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2003 Business Law Page 1

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. Mark “A” if the answer is True or “B” if the answer is False.
1. A contract stated in oral or written words is an express a. True b. False
2. In order to bring suit for fraud, the party who was wronged a. True b. False
must suffer damages.
3. It is illegal for a minor to enter into a contract. a. True b. False
4. A promise to make a gift is not enforceable. a. True b. False
5. Forbearance is legally sufficient consideration to create a a. True b. False
binding contract.
6. For a contract to be valid, each party must receive a. True b. False
something of equal value.
7. Corporations are the most numerous form of business a. True b. False
8. Preferred stockholders do not have voting rights. a. True b. False
9. Tortious bailees are fully and unconditionally responsible a. True b. False
for all damage that results to property in their position,
regardless of the degree of care that they might exercise.
10. Most bailments in business transactions are based on a. True b. False
contracts, but many bailments in personal relationships are
not based on contracts.
11. The phrase that guides consumer transactions today is a. True b. False
caveat emptor.
12. Drawers are responsible for altered or forged checks if a. True b. False
their negligence contributed to the alteration or forgery.
13. The Federal Trade Commission has adopted the rule that a. True b. False
all agreements that restrain trade are illegal.
14. It is desirable, but not essential, to have one of the a. True b. False
beneficiaries witness the will.
15. State laws specify the number of witnesses who must be a. True b. False
present at the signing of a will.
16. Since agents act for their principals, anyone including a. True b. False
minors can be appointed an agent.
17. As part of the “fresh start” policy of the bankruptcy act, a. True b. False
many assets may be kept by debtors.
18. Comprehensive coverage protects you when other people a. True b. False
bring claims against you for bodily injuries caused by the
negligent operation of your motor vehicle.
19. In order to recover from the injury or property damage a. True b. False
from a defective product, it must be proved that the
defective condition existed at the time it left the hands of
the manufacturer or seller.
20. In general, all persons, including minors, are responsible a. True b. False
for their conduct and are therefore liable for their torts.
2003 Business Law Page 2
21. In property insurance, the insurable interest must exist a. True b. False
when the policy is purchased; for life insurance, the
insurable interest must exist at the time of the loss.
22. For an agreement to be a sale, title must pass at the time a. True b. False
the agreement is made.
23. The Uniform Commercial Code is now the law, at least in a. True b. False
part, in every state.
24. The Uniform Commercial Code provides that special a. True b. False
business standards should be imposed on merchants that
do not apply to the casual seller.
Mark the correct answer on your scantron sheet for each of the following questions.
25. A doctrine under which no consideration is needed in a a. unconscionable. b. promissory estoppel. c. forbearance. d. eminent domain.
contract is called
26. A contract that includes a promise in exchange of an act is a. bilateral contract. b. void contract. c. unilateral contract. d. quasi contract.
27. To be valid, an acceptance must be a. in writing. b. revocable. c. reasonable. d. unconditional.
28. Most newspaper advertisements are considered a. invitations to negotiate. b. contracts. c. offers. d. bargains.
29. Failure of one of the parties of a contract to do what he or a. mitigation of a b. breach of a contract. c. disaffirming a contract. d. ratifying a contract.
she agreed to do is contract.
30. The withdrawal of an offer by the offeror is called a. novation. b. revocation. c. rejection. d. estoppel.
31. Joannie Manon agreed to go to the prom with Jared White. a. Yes. An oral b. Yes. If an offer is c. No. This was a moral d. No. Both parties are
Later Steve Whitman, the captain of the debate team, agreement involving no accepted, the contract is or social obligation. No minors, therefore, the
asked Joannie to be his date for the prom. Joannie broke money is considered a binding as soon as the consideration, therefore, contract is not valid.
her date with Jared to go to the prom with Steve. Does legal contract. acceptance is sent. no valid contract existed.
Jared have a legal claim against Joannie?
32. Damages which are token awards given when a person’s a. compensatory b. nominal damages. c. consequentiall d. actual damages.
rights are violated but no harm occurs are damages. damages.
33. Two months before reaching the age of majority, David a. Yes. Minors must b. No. David may return c. No. The agreements of d. No. Minors may
Lowery buys a motorcycle for $5000. Three years later he positively disaffirm their the motorcycle, disaffirm a minor are void; they are always void contracts for
seeks to void the contract. Is he legally bound by the contracts within a the contract, and demand not binding on either purchases other than
contract? reasonable time after the return of his money party. necessaries.
reaching the age of because he was a minor
majority or the contracts when he purchased the
become binding. motorcycle.
34. If an offer is mailed, the acceptance takes effect a. when a letter of b. in ten days. c. when the offeree d. when the acceptance is
acceptance is mailed. agrees. received.
2003 Business Law Page 3
35. The Reynolds’ placed their empty office complex on the a. No. An offeror is not b. No. There was no c. Yes. If the offeree d. The Reynolds’ can
market for $1,500,000. Ackerman, a developer, was obliged to keep an offer consideration given by gives the offeror reject the offer any time
interested in buying it, but he needed time to persuade a open for a specified time, the Reynolds’ to keep the something of value in during the sixty-day
group of investors to join him in a syndicate to purchase even if the offeror has offer open; therefore, return for a promise to period.
the complex. Ackerman offered $20,000 to the Reynolds’ promised to do so. there is no valid contract. keep the offer open, this
to keep the offer open, to him alone, for sixty days. The underlying agreement
Reynolds’ accepted the money. Are they now legally itself is a binding
bound to keep the offer open to Ackerman even if contract.
someone else offers a much higher price?
36. A false statement will be the basis of fraud if it is a. given as an opinion b. a statement of a c. not relied upon by the d. not made to the party
only. material fact. injured party. relying on it.
37. A type of contract that is fully enforceable if it is oral is a a. in consideration of b. to pay the debt of c. to sell an interest in real d. requiring less than a
contract marriage. another. property. year to perform.
38. The usury statute a. is a statute that protects b. is a statute that c. is a statute that allows d. is a statute that
people by voiding prevents competitors people to carry on a prevents people from
contracts that take away from agreeing to sell a certain trade or being charged more than
the right to make a living particular product or profession. the maximum legal
and do business in a service at an agreed price. interest rate.
market economy.
39. The Statute of Limitation a. is a statute that b. is a statute that c. is a statute that d. is a statute that
specifies the length of specifies the monetary specifies which debts can determines the remedy if
time within which a legal limit that a person can be discharged under the a contract is not
action may be brought on obtain in a contract bankruptcy laws. performed in a certain
a contract. dispute. amount of time.
40. Which of the following contracts generally do not have to a. Contracts for the sale b. Contracts in c. Contracts to pay the d. Contracts that must be
be in writing? of real property consideration of marriage debts of others performed out of state
41. Dane Deloy, 17, buys an electric guitar. She tells the a. Yes. Deloy was a b. Yes. Deloy was a c. No. Deloy committed d. No. Deloy did not
owner of the shop that she is 19. She returns the guitar and minor and can void the minor and either party to fraud claiming to be over return the guitar within 24
demands the return of her money two months later. The contract. In most states, the contract can void the the age of majority and hours and therefore
owner refuses to comply. Can Deloy void the contract? minors’ rights to void contract. cannot void the contract. ratified the contract.
contracts for purchases
other than necessaries are
not affected by false
statements of age.
42. Which of the following is not a necessary element of a a. Offer b. Acceptance c. Genuine agreement d. Adequate consideration
43. Contractual duties may be discharged because of actual a. Hardships caused by b. The subject matter is c. A change in the law d. Either party dies or
impossibilities. Which of the following would not be fire, floods, or strikes destroyed makes performance becomes disabled if the
grounds to discharge a contract? illegal contract require the
personal services of the
44. Which of the following is not true of a Sole a. Unlimited liability b. Easier to obtain credit c. Business ends when the d. The owner is taxed
Proprietorship? and raise money owner dies only once
2003 Business Law Page 4
45. John Dunn is a general partner in the construction firm of a. Yes, they are correct. b. No, they are not c. Yes, they are correct. d. Yes, they are correct.
Dunn, Briggs, and Yates. While operating a tractor at a Each partner is protected correct. The firm and all The partners can be held No one can be held liable
construction site, Dunn collides with a car owned by the by the Limited partners can be held liable liable for the acts of for the actions of others.
Mayor. The Mayor sues not only Dunn, but also Yates and Partnership Act for acts for a tort committed by others only if negligence
Briggs. Yates and Briggs argue that Dunn was at fault, so committed by other one of the partners who is can be proved.
the Mayor has no cause of action against them. Are they partners in the firm. acting within the scope of
correct? Which of the following is true? the business.
46. Which partner does not have unlimited liability for debts a. General partner b. Secret partner c. Limited partner d. Silent partner
of a firm?
47. If a partnership is dissolved, who is the first to receive a. Money lent by partners b. Debts to creditors, c. Surplus owed to the d. The original money
payment for liabilities? to the firm other than partners partners paid by each partner
48. Which of the following is not true of a Corporation? a. Each shareholder’s b. A corporation c. Corporations must face d. Since shareholders are
liability is limited to the continues to exist, extensive government the owners of the
amount of money he or regardless of the life regulations. business, the profits of a
she invested. spans of its founders, corporation are taxed only
shareholders, managers, once.
and directors.
49. Which of the following statements about common stock is a. Holders of common b. Holders of common c. Common stock pays d. Common stock is the
not true? stock are the first stock have voting rights dividends, or profits, to basic form of corporate
shareholders to be paid. in a corporation. the shareholders based on ownership.
the corporation’s
50. Par Value a. is the value of stock as b. is the average market c. is the value printed on d. is the amount paid to
listed on a stock value of the stock for a the stock certificate. the stockholder each
exchange. 12-month period. quarter.
51. A consolidation occurs a. when one corporation b. when two or more c. when two corporations d. when two or more
absorbs the other. corporations set prices or cease to exist and a new partnerships draft an
allocate exclusive corporation is formed. Article of Incorporation
marketing areas. and submit it to the
proper state officials.
52. Shannon Banks and Billie Brown met at an expensive a. Valet parking is usually b. Self-parking is not c. A bailment of the coat d. A bailment of the
restaurant for dinner. When she arrived at the restaurant, a bailment. usually a bailment. at the restaurant exists. necklace at the restaurant
Shannon turned over her car to the valet parking attendant, exists.
who parked the car. Billie parked her car herself in
another lot. When Shannon entered the restaurant, she
checked her coat. In the pocket of the coat was her
mother’s $4,000 diamond necklace. Which of the
following statements is not true?
53. Some goods in a bailment are fungible. This means a. the bailee must return b. the bailee need only c. both possession of the d. the bailee must
the identical goods. return the same quantity goods and control of the exercise reasonable care
as received, not the exact goods must shift from the to protect the goods.
unit of goods. bailor to the bailee.
2003 Business Law Page 5
54. A common carrier is strictly liable for injury to bailed a. ordinary care. b. minimal care. c. extraordinary care. d. relaxed care.
goods. Thus, a common carrier must exercise
55. Although consumer protection state laws differ, all of them a. Sherman Antitrust Act. b. Federal Trade c. National Consumer d. Clayton Antitrust of
are more or less similar to the Commission Act of 1914. Safety Laws of 1965. 1914.
56. Joe Yablo orders a computer through the mail. He waits a. No. The general rule is b. No. The FTC has c. Yes. The FTC has d. No. In today’s
40 days and does not receive the computer or hear from the that the company must established rules that established rules that consumer environment,
company. Yablo asks for his money back. Must the ship all goods within a protect consumers who protect consumers who people must abide by the
company return his money if they are ready to ship the reasonable amount of order goods by mail. order goods by mail. phrase caveat emptor.
computer? time and 40 days falls Buyers have the right to Buyers have the right to
within a reasonable cancel orders and have cancel orders and have
amount of time. their money returned if their money returned if
the goods are not shipped the goods are not shipped
within 60 days of receipt within 30 days of receipt
of the order. of the order.
57. To help consumers make better decisions when buying a. that each used car be b. that all used car dealers c. that each used car is d. that the dealer gives an
used cars, the FTC established the Used Car Rule in 1984. inspected by a licensed place a large sticker, sold with a 30-day implied warranty that the
The rule requires mechanic before it is called a Buyer’s Guide, in warranty for parts and car is merchantable and
offered for sale. the window of each used labor. that this warranty cannot
vehicle they offer for sale. be excluded or disclaimed
by the dealer.
58. Sara Marsh buys a used car from a private party. No a. No. The implied b. Yes. There was a c. Yes. There is an d. Yes. Under the
statements are made by the seller about the quality of the warranty of breach of an express implied warranty of “Lemon Law,” which was
vehicle. That night, Sara discovers the car’s engine has a merchantability is not warranty and Sara has the merchantability on the designed to protect
cracked block. Does she have any legal recourse against given by a private party legal right to return the part of the seller. Sara consumers when they buy
the seller? who sells a car or other car and receive a refund. has the legal right to both new and used cars,
items. This means that return the car and receive Sara has the legal right to
Sara bought the car “as a refund. return the car and receive
is.” a refund.
59. The law of negotiable instruments is also known as the law a. bearer paper. b. contracts. c. bearer instruments. d. commercial paper.
60. A special endorsement a. is one in which words b. is the act of writing on c. is the simple act of d. is one in which words
have been added, in the back of the instrument signing an order have been added to the
addition to the signature an order to pay to a instrument on the back. signature that limit or
of the of the transferor, specified person and then qualify the liability of the
that limit the use of the signing the instrument. endorser.
61. A check that has been written but not yet returned to the a. a cashier’s check. b. a cancelled check. c. a certified check. d. an outstanding check.
bank is
62. Which of the following is not a real defense against a. Infancy of the maker or b. Issued in connection c. Lack of consideration d. Fraud in the execution
payment of a negotiable instrument? drawer with illegal conduct by the maker or drawer of the paper or as to the
essential terms
2003 Business Law Page 6
63. To protect consumers, the federal and state governments a. Federal Frauds and b. Unfair Trade Practice c. Federal Trade d. United States Enforcer
have enacted numerous laws prohibiting unfair trade Illegal Practice Act. Act. Commission Act. Act.
practices. These laws fall under the
64. In interpreting a commercial agreement, the court will look a. Course of dealing b. Usage of trade is a c. Course of payment is d. Course of performance
to typical commercial practices and to the circumstances includes the actions and practice or method of whether the payment is a is the way the parties
surrounding the particular contract and the parties. Which communications that took dealing followed fair and comparable conduct themselves
of the following is not a practice or circumstance that the place between the parties regularly in a particular payment made by other toward each other after
courts would consider in interpreting a commercial before the agreement in place, vocation, or trade. businesses in the trade. the contract is created.
agreement? question was made.
65. Which of the following is true of the term “f.o.b. shipping a. “Free on board b. “Free on board c. “Free on board d. “Free on board
point”? shipping point” indicates shipping point” indicates shipping point” indicates shipping point” indicates
that the buyer must pay that the seller assumes the that there is no charge for the buyer must pay the
the freight charges, and shipping charges and the shipping and the carrier freight charges from the
the goods are the goods are the of the goods assumes full shipping point to the
responsibility of the seller responsibility of the seller responsibility of the destination, and the goods
until the goods reach the until the goods reach the goods in transit. become the responsibility
destination. destination. of the buyer at the
shipping point.
66. Which one of the following is not an exception to the rule a. Executed oral contracts b. Oral contracts between c. Oral contracts for d. Oral contracts made
that contracts for the sale of goods of $500 or more must two merchants when a specially manufactured between two merchants
be in writing? confirmation is sent and goods when both merchants
no objection is made perform business
operations in the same
67. A woman representing the estate of a deceased person who a. administratrix. b. testatrix. c. executrix. d. lawyer.
did not leave a will is called a(n)
68. A court procedure for proving the validity of a will is a. probate. b. execution. c. nuncupation. d. intestate.
69. Mrs. Thomas was fatally injured in an automobile accident a. holographic will. b. nuncupative will. c. testamentary will. d. codicil.
one evening. As she lay dying, she told three witnesses
that she was making a will and that she wanted her
valuable collection of paintings to go to her good friend
Anne. This is an example of a
70. An agency relationship can be created in all of the a. agency authority is b. agent authority is c. agent authority is d. agency authority is
following ways, except created when a principal created when the created when a principal created through mutual
authorizes an agent to authority is authorizes an agent to agreement known as
represent the principal communicated by the represent the principal eminent domain.
and agrees to pay the principal to the agent. even though there is no
agent. The communication may consideration.
be written or oral.
2003 Business Law Page 7
71. Newman authorized his agent, Smith, to sell his car at the a. No. Smith followed b. Yes. Smith violated c. No. The court will not d. Yes. The sale is void
highest price possible, but for not less than $2,800. Smith Newman’s instructions to the duty of loyalty and become involved in the because Smith violated
received an offer of $3,000 from Hack. Nevertheless, sell the car for not less this caused Newman to be amount of the sale only the instructions given by
Smith sold the car to his buddy Glenn for $2,800. When than $2,800, therefore, injured in the amount of whether the parties acted Newman. Newman can
Newman learned of this, he attempted to collect $200 from Smith is not entitled to $200. within the scope of the recover the car and be
Smith. Will he succeed? any remedy. law. able to sell it to Hack for
72. Which of the following is not an element necessary to a. The manufacturer or b. The product was c. The manufacturer or d. The consumer
prove to recover damages for a defective product using the seller sold the product in unreasonably dangerous seller was negligent in the sustained physical harm
requirements of strict liability? a defective condition. to the user or consumer. care, preparation, or sale or property damage by
of the product. use or consumption of the
73. A document authorizing a person to act and make a. power of attorney. b. apparent power of c. principal power of d. durable power of
decisions for another, including decisions about health care attorney. attorney. attorney.
if the person becomes incapacitated, is known as
74. Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code a. deals with a b. provides for c. helps to relieve d. deals with liquidation
reorganization plan “adjustment of debts of economic pressure on of assets and distribution
created by the creditors an individual with regular small farmers. of proceeds to creditors.
and a debtor. income.”
75. Bankruptcy law establishes an order or priority, for classes a. Unsecured claims for b. Certain taxes and c. Claims of general d. Claims for wages,
of debts owed to unsecured creditors. Which of the contributions to employee penalties legally due and creditors salaries, and commissions
following has the lowest priority? benefit plans arising owed to various up to a certain dollar
under services rendered government units amount of $2,000 per
within 180 days before claimant
the filing of the petition
76. Which of the following is not an exception to the discharge a. Alimony and child b. Claims for back taxes c. Claims by creditors d. All costs and expenses
of debt under the bankruptcy laws? support due within three years who were not notified of for preserving and
before bankruptcy the bankruptcy administering the estate
77. Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code a. provides for b. helps to relieve c. deals with liquidation d. deals with a
“adjustment of debts of economic pressure on of assets and distribution reorganization plan
an individual with regular small farmers. of proceeds to creditors. created by the creditors
income.” and a debtor.
78. Wilma bought a life insurance policy on the life of her a. She can collect on the b. She can collect on both c. She can collect on the d. She cannot collect on
husband Jeff. She also purchased a fire insurance policy life insurance policy, but policies. fire insurance policy, but either policy.
on the couple’s home. Unfortunately, Wilma and Jeff got she cannot collect on the she cannot collect on the
a divorce. In the property settlement between the couple, fire insurance policy. life insurance policy.
Jeff took sole ownership and responsibility for the house,
and Wilma took other unrelated property. A fire occurred
at the house, and Jeff died from smoke inhalation. Will
Wilma be able to collect on either insurance policy?
2003 Business Law Page 8
79. Which of the following best describes an incontestability a. A clause that provides b. A clause that requires c. A clause that provides d. A clause that provides
clause in an insurance contract? the policy does not an insurance company to that after a policy has for arbitration of disputes
automatically lapse if no give advance written existed for a specified between the insurer and
payment is made on the notice of its intent to time—usually two or the insured concerning
due date. The insurer cancel three years—the insurer the settlement of claims.
cannot contest the cannot challenge Neither the insured nor
contract if the payment is statements made in the the insurer can contest the
late application findings of the arbitrator
80. Which of the following best describes automobile liability a. Liability insurance b. Liability insurance c. Liability insurance d. Liability insurance
insurance? compensates the insured compensates the insured covers losses if the compensates the insured
for losses for bodily for losses for bodily vehicle is stolen, for damage to the
injury and property injury and property vandalized, or otherwise insured’s car in any type
damage occurring as the damage in an accident, damaged (as by fire, of collision, no matter
result of the negligence of unless the insured or earthquake, flood, or who is a fault and no
the insured or other other covered drivers sandstorm). matter who is driving.
covered drivers. were negligent
81. Which of the following best describes the Magnuson-Moss a. A federal statute that b. A federal statute that c. A federal statute d. A federal statute that
Warranty Act? states “the seller of goods states “a merchant who designed to prevent states “a warranty of
must warrant that he or deals in goods of the kind deception in warranties fitness for a particular
she has the right to pass sold must warrant that by making them easier to purpose is implied on all
good and rightful title, goods are reasonably fit understand by requiring consumer goods”
and that the goods are for the ordinary purposes that, if a warranty is
free from unstated leans” for which such goods are made, the warranty must
used” be labeled
82. An adulterated food or drug is one that a. is designed and b. must clearly state on c. the federal government d. contains any substance
marketed for the adult the label that the product has removed it from the mixed or packed with it to
population and should not should not be used while market because it is reduce its quality or
be used by anyone under driving an automobile or shown or believed to strength below the
the age of 21. heavy equipment. cause cancer in humans prescribed minimum
or animals. standards.
83. Which of the following is not a method used by the a. Advocating the phrase b. Instituting unusually c. Regulating labeling and d. Outright prohibition
government to discourage the sale of goods considered “caveat emptor” high taxes on those goods packaging standards
harmful to the public health?
84. Barry is told by his father to chip out a small hole in the a. Because Barry actually b. The screwdriver was c. Barry misused the d. Because Barry was not
family’s cement patio. He goes to the family tool chest. suffered physical harm not substantially changed screwdriver. This misuse aware of the potential risk
He could not find a heavy-duty chisel, so he picks out a while using the product, from the time it was sold should be a defense for in using the screwdriver,
Phillips screwdriver. With a hammer and screwdriver, he the manufacturer has no to the time Barry the manufacturer and the manufacturer has no
begins to chip out the cement. After fifteen minutes, the defense. sustained his injuries, seller of the screwdriver. defense.
screwdriver shatters, and a sliver of metal lodges in therefore, the
Barry’s eye. Does the manufacturer of the screwdriver manufacturer has no
have a defense to a strict liability claim for the harm to defense.
Barry’s eye? Which of the following is correct?
2003 Business Law Page 9
85. Which of the following is not true of torts? a. Tort lawsuits are b. Tort lawsuits are c. Under the law, all d. In some cases a wrong
brought against a person brought about by the state people are entitled to is both a tort and a crime.
by the injured person. in order to punish certain rights.
86. Sorensen and some friends went hunting on Laker’s a. No. Sorenson and his b. No. Sorenson and his c. Yes. Laker can file a d. Yes. Tort law presumes
private ranch without her permission. Can Laker bring a friends did not actually friends did not lawsuit for the tort of an injury from someone’s
lawsuit for damages against Sorenson and the others? damage the property, so intentionally trespass on invasion of privacy. unwelcome presence on
no damages were the property: therefore, no the property of another.
sustained and a tort has tort was committed.
not been committed.
87. Which of the following is not an element needed to a. The defendant failed to b. The defendant owed c. The defendant did not d. The plaintiff suffered
succeed in a tort suit for negligence? act as a reasonable the plaintiff a duty of know that risk was some actual harm or
person. care. involved. injury.
88. Betty was at a baseball game seated one row behind a a. Betty did not intend to b. Betty put the movie c. Betty invaded the d. A person has the right
famous movie star. When she stood up to cheer, she was put the movie star in fear, start in a state of fear, movie star’s personal to be free from harmful or
bumped by the person beside her. She lost her balance and nor did she cause the therefore, the tort of space, therefore, the tort offensive touching,
fell into the lap of the movie star. Which of the following touching, therefore, no assault has been of invasion of privacy has therefore, Betty
is correct? tort was committed. committed. been committed. committed the tort of
battery against the movie
89. Goods include all except a. tangible personal b. the unborn young of c. growing crops. d. intangible personal
property. animals. property.
90. Intangible property includes all except a. promissory notes. b. bank accounts. c. stocks and bonds. d. the unborn young of
91. Which of the following is true of a sales contract? a. No consideration is b. The modification of the c. A contract for the sale d. A merchant’s written
necessary to modify a contract for the sale of of goods is valid only promise to hold an offer
contract for the sale of goods must be written. when the price of the open for the sale of goods
goods. goods is settled. needs consideration to be
92. Brian buys a camcorder and receives his bill of sale. The a. Yes. Under the UCC, a b. Yes. Brian is still the c. No. The bill of sale d. No. The Demurrage
next day Brian gives the camcorder to his sister, Heidi, as a person who presents a bill owner of record. Brian’s proves only that Brian Act specifically states the
birthday present. Six months later Brian tries to sell the of sale along with the gift to his sister is not a once had title. It does not value of a bill of sale.
camcorder to Jodie showing her the bill of sale as evidence goods is proof that he is legally binding transfer of prove that he still owns
of his title to the camcorder. Can Jodie rely on this the legal owner of the title. the camcorder.
evidence? goods.
2003 Business Law Page 10
93. Clifton orally agreed to buy an imported camera from a. Under the Statute of b. Under the Statute of c. Because the goods d. Clifton could not
Libby Camera Shop for $750.00. The camera she wanted frauds, both parties are Frauds, Libby Camera were more than $500 and enforce the agreement
was not in stock, but a shipment was expected any day. bound by the oral Shop is bound because its must be in writing and because she did not sign
Therefore the salesclerk prepared a memorandum of the agreement. clerk signed the contract. signed by both parties, the written agreement.
sale, signed it, and gave Clifton a copy. A week later the Clifton is not bound neither party is liable.
clerk phoned and said, “your camera is ready.” Clifton because she did not sign.
replied that she did not want it because she had learned
that the identical model could be purchased for much less
by mail from the New York City discount store. Which of
the following is true?
94. Which of the following are considered goods by the UCC? a. Money (except rare b. Intangible personal c. Patent and copyrights d. Personal pets (dog,
currency or rare coins) property cats, birds, etc)
95. Under the UCC, a buyer can accept goods in a number of a. After a reasonable b. The buyer acts c. The buyer does not d. The buyer fails to make
ways. Which of the following is not an acceptance under opportunity to inspect the inconsistently with the reject the goods within 24 an effective rejection after
the code? goods, the buyer signifies seller’s ownership (e.g. hours after receiving the having a reasonable
to the seller that the goods uses, consumes, or resells goods. opportunity to inspect the
conform to the contract, the goods). goods.
or will be retained in spite
of their nonconformity.
96. In an oral contract, Lane ordered a $750 customized silver- a. Lane is liable to Martin b. Lane is not liable to c. Lane is not liable to d. Lane is liable to Martin
plated trophy from Martin’s Trophy shop. The trophy was for breach of contract Martin for breach of Martin for breach of because the oral contract
to be awarded to the winner of the Metro Town Drag because the trophy was contract. According to contract because the was for goods under
Racing Competition. Martin had already completed a not suitable for sale to the Statute of Frauds, all exception to the Statute of $1000, which is required
three-dimensional racing car and mounted it on a black others in the ordinary goods over $500 must be Frauds states that a sales by the UCC.
marble base. Then Lane cancelled the order saying the course of her business, in writing to be agreement may be
races had been cancelled. “We expected to sell 5,000 and she had made a enforceable. cancelled by either party
tickets,” he said, “but we’ve sold only 500.” Which of the substantial beginning in anytime before the
following is correct? producing it. completion of the
manufacture of the goods.
97. Barter is the exchange a. of goods for money. b. of intangible goods for c. of goods for goods. d. of intangible goods for
tangible goods. intangible goods.
98. A bill of lading is a. a temporary right to b. a receipt for goods c. a receipt given to a d. a formal evidence of
possess the personal signed by a carrier, such person who has made ownership.
property of another. as a trucker, that serves as improvements and added
a contract for the value to another person’s
transportation of goods. personal property.
99. The UCC includes a Statute of Frauds provision that a. If the price of goods in b. A writing or a c. The contract is not d. There must be a
applies to contracts for the sale of goods. Which of the a sales contract is $500 or memorandum is sufficient enforceable for more writing to enforce a
following is not included in the statute? more, there must be a if it shows that the parties goods that the quantity contract for the sale of
writing to enforce the intended to form a shown in the writing. intangible goods when the
contract. contract. value is $1000 or more.
2003 Business Law Page 11
100.Every two weeks, Eric held a garage sale to resell items he a. No. Eric has, by the b. Yes. He is not c. Yes. According to the d. Yes. Eric does not
had purchased at other such sales. Then the city and state regularity of his conduct considered a merchant, UCC code, sellers must have to pay taxes because
governments tried to tax his sales. Eric claimed that he and nature of his one “who deals regularly have obtained a valid he is considered a casual
was merely a casual seller and did not have to pay a business, transformed in a particular kind of business license before seller who sells only
sales tax. Was he correct? himself into a merchant goods or claims to have payment of taxes can be occasionally and
and must pay the sales special knowledge or skill required by the otherwise does not meet
tax. in a certain type of government. the definition of
transaction.” merchant.

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