Rs 429 crore in FY21 from Rs 744.4 crore in FY20, a decline of 42%. Myntra saw a rise though
on its expenditure front, which increased by 17% from Rs 2,462.9 crore to Rs 2,891.6.

Myntra - Mergers & Acquisitions

• Myntra, a Flipkart Group company had acquired Jabong in July 2016 for $70 million in
• In April 2015, Native5, a Bengaluru-based mobile app development company was acquired
by Myntra. The goal of this acquisition was to strengthen and expand Myntra’s mobile
technology team.
• In July 2016, Myntra business acquired a mobile-based content aggregation platform named
Cubeit, to strengthen and expand its technology team.
• In April 2017, Myntra company acquired InLogg. This was a city-based technology platform
that provides end-to-end logistical solutions for the smooth functioning of e-commerce
• In April 2018, Myntra India bought a Bengaluru-based startup named Witworks, a maker of
wearable devices.
• In August 2018, Myntra acquired Mumbai-based startup Pretr Online Services Pvt. Ltd., an
end-to-end omni channel platform for retail.

The company has seen 10 major acquisitions to date.

Acquired Date Price

Pretr Online Services Pvt Ltd August 1, 2018 -
Blink (formerly Witworks) April 16, 2018 -
20Dresses November 29, 2017 -
InLogg April 19, 2017 - July 26, 2016 $70 mn
HRX July 20, 2016 -
Cubeit July 12, 2016 -
Native5 May 7, 2015 -
Fitiquette April 4, 2013 -
Exclusively November 9, 2012 -

Myntra - Partnerships
• Myntra partnered with the London-based fashion brand Urbanic in August 2021.
• In October 2017, the company successfully partnered with the Ministry of Textiles to
promote the handloom industry in the country.
• Myntra has partnered with Aditya Birla Fashion Retail Ltd's (ABFRL) The Collective, to
bring a wide range of premium brands and launch its luxury store on November 16, 2021.
• Myntra partnered with UK fashion brand 'Missguided' in November 2021 to cater to the
mid-premium fashion demands.
• Myntra collaborated with iconic British sportswear brand Slazenger as part of its strategic
partnerships on September 8, 2021, where Myntra and Flipkart will make the products of the
brand available on its platforms.
• Myntra has partnered with several brands to launch 'Myntra-Mall,' which would help the
brand further boost the online-offline synergy.
Myntra - Startup Challenges
Logistics was a big challenge for Myntra in order to meet the customer's demands. Needless to say,
it is also one of the important aspects of an e-commerce company. Myntra’s success is duly
credited to its hybrid logistics model. To solve their problem of logistics and supply chain in the
initial years, they devised this solution and distributed the logistics between themselves and third-
party service providers solely on demographics.
This again posed a major challenge for Myntra because finding reliable third-party service
providers who could provide a world-class delivery experience to the firm and the consumers is
quite a job. To counter this, Myntra took utmost care of its supply chain management, and hired
delivery agents with high and deep quality delivery experience.
Myntra, as a venture and as a team has always believed that the greatest contributions happen when
the larger picture is kept in mind. Also, what the brand stands for and how it is conveyed to society
through the time of making short-term progress plays a very important role.

Myntra - Competitors
When Myntra started off, there were really no vendors providing such seamless and exclusive
shopping experiences to the consumers. However, with the course of time, its competitors have
increased over the years in India.
The main competitors of Myntra are:
• Bewakoof
• Shein
• LimeRoad
• Ajio
• Amazon
• Snapdeal
• Voonik
• Zooper
• GoRootz
• Naaptol
• FashionAndYou
• ShopClues
• Yepme
Myntra - Awards & Recognitions
Myntra has bagged quite a few titles under its name.
• Myntra was acknowledged as India’s Most Admired & Valuable Power Brand Award
2016 at the 7thAnnual India Leadership Conclave & Indian Affairs Business
Leadership Awards 2016.
• was announced as a winner of the Red Herring Global 100 award.
• CNBC - TV18 recognized Myntra's website as one of the Hottest Internet Companies of
the Year.
• It has also been awarded Fashion eRetailer of the Year 2013'by Franchise India's eRetail
• Myntra online app and website also bagged the title of 'Best E-commerce Website for
2012'by IAMAI – India Digital Awards.
• The venture was also awarded 'Images Most Admired Retailer of the Year: Non–Store
Retail' for 2012 by Images Group.
• Puma India awarded Myntra with the 'Best E-commerce Partner of the year 2011-12'.

A digital marketing strategy is a plan that uses the latest technology and tools to market your
business online.
The benefits of a strong internet presence are extensive, from increased customer engagement rates
through greater brand awareness all the way up into improved productivity as employees can work
remotely when needed!
However, with so many tools and services available to the modern marketer it can be difficult
choosing which ones are appropriate for your business, and how to integrate them all. SEO is a
process that helps you do this, creating a cohesive campaign that aims to meet your business’s needs
in the most efficient way possible.
Digital Marketing Strategy Of Myntra Digital marketing strategy is different from simply setting up
social media profiles or spending some time on SEO; these things won’t accomplish much without
an actual plan in place. Digital marketing strategy is also not limited to online advertising efforts
like paid ads and email blasts – it’s about using every tool available (including inbound and
outbound strategies) to reach your target audience in the best way possible for your business goals.
Digital marketing strategy treats internet marketing like a game, where you want to maximize the
number of touches (or opportunities to interact with customers) without wasting any resources or
time. Myntra Digital Marketing Strategy
The importance of customer experience in the
era of social media

The importance of customer experience in the era of social media

is immense. It’s a delicate balance between providing excellent
service and meeting customers’ needs while also building loyalty
with each interaction you have, but there are some key things
every business should do if they want their employees (and
themselves!) to succeed at this challenging task:

1) Demonstrate leadership by setting an example who knows how deliver exceptional quality
without sacrificing value or accessibility

2) Be approachable- communicate clearly about your company’s policies so people know what can
help them when issues arise without being fearful because it will show them you care and help them
feel valued

3) Don’t be afraid of the conversation- engage with social media users to show that you’re listening
and they can trust you

4) Educate your customers about what sets your company’s service apart from the rest, why they
should buy from you, and how they can get more out of their experience with your business.

Porter's Five Forces is a simple but powerful tool that you can use to identify the main sources of
competition in your industry or sector.

When you understand the forces affecting your industry, you'll be able to adjust your strategy, boost
your profitability, and stay ahead of the competition. For example, you could take fair advantage of
a strong position or improve a weak one, and avoid taking wrong steps in the future.
In this article and video, we explore each of Porter's Five Forces and show you how to use them to
analyze your organization's strengths and weaknesses, and how to identify critical factors that may
affect your profitability

According to Porter, there are five forces that represent the key sources of competitive pressure
within an industry. They are:

1.Competitive Rivalry.
2.Supplier Power.
3.Buyer Power.
4.Threat of Substitution.
5.Threat of New Entry.
Let's take a look at Porter's Five Forces in more detail:

1. Competitive Rivalry
The first of Porter's Five Forces looks at the number and strength of your competitors. How many
rivals do you have? Who are they, and how does the quality of their products and services compare
with yours?
In an industry where rivalry is intense, companies attract customers by aggressively cutting prices
and launching high-impact marketing campaigns. However, this can make it easy for suppliers and
buyers to go elsewhere if they feel that they're not getting a good deal from you.
On the other hand, where competitive rivalry is minimal, and no one else is doing what you do, then
you'll likely have tremendous competitor power, as well as healthy profits.
Note that Michael Porter developed his Four Corners Modelall about competitor behavior, and
you can find out more about that in our related article.

2. Supplier Power
Supplier power is determined by how easy it is for your supplierto increase their prices. How many
potential suppliers do you have? How unique is the product or service that they provide? And how
expensive would it be to switch from one supplier to another?
The more suppliers you have to choose from, the easier it will be to switch to a cheaper alternative.
Conversely, the fewer suppliers there are and the more you rely on them for help, the stronger their
position and their ability to charge you more is. This can impact your profitability, for example, if
you're forced into expensive contracts.

3. Buyer Power
If the number of buyers is low compared to the number of suppliers in an industry, then they have
what's known as "buyer power." This means they likely find it easy to switch to new, cheaper
competitors, which can ultimately drive down prices.
Think about how many buyers you have. How big are their orders? How much would it cost them
to switch from your products and services to those of a rival? Are your buyers strong enough to
dictate terms to you?
When you deal with only a few savvy customers, they have more power. However, your power
increases if you have many customers and little competition.
Judging how to price your product to attract the customers you want, and to protect your brand,
requires great skill.

4. Threat of Substitution
This refers to the likelihood of your customers finding a different way of doing what you do. For
example, if you supply a unique software product that automates an important process, people may
substitute it by doing the process manually or by outsourcing it.
A substitution that's easy and cheap to make can weaken your position and threaten your

5. Threat of New Entry

Your position can be affected by people's ability to enter your market. If it takes little money and
effort to enter your market and compete effectively, or if you have little protection for your key
technologies, then rivals can quickly enter your market and weaken your position.
However, if you have strong and durable barriers to entry, then you can preserve a favorable
position and take fair advantage of it.
Is it relatively easy for a new competitor to gain a foothold in your industry or market? How much
would it cost, and how tightly is your sector regulated? Do new entrants come and go regularly? Or
is the industry dominated by a few, big players


Digital Marketing Strategy Of Myntra

Myntra has introduced a variety of strategies to boost sales and customer retention, including
personalized offers for Indian shoppers on the site.

The ecommerce giant’s strategy includes an opt-in program that sends emails with discounts
tailored specifically towards your needs as well as other valuable information like promo codes or
new arrivals notifications; these are all designed so you don’t have make decisions in haste but
instead can take time deciding what exactly it is about this particular product I want – because let’s
face facts here: not everyone wants everything at once! You’ll also find features such asthe ability
order immediately upon signing up (no more waiting!) which means faster delivery times and
myntra mobile app updates to keep you in the know about myntra fashion.

And even if none of these catch your fancy, myntra also offers free shipping for orders above Rs
999, easy return policies and myntra cash on delivery services – so no matter what your style or
budget is myntra has all bases covered.

To mention a few its myntra fashion shows are very popular among fashion lovers where they can
show their latest collection.

Myntra coupons are also available online easily with Slevomatcoupon we help you find best myntra
coupon codes and saves more money on shopping with discounts and deals .

Digital marketing strategy can be broken up into three different processes.

Marketing Strategy Of myntra

Audience targeting
Asking the question “Who am I trying to reach?” is one of the most crucial parts of digital
marketing strategy; knowing who you’re trying to talk to will play an enormous role in how your
campaign executes itself
Digital Marketing Strategy Implementation
Digital marketing strategy is more than just having ideas, it’s about executing them in order to drive
results Digital Marketing Strategy Evaluation – This final stage is when you review the success of
your digital marketing strategy and determine whether or not it was worth all the time, effort, and

Challenges faced by Myntra in their digital marketing efforts

One of the most common challenges that Myntra faced when they first started their digital
marketing efforts was getting users to sign up. They also lacked a strong social media strategy and
didn’t have an effective way of generating leads on platforms like Facebook or Twitter, which
limited how well it could grow in this area over time compared with some other companies who had
found successful ways around these problems early-on.

Having said that, myntra has come a long way in its 5 years of existence. While their initial
struggles still continue to be addressed (which is why myntra hired Chief Digital Officer Ananya
Tripathi), they have made great strides in the past year especially towards improving search engine
rankings, implementing an effective email marketing strategy and figuring out ways to get more
people to sign-up for an account on myntra (not just by offering discounts if they do so).

It will take time for myntra to become the number 1 ecommerce company in India but with
consistent improvements across all aspects of digital marketing, myntra is well positioned to
overtake some of the Indian ecommerce leaders like flipkart, snapdeal and amazon india.

Remarks about the company's success in its current and future endeavors
The Myntra website has been thriving in its current and future endeavors with regard to online
presence on social media, Google, YouTube etc., which are all part of the company’s effective
Digital Marketing Strategy.

One such effective strategy by Myntra is to increase its brand reach through social media presence
which can be seen as Myntra has over 1.2 million Facebook fans and more than 800,000 followers
on Twitter. This helps Myntra in developing a positive image among consumers and enables Myntra
to keep users updated about latest offers and discounts etc.,

As Myntra’s desire is to provide an enormous range of products under one roof to the consumers, it
does so through e-commerce that includes apparel, footwear, fragrances, home furnishing, sports
goods etc. Here Myntra has been successful with not only providing a vast variety of merchandise
but also because Myntra makes sure its search engine optimization is strong so Myntra’s website is
easily found on Google and other search engines. Myntra has a high rank for a query such as ‘online
shopping sites in India’ with a ranking of 8, which gives Myntra more online presence.
Myntra’s desire to have complete customer satisfaction by providing the best products with the
latest technology at the most affordable rates, has led Myntra to realize its Digital Marketing
Strategy goals. With Myntra being ahead of its competitors with regard to Myntra’s social media
strategy, Myntra will continue with its e-commerce initiatives through online marketing.

It is important to provide a satisfactory customer experience in order to generate more sales. Myntra
has done an excellent job of using the latest digital marketing strategies and tools to achieve this
goal, which can be seen by their success thus far.

Marketing Strategy of Myntra analyses the brand with the marketing mix framework which covers
the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). There are several marketing strategies like product
innovation, pricing approach, promotion planning etc. These business strategies, based on Myntra
marketing mix, help the brand succeed.

Myntra marketing strategy helps the brand/company to position itself competitively in the market
and achieve its business goals & objectives.
Let us start the Myntra Marketing Strategy & Mix to understand its product, pricing, advertising &
distribution strategies:
Myntra Product Strategy:

The product strategy and mix in Myntra marketing strategy can be explained as follows:
Myntra is an online retailer of branded apparel and products which sells online through its website
and apps. What started off as a platform for personalisation of gift items, today has grown into an e-
commerce fashion stop with more than 2000 international and domestic brands on its product
catalogue. Myntra as a product offering in its marketing mix offers a platform for buyers and
sellers. Myntra also provides various add-on online shopping services like free home delivery, easy
exchange and returns and cash on delivery. Myntra has recently launched a new service wherein the
user can try clothes before buying them. Apart from providing e-tailing services and selling
products for other brands online, Myntra also has a varied line of in-house branded products. With
brands like Roadster in jeans and casual wear, Anouk in women ethnic wear and Dressberry in
women western wear segment, the company is making fashion accessible to youth at affordable
prices and fulfilling its key service proposition of “Convenient shopping experience at an affordable
price”. Myntra also collaborates with celebrities to come up with fashion labels inspired by them,
for e.g. Deepika Padukone’s All About You in women ethnic and western wear and Hritik Roshan’s
HRX in sportswear.

Myntra Price/Pricing Strategy:

Below is the pricing strategy in Myntra marketing strategy:
Myntra is present in an extremely competitive environment and hence has focuses on competitive
Although Myntra sells branded products, it follows a heavily discounted pricing model. The
discounting is done to attract more customers and create a loyal userbase. Myntra also organises
shopping festivals named End of Reason Sales in which goods are sold at 60-80% discounted price.
This discounted model has been augmented by tech-led pricing in recent years using Myntra’s in-
house software and algorithms. This pricing model dynamically prices the products based on
various data from the usage pattern and search history of customer and hence, is known as dynamic
pricing model. The pricing of in-house labels is done competitively, still it costs the consumer
around 20-25% cheaper. Moreover Myntra Original brands give a margin of 60% to the company,
as compared to 35-40% offered by third party brands

Myntra Place & Distribution Strategy:

Following is the distribution strategy in the Myntra marketing mix:
Myntra is an online marketplace, so the customers make buying decisions after interaction with the
app or website. Every detail of each product is mentioned in a structured catalogue which is easily
accessible to the user. Once the customer decides and pays online, an order is placed. The order
processing starts and the nearest warehouse to the customer is located, after which the product is
packed and dispatched to the customer via Myntra logistics. Customers can even opt to pay cash on
delivery. Myntra has recently started using geo-tagging technology so that it can locate and access
Myntra Promotion & Advertising Strategy:
The promotional and advertising strategy in the Myntra marketing strategy is as follows:
Online fashion today has less than 1.3% penetration in India. In developed markets, it is 10-12%. So we have 10
times growth uses of
ahead both
us.traditional and digital
Most estimates medial to promote
put e-commerce itself in
at $80-100 its promotional
billion activities
by 2020. About 35%inofitsit will come
from fashion. Interestingly,
marketing mix. Fromit isfull
in page
the fashion
End of category where
Reason Sale ads you can build atolarge
in newspapers and profitable
celebrities doing theirbusiness, unlike
other categories where you are either large and unprofitable, or niche and profitable.
Diwali shopping on Myntra in the TV commercials, it has leveraged the traditional channels This was one inof
a the reasons I
creative and effective way. On digital front, joined this space.
the company is leaving no stone unturned and uses
In the past six-seven months, our focus has been on building a large and profitable business. To make this possible, we have
latest technologies like AdSense to give customised marketing to the consumer. Social media
focussed on unit economics cost. From October 2015, at a unit economics level, we are positive. Second, we have ensured
platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter play a very vital role in Myntra’s
that the consumer value proposition is right. We want to be the mass premium destination, with a focus on women.
Third, we have consistently worked on consumer experience. Our Net Promoter Score (NPS) has seen 30% improvement in
the last six months. Other big areas are selection, service and engagement. The average customer comes to Myntra 11 times
a month. TheSTP
is to grow it to 20. We have linked AND
content and commerce POSITIONING
together to make the app more social, which
has increased engagement on our platform. The repeat rate is 80%.
Last year, when Myntra shut its mobile and desktop websites in favour of an app-only strategy, the reason cited was
that more than 70% of its sales were coming from its mobile app. With the relaunch of the desktop site, has there
been a change in Myntra’s mobile strategy?
India is primarily a mobile-first country. So last year when we went app-only, we reoriented the company to become
mobile-first. Myntra app downloads now stand at more than 10 million. It really worked for us. However, given that our
focus is on women and on mass premium, we found that many of our customers own multiple devices, and shop on these
devices simultaneously. Also, we recently added new categories such as home and jewellery, which need bigger screens.
Therefore, we relaunched the desktop version to cater to growing needs of multi-screen customers. We are still, primarily, a
mobile-focussed company. App and mobile web contribute 85% of the revenue. Post the rollback, we expect the desktop to
contribute 15-20% of revenue in coming months.

When it comes to advertisements, Myntra does not leave out any channel to advertise their online
shopping platform. Be it newspaper ads for an upcoming sale or a television commercial featuring
popular celebrities, Myntra tries everything.

Myntra’s television commercials are dubbed in regional languages to pitch audiences from different
regions. One of its ad campaigns titled “Un Skippable” was launched in Tamil, Telugu,
Kannada, and Hindi. A brand running campaign in India has to make sure that its advertisements
are accessible to all the kinds of audiences and language should not be a barrier in communicating
the brand message.
Myntra also runs sponsored ads on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other socia

STP Marketing Model

The STP Marketing Model can help you to analyze your product offering and the way you
communicate its benefits and value to specific groups.
STP stands for:
 Segment your market.
 Target your best customers.
 Position your offering.
The model is useful because it helps you to identify your most valuable types of customer, and then
develop products and marketing messages tailored to them. This allows you to engage with each
target group more effectively, personalize your messaging, and – ultimately – increase your sales.

Online fashion today has less than 1.3% penetration in India. In developed markets, it is 10-12%.
So we have 10 times growth ahead of us. Most estimates put e-commerce at $80-100 billion by
2020. About 35% of it will come from fashion. Interestingly, it is in the fashion category where you
can build a large and profitable business, unlike other categories where you are either large and
unprofitable, or niche and profitable. This was one of the reasons I joined this spa

In the past six-seven months, our focus has been on building a large and profitable business. To
make this possible, we have focussed on unit economics cost. From October 2015, at a unit
economics level, we are positive. Second, we have ensured that the consumer value proposition is
right. We want to be the mass premium destination, with a focus on women.
Third, we have consistently worked on consumer experience. Our Net Promoter Score (NPS) has
seen 30% improvement in the last six months. Other big areas are selection, service and
engagement. The average customer comes to Myntra 11 times a month. The target is to grow it to
20. We have linked content and commerce together to make the app more social, which has
increased engagement on our platform. The repeat rate is 80%.
Last year, when Myntra shut its mobile and desktop websites in favour of an app-only
strategy, the reason cited was that more than 70% of its sales were coming from its mobile
app. With the relaunch of the desktop site, has there been a change in Myntra’s mobile
India is primarily a mobile-first country. So last year when we went app-only, we reoriented the
company to become mobile-first. Myntra app downloads now stand at more than 10 million. It
really worked for us. However, given that our focus is on women and on mass premium, we found
that many of our customers own multiple devices, and shop on these devices simultaneously. Also,
we recently added new categories such as home and jewellery, which need bigger screens.
Therefore, we relaunched the desktop version to cater to growing needs of multi-screen customers.
We are still, primarily, a mobile-focussed company. App and mobile web contribute 85% of the
revenue. Post the rollback, we expect the desktop to contribute 15-20% of revenue in coming
Currently, how much of Myntra’s business comes from private labels?
We launched our private label business three years ago. Today, private labels contribute to 20% of
our business, and the aim is to build three to five nationally relevant brands going forward. We plan
to increase the share of our private label to 30%. But we will not go to a point where private labels
constitute 50% of our business. We are a curated brand destination. Today there are over 2,000
brands, 2,30,000 styles and 11 private brands and labels, which include Roadster and HRX.
Roadster clocked Rs 400 crore in 2015-16, which is bigger than many offline brands. We are
investing a lot on our design. India is a very unorganised market.
In fact, 60-70% of retail is unbranded. So the market opportunity is huge.
Currently Myntra has two wallets (Pay U Money and MobiKwik) listed on its app. Do you
plan to tie up with more wallet players or plan to launch your own wallet?
Our wallet penetration is low. COD (cash on delivery) still is the preferred mode of payment —
70% of our transactions is through COD and around 2-3% is through digital wallets.
Eventually, e-commerce players are working on increasing the usage of credit cards, debit cards and
wallets to facilitate faster returns and cut down on payment failures. Of course, mobile wallets and
strong payment gateways can cut down on COD transactions.
Also we provide card machines at customer doorsteps for COD transactions.
Like Flipkart, does Myntra also have an ad platform to cater to brands and sellers? How is
Myntra monetising through ads?
Myntra is a great platform to build brand image, given that our monthly active users stand at nine
million. For us, it is much less about advertising and more about how we strategically partner with
the brand. We are a fashion and lifestyle company. Brands such as Nike and Puma have greater than
one lakh followers on Myntra. The focus is on building brand followers on Myntra. We expect
international brands to account for 15% of our revenues in the next 12-18 months as we add more
global labels to our portfolio.
What initiatives have you taken to reduce the supply chain cost? Furthermore, how much
business do tier-II and tier-III cities ring in?
Myntra currently serves 90,000 pin codes. The focus is on fast delivery and we continue to work
with service providers on this front. We have piloted and scaled same day delivery and next day
delivery at nominal costs. For example, same day delivery is available at just `50. We are focussing
on fashion specific logistics. For example, we found that the biggest reason you can’t sell formal
trousers online is trouser length.
So we thought of creating an alteration service at nominal cost. Currently, we are running a pilot in
Bengaluru where we have tied-up with local tailors. The customer can schedule a pickup for
alteration post delivery. We have also introduced try and buy where customers can order multiple
Today, about 55% of the revenue comes from tier-II and tier-III cities. We have nine million
monthly active users. We are hoping to cross one billion in GMV (gross merchandise value) this
financial year and are targeting a growth rate (CAGR) of 90%. Last year, we grew at 70%.


Provided here are the financial indicators for financial year ending on 31 March, 2021.
Actual numbers and more financial data, updated until 31 March, 2021* are included in
purchased financial report.

Operating Revenue Over INR 500 cr

EBITDA  41.33 %
Networth  104.21 %
Debt/Equity Ratio 1.07
Return on Equity -730.07 %
IT is done to analyze the Company’s financial and trend of the company’s results over years where
there are mainly five broad categories of ratios like liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability
ratios, efficiency ratio, coverage ratio which indicates the company’s performance and various
examples of these ratios include current ratio, return on equity, debt-equity ratio, dividend payout
ratio, and the price-earnings ratio.
The numerator and denominator of the ratio to be calculated are taken from the financial statements,
thereby expressing a relationship with each other.

It is a fundamental tool that every company uses to ascertain the financial liquidity, debt burden,
profitability, and how well it is placed in the market compared to its peers.

In FY21, Myntra incurred a total expenditure of INR 2,891.6 Cr, a 17% rise from INR 2,462.9 Cr in
FY20. While the employee benefit expenses for the e commerce major stood at INR 464.7 Cr, it’s
other expenses was INR 1,186 Cr in FY21.

The rise in the considerable amount of earnings along with drop in loss can be attributed to strong
rise in e commerce demand on the back of the pandemic.

The onset of pandemic has brought in prolonged lockdowns in 2020, resulting in shutting down of
retail outlets across the world. This has led customers beyond Tier II cities to opt for e commerce
sites to order their needs. Even when thelockdowns were lifted after 2-3 months in various parts of
the country, customers feared stepping out and enjoyed ordering from their home.
As per a Statista report, the month of April (2020) saw a significant drop in customer spending in
the e commerce industry. However, the spending has only improved by the end of the year. It has to
be noted that India has imposed its first lockdown at the end of March 2020.

Apart from this, aggressive sales during the festive seasons in 2021, where e commerce players
slashed product prices significantly to take on their competitors also led people to buy more from
these marketplace.


SWOT analysis of Myntra analyses the brand by its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats.
In Myntra SWOT Analysis, the strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors whereas
opportunities and threats are the external factors.
SWOT Analysis is a proven management framework which enables a brand like Myntra to
benchmark its business & performance as compared to the competitors. Myntra is one of the
leading brands in the IT & Technology sector.

Below are the Strengths in the SWOT Analysis of Myntra:

1.Merger with flipkart has increased its strength and capacity
2. Retention of its independence even after merger.
3.Offering of more than 1.5 lakhs products with over 1000 brands
4. Efficient supply chain and delivery capability helps it to cater to 90,000+ locations.
4.”End of season sale” –a huge success, Rs.90 crore worth of goods sold
5.Good advertising and marketing campaigns on TV, internet and print

Here are the weaknesses in the Myntra SWOT Analysis:
Weaknesse 1. Intense competition means limited market share growth

Following are the Opportunities in Myntra SWOT Analysis:

Myntra 1. Selling private labels can increase their margin
2.Partnership with celebrity designers, bollywood movies can increase
Opportunit its fashion appeal.
ies 3.Bridal collection to tap the big wedding market in India
4. Expansion into global markets can boost business

The threats in the SWOT Analysis of Myntra are as mentioned:

Myntra 1.Global competitors like Amazon slowly making its foray
2. Fashion segment is becoming popular leading to increased
Threats competition
3. Economic fluctuations and unfavorable govt policies
The followings are the major findings of the study






The researchers has made personal contact with the respondents who have purchased products and
services through online .it is concluded that most of the respondents have a good opinion about
online shopping though there are so many problems to be improved by vendors and service

The vendors and service providers should avoid hidden charges. This will help to avoid increase in
price of product.

Summing up everything, a clear story of Myntra can be sketched –Success from day one! Yes, this
has been possible only because of change adaptability. Myntra remained an icon on e-commerce
B2B to B2C at the right time, when the expansion was knocking at their door. They opened up the
windows to the government for making a partnership, to giant e-commerce platforms like Flipkart.
They actually offered for a merger and even to hundreds of brands to increase their gallery size.In
one word, they proved themselves as the leader of the e-commerce fashion world in the Indian
market. Myntra is a perfect example for all companies with their clear message. They could
make them realize that well-knitted strategy and flexibility in approach can easily transform a
company to Monopoly
E- Business signifies a complete new & profitable way to do business, providing the all
requirements as desired. The Internet is equivalent to online world where all the resources are not
fully exploited and where customers may gain advantages. Here corporations may upsurge their
profits further and users may find the desired product or service easily without stress of shopping
around. Customers keep coming back only if earlier shopping experiences have been pleasant and
successful. In this intricate business world, the e-retailing will become tremendous business
strategic concept. Most profitable method of business process in coming decade to the textile and
garment industries

Book & Author

Information Note to the Press (Press Release No. 33/2013)

Internet Marketing (Internet Marketing Acadamy),
978-87-7681-815-9, 1st Edition

Kotler Philip, Keller and Kevin Lane, Marketing
Management (14th edition), (2000 )PearsonEducation, Inc.

Seth Jagadeesh N and AtulParvatiyar, Customer relationship
Management, (2004), Saga publication Inc.

Times of India

India Today

Business India

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