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Campus Visit Reflection

Name of campus: San Diego Mesa College

In-person OR virtual tour: Virtual Tour
Date visited: June 7, 2022

1. Describe the campus. What was your overall impression, or feeling, about this campus?

My overall impression is that Mesa college is a large campus. It looks like it would be a great
school to attend. It looks like it would be confusing at first but as time passes you’ll learn
your way around it. I will definitely go there before my first day to explore the campus in
person and make sure I know my way around. There also seems to be a lot of services and
support for students. I will take advantage of that.

2. Can you imagine yourself attending this campus, or one like it? Why or why not?

Yes, I can picture myself attending this campus because it looks like it provides everything I
am looking for, from courses to services. I also like the proximity of the campus to my
house. The campus may be a bit larger than I’d like, but I’m sure I’ll find my way around.

3. What did you like best about this campus? Explain.

Something I liked about this campus was that it provides culinary classes which looks like it’s
something I would enjoy. Another thing is that they provide a gym and other sports
activities that you can enjoy. It also seems enjoyable because they look like they’re willing to
help you out.

4. What did you like least about this campus? Explain.

What I least like about this campus is how big it looks because I know at first I’ll be nervous,
but I know I will adapt. As I previously mentioned, I will make sure to visit the campus in
person before my first day so that I can explore further and make sure I know where my
classes are.

5. What would you like to know more about? Explain.

I would like to explore the campus further, in person, to know what else is available. During
my virtual tour, I saw several offices for financial aid, counseling, tutoring, etc. I would also
like to know where I can study on campus and perhaps what the different food options are.

6. How will your visit affect your future plans? Will you apply to this campus (or one like it)?
Why or why not?

Yes, I'm going to apply here in the future, because of the classes they provide, the proximity
of the campus to my house, and the services and support offered to students. My virtual
tour helped solidify my decision. Mesa college provides classes for graphic design, my
intended major, as well as other courses, such as culinary, that I can take for fun. I am
excited to attend San Diego City College in the fall.

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