A Brief Biography of Hazrat Abdul Quadeer Hasrat Sahib Hyderabad

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A brief biography of Hazrat Abdul Quadeer Hasrat Sahib


          The mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti

 A brief biography of Hazrat Abdul Quadeer Hasrat Sahib

    He was born in Hyderabad in the year 1288 Hijri and he left
this mortal world in the year 1381 Hijri corresponds to the year
1982 A.D. in Hyderabad.

His name is Mohammed Abdul Quadeer and his patronymic

name is Abul Abbas and his poetic name is Hasrat. And his
genealogical link connected with Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiqui
R.A. by 28 connections. And his genealogical link is shown as
Mohammed Abdul Qadeer bin Mohammed Abdul Quader bin
Mohammed Fazul Allah bin Mohammed Ali bin Abdul Quader
bin Abdul Ghafur bin Shaikh Mohammed Chenaki bin Tajuddin
bin Abdul Ghafoor bin Shaikh Ahmed bin Ali Chenki bin
Shaikh Ismail bin Abdullah bin Abdul Rahim bin Abu Naser bin
Abul Qasim bin Abu Abdullah bin Abu Baker bin Abul Fazal
bin Abu Baker bin Abdul Rahman bin Abu Baker bin Qasim bin
Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique R.A.
      He was born in Hyderabad on 27th Rajab in the year 1288
Hijiri on Friday and he was brought up in Hyderabad city.
Early education: His early education was completed under the
supervision of his father and his name was Hazrat Abdul Quader
Siddiqui who was superintendent of Daral Qaza (administration
of justice) for the Arabian national in Hyderabad. Then he was
admitted to Hyderabad’s old and famous school Darul Uloom 
Hyderabad. And he learned Arabic literature from Habib Abu
Baker bin Shab and Hazrat Waruddin Sahib and he learned from
him philosophy. And from Moulana Abdul Samad Qandhari he
learned logic. And he learned exegesis of the Holy Quran by
Hazrat Awnuddin and Hazrat Mohammed Sayeed. Upon
finishing his school education he was appointed as a teacher of
Arabic literature in this famous Darul-Uloom school in
Hyderabad. And due to his personal ability and higher grade
capability, he has become a professor of the exegesis of the
Hadith and in the Osmania University in Hyderabad Deccan and
he was become also head of the department of Diniyat.
( Religious studies)
      He was retired from service in the year 1352 Hijri
corresponding to the year 1932 A.D. And then he was appointed
as vice-chancellor of the Jama Nizimia University Hyderabad.
But upon working in this institution for a long period of time
due to his old age he was retired from his service and began
living in the house due to old age reasons. But even sitting in the
house he was given knowledge and education to the many
thousand students of the knowledge and also knowledge of God.
And as well as he was given favor of the innermost to a large
number of the students in this matter.
Regarding his spiritual Sufi chains: Hazrat has obtained a
pledge and caliphate from different Sufi masters of different
chains of the Sufism. And among them are his father Hazrat
Abdul Quader Siddiqui Sahib and his father in law Ehsan Al-
Haq and Hazrat Husamuddin Mahmood successor and care take
of the shrine of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani R.A.in
Baghdad and his real uncle Mohammed Siddique well known as
Khaja Miya is famous and well known in this matter are also
Hajj pilgrimage and visit to Madina and Arab countries: At
age of 7 years he performed Hajj along with his father and he
visited Madina city. He has toured and traveled to many Aarab
countries and which are as follows he has mentioned in his book
of tour travels are Syria Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. His book
of tours and travel is very lengthy and it was published in the
magazine ‘Alnoor’ in the year 1345 Hijiri in the installments.
     Hazrat’s discourses and sermons which be full of reality and
knowledge of God and which have much effective as well as his
essays about issues of Islamic religion which were published in
the national and international newspapers and also published in
the magazines periodically. Hazrat has continued teaching and
instruction system till his period of the death.
  In short, Hazrat was a good master of exegesis of the Holy
Quran and a great Sufi master of his time. He has spent the
whole period of his life in the service of knowledge and
instruction. Among his disciples there are included many of the
learned people of the Hyderabad city. And by way of guidance
and the right way, he has guided many thousand persons toward
right tway. During the period of his life, there was his wide
circle of his disciples and devotees.
  Hazrat has written and compiled books on subjects of exegesis
of the Quran, Hadith, logic, philosophy, literature, and Sufism as
well as on other topics there are found three dozen books have
been published at the proper time and were become famous and
well known. Some of his books are mentioned as follows.
    1.Tafsir Siddiqui 2.Aldeen 3.Hikmat Islamia 4.Translation of
Fasus Alhukam 5.Meyar Kalam 6.Usool Islam 7.Adam Tankis
Quran 8.Almarif part 1-3 9. Ejaz Quran 10.Wasiat Wa Warsat
11.Mashrat Sahiba Wa Iqtalafat Aima 12.Haqiqat Bait
13.Altuhid in Persian 14.Qaul Fasal 15.Risala Samah 16.Deen
fFtrat 17.Ayat Bainat 18.Auraq Zahab 19.Kalima Tayaba
20.Iblisism 21.Shajra Zakun And Poetry books :
22. Nasim Erfan 23.Zimra Mohabat 24.Meyar Haq 25.Tuhfa
Atafal 26 Daur Hazir
Physical features: Hazrat’s height was medium and his color
was wheatish and his body was strong and his big head and face
were oblong as well as a big forehead and pointed nose and
grown up cheeks and a thick beard. And wide chest
proportionate parts of the body and eyes will be like intoxicated.
Dress: Generally he used wears a loose shirt on his body. And
upon it, he will wear a small coat.And he will use pyjama
always. Hazrat used to wear a white Arabic-type cap or turban
on his head. In his neck, there will be found a handkerchief and
hazrat wear sleepers on his feet and use wooden stick in his
Other qualities: Hazrat’s memory was strong and his look was
like a critic person and in his nature there was an extraordinary
delicacy in him. He was a master's of the languages of Arabic,
Persian, and Urdu and he also knows writing and reading of
Engish. Telugu and Hindi very well.
    In the soldier arts like use of stick, sword, and in club-fight he
was expert in these arts. He has much interest in the art of the
music and he was fond of listening to Qawwali singing (a style
of Muslim devotional music now associated, particularly with

Death: He has left this mortal world on 17th Shawwal in the

year 1381Hijiri corresponding to 24th March 1922 on Monday
at the age of 93 years in ‘Madina Mazil’ in his residential house
in Malakpet in Hyderabad in the evening time.
   On the next day on 18th Shawwal in the year 1922
corresponding to 25th March in the year 1381 Hijiri his funeral
procession went with many thousand persons toward Makkah
mosque in Hyderabad and in which after funeral prayer he was
buried in the Siddiq Gulshan near Puranapul area.
  Hazrat has married four women one after another and he has
many children and among them still, there are living 9 sons and
(51) daughters and in all of them his elder son is Hazrat Abdul
Rahim Siddiqui and who is 73 old and who has become
successor and caliph as well as custodian and care take of the
shrine building in Siddiq Gulshan.
Location of the tomb: Hazrat’s tomb is located from the gate of
the Purana pul at the southern side at a distance of two-furlong
on the left side of road goes to Bhadurpura. Hazrat has
purchased the above land during his last days of life time and
also he has constructed his grave in advance. And in the middle
of the land area on the big platform, Hazrat’s grave is situated.
On the eastern side of the platform, there are 3 graves and at the
southern side there are 8 graves which belgons to his disciple are
also found in the shrine area. And these disciples were buried
during the life period of Shaikh of time upon his kind
permission in this matter.
  And the 12th grave on the big platform is found and belong to
the Hazrat Abdul Qadeer Hasrat in the middle of the Siddique
Gulshan area.
Grave: Hazrat’s grave is found on the platform. And its area is
42 square feet. And it is 19 feet and 9 inches in height.On the
platform in the direction of eastern, western and in the southern
side there are steps. And there is the floor of the sand on the big
platform and in the middle of the platform there is a beautiful
grave of the stone of the Shaik of time is available and in
there is the tablet of marble stone is found.

  The grave is 7 feet and 10 inches in length and 5 feet and 5
inches wide. And 1 foot and 3 inches in height and there is no
tablet on the grave available.

Urs or annual death anniversary : Every year from 16th to 18

Shawwal month the Urs and death anniversary which will be
held. And on the first day, there will be held Sandal ceremony
and on the second day, there will be lightening in the shrine
area. And on the third day, there will be held Quran recitation
meeting. The custodian and caretaker of the shrine Hazrat
Mohamed Abdul Raheem Siddiqui Sahib who used to perform
the rituals of the Urs ceremony.
The End.
Reference book: 
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar
Hyderabad, India.
Email: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com


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