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OTC 8122

. .

Installation of the Troll Phase I Gravity Base Platform

E. Anden=s, Aker, E. Skomedal, Statoil’] and S Lindseth, Aker

CWWII l=. OfWW TK+VIM9Y wlerof?a

This paper was pfesentsd m ttw 2slh ti”ual OTC in Houstm, Texas, U S A 6-9 May 199s

Tms papof wu sewed for presentwm by the OTC Pra$ram Commme followingIewew of mformatm ContainedIn an abstrati submlned by the Author(s) Conlenls of vw paper,
as pretented, have nti ken rev!owedby the Offshore Tdndogy Can ferec!ceand we sullecf to c.nrucllonby the author(s) The maleroal,as c!resented,das not necessarily
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The abstraci should containmmsptcuws acimow!+dgmeol of where ana by whcnmthe paper was F@$enlti

Abstract to the Aker company Norwegian Contractors in March

The TROLL Phase 1 concrete Gravity Base Platform is 1991, .Watoil will take over as production operator in
located in 303 m of water in the Norwegian Trench June 1996.
some 80 kilometers northwest of Bergen. The platforms
wi 11be a major gas supplier to the European market far Platform Design and Site Conditions. The Troll Field
into the next century. This paper describes the major is in the Norwegian Trench. At the platform location
aspects in the design, preparation and performance of the water depth is 303 m, The upper 74 m of soil
the platform installation operation. consists of more or less normally consolidated,
The extreme height of the structure was a homogeneous clay. From seabed to 16.5 m depth the
challenge for design and performance of the marine clay is sofi to firm with high plasticity. This layer is
operations, particular when passing a “shallow area” called Soil Unit I. In Soil Unit 11,below 16,5 m, the
with minimum depth of237 m. The foundation soils at plasticity becomes medium. The strength increases
the Troll Field required skirt piles to recordbreaking 36 gradually by depth, A summary of soil data is given in
m depth in order to sustain the extreme North Sea Figure 1.
weather conditions. The 472 m high structure including topsides is the
The potential of intolerable horizontal soil tallest structure that has ever been moved on the
pressure on the skirt walls from large soil earth’s surface. An artists view of the platform is
displacements during penetration was the dominating shown in Figure 2. The substructure is made of
aspect of the skirt penetration. Extensive engineering concrete and is a Condeep SP-4 -19-R design,
supplemented with model testing and planning were comprising skirt piles, 19 caisson cells, one rieg,el and
conducted in the development of systems and four shafts. Figure 3 provides a general view and a
procedures for monitoring and manipulation of acting cross section.
loads on the skirt walls. The soils required a foundation area of 16,600 m’
The success of the design, planning and and skirt piles to 36 meters depth in order to provide
performance of the operation is documented through sufficient bearing capacity and rocking stiftiess for
comparison between observed and predicted extreme North Sea weather conditions. The foundation
performance of main operation parameters. is composed of 19 circular cell skirt compartments with
diameter 32 m as extensions of the caisson cells. In
Introduction between the circular cells there are 24 tricell skirt
Field Information, The TROLL Phase 1 Gas Platform compartments. The skirt wall thickness varies from 0.5
was installed in May 1995. The Troll Field is located in mtol,Om.
the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The platform Four of the 19 caisson cells are extended to form
will be a major supplier of gas to the European market shafts for support of the 32,000 tonnes topside
far into the next century. Design operating life is 70 facilities. A riegel s[ruc[ure at approximately mid
years and the maximum production rate some 84 x 106 height acts as a beam tying the shafis together. The
Sm3/day (3 BCF/day). riegel also provided buoyancy during tow to field, The
Norske Shell was appointed as field development two central shafts contain 20 well conductors each. A
operator in 1988. The contract for engineering, dry riser shaft to the east contains export and import
procurement and construction of the concrete Gravity risers and J-tubes for pipelines. The seawater shaft to
Base Structure (GBS) including tow out and the west is also kept dry. The buoyancy provided by the
installation of the platform at the Troll Field was given shafts is balanced to keep static foundation loading and
settlements low.
‘)Seconded to Norske Shell during project.
Tables and figures at the end of the paper, 57

Platform particulars are given in Table 1. More maximum 25 persons (one helicopter lift). A specially
detailed description of the platform foundation is found designed rapell ing system (DONUT) acted as
in References 1, 2 and 3. emergency evacuation back-up.
Through extensive training on a shiphandling
Challenges. The extreme height of the structure was a simulator, key marine personnel on the platform and
challenge for the towing operation both with respect to tug boats were given abetter feel for the platform
the large freeboard in general and the bottom clearance response to varying environmental conditions and
when passing the most shallow part of the tow route in platform maneuverability. The training also gave
particular. This minimum depth was 237 m which is opportunities to test out and practice on the
normally considered abundant for surface towing communication procedures during normal operation
operations. In this case however, 237 m depth was and emergency situations.
governing for buoyancy volume and gave strict
requirements for the performance of the tug Preparations for Skirt Penetration
configuration. Penetration Principle. Penetration of skirt piles
The dominating aspect of skirt penetration of Troll comprises two major operation activities:
A was the difference in area between the circular cells Ballasting the platform to provide gravity
and the tricells. Two main consequences were ( 1) more penetration force.
soil heave in tricells than in circular cells giving Evacuation of 580,000 m’ of water entrapped
possibility for premature filling up of the tricells and inside the cell skirt compartments .
(2) higher stress increase in the soil inside the tricells lfrequired, additional penetration force is provided
due to wall friction. The potential consequences were by applying underpressure (suction force) inside the
intolerable horizontal loading on the walls of the skirt compartments.
tricells. The main challenge of penetration was thereby
to manipulate the pressure difference between cells to Penetration Resistance. The calculation of skirt
control soil heave and horizontal loading on the tricell penetration resistance was based on the undrained
walls, This required comprehensive operation systems shear strength profile as determined by direct simple
for monitoring and manipulation of the pressures. shear tests using conventional tip bearing capacity and
Soil heave was defined as the level of the soil skin friction formulas. Skirt tip resistance was
surface within a skirt cell minus virgin seabed level. estimated to be the main contributor in the first part of
With these novel challenges, verification of the penetration. Wall friction was considered the major
operation feasibility, analysis of potential problems, resistance towards final penetration due to increase of
contingency planning and training the installation crew both wall area in contact with soil and friction. Based
became important activites during preparatory works on previous experience, filly remoulded clay was
for the operation. assumed when calculating the wall friction. A rapid
increase in wall friction was expected when passing
Preparations For Marine Operations 16.5 m penetration due to significantly lower sensitivity
Minimum Clearance. Dynamic analyses and model of the clay in Soil Unit 11.
tests (scale 1:84) were carried out to investigate A probabilistic evaluation of the uncertainty in
platform motions and to establish the required tug penetration resistance was performed, The wall friction
configuration when maneuvering through the “shallow” was considered the major uncertainty. The evaluation
area. The platform base area has a size of 3 soccer resulted in coefficients of variation of 0.07 for tip
fields. resistance and 0.16 for wall tliction. Upper and lower
The challenge was to arrive at reasonable bound values were determined by the range* 1.5
environmental operation criteria for the tow with a standard deviation of the best estimate.
minimum bottom clearance of2 meters, when including
for vertical platfomo motions from wind, waves, tide Tricells. The skirt walls to be penetrated into the
and tension in towing lines as well as uncertainties in seafloor consisted of 37,800 m’ concrete, or equivalent
the bathymetric survey. to a cube with sides 34 m, resulting in large soil
The tug fleet consisted often vessels with a total displacements and corresponding 2.6 m average
bollard pull of 1629 tonnes and one tug serving as seafloor heave within the skirts. However, due to
escorthescue vessel. The tug configuration and the 175 geometry effects, the seafloor heave within the narrow
n. miles towing route are shown on Figures 4 and 5, tricells would be higher than in the circular cells. Itwas
respectively. A semisubmersible accommodation foreseen that complete tilling (plugging) of the tricells
platform (flotel) accompanied the tow, would happen several meters before the desired depth
was achieved. Continued penetration atler plugging
Safety and Training. The inshore towing draft up to would thereafter induce unacceptable high internal
beyond the “shallow” was 227 m. This elevated the tricell pressures.
topsides and Captain’s brigde on Main Deck to some Silo effects in the tricells could alone cause similar
145 m above sea level. The free fall lifeboats, which excessive internal pressures during the last part of the
were the permanent platform evacuation facilities, were penetration.
designed for operation from a freeboard of some 30 m. Rather than designing the skirt walls for these
Two helicopters were therefore provided for rescue and extreme temporary loads, it was decided to reduce the
platform emergency evacuation purposes. This limited loads by manipulation of the skirt water pressures.
the number of people onboard during the tow to field to The following novel strategy was chosen:

decreased. This was interpreted as an effect of wall

A Reduce theamount ofsoildisplaced into thetricells friction which would give increased overpressure in the
by applying a hydrostatic overpressure in the tricell at skirt tip level (silo effect).
tricells relative to the adjacent circular skirt cells. In test C 1, see Figure 8, the pressure inside the
B Reduce thepressure ontheintemal tricellwalls tricell was increased to failure by closing the water
during the last part of the penetration by applying evacuation line. The responding negative soil heave
underpressure in the tricells relative to the adjacent indicated that the failure mode was a global failure
circular skirt cells. below the tricell. The failure pressure was 5-6 times the
undrained shear strength, as would be predicted by
In case A the estimated required overpressure in the bearing capacity theory.
tricells to control the heave increased rapidly above Test C 1 also showed that the differential pressure
structural design limitations afier 12 to 15 m capacity was almost filly restored after only a few
penetration depth. centimeters fisrther penetration.
In case B, the calculations showed that the heave Local or hydraulic fai!ure around the skirts were
would increase drastically in the tricells when the not observed with realistic test conditions.
applied tricell water pressure reduced the total pressure The results tlom the model tests gave confidence to
to levels acceptable to the structural strength. the theoretical models and were of great value in the
It was obvious from these analyses that the seafloor tlu-ther detail planning of the skirt penetration
within the tricells would have to be suppressed operation.
suftlciently within the first 10-12 meter of penetration
to make room for the expected soil heave during the Operation Tolerances. The installation contract gave
later reduction of the pressure. tolerances to platform position, orientation and
verticality as installed. In addition there were several
Triceli Model Testing. It was realized that the success restrictions established during platform design related
of the whole installation operation was very much to acceptable loads on structural elements, foundation
depending on the novel operation of controlling the sea soil capacities and limitations in the operation systems.
floor heave within the tricells and the tricell wall The extent and complexity of the operation
stresses by manipulation of the water pressures. parameters and limitations are described below.
The applied analytical model had shortcomings The structural elements of the skirt system
with respect to effects of soil remolding along the comprised 12 peripheral skirts, 42 cell joints and 72
skirt wall and geometrical constraints. In order to tricell skirts See Figure 3.
improve the planning of the operation procedure it was During penetration each of these structural
decided to perform model testing at the Norwegian elements would be subjected to a measured skirt water
Geotechnical Institute (NGl). pressure and an esfimated soil pressure increasing with
The objectives of the testing were: depth. The resulting loads on each element were to be
checked against the structural capacities.
1. Demonstrate the concept of controlling the soil The structural capacity of a tricell skirt was defined
plug level inside a skirt compartment by regulating as a combination of the total differential pressure over
the water pressure. the skirt wall and the membrane forces
2, Investigate potential failure modes and (tension/compression) in the wall. The membrane
consequences of hydraulic failure around the skirts. forces were a function of the water pressure in the
3. Calibration of the analytical model, adjacent circular cell skirt compartment relative to
ambient sea,
The test model, in scale I :60, is shown in Figure 6.
9 tests were carried out in 3 test bins. A slurry made of Operation Procedure and Organization. Experience
natural clay was consolidated to a uniform undrained from previous penetration operations has shown that
direct simple shear strength of 3.7 kPa and sensitivity the execution of the operation is governed by boundary
about 3. conditions such as appearing penetration resistance,
Figure 7 shows observed soil heave during four response to environmental loading and performance of
tests with different pressure histories, The tests clearly the mechanical systems utilized in the operation.
demonstrated the feasibility of controlling the soil Thus, the operation procedure should both define a
heave by regulation of the water pressure in the tricell, sequence of actions based on most probable boundary
An example of a theory for soil displacement at conditions and make provisions for adjustments to
skirt tip level is given in Appendix B According to this observed behaviour in order to obtain optimal
theory, all soil below skirt tip will go to the outside if conditions within allowable ranges for operational
the overpressure inside the tricell is 3.14 times the parameters throughout the operation,
undrained shear strength, Such conditions would imply This required routines and systems for close
zero soil heave. For penetration between 4 and I I-12 monitoring and control of the operation as well as
cm test A3 in Figure 7 gave zero or slightly negative relevant competence within Contractor’s and Client’s
heave. The corresponding overpressure of water in the organizations on site to continuously evaluate
tricell skirt compartment was 3.2 times the undrained performance and establish the fin-ther operation steps if
shear strength, For deeper penetration the heave

deviations from the anticipated performance should Instrumentation and Data Acquisition System. A
occur. comprehensive structural, geotechnical and
Analyses of possible failures and contingency environmental instrumentation and data acquisition
planning were given high priority. Rather than system was available for monitoring the operation,
establishing detailed step by step procedures for all totalling I20 sensors.
possible failure situations the following strategy was The system provided measurements of water
adopted: pressure in each skirt compartment and accumulated
soil heave within the tricells in addition to platform
- For each operation parameter the consequences to inclination, penetrated depth, base contact stresses and
the structure or foundation soil of gradual ballast water, etc.
exceedance of the operational limit were analysed The instrumentation program is listed in Table 2.
and reported in supporting documents. The data acquisition system scanned through the
A contingency situation was defined as exceeding sensors once per second and presented more than 1750
an operational limit or if one or more limits had to updated measured and calculated operation variables
be exceededin order to continue the penetration. every 10 second.
In a contingency situation the consequences of The enormous amount of information made it
exceeding the critical operational limits would have necessary for each operation discipline to customize
to be evaluated and an optimal approach for further their own data presentation on the operation computers
operation would then be established. Temporary for monitoring of assigned operation parameters,
stop of operation was considered acceptable.
Operation Performance
Penetration crew list and shitl plans were established Tow to Field and Positioning. Micro-Fix radio
some 12 months ahead of the operation. The persomel positioning system was used for navigation during the
were recruited horn the project engineering and 35 n.miles inshore towage and two independent DGPS
construction disciplines. They maintained detailed systems for the offshore towage.
knowlegde on the structural, geotechnical and The platform arrived at the Troll field after 6 days
operation system designs and had broad experience in towage. The “shallow area was passed with a recorded
use of the operation systems. minimum clearance of 10.8 m.
During operation training seminars the two shifts The tugs were rearranged into a star formation
worked through different operation scenarios from during the approach to the target area for the final
touch down of the skirts to penetration completed. positioning of the platform. Both DGPS and UHF radio
positioning systems were utilized. The platform was
Temporary Water Ballast and Skirt Evacuation placed 6 m tlom the center of the specified 50 m radius
System. The water ballast and skirt evacuation systems target area and oriented 0.2° off theoretical heading.
are shown schematically on Figure 9. The contractual tolerance on the orientation was ~2.5°.
The ballast water to the drill shafts was either
sluiced from sea or from the underbase skirt Skirt Penetration. The main operation steps were as
compa~ents. The skirt water not sluiced to the shafts follows:
was evacuated to sea dircectly or through the skirt
evacuation pumps. Depth Interval Activity
The evacuation system would generate suction 0+4m: The ballast water intake and skirt
pressure within the skirt compartments the moment the evacuation were control led to maintain
penetration resistance became higher than the skirt water pressures close to ambient
submerged platfrom weight if the water was evacuated sea. This in order to obtain early
by pumps or sluiced to the drill shafts. sealing of the skirt compartments.
Restrictions to acceptable differential skirt water 4m+7m: Water pressures in circular cells were
pressure and need for individual manipulation of the kept close to ambient sea.
pressures required a system for controlling the water Started suppressing the soil within the
pressure in the 43 different skirt compartments tricell by increasing the tricell water
separately. The evacuation Iine from each compartment pressures uniformly in all tricelis
was therefore equipped with both remotely operated relatively to the circular cells.
hydraulic throttle valves, with limit switches and 7 m -+ 12 m: Individual adjustments of the tricell
position indicators, and manual block valves. pressures were made in order maintain
The system, comprising close to 100 different soil heave within acceptable limits,
valves, was controlled by a Programmable Logic 12 m +25 m: The tricell pressures were adjusted to
Computer (PLC) and operated from a tempormy maintain control of soi I heave.
control room. Started Ievelling the platform by
The valves on the skirt compartment evacuation differentiating the water pressures in
lines could also be operated from a push button panel the various circular cells.
hardwired directly to the valve actuators for quick and 25 m + 36 m: Reduced tricell pressure to comply with
safe response to requests for changes in the skirt stmctural capacities and acceptable
differential pressure when required. seafloor heave criteria.
Established final penetration demh
60 from evaluation of observed sea floor

heave within tricell and circular cell tricell than in the surrounding circular cells The soil
skirts, platform inclination, base contact response down to 12 m required more reduction of soil
stresses and sea bed topography. heave in the tricells in the interval 15-22 m than
planned in order to obtain sufficient margins towards
The operation time from touch down until the skirts the end where suction in the tricells were required. The
were penetrated to the final depth was 104 hours, Final variation between the cells were small confirming
penetration depth was 35,7 m which was within the homogeneous soil conditions and good performance of
acceptable range of35 -36 m,. the operation systems. As a result of the successful
heave control, the loading on the tricell walls and other
Comparison of Expected and Observed parts of the structure was well within the limitations.
Performance To improve the understanding of the heave process,
Penetration Resistance. The observed total skirt a more detailed comparison with a theoretical model
penetration resistance isshown in Figure 10. The water is given in the Appendix A.
pressure in the circular cells were close to zero The observed relationship between tricell heave
throughout the penetration. The ballast water gave and pressure differences indicates that the theory used
sufficient penetration force and thus there was no need during planning was reasonably realistic. The friction
for suction in the circular cells to reach the final effect on differential pressure was possibly somewhat
penetration depth. overestimated. The observations also compared well
The observed penetration resistance was slightly less with the model tests performed.
than the expected lower bound. To investigate further
the low penetration resistance, design calculations of Conclusions
resistance against various parts of the foundation was The installation of the TROLL Phase 1 platform
compared with measurements. Comparison with the represented several new challenges in the field of
best estimate isgiven totheleft in Figure II and it is offshore installation operations. The success of the
seen that the wall friction represents the main operation was provided through a devoted
deviation, Totheright in Figure II comparison with multidisciplinary teamwork throughout the engineering
lower bound values tlom design is shown. The planning and performance of the operation,
measured tipresistance compares well with the lower The potential in combining analytical approach
bound throughout the penetrated interval. The with model testing in design and planning of
measured friction compares well with the lower bound complex operations has been clearly
from seabed to about 17mdepth which is the lower demonstrated.
boundary of soil Unit I. The major deviation from Observed penetration resistance was slightly
design is represented by the wall friction in Soil Unit less than expected due to an overestmation of
11.The wall filction in Soil Unit II is less than the the wall friction..
estimated lower bound. The flow of even large volumes of displaced
The undrained shear strength of soil was back- soil was controlled by moderate and predictable
calculated from measured earth pressure at skirt tip by pressure differences within the skirts,
use of the two alternative solutions for the bearing
capacity factor. A comparison with the design profile The operation generated experiences of great value in
of direct undrained shear strength is made in Figure 12. design of future skirt pile concepts, like suction achors.
Taking account of the variation between the calculation
models, an interpretation may be that the Acknowledgements
backcalculated strengths are mainly slightly less or The authors wish to thank A/S Norske Shell and Statoil
equal to the design strength for the entire penetration for their permission to publish data from TROLL Phase
depth. 1,
The contribution from colleagues and ftom
Platform Inclination, Figure 13 shows the platform subcontractor Norwegian Geotechnical Institute both
inclination versus penetrated depth. The platform during design, planning and performance of the
inclination measured on the deck was 0.04° when the operation as well as preparation of this paper is highly
penetration was completed. The contractual appreciated.
requirement was <0.4°,
The need for applying a penetration moment in References
order to maintain platfomn verticality within .1 Knudsen, A., Skjaeveland, H., l.indseth, S, and }Ioklie,
acceptable ranges was less than expected. hi,: “Record-Breaking for Fixed Concrete
Water Depth
Platforms”. Paper no 7463, OTC 1994,
Soil Heave. The operation parameter for controlling 2 By.T and Skomedal, E: “Soil Parameters for Foundation
Design, Troll Platform”, BOSS ’92, London.
the soil heave in the tricells was the overpressure in the
3 I{anscn, 13., Nmvacki, F., Skomedal, E, and t{ennstad, J.,
tricells relative to the neighboring circular cells, The
“Foundation Ocsign, Troll Platform”, BOSS ’92,
planned water pressure differences were followed and London.
the soil heave proved to be easily controlled by these 4 Tjelta, T. I., Aas, P. M., Hernrstad, J, and Andenzs,E.:
pressure differences as indicated by Figure 14. Positive “The Skirt Piled Gullfaks C Platfomr Installation”. Paper
pressure difference indicates higher pressure in the no 6473. OTC 1990.

TABLE l: Platform Particulars TABLE 2: Instrumentation Program

Foundation base area 16,600 m2 Parameter

Length of foundation skirts

Height of GBS
36 m

369.4 m
Bottom Clearance and
Penetrated Depth I 4

Total height of platform 472 m

Topside tow-out weight 23,000 tonnes

Max. operational topside 30,000 tonnes

weight Soil Heave within Tricells I 24 u

Draft during inshore tow

Draft during offshore tow 227-278

227 m

Flow ffom Tricells; Flow Rate
and Accumulated Flow I 24
Flow rate to shatts, to sea and 3
Displacement 1,052.000 tonnes ffom sea
Concrete volume 232,147 m3

volume of penetrated 37,800 m3

Etih Pressure on Lower
Dome I 5

Platform operation life 70 years

Shon Term Settlements I 2 II

$-c, kPa
Depth Grain Soil u o Z? @o 600 8M lW w 1, s, OCR 0’ a
m size Oescnption 1 — Q“VP.fM:a 7* y“ - - dell Wa
T 1
a /
CLAY,Vwy [on D h. hiftl 70
#19tafr. SignorOrwcml- 1 10 37 5.5 1.45 29 4.5
W* I*d 47
!45 : ‘s

-Zt) :;.
.. cur. SS1-ldf. &m 10 wry ~ ntt 26
..,. mtf.mtim owmw. tlA
20 2 1.45 28.5 8.0
Ibjhllyov9rcam46ald, 10
mmy gravcts ati acaoond
.,. .:
40 :::..
—-- \
,., ——- ——— -- — .-. -_
;4-. ,: ; - - --- ;,6
CLAY. m~ U1-111
Ilk b( **l-r
,..., $EfJ10hti,
3* sqhUy I[a : “!0 19 2 I :5 29 llj
.,. mom Obwcmmbdaled
- 60 :~‘ i :~j
--- --— -- ) —- :L---— —-- 3- ‘: .. -- _. ,!? .-, -_
bb ,, CiiY.;a UI’Ul 11Awo 118 WI
: .. 10ft 10 bud. tihl$ I[c 2’ 20 2 ‘“40 28.5 a
!L owwconsddarnd 1018 0 1.2!

Figure 1- Characteristic Soil Conditions


Figure 2- Troll Phase I Platform

.302.9 MSL)

7 1



L 1

-T *



Figure 3- Platform Geometxy


fAR SEk 11511 B/P)



VIKIW OtNXN (1351 fl/P)

~> PUWHfR [1981 B/P)

FAR SKY (158T B/P)

vIKING TITAN 11451 8/pi

8R[NOA VIKIffi (1681 8/Pi


M.uA$T[R ( 1611 B/Pi

Figure 4- Tow to Field Tug Configuration

Figure 5- Towing Route


~ Orainage pm


- Scale etched on
inside of skkl wall

+ WI watts
Skin companmen!
_ Sandblast area
(all sides. in-
and outside)

All dimemi- in millimeters

‘C S.fltip

Figure 6- Tricell Test Model

Plva Iwave

-2 -
----- .: ___-. :_- ,-- ---
...,., .-- .-, -. -.,, -4 - -----
.,. 54 .
, $
-. --, :t
: a.
-12 -

: -14 -

0 5 10 15 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
PIessuIe, kPa Heave, cm

Figure 7- Results Tests A 1, A2. A3, C3


plug heave In C 1

,.. T

-10 -e -6

Plug heave, cm
.2 0

Figure 8- Results Test C 1

Total penetration resistance (MN)

o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

-. Design Lower

- Design Best

( -. Design Upper

—. - Measured
—. —.

— —— _—
—— -.

— .-
—: - Ballast capacity
——-—-. —

— --



,-... .


Figure 9- Water Ballast and Skirt Evacuation System Figure 10- Total Penetration Resistance

Measured vs best eslimate (MN) Measured vs low estimate (MN)

o 500 1000 1500 2000 o 500 1000 1500 2000

0,. t I

-- Best est. tip - Low est. tip

. . Best est. wall . . Low est. wall

– Measured tip - Measured tip
– Measured wall - Measured wall



40 i

Figure 11- Penetration Resistance Components

Undrained shear strength (kPa) Inclination(Degrees)

o 20 40 60 80 100 -0,3 -0,2 -0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3

[ 1
0 I
I 1

- Design sud

- Back./Brinch-Hansen

- Back./Skempton

- East

- North

Figure 12- Undrained Shear Strength Figure 13- Platform Inclination


Dif~. pressure tricells vs circular cells (kPa) Soil heave (m)

-400 -200 0 200 400 -5 -4 .3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
0. I I I 1
-. Proc. low

I ‘m
-. Proc. high ‘.
- Meas. min. ‘,
10 I 10 /’ ‘,
~ -,
- Meas. max.
~ ,.-
~.’ E
~: %
, ,’ ~ 20
j’ z
, c ,..

,, .
.’ 1!’
,’ 30 -.-: ‘. . .

,.’ ,’ ‘.
,,’ ‘.
,.’ ‘.
, “c ‘.

40 L I

Figure 14- Differential Water Pressure and Soil Heave in Treicells


Appendix-Analysis of Soil

Analytical Model
The model described in the following was proposed by the
geotechnical verification contractor Sintef Geotechnical

For qua] vertical stress p on both sides of the tricell wall, the
soil displaced by the skirt tip will be qually distributed into the
two cells. The plastitied zones are symmetric and the bearing
capacity ofthc skirt tip maybe calculated by

q= N.s. +p

in which N indicates the bearing capacity factor ands. the

undrained shear strength. The flow of soil is assumed to be
dependent on the geometry of the plastified zones and the effect
of differential pressure may be model led by rotating the central
Circular cell Tricell
zone below skirt tip. Such rotation would be associated with a
horizontal shear stress ~A below skirt tip. A roughness parameter
r is introduced to account for the effect of the rotation tis on
bearing capacity (N. Janbu, 1985):


N=K+ 1 +COS sin-]r

() –sin-ir

k=!i Bc 91
The sign of r will be opposite on the two sides, given by the
direction of the horizontal shear stress below skirt tip. The
relation between stress d iffercnce and lr[ is found by static

q = N(+). S. +P. = N(+r). S. +PI

The ratio of the displacedsoil goinginto thetricell is determined


The resulting relationship between overpressure in the tried

(p, –p.) normalised by S. and soil displacement ~ is indicated
by the curve. Nothing of the soil displaced by the skirt tip goes
into the tricell if the overpressure in the tricell is 3.14 times s“.

4 -3-2-101234 The theory described is valid for the differential stress range of
H, 14. sU. ]f the overpressure in the tricell exceeds 5.14 times
s“, a failure below the whole tricell takes place(N= n + 2 for
1=0) and no soil at all will flow into the triccll during further

Jarrb~N.: “Soil models in offshore engineering”, ~nkine lecture. Geotechnique 35,No.3(1985) 24 I


Comparison with Observed B. The pressure difference was in the range 3-6 times
Trieells ti and T17 WCm selected as ex8Mpk2S but the ADbetween 6 and 10 m penetration. The heave was
other cells behaved similar. In F@rre A-1 soil heave is zero. Accordiig to the thcmy, zero heave should
shown together with differential pressure (vetticxd eonespond to an overpresaure of 3.14 times WD.
stress) at skist tip level divided by the undraiied shear C. In the depth ran e 10-22 m the pressure difference
strength (A% differential pressure included the was 5-7 times w%. The heave deuwtaed by the
water pressure in the biccll minus average water same rate as the penetration increased. lltii
pressure in the surround~ circular cells and a indicates that all soil below the tricell went into the
contribution from fiction. ‘Ihe measured wall fiction neighboring circuhw cells. Aecxxding to the
was assumed evenly distribution along the skirt walls theory, such globaI failure should take lace at an
and the vertical stress txmtribution at skirt tip level was overpressure in excess of 5.14 times sut .
taken as the tliction force in each cell divided by the D. At 22 m the heave changed tapidly tlom decreasing
cross sectional area. At final penetration the fii~ion to increasing trend at the same time as the pressure
effect gave an excess verlieal stress irr the tricells of difference dropped from 5 to 3 times SUD. Around
about 340 kpa relative to the surmxrnding circular cells. 25 m the heave decreased slightly again as the
Note that pressure measurements between O and 6 m pressure differences increased to about 4 times SUD.
penetration is excluded due to an error in this interval. E. From 27 m to final penetration the slope of the
The heave development may be divided into five parts: heave curve indicates that 20-3070 of the soil went
into the tricell. The pressure difference was

A. The pressure difference was about zero in the between I and 3 times SUD with an average slightly
penetration interval O-5 m. The inclination of the above 2. Such heave would according to the theoty
heave curve indicates that 50% of the soil displaced correspond to a pressure difference of about I
by the skirts went into the tricell, which is in times sun.
accordancewith the theory.

Tricell T2 Tried TI 7
Soil heave (m) Soil heave (m)
-7-6-5-4-3-2-101 234 -7-6 -5-4 -3-2 -lo I 234
0, 0: ,
I 1




Y- B
I o ~ = SOil heave

– Diff. pressure ,+ %
c! <

40’ f ,,, ,,,
-3-2-101 234567E -3-2 -1OI 2345678
Differential pressure/sud Differential pressure/sud

Figwe Al - Soil heave in Tricells and Differential Pressure normalized with Stren@

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