Coondinaing: (Commanding

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Roli- 95/MBAI200018

C- 10
Mod- Manoaement Pine les)

-2 Bme on toyot
fayo as bonin in the ytor 1841, He wan tren ch minin g
enginee and o unden mede an manage mcrt metho d.

trom e oun ecen six unchons

prinèple.s of naaement toapch@nng)
tha won ewowcd c as belos

fore casR

Tone Lashna tore can ng is t e tcc h i que ot anhc paing b r e

proolens ecd3 T+ lres deasle d analy sis at

pas and
deide abo u r bable esents in fo va, Acco odng fay ol
4incndes borth asse Sinq tve fu hure and wavin q poision o iF
helps a
bela wys
t o r e as tin9 is boss of planning and without t eLaning 's

I+ ensvre coondinahon by bui ldng tan
Spimt as it invowes
Joi effroot of a l epactmen
Foreasin g e in can ho ling t*e fore event a n eftiien
enabie s smt C chong*s sich as dreLopmen ok neu mae Ke
or se ces
nd exPanson 0r Cralhon of neu fadu ries

Plonninq PLanning is ve vnchon hat oeeomine s in adwance

Shot s hold be done Tn otter wo

d, it is the
d kominanon
of not o be done hoand here
itis be
d0ne wno is o
do ir Ond ho neslh arc bbe go aluaJed hi3 is done hor dny
toe e
698ai Saf on as a whole but or eve " n Sipn depar hmLn
r Sub Uni n ve

oniing . b Aluen, ocganisahon ekrs n
Acco odinq To
Shuche unich Teso t from
idenHky ing AroP* won,
and dehning
dolegahng ecposi bi iy and aa tho my and esnbis
YecLafonshps stateinq moay also toasi lered dn
impoc hnt
Inolved bui hvnchon
lding te human orgoni
tre sanon ,
3hsg involwes
soee selechon and
tvoin ng of hshrc
non agersand
Counagingo y nedapproach b woek
eve F iF dmOng tem,
ouices hVing Poniie mRasucs

Conon di naAFeo plans awe

een ma e and he
bee es abisned
uidu soff members, tve
oraanis d n
Unchon s caled next S p Tkis
co mman ding o
EPans o dinechnA Here ve nonagen
is po pe en
ukathey hoave to do and help them
best of
their a bi liy Tr Comen
Co ses of thce sub-
mu ni cour on frocess of s ng inhomaho funchm
LA decswp
process of
inflvencing Snif memben
monvoion > m use desire în mids of Joken
Co on dinaing
Corin a sn deals
wim harmo n 4n
and eter s at qu levels oF DKs T Lahon
can be
achieingome Omon pumpose
oesci binq an eraing
ha mo ny amo
a°l ih indinduaA
oaanisah on gol The ohoa 'idea
a d u s eeAngi e, Synchnnize oF
Coordi naion
in dii duol etfonts
p Eor h
beLome 5o rma
efcehre and ne p achieve Some
C mn om obtckres
Conolling Conmno Ui ng tone hon invDves threa elemens
) Esnbuskin d
shndar ds af pee for man
esing Cuprent per forman Qe and compamng it
agam 9
eshbtsh gandacd
) Tak
nach on to Copre ct Ony per orman e uat does n+ mee

Tn absence o
Conro vest S ns
has been
set s I be
vroace te hie
Objechc 3 ] hn
alise |

3) The conhaea theony

o ea
ders ip
Ausmom Psycha yn
pnpased by e
loa'st Tred Edward hed
164 a,
h cle A
ler in is
Congen Madel of
leadershi p Efe c hre nes
apPrach s st 0t e C is
dino and o a
ns o0 s+
oy o
Leaders hip
sivo n woy not be $yle thok is effe
SvcCess h\ in ehe
del a0ve
mon omce omer s
tve he
hauormlole Con d hons
noacle cS ot ve
in uieh ve
loAder o
Sren q hty penes
o Con
bn adened ve S
orm a
hos on
Cope afLeaders h p On der Sm
sinqle nndine
) Canu
enCy eony lso Mane
Pd cmve potrs pove d hare
dekomin q
tha s mo>r e
Ype o
ikely o o efec hre
ea dens uo
Pani cular
Cane x .
iv) Can ia ency Lea der Sip Sy es ha
besry Sppies dan n

Cou ld loe Usefu1 b or qomsos o ns in d e o

leaders hip i

n ou pstsena Scenam o we appy he Tho ny do lLowino

(1) Can oe Used aSsess he

etkenve ne s s OF an In dn dnal
pan haulan oe Look O he
reanon bre or one s
chve ne ss on
Can be vSed Predich w he her a pTtdict heAwr a personn
Who onked el m onL
posihon in an Org ami san on wil be
ethehC m anotve poss o n hoing d (-eren SiaMon a iaUS
nen Co Ored o exhno

in CAm hele Mimplemenh ng Chonges m dne nole Tesponsibilikes

tyok es nove
oTAnenmigh n n bñnghch reness b e
ole of he person leadq e same

mod el vS
best leadership
Conhaent mA de may not be he

to analy 2e
OSt scenamo, but Si Con be a po werhl
ouS ó n t a u on
a parkulae SCEnQmp b dele Tmine h e h e

TeLano ng hi ps
) bS is Are nane o a wopk p La ce oT9 anisaho ne hod a t ue s
s of k ve apam e se wocd Sem, Sei oo
Shi ts e Sehso,sei Kebu

Soo Sek in on der Shine San dar d SUSain
Le disuss
each module

Unnecessamy ilem s
dispo Se
)nQVe lark
earieo by
ppen ly
Ptved oacunu Lanon eliminang ob Saddes o
iv Onec essay tm
Revmove alu
al part notin vse
$aace Jt unw antd
maeno from ve
Cnoa wacK p Laco

Sin orde

Amonge a neces
sarry 1m So
for us y am be ean y dele
fsnt lass nd
wank ot
e by
iSuCn way ha a
Aroma won uS Onon
ore in closee
tnsUTc hr po Xmihy

Care hrst Serve bas

i) Mave work fLO
Smo ofn any
) Ceam yaur wo pla0o Conoey
Vse Cleankng an n spechovn

PeunPean umment ma ch nery oormaho n

t) 2ep S a k pace Safe P eany yor

(U en in place anyone rF hmi ior o ne eno nmon

nUSbe able n dec C gro b ln in 5 sec6 nd3 or S0 lee

Muanroin igh shan de n Gnd orkp lou orginia on au
Mainoàn or der Uness s p er sn dord
) ve
ro Ces> also Shou ld oild aven Somdana

Pet or un TCg uLor

roAnin disdpira S hould be a* ro u lor

Appicoh on of 6S
ALtho qh ve onn 3f bs memo do loa
Lont To70ra ), Cam PP d în
so thwore tn dn sh7 ediHa
w cusr7heal cone n uetl n
Secons educanon overvne nt
5) e w or d Chaos eon be dlan sor der or

tur buence ta day

dole d Cha os L door der s rno+
nsidere d an di sorq ami s anon in el6
s ieny bot disorden
Ave prtsen ce o
On pre die hb hy behoior m
betirc s
a u lhmat or de
de poltem amona all he e
dsorder s
per hes o Cha o M 3yshm are

Dy namic albluy
Self ikeness
Smamoe odto h on

) Boitertuy etfcect
Smaul chonoe almo
Cam Le d n ug m
siqi ha
remen dovs
chat g

y nomic
dopbi tiy They hove hwo
They hore de a oi propehes
liry o sejf
raani s ahon
Trey nae pm
C) oSyengy
(t Se 1t- i e ne
beweem Conp nen
omd e wno R
S Strane atta e on The wi der
the Poi AF o nd
more ke y
nd 5mmqe am
Poer o chon Qnd he
pre di chg ill incruane
Te Ca os thoory hel e in
amae follouhng way
Mamagin amksahon
) e
power d re
pre di chbn ornt
i) A bi tiy of

o sith on à unplame
nertae s dh
Erer Smalu issve s read uinh
in ayerse effcec
Pnomy n
hey nay
y T 3e
Te su li

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