PD-1 and Its Ligands in Tolerance and Immunity: Mary E. Keir, Manish J. Butte, Gordon J. Freeman, and Arlene H. Sharpe

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ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

PD-1 and Its Ligands in

Tolerance and Immunity
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Mary E. Keir,1 Manish J. Butte,1

Gordon J. Freeman,2 and Arlene H. Sharpe1
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115-5727; email: arlene sharpe@hms.harvard.edu
Department of Medical Oncology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Department
of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115-6013

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008. 26:677–704 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on costimulation, T cell, autoimmunity, infectious disease, tumor
January 2, 2008

The Annual Review of Immunology is online at Abstract

Programmed death 1 (PD-1) and its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2,
This article’s doi: deliver inhibitory signals that regulate the balance between T cell
activation, tolerance, and immunopathology. Immune responses to
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. foreign and self-antigens require specific and balanced responses to
All rights reserved
clear pathogens and tumors and yet maintain tolerance. Induction
0732-0582/08/0423-0677$20.00 and maintenance of T cell tolerance requires PD-1, and its ligand
PD-L1 on nonhematopoietic cells can limit effector T cell responses
and protect tissues from immune-mediated tissue damage. The
PD-1:PD-L pathway also has been usurped by microorganisms and
tumors to attenuate antimicrobial or tumor immunity and facilitate
chronic infection and tumor survival. The identification of B7-1 as
an additional binding partner for PD-L1, together with the discov-
ery of an inhibitory bidirectional interaction between PD-L1 and
B7-1, reveals new ways the B7:CD28 family regulates T cell activa-
tion and tolerance. In this review, we discuss current understanding
of the immunoregulatory functions of PD-1 and its ligands and their
therapeutic potential.

ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

INTRODUCTION (5, 6). Since the ligands for PD-1 were iden-
tified in 2000 (7, 8) and 2001 (9, 10), there
The concept of T cell costimulation has
has been steady progress in understanding the
ITIM: evolved over time. The two-signal model
immunoreceptor functions of PD-1 and its ligands. Here, we
for T cell activation was proposed by Kevin
tyrosine-based first describe the structure and expression of
Lafferty as a model for the activation of naive
inhibitory motif PD-1, PD-L1, and PD-L2. Next, we review
T cells (1). According to this model, T cells
ITSM: recent advances in understanding PD-1 and
require two signals to become fully activated.
immunoreceptor PD-L signaling. We then summarize recent
The first signal, which gives specificity to the
tyrosine-based studies that identify B7-1 (CD80) as a bind-
switch motif immune response, is provided by the inter-
ing partner for PD-L1 and indicate that PD-
action of antigenic peptide−MHC complex
L1 interactions with B7-1 can lead to bidi-
with the T cell receptor (TCR). The second,
rectional inhibitory responses in T cells (11).
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antigen-independent costimulatory signal, is

Finally, we discuss our current understanding
delivered to T cells by antigen-presenting
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

of the roles played by PD-1 and its ligands in

cells (APCs) to promote T cell clonal expan-
regulating T cell activation and tolerance and
sion, cytokine secretion, and effector func-
consider the therapeutic potential of manipu-
tion. In the absence of the second signal,
lation of PD-1 and its ligands.
antigen-specific lymphocytes fail to respond
effectively and are functionally inactivated, or
anergic, and resistant to subsequent activation
by the antigen. The critical inhibitory func- STRUCTURE OF GENES
tion of cytotoxic T lymphocyte–associated PD-1 is a 288 amino acid (aa) type I trans-
antigen 4 (CTLA-4, also known as CD152) membrane protein composed of one im-
was revealed by the fatal lymphoproliferative munoglobulin (Ig) superfamily domain, a
phenotype of Ctla4−/− mice (2, 3). This func- ∼20 aa stalk, a transmembrane domain, and
tion demonstrated that T cell pathways could an intracellular domain of approximately
provide negative as well as positive second sig- 95 residues containing an immunoreceptor
nals and provided the first indication that neg- tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) as
ative second signals could regulate T cell tol- well as an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based
erance. The discovery of more members of switch motif (ITSM). PD-1 is encoded by the
the B7:CD28 family has revealed additional Pdcd1 gene on chromosome 1 in mice and
costimulatory pathways that can provide pos- chromosome 2 in humans. In both species,
itive and negative second signals to antigen- Pdcd1 consists of 5 exons. Exon 1 encodes a
experienced effector T cells. The functions short signal sequence, whereas exon 2 encodes
of these newer pathways have broadened the an Ig domain. The stalk and transmembrane
concept of costimulation. domains make up exon 3, and exon 4 codes
This review focuses on recent advances in for a short 12 aa sequence that marks the be-
our understanding of one of the newer path- ginning of the cytoplasmic domain. Exon 5
ways in the B7:CD28 family, the pathway con- contains the C-terminal intracellular residues
sisting of the programmed death 1 (PD-1; and a long 3 UTR.
also known as CD279) receptor and its lig- Splice variants of PD-1 have been cloned
ands, PD-L1 (B7-H1; CD274) and PD-L2 from activated human T cells (12). These
(B7-DC; CD273). The PD-1 receptor was transcripts lack exon 2, exon 3, exons 2 and
discovered in 1992 as a gene upregulated in 3, or exons 2 through 4. All these variants, ex-
a T cell hybridoma undergoing cell death (4). cept for the splice variant lacking exon 3 only
The important negative regulatory function (PD-1ex3), are expressed at similar levels as
of PD-1 was revealed by the autoimmune- full-length PD-1 in resting peripheral blood
prone phenotype of Pdcd1−/− mice in 1999 mononuclear cells (PBMCs). All variants are

678 Keir et al.

ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

significantly induced upon activation of hu- human, macaque, chimp, dog, cow, pig, and
man T cells with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28. horse but is lost in mouse and rat. The long
The PD-1ex3 variant encodes an mRNA form of the cytoplasmic domain has no appre-
that lacks the transmembrane domain and re- ciable signaling motifs but is conserved across
sembles soluble CTLA-4, which plays an im- diverse species, suggesting that the cytoplas-
portant role in autoimmunity (13). This vari- mic tail of PD-L2 may have a functional role.
ant is enriched in the synovial fluid and sera There are three PD-L2 splice variants
of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (14). identified from activated human PBMCs (9,
PD-L1 is a 290 aa type I transmembrane 16). Analogous to the splice variant described
protein encoded by the Cd274 gene on mouse in PD-L1, one form drops out the IgV-like
chromosome 19 and human chromosome 9. exon and presumably loses the capacity to bind
Cd274 comprises seven exons, the first of PD-1 (9). A second form (called type II) drops
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which is noncoding and contains the 5 UTR. out the IgC-like domain. Another form (called
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

The next three exons contain the signal se- type III) loses the IgC-like domain and the
quence, IgV-like domain, and IgC-like do- transmembrane residues but preserves the in-
mains, respectively. The transmembrane do- tracellular residues. The type II form would
main and the intracellular domains are con- be expected to bind PD-1, as most binding ac-
tained in the next two exons (exons 5 and 6). tivity resides in the IgV-like domain (17), and
The last exon contains intracellular domain the type III form might represent a soluble
residues plus the 3 UTR. The intracellular ligand for PD-1.
domain of PD-L1 is short, only about 30 aa,
and highly conserved in all reported species.
There is no known function for the intracel- STRUCTURE OF PROTEINS
lular tail of PD-L1. The unbound three-dimensional structure of
There is one reported splice variant of PD- PD-1 has been obtained by X-ray crystallog-
L1 in humans (15) consisting of a sequence raphy and shows that the β-strands of the Ig
lacking the IgV-like domain encoded in exon superfamily fold are well conserved between
2. This mutant should not be able to bind PD- CTLA-4 and PD-1 (root mean squared de-
1, although the function of this splice variant viation of 1.5 Å comparing common α car-
has not yet been reported. No splice variants bons) (18). The CDR3 loop in PD-1 is loosely
have been identified for mouse PD-L1. ordered and does not have conserved amino
PD-L2 is a type I transmembrane pro- acids, unlike the binding interface of CTLA-
tein encoded by the Pdcd1lg2 gene adjacent 4, which is centered on the MYPPPY motif of
to Cd274 and separated by only 23 kb of in- the CDR3 loop and is highly ordered owing to
tervening genomic DNA in mouse and 42 kb the consecutive prolines in this motif. None
in human. The gene comprises six exons in of the PD-1 CDR3 amino acids was found
mouse and seven in human. Exon 1 is non- to be important for binding PD-L by scan-
coding, whereas the second exon contains the ning mutagenesis. Biophysical studies have
signal sequence. The IgV-like domain is com- addressed the question of self-association of
posed of exon 3, the IgC-like domain is exon PD-1. Fluorescence resonance energy trans-
4, and exon 5 contains a short stalk, trans- fer analyses of full-length PD-1 expressed
membrane region, and the beginning of the in CHO cells and analytical ultracentrifu-
cytoplasmic domain. In mouse exon 5, there gation on a soluble extracellular PD-1 IgV-
is a stop codon that results in a cytoplasmic like domain showed PD-1 to be monomeric.
domain of only 4 aa. In human, exon 6 and 7 Whether PD-1 requires dimerization to
contain an additional coding region resulting transduce signals is unclear.
in a cytoplasmic domain of 30 aa. The longer Molecular models of PD-L1 and PD-L2
form of the cytoplasmic domain is found in have been generated on the basis of the crystal

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structures of B7-1 and B7-2 to guide site- junction with anti-CD3. These non-PD-1
directed alanine scanning mutagenesis (17). binding mutants were also able to stimulate
The binding interfaces of both PD-L1 and Pdcd1−/− T cells, providing evidence for an-
PD-L2 to PD-1 are on their IgV-like do- other receptor for PD-L1 and PD-L2.
mains. Interestingly, certain mutants of PD-
L1 and PD-L2 that were unable to bind PD-1
could stimulate T cell proliferation in con- EXPRESSION OF PD-1
Human Mouse PD-1 can be expressed on T cells, B cells, nat-
PD-1 PD-L1 PD-L2 B7-1 PD-1 PD-L1 PD-L2 B7-1 ural killer T cells, activated monocytes, and
Naive T cells dendritic cells (DCs) (Figure 1). PD-1 is not
expressed on resting T cells but is inducibly
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Activated T cells expressed after activation (19). Although PD-

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

1 cell surface protein expression can be de-

Exhausted CD8+ T cells
tected within 24 h of stimulation, functional
Naive B cells effects of PD-1 ligation are observed within
a few hours following T cell activation (20).
Activated B cells
Ligation of TCR or BCR can upregulate PD-
Peritoneal macrophages 1 on lymphocytes, and the level of mRNA
transcription does not strictly correlate with
Activated macrophages
protein production (21). In normal human
Plasmacytoid DCs reactive lymphoid tissue, PD-1 is expressed
on germinal center–associated T cells (133).
Myeloid DCs PD-1 compartmentalization in intracellular
Monocytes stores has been described in a regulatory T
cell population (22, 22a). PD-1 is inducibly
Mast cells expressed on APCs on myeloid CD11c+ DCs
and monocytes in humans (23), but its func-
tion on these cells is not clear. There are no
Lung data to support a function for PD-1 in the ab-
sence of antigen receptor signaling.
Vascular Endothelium
The two PD-1 ligands differ in their
Liver nonparenchymal cells expression patterns. PD-L1 is constitutively
expressed on mouse T and B cells, DCs,
Mesenchymal stem cells macrophages, mesenchymal stem cells, and
bone marrow–derived mast cells (24). PD-L1
Pancreatic islets
expression is also found on a wide range of
Placental synctiotrophoblasts nonhematopoietic cells (see Figure 1) and is
upregulated on a number of cell types after
activation. Both type I and type II interferons
(IFNs) upregulate PD-L1 (25, 26). Analyses
High expression No expression of the human PD-L1 promoter demonstrate
Low expression No data that both constitutive and inducible PD-L1
expression are dependent on two IFN
Figure 1
regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1) binding sites
Comparison of expression of PD-1, PD-L1, PD-L2, and B7-1 on human
and mouse cells. PD-1, PD-L1, PD-L2, and B7-1 are expressed on a wide
that are between 200 and 320 bp upstream
range of human (7–9, 20, 23, 37, 55, 89, 143, 146–149) and mouse cells (4, of the transcriptional start site (27). These
9, 24, 31, 85, 87, 113, 143, 147, 150–153). IRF-1 binding sites are also found in mouse,

680 Keir et al.

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although their importance has not been (33). Both CD28 and IL-2 promote cell ex-
directly tested. Several studies have examined pansion and survival through effects on anti-
which signaling pathways are required for apoptotic, cell cycle, and cytokine genes. IL-
PD-L1 expression by using pharmacological 2 withdrawal can lead to cell death, another
inhibitors. PD-L1 expression in cell lines is process in which PD-1 has been implicated.
decreased when MyD88, TRAF6, and MEK There is strong evidence that PD-1 ligation
are inhibited (28). JAK2 has also been impli- inhibits the induction of the cell survival fac-
cated in PD-L1 induction (27, 28). Loss or tor Bcl-xL (20). PD-1 inhibits the expression
inhibition of phosphatase and tensin homolog of transcription factors associated with effec-
(PTEN), a cellular phosphatase that modifies tor cell function, including GATA-3, Tbet,
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and and Eomes (34). Further studies are required
Akt signaling, increases post-transcriptional to determine whether PD-1-mediated inhi-
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PD-L1 expression in cancers (29). bition is related to its ability to counteract

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

PD-L2 expression is much more restricted cell survival signals and effector differentia-
than PD-L1 expression. PD-L2 is inducibly tion mediated through CD28, IL-2, Bcl-xL,
expressed on DCs, macrophages, and bone or a combination of these factors.
marrow–derived mast cells. PD-L2 is also ex- PD-1 is phosphorylated on its two intra-
pressed on 50% to 70% of resting peritoneal cellular tyrosines upon ligand engagement,
B1 cells, but not on conventional B2 B cells and then binds phosphatases that downregu-
(30). PD-L2 expression on B1 cells tracks with late antigen receptor signaling through direct
a restricted VH usage that is skewed toward dephosphorylation of signaling intermedi-
VH 11/VH 12. PD-L2+ B1 cells bind phos- ates. Two phosphatases, SH2-domain con-
phatidylcholine and may be important for taining tyrosine phosphatase 1 (SHP-1) and
innate immune responses against bacterial SHP-2, can bind to the ITIM and ITSM mo-
antigens. Less is known about transcriptional tifs of PD-1 (35, 36). PD-1 inhibitory func-
regulation of PD-L2. Its induction by IFN- tion is lost when the ITSM alone is mutated,
γ is partially dependent on NF-κB (31). demonstrating that this tyrosine plays the pri-
PD-L2 can also be induced on monocytes and mary functional role of PD-1 inhibition (20,
macrophages by GM-CSF, IL-4, and IFN-γ 36). The association between SHP-1 and PD-
(24, 32). 1 appears to be weaker than the interaction
of PD-1 with SHP-2. Together, these stud-
ies suggest that PD-1 functions by recruiting
Signaling Through PD-1 SHP-2, and possibly SHP-1, to the antigen
Signaling through costimulatory receptors receptor signaling complex (35).
primarily functions to modify antigen recep- While the binding of SHP-2 to PD-1 is
tor signaling. PD-1 typically has greater ef- significantly enhanced by PD-1 ligation (20),
fects on cytokine production than on cellu- proximity of PD-1 to the antigen receptor ap-
lar proliferation, with significant effects on pears to be important for inhibition by PD-1.
IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 production. PD- PD-1 ligation inhibits antigen receptor sig-
1-mediated inhibitory signals depend on the naling only in cis and not in trans, indicat-
strength of the TCR signal, with greater in- ing that PD-1 ligation must occur close to
hibition delivered at low levels of TCR stim- the site of antigen receptor engagement (37).
ulation. This reduction can be overcome by CTLA-4 moves from an intracellular store
costimulation through CD28 (8) or IL-2 (33). to the immunological synapse between an
PD-1 may exert its effects on cell differ- APC and lymphocyte after antigen recogni-
entiation and survival directly by inhibiting tion, depending on the strength of signal (38).
early activation events that are positively reg- In contrast, PD-1 redistributes from uniform
ulated by CD28 or indirectly through IL-2 cell surface expression to the synapse during

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T cell–APC interactions (22a). PD-1 could tor protein SH2 domain–containing molecule
exert its inhibitory effects by bringing SHP-2 1A (SH2D1A, also known as SAP) (41). Un-
into the synapse during antigen receptor sig- like the CD150 family of cell surface recep-
naling, and cross-linking of PD-1 and CD3 tors, the ITIM/ITSM motifs of PD-1 do not
increases the amount of SHP-2, but not SHP- bind SH2D1A (20). Therefore, PD-1 inhibi-
1, associated with PD-1 (39). tion likely functions solely through direct in-
PD-1 ligation inhibits PI3K activity and teraction with SHP-2, or possibly SHP-1, to
downstream activation of Akt. In contrast, directly inhibit early events in the antigen re-
CTLA-4 inhibits Akt activation but does not ceptor signaling cascades (Figure 2). PD-1
alter PI3K activity, indicating that these coin- interaction with SHP-1 and SHP-2 is further
hibitory receptors function through distinct supported by a peptide immunoprecipitation
mechanisms. PD-1 ligation inhibits phos- study that investigated binding partners for
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phorylation of CD3ζ, ZAP70, and PKCθ the PD-1 ITIM and ITSM motifs using mass
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

(40). Other costimulatory receptors, such as spectroscopy. The PD-1 ITIM/ITSM motifs
CD150, bind SHP-2 through interactions of also associate with Lck and Csk (35). These
their ITIM/ITSM domains with the adap- findings suggest that Csk and/or Lck may




Y Y P T cell

S Inhibition of
Pl3K antigen receptor

CD28 Bcl-xL, IL-2, IFN-γ PD-1

Figure 2
Ligation of PD-1 dampens TCR signaling but can be overcome by CD28 costimulation. PD-1
engagement on the cell surface leads to phosphorylation of PD-1 cytoplasmic tyrosines and increases
SHP-2 association with the ITSM of PD-1. Recruitment of SHP-2 dephosphorylates signaling through
the PI3K pathway and downstream signals through Akt. PD-1 ultimately decreases induction of
cytokines, such as IFN-γ, and cell survival proteins, such as Bcl-xL. When signaling through CD28 is
delivered at the same time as PD-1 and TCR ligation, inhibitory effects can be overcome, and cytokine
production and cell survival is enhanced.

682 Keir et al.

ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

mediate the phosphorylation of PD-1 in T the patient-derived antibody, arguing for a

cells, similar to Lyn phosphorylation of PD-1 specific effect through PD-L2 ligation (50).
in a B cell line (36). Further studies are needed to determine how
sHIgM12: naturally
PD-1 ligation also reduces Erk activa- PD-L2 signals into the DC and how these sig- occurring human
tion, but this effect can be overcome through nals influence immunity or tolerance. anti-PD-L2 IgM
cytokine receptor signaling, particularly cy- Additional evidence for reverse signaling antibody derived
tokines that activate STAT5, such as IL-2, through PD-L1 or PD-L2 on DCs comes from a patient with
IL-7, and IL-15 (37). SHP-2 positively regu- from studies of bone marrow–derived DCs
lates Erk phosphorylation by interacting with cultured with soluble PD-1-Ig fusion pro-
Gab2 after IL-2R ligation (42). Both acti- tein containing the extracellular domain of
vation of Erk, which is specifically inhibited mouse PD-1 fused to the constant region of
by PD-1 ligation, and activation of STAT5, human IgG (51). This soluble PD-1 (sPD-1)
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which can overcome PD-1 inhibition, are inhibited DC activation and increased IL-10
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

demonstrated to be involved in the anti- production independent of 2,3-dioxygenase

apoptotic and proliferative function of IL-2 (IDO). These effects could be prevented by
(43). This suggests a model whereby the asso- preneutralization of sPD-1 with anti-PD-1,
ciation of PD-1 with SHP-2 serves not only to suggesting that the acquisition of this sup-
dephosphorylate signaling intermediates, but pressive DC phenotype is PD-1-specific and
also perhaps to sequester SHP-2 from its pos- occurs via PD-L1 or PD-L2. These findings
itive signaling role in Erk activation. are consistent with previous studies in which
sPD-1 induced IL-10 production by CD4 T
cells (52).
Reverse Signaling Through Bidirectional signaling of PD-1 and PD-
PD-L1 and PD-L2 L may help clarify some of the contradictory
PD-L1 and PD-L2 not only may influence results of studies analyzing the PD-1:PD-L
responses by engaging PD-1 and modifying pathway. As is discussed in the next section,
TCR or BCR signaling, but also may deliver the discovery of B7-1 as an additional ligand
signals into PD-L1- or PD-L2-expressing for PD-L1 also may help explain differences
cells. The first indication that PD-L2 may observed in functional studies of PD-1 and
transmit signals into DCs came from stud- PD-L1. The identification of bidirectional in-
ies using a novel, naturally occurring human teractions between B7-1 and PD-L1 that in-
IgM antibody (sHIgM12), isolated from a pa- hibit T cell responses further underscores the
tient with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, importance of reverse signaling through PD-
that binds both mouse and human PD-L2 L1 and demonstrates that PD-L1 can signal
(44). Although DCs treated with sHIgM12 into T cells.
do not upregulate MHC II or B7 costimula-
tory molecules, they produce greater amounts
of proinflammatory cytokines, particularly B7-1:PD-L1 Interactions Inhibit
TNF-α and IL-6, and stimulate naive T cell T Cell Responses
proliferation. Treatment of mice with the A number of lines of evidence have suggested
sHIgM12 enhances resistance to transplanted a receptor for PD-L1 or PD-L2, aside from
B16 melanoma and rapidly induces potent PD-1. B7-1 has recently been identified as a
tumor-specific CTL (45–47). sHIgM12 also binding partner for PD-L1 (11). Surface plas-
completely blocked the development of air- mon resonance studies demonstrate specific
way inflammatory disease in a mouse model and unique interaction between PD-L1 and
of allergic asthma (48, 49). A recombinantly B7-1, with an affinity (∼1.7 μM) intermedi-
expressed IgM antibody was generated from ate between the affinities of B7-1 for CD28
sHIgM12 that recapitulates observations with (4 μM) and CTLA-4 (0.2 μM), and PD-L1 for

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Table 1 Commonly used mAbs that display neutralizing activity CD4 T cells by PD-L1, delivers a function-
against PD-L1:B7-1, PD-L1:PD-1, or B7-1:CTLA-4 ally significant, inhibitory signal. T cells lack-
Blocking capacity of mAbs ing the previously known receptors for B7-
PD-1:PD-L1 B7-1:PD-L1 1 (i.e., T cells lacking CD28 and CTLA-4)
αPD-L1 showed decreased proliferation and cytokine
10F.9G2 ++ + production when stimulated by anti-CD3 plus
10F.2H11 − +
B7-1-coated beads. When T cells lacking all
the receptors for B7-1 (i.e., T cells lacking
CD28, CTLA-4:B7-1 B7-1:PD-L1
CD28, CTLA-4, and PD-L1) were employed,
T cell proliferation and cytokine production
1G10 + +
were no longer inhibited by anti-CD3 plus
16–10A1 ++ −
B7-1-coated beads, indicating that B7-1 acts
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specifically through PD-L1 on the T cell in

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

the absence of CD28 and CTLA-4. Simi-

PD-1 (0.5 μM). B7-2 does not bind to PD-L1 larly, T cells lacking the previously known re-
or PD-L2, and PD-L2 does not bind to B7-1. ceptor for PD-L1 (PD-1) showed decreased
Chemical cross-linking studies indicate that proliferation and cytokine production when
PD-L1 and B7-1 can interact through their stimulated in the presence of anti-CD3 plus
IgV-like domains. These domains are known PD-L1-coated beads, demonstrating the in-
to be important for interactions of B7-1 and hibitory effect of PD-L1 ligation of B7-1 on
PD-L1 with their previously known recep- T cells. When T cells lacking all known re-
tors. On B7-1, there is a partial overlap be- ceptors for PD-L1 (i.e., T cells lacking PD-1
tween the B7-1:PD-L1 interface and that of and B7-1) were used, T cell proliferation was
B7-1:CTLA-4. Likewise, on PD-L1, the PD- no longer impaired by anti-CD3 plus PD-L1-
L1:B7-1 interface overlaps at least partially coated beads. Thus, PD-L1 can exert an in-
with the putative PD-L1:PD-1 interface (17). hibitory effect on T cells either through B7-1
The substantial overlap of B7-1:PD-L1 or PD-1.
regions of interaction with those of their Taken together, these results demonstrate
previously identified binding partners sug- a specific and significant bidirectional inter-
gests that blocking antibodies might interrupt action between B7-1 and PD-L1 that inhibits
B7-1:PD-L1 binding as well as B7-1:CTLA-4 T cell responses (Figure 3). The identifica-
or PD-L1:PD-1 binding interactions. Adhe- tion of the PD-L1:B7-1 interaction necessi-
sion assays tested the capacity of anti-B7-1 and tates a reassessment of the roles of B7-1 and
anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to PD-L1 in regulating the activation and inhi-
interfere with PD-L1 and B7-1 binding to bition of immune responses, as well as their
B7-1 or PD-L1 300.19 transfectants, respec- therapeutic manipulation. Differences in anti-
tively. Two classes of B7-1 antibodies could PD-L1-blocking antibody specificities may
be identified: one that blocks both B7-1:PD- help explain distinct functional outcomes of
L1 and B7-1:CTLA-4 binding and another blockade of PD-1, PD-L1, and PD-L2 in dis-
that only blocks the B7-1:CTLA-4 interac- ease models in vivo. For example, many in
tion (Table 1). Four categories of PD-L1 an- vivo studies (discussed below) have found a
tibodies have been identified: those that block greater effect of anti-PD-L1 blockade com-
only PD-1, those that block only B7-1, those pared with anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L2 block-
that block both, and those that block neither ade, and this has been attributed to differences
PD-1 nor B7-1 interactions. in the expression of PD-L1 and PD-L2 or to
B7-1:PD-L1 interactions can induce an in- the half-life or affinities of the antibodies. The
hibitory signal into T cells. Ligation of PD-L1 10F.9G2 anti-PD-L1 mAb that has been used
on CD4 T cells by B7-1, or ligation of B7-1 on in many in vivo studies blocks PD-L1:B7-1

684 Keir et al.

ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

B7-2 (CD86) MYPPPY YYYY CD28 Activation

B7-1 (CD80) MYPPPY YY CTLA-4 (CD152) Inhibition

PD-L1 Inhibition
presenting MHC TCR T cell
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PD-L1 (B7-H1) YY PD-1 Inhibition

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

PD-L2 (B7-DC) B7-1 Inhibition

Figure 3
B7-1:PD-L1 interaction expands pathways in the B7:CD28 family. Recent data demonstrate that PD-L1
and B7-1 productively interact on T cells and can deliver bidirectional inhibitory signals. The
identification of these costimulatory molecules as binding partners increases our understanding of the
interactions that can occur on T cells and APCs and raises the possibility that PD-L1:B7-1 binding may
not only deliver signals when ligated, but may also serve to segregate binding away from previously
identified receptors (PD-1, CD28, CTLA-4). IgV-like regions are depicted in blue and IgC-like regions
in green, while tyrosine-containing signaling motifs are depicted by Ys.

as well as PD-L1:B7-1 interactions (Table 1). cells, but studies of PD-L1−/− T cells indi-
Anti-PD-L1 antibodies that block solely PD- cate that PD-L1 on T cells can downregulate
L1:PD-1 or PD-L1:B7-1 interactions should T cell cytokine production (53). Because both
have reduced effects on T cell activation as PD-L1 and B7-1 are expressed on T cells, B
compared with the dual-specific anti-PD-L1 cells, DCs, and macrophages, there is the po-
mAb. Further studies are needed to compare tential for bidirectional interactions between
the functional effects of anti-PD-L1 mAb that B7-1 and PD-L1 on these cell types. In addi-
block solely PD-L1:PD-1 or PD-L1:B7-1 tion, PD-L1 on nonhematopoietic cells may
interactions with mAbs that block both interact with B7-1 as well as PD-1 on T cells
interactions. to regulate cells.
The direct interaction between B7-1 and In the sections below, we summarize our
PD-L1 also compels a revised view of the current understanding of the roles of PD-1
interactions among molecules within the and its ligands in disease models and discuss
B7:CD28 family in regulating T cell activa- the outcomes of PD-L1 manipulation in light
tion and tolerance and gives increased signif- of the new PD-L1:B7-1 interaction. We also
icance to B7-1 and PD-L1 on T cells. There consider the therapeutic potential of manipu-
are limited studies of PD-L1 function on T lation of PD-1 and its ligands.

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ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

AUTOIMMUNITY AND resting DCs. PD-1 has an important role in

PERIPHERAL TOLERANCE controlling the outcome of initial encoun-
ters between naive self-reactive T cells and
The first indication that the PD-1 path-
DCs by inhibiting responses of self-reactive
way plays a critical role in autoimmunity
T cells. Emerging evidence suggests that im-
came from the phenotype of Pdcd1−/− mice.
mature DCs tolerize T cells, and loss of PD-1
Aged Pdcd1−/− C57BL/6 mice develop a mild
on antigen-specific T cells increases CD8 T
glomerulonephritis with low frequency (5).
cell responses to antigen-bearing resting DCs
Pdcd1−/− Balb/c mice develop a dilated car-
diomyopathy owing to the production of an
Studies in mouse models of autoimmunity
autoantibody against cardiac troponin (6, 54).
and tolerance have revealed that PD-1:PD-
Autoimmunity is accelerated by PD-1 defi-
L interactions not only are important in the
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ciency on autoimmune-prone backgrounds.

initial phase of activation and expansion of
These findings broadly support a role for PD-
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

self-reactive T cells, but also influence self-

1 in the induction and/or maintenance of tol-
reactive T cell effector function upon antigen
erance. Subsequent work has examined the
reencounter. In the NOD mouse model of
mechanisms by which PD-1 and its ligands
autoimmune T cell–mediated diabetes, PD-
can control self-reactive T cell responses.
L1 is upregulated in the pancreas on islet
PD-1 and PD-L1 provide inhibitory sig-
cells (31), and loss or blockade of PD-1 or
nals that regulate both central and peripheral
PD-L1 leads to rapid and exacerbated dia-
tolerance in multiple ways. PD-1 is expressed
betes with accelerated insulitis and proinflam-
on maturing thymocytes in the course of cen-
matory cytokine production by T cells (61–
tral tolerance induction. PD-L1 is expressed
63). In a model of antigen-specific therapy
broadly on the thymic cortex and on thy-
in which administration of antigen-coupled
mocytes themselves, whereas PD-L2 expres-
fixed splenocytes induces tolerance and re-
sion is limited to the thymic medulla (31, 55).
verses diabetes in NOD mice, PD-1:PD-L1
CD4− CD8− (DN) thymocytes start to ex-
interactions were required for both the induc-
press PD-1 as they undergo TCRβ rearrange-
tion and maintenance of CD4 T cell toler-
ment and begin to display functional pre-
ance (64). Notably, blockade of PD-1 or PD-
TCRs on the cell surface (19). PD-1:PD-L1
L1 reversed anergy in islet-antigen-specific
interactions inhibit positive selection during
T cells, whereas CTLA-4 blockade did not
the DN to CD4+ CD8+ (DP) maturational
break tolerance, indicating a unique function
stage (56). PD-1 signaling modifies positive
for PD-1:PD-L1 interactions in maintaining
selection signaling thresholds, and loss of ei-
T cell anergy. Bone marrow chimera exper-
ther PD-1 or PD-L1 increases DP thymocyte
iments have demonstrated that PD-L1 ex-
cell numbers (57). PD-1 also can contribute to
pression on non–bone marrow–derived cells,
negative selection (58) and has been identified
including islet cells, inhibits T cell effector
as a candidate gene in a microarray analysis
function in tissues (63, 65, 66). These studies
of aberrant central tolerance in nonobese dia-
also suggest a key role for the PD-1:PD-L1
betic (NOD) mice (59). Together, these find-
pathway in limiting immune-mediated tissue
ings point to a role for PD-1 and PD-L1 in
damage caused by pathogenic T cells upon
central tolerance induction.
antigen reencounter in the periphery. Collec-
Self-reactive T cells that escape negative
tively, these findings demonstrate that PD-1:
selection are controlled in the periphery by
PD-L1 interactions regulate both the initia-
mechanisms of peripheral tolerance. Initial in-
tion and progression of autoimmune diabetes
teractions between T cells and APCs, such
in NOD mice and identify PD-1:PD-L1 in-
as DCs, can modify potentially self-reactive
teractions as key mediators of T cell tolerance
responses by the display of self-antigen on
in tissues.

686 Keir et al.

ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

In the experimental autoimmune en- that PD-L1 may be important for inducing
cephalomyelitis (EAE) model of human mul- regulatory T cell populations, although the
tiple sclerosis (MS), PD-1 and its ligands also mechanism is not yet clear (73). Experiments
control self-reactive T cells. PD-1, PD-L1, in colitis models support the argument for a
and PD-L2 are all expressed on cellular infil- role of PD-1:PD-L1 on a regulatory cell pop-
trates within the meninges during active EAE ulation and identified a regulatory subpopula-
disease in C57BL/6 mice (31). PD-L1 is ex- tion of CD4+ CD25− PD-1+ T cells that can
pressed in the CNS on inflammatory cells as inhibit the development of colitis (74). PD-L1
well as on astrocytes and vascular endothe- is important for in vitro inhibition by another
lial cells. PD-L1 is specifically induced on suppressive population of CD4+ DX5+ T cells
CD11b+ APCs by IL-12 (67) and on mi- (75).
croglial cells by IFN-γ (68). Initial studies A role for PD-1:PD-L in humans is sug-
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described a role for PD-1 and PD-L2 us- gested by polymorphisms in PDCD1 that
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

ing neutralizing antibody treatment (69). have been associated with human autoim-
Anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L2 mAb administra- mune diseases, including systemic lupus ery-
tion during the induction of EAE accel- thematosus (SLE), type 1 diabetes, rheuma-
erated disease onset and severity, increased toid arthritis, Grave’s disease, and MS (76).
CNS inflammatory infiltrates, and led to in- Most of these polymorphisms are found
creased myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in conserved regions in intronic sequences.
(MOG)-reactive T cells and antibodies. Sub- One intronic single nucleotide polymorphism
sequent studies (70) using blocking antibod- (G7146A) in PDCD1 is located in a bind-
ies in different mouse strains, such as Balb/c, ing site for Runx1 (AML-1), a transcription
or gene-deficient animals (53, 71) suggest factor with an important regulatory role in
that PD-1 and PD-L1, but not PD-L2, are hematopoiesis (77). This polymorphism may
predominantly responsible for regulating the alter PD-1 mRNA stability or expression
severity of disease in most mouse strains. The level and is associated with reduced PD-1-
strain-dependent effects of PD-1 and its lig- mediated inhibition of IFN-γ production in
ands in influencing disease severity in EAE German patients with MS (78). A recent study
cannot be explained by expression of PD- suggests that PDCD1 genetic variation may
L1 or PD-L2 on APCs or inflammatory cells influence the risk and expression of SLE, and
(70). Cytokine production is important in effects of PD-1 polymorphisms vary accord-
the pathogenesis of EAE, and Pdcd1−/− and ing to ethnic background, similar to the ef-
Cd274−/− T cells secrete increased amounts fects of mouse PD-1 deficiency in different
of inflammatory cytokines, including IL-17 genetic backgrounds (79). A polymorphism in
and IFN-γ, in recall responses to myelin anti- PDCD1LG2 has been described that corre-
gen (71). Adoptive transfer studies emphasize lates with SLE (80), but no polymorphisms in
the critical function for PD-L1 in limiting CD274 have been linked to human autoim-
myelin-reactive pathogenic effector T cells mune diseases. In addition, autoantibodies to
and show that PD-L1 both on the transferred PD-L1 that correlate with active disease have
T cell and in the recipient restrains encephal- been found in rheumatoid arthritis patients
itogenic T cell responses (53). and may contribute to disease progression by
Another important mechanism of periph- dysregulating T cell responses (52).
eral tolerance involves regulatory T cells, It remains to be determined if the sig-
which can suppress activated T cell prolifera- nals that hold autoimmunity in check are
tion and cytokine production. Both PD-1 and generated through interactions between PD-
PD-L1 are highly expressed on these popu- 1 and PD-L1 or between PD-L1 and B7-1.
lations and may play a role in regulatory T In the NOD mouse model, Cd80−/− NOD
cell function (72). A number of studies suggest mice develop autoimmunity more rapidly

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and with higher incidence than NOD mice Pdcd1−/− mice clear an adenovirus infection
(81), although less quickly than Pdcd1−/− and more rapidly but develop more severe hep-
Cd274−/− NOD mice. B7-1-blocking anti- atocellular injury than WT mice (85). In a
bodies significantly accelerate diabetes onset mouse model of herpes stromal keratitis,
in NOD mice and induce diabetes in normally a blocking anti-PD-L1 mAb exacerbated
resistant male NOD mice, but the two anti- keratitis, increasing HSV-1-specific effector
B7-1 mAbs appear to differ in their functional CD4 T cell expansion and IFN-γ production
effects. The 16–10A1 mAb (which blocks B7- and survival (86). These studies suggest that
1:CTLA-4 but not B7-1:PD-L1 interactions) the PD-1:PD-L pathway limits the poten-
caused more rapid diabetes onset than did the tially detrimental consequences of vigorous
1G10 mAb (which blocks both B7-1:CTLA- antipathogen effector T cells.
4 and B7-1:PD-L1 interactions) (82). Further A number of microorganisms that cause
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studies are needed to test the role of PD- chronic infection appear to have exploited the
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

L1:B7-1 interactions and to understand the PD-1:PD-L pathway to evade the immune
mechanisms by which PD-L1 promotes pe- responses and establish persistent infection.
ripheral tolerance. Studies in the lymphocytic choriomeningi-
In view of its important role in autoim- tis virus (LCMV) model of chronic viral in-
mune disease, the PD-1:PD-L pathway has fection were the first to show a role for the
become a new therapeutic target. Therapies PD-1:PD-L pathway during chronic infec-
that increase the expression of PD-L and trig- tion (87). Viruses that cause chronic infec-
ger PD-1 may ameloriate autoimmune dis- tions can render virus-specific T cells non-
eases. These approaches are only beginning functional and thereby silence the antiviral T
to be evaluated in animal models, but the re- cell response (88). Functional dysregulation,
sults appear promising. DCs genetically mod- or exhaustion, of CD8 T cells is an impor-
ified to overexpress PD-L1 and MOG in the tant reason for ineffective viral control dur-
context of MHC II dramatically ameliorate ing chronic infections and is characteristic of
clinical EAE and reduce severity of CNS in- chronic LCMV infection in mice, as well as
flammation (83). A recombinant adenovirus of HIV, HBV, HCV, and HTLV infection in
expressing full-length mouse PD-L1 partially humans and SIV infection in primates. There
protects against the development of nephritis appears to be a hierarchical, progressive loss
in lupus-prone mice (84). IFN-β, an immune- of function within the phenotype of exhausted
modulatory treatment for MS, can upregulate virus-specific CD8 T cells, with cytotoxicity
PD-L1 on APC in vitro and in MS patients in and IL-2 production lost first, followed by ef-
vivo, suggesting that IFN-β may exert its anti- fector cytokine production (88).
inflammatory effects in part via upregulation PD-1 is upregulated upon activation, and
of PD-L1 expression (26). a functionally significant high level of ex-
pression is maintained by exhausted CD8 T
cells in mice chronically infected with LCMV
INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND (87). In vivo administration of antibodies that
MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS blocked PD-1:PD-L1 interactions enhanced
PD-1 and its ligands have important roles in T cell responses. Most importantly, PD-1 and
regulating immune defenses against microbes PD-L1 blockade led to a substantial reduc-
that cause acute and chronic infections. The tion in viral burden. In persistently infected
PD-1:PD-L pathway appears to be a key mice that lack CD4 T cell help, blockaded of
determinant of the outcome of infection, reg- this pathway restored and maintained the abil-
ulating the delicate balance between effective ity of “helpless” CD8 T cells to proliferate,
antimicrobial immune defenses and immune- secrete cytokines, kill infected cells, and de-
mediated tissue damage. For example, crease viral load. Taken together, these studies

688 Keir et al.

ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

demonstrate that the PD-1:PD-L pathway T cell function, and elevated plasma viral load
contributes to T cell dysfunction and lack (100).
of viral control in chronic LCMV infection, The PD-1:PD-L pathway also may play a
and they suggest a novel strategy for treating key role in the chronicity of bacterial infec-
chronic viral infections. tions. Helicobacter pylori causes chronic gastri-
Because of the critical role of PD-1:PD-L1 tis and gastroduodenal ulcers and is a risk fac-
interactions in LCMV, there has been interest tor for development of gastric cancer. During
in extending this work to chronic viral infec- H. pylori infection, T cell responses are in-
tion in humans. Several groups have shown sufficient to clear infection, leading to persis-
that PD-1 expression is high on HIV-specific tent infection. Gastric epithelial cells express
(23, 89, 90), HBV-specific (91, 92), and HCV- MHC class II molecules and are thought to
specific T cells (93). PD-L1 is also upregu- have important APC function during H. py-
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lated on peripheral blood CD14+ monocytes lori infection. Following exposure to H. pylori
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

and myeloid DCs in patients with chronic in vitro or in vivo, PD-L1 also is upregulated
HBV infection (94, 95), and on CD14+ cells on human gastric epithelial cells. Anti-PD-L1
and T cells in HIV patients (96). Blocking PD- blocking antibodies enhance T cell prolifera-
1:PD-L interactions in vitro reverses the ex- tion and IL-2 production in cultures of gastric
haustion of HIV-specific, HBV-specific (92), epithelial cells exposed to H. pylori and CD4
HCV-specific, and SIV-specific (97) CD8 and T cells, suggesting that PD-L1 may play an
CD4 T cells and restores proliferation and cy- important role in inhibiting T cell responses
tokine production (23, 89, 90, 93). A mech- during H. pylori infection (101). PD-L1 is up-
anistic understanding of PD-1 upregulation regulated in gastric mucosal biopsies from
during chronic viral infection is at an early H. pylori–infected individuals, who show a
stage. Recent work shows that the HCV core, marked increase in the CD4+ CD25hi FoxP3+
a nucleocapsid protein, can upregulate PD- cell population. Naive T cells cultured with
1 and PD-L1 expression on healthy donor T H. pylori–exposed gastric epithelial cells can
cells and that upregulation of PD-1 is medi- develop into functional CD4+ CD25hi FoxP3+
ated by interaction of the HCV core with the regulatory T cells (102). Blocking PD-L1
complement receptor C1QBP (98). on in gastric epithelial cells with anti-PD-
PD-1 also may serve as a useful marker on L1 mAb or specific small interfering RNA
virus-specific CD8 T cells to indicate the de- (siRNA) prevented generation of the regula-
gree of T cell exhaustion and disease severity. tory T cells, suggesting that PD-L1 may pro-
The level of PD-1 protein per cell is important mote T cell suppression and persistent infec-
in regulating T cell dysfunction. For exam- tion by controlling the dynamic between reg-
ple, the level and percentage of PD-1 expres- ulatory and effector T cells during H. pylori
sion on HIV-specific CD8 T cells correlates infection.
with viral load, declining CD4 counts, and de- Parasitic worms also have exploited the
creased capacity of CD8 T cells to proliferate PD-1:PD-L pathway to induce macrophages
in response to HIV antigen in vitro. Similarly, with strong suppressive function. During
there was a direct correlation between PD-1 Taenia crassiceps infection in mice, PD-L1
expression on HIV-specific CD4 T cells and and PD-L2 are upregulated on activated
viral load (99). Long-term nonprogressors macrophages, and a high percentage of CD4
have functional HIV-specific memory CD8 T T cells express PD-1. Blockade of PD-
cells with markedly lower PD-1 expression, L1, PD-L2, or PD-1 significantly decreased
in contrast to typical progressors who express suppression of in vitro T cell proliferation
significantly upregulated PD-1, which corre- by macrophages from Taenia-infected mice
lates with reduced CD4 T cell number, de- (103). Similarly, during Schistosoma mansoni
creased HIV-specific effector memory CD8 infection in mice, macrophages express high

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ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

levels of PD-L1 and more modest levels of studies blocks both PD-L1:PD-1 and PD-
PD-L2. Anti-PD-L1 completely abrogated L1:B7-1 interactions. The therapeutic po-
the ability of these macrophages to suppress tential of manipulating PD-1 and PD-L1 to
T cell proliferation in vitro, whereas anti- enhance immune responses during chronic
PD-L2 had no effect. PD-L1 expression on infection gives impetus to analyzing the rela-
macrophages from infected mice declines af- tive effects of blocking PD-1:PD-L1 interac-
ter 12 weeks of infection, correlating with tions versus B7-1:PD-L1 interactions during
a break in T cell anergy (104). Thus, an chronic infection.
emerging theme is that PD-L1 and PD-
L2 can mediate the suppressive functions of
macrophages during parasite infections. THE ROLE OF PD-1:PD-L
PD-L1 and PD-L2 have distinct roles IN TRANSPLANTATION
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in the immune response to the proto- Negative costimulatory pathways play a key
zoan parasite Leishmania mexicana. Cd274−/−
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

role in regulating rejection of transplanted al-

129Sv mice showed resistance to L. mex- logeneic tissues (106–108), and several impor-
icana, whereas Pdcd1lg2−/− mice developed tant lines of evidence demonstrate that PD-
exacerbated disease with increased parasite 1:PD-L1 interactions control engraftment
burdens. Cd274−/− mice exhibited a di- of solid organs and graft-versus-host disease
minished Th2 response, which may explain (GVHD). Redundancy among negative cos-
the increased resistance of Cd274−/− mice. timulatory pathways is clearly important for
Pdcd1lg2−/− mice exhibited a marked in- controlling alloreactive T cells, and several
crease in L. mexicana–specific IgM and IgG2a, studies have demonstrated unique roles for
which may contribute to the exacerbated dis- the PD-1:PD-L and CTLA-4:B7 pathways.
ease observed in Pdcd1lg2−/− mice. Increased Both PD-1 and PD-L1 are significantly
parasite-specific IgG production may sup- upregulated on alloreactive T cells in trans-
press the healing response through FcγR lig- plant recipients (109, 110). The inducible ex-
ation on macrophages. Further studies are pression of PD-L1 in tissues, such as the
needed to determine whether these distinct heart and pancreatic islets, as well as consti-
outcomes of infection reflect impaired PD- tutive expression on other tissues such as the
1 signaling into T cells, B cells, and/or cornea, also may control alloreactive immune
macrophages (105). responses. Studies in heart transplant models
The key roles of the PD-1:PD-L pathway have demonstrated that PD-L1 is upregulated
in reducing T cell responses during chronic on cardiac allografts as early as one day af-
viral infections propel development of strate- ter heart transplant (111). PD-1 and PD-L2
gies to manipulate the interaction of PD-1 are induced much later in the response, pre-
and its ligands to restore antiviral T cell re- sumably because they are expressed primarily
sponses during chronic viral infections. This by infiltrating cells. PD-1 upregulation occurs
pathway may have evolved to limit immune- after the onset of GVHD, and PD-L1 is ex-
mediated damage to the host during infection tensively expressed on most cells in GVHD
by turning off pathogen-specific T cells. We target organs.
must better understand the immunoregula- In heart (112), corneal (113), and skin
tory roles of this pathway to determine how transplant models (109), administration of
to modulate it to activate effective pathogen- PD-L1, but not PD-L2, blocking antibodies
specific T cells while minimizing the risk accelerated transplant rejection. The absence
of autoimmunity and immunopathology. No- of a significant effect of PD-L2 blocking an-
tably, anti-PD-L1 mAb had greater effects tibody in transplant models suggests several
than anti-PD-1 mAb in the chronic LCMV possibilities. First, PD-L1 and PD-L2 may
model; the anti-PD-L1 mAb used in these play different roles in tolerance induction by

690 Keir et al.

ANRV338-IY26-22 ARI 16 February 2008 17:2

tolerogenic DCs. In support of this view, there form of GAD is induced. GAD is accompa-
is evidence of differential expression of these nied by mild PD-1 and PD-L1 upregulation
molecules on tolerogenic DCs in a transplant (117), and blockade in the setting of MHC
setting, but there has been no direct test of class I or II mismatch does not hasten rejection
their respective roles on DCs during rejection (110).
(114, 115). PD-1 can exert its negative regulatory ef-
In addition, the importance of PD-L1 as fect in the presence or absence of positive
a ligand, either on tissues or on lymphocytes CD28 costimulation. When fully MHC class
themselves, may be central to graft tolerance I and II mismatched hearts are transplanted
(63). Recent studies have investigated the role into Cd28−/− recipients, positive signals trans-
of the PD-1:PD-L pathway in acquired trans- duced through CD28 are eliminated, which
plantation tolerance using a fully MHC mis- doubles the time to rejection. When PD-1
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match cardiac transplant model, in which tol- or PD-L1 blocking antibodies are used in
Cd28−/− recipients, rejection is accelerated,
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

erance can be induced by CTLA-4-Ig (116).

To examine the role of PD-L1 on the donor indicating that PD-1:PD-L1 interactions are
versus the recipient in the acquired toler- important in acute rejection in the absence
ance model of CTLA-4-Ig, Cd274−/− mice of CD28 stimulation. Additionally, PD-1 and
were used as graft donors or recipients of car- CTLA-4 effects are not redundant, as evi-
diac allografts and given CTLA-4-Ig treat- denced by findings in GVHD, where blocking
ment. Cd274−/− recipients of WT cardiac antibodies to PD-1 augment disease induction
allografts had accelerated graft rejection com- and coadministration with anti-CTLA-4 sub-
pared with WT recipients given CTLA- stantially accelerates GVHD (118).
4-Ig therapy. Cd274−/− cardiac allografts One mechanism by which PD-L1 block-
were accepted by WT recipients treated ade may accelerate graft rejection is through
with CTLA-4-Ig, yet histologic examination prevention of T cell apoptosis. PD-L1, but
showed evidence of severe chronic rejection not PD-1 or PD-L2, blocking antibodies in-
and vasculopathy. These data indicate that duce accelerated rejection in a skin transplant
PD-L1 in the graft protects from local pathol- model using allospecific TCR transgenic T
ogy and chronic rejection, whereas PD-L1 cells (109). PD-L1 blocking antibody inhib-
expression in the recipient immune system ited in vivo apoptosis of alloreactive TCR
is required for induction and/or maintenance transgenic T cells, whereas a PD-1 block-
of transplantation tolerance after CTLA-4-Ig ing antibody did not. Similar results were ob-
therapy. These findings suggest that PD-1 ag- tained in a corneal transplant mode, where
onists may be useful for promoting transplant only PD-L1, but not PD-1 or PD-L2, block-
tolerance and preventing local inflammation ing antibodies induced rapid rejection (113).
that leads to graft arterial disease (GAD) and This suggests a PD-1-independent role for
chronic rejection. PD-L1 in promoting tolerance through in-
In fully MHC class I and II mismatched ducing apoptosis of alloreactive T cells. The
allografts, acute rejection occurs within days, mechanism of apoptosis induction, whether
and there is a strong induction of PD-1 ex- it is TCR-dependent or -independent, and
pression on T cells. Administration of PD- whether B7-1 is involved have yet to be
L1 blocking antibodies significantly hastens determined.
rejection in the full mismatch cardiac trans- Induction of allograft tolerance is depen-
plant model (112). The role of PD-1 in reg- dent on the balance of regulatory and effec-
ulating alloresponses also appears to depend tor T cells, and PD-1 and PD-L1 have been
on the strength of TCR signaling. In heart implicated in controlling both regulatory T
transplant models in which only MHC class I cell induction as well as increased effector T
or II are mismatched, chronic rejection in the cell generation in transplant models. PD-L1

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blockade can inhibit allospecific effector but not sensitization resulted in an increase
responses in vitro (119), as well as inhibit in airway hyperresponsiveness and in Th2 cy-
the induction of allogeneic regulatory T cells tokine production (120). There was no ef-
by vascular endothelium (73). The accelera- fect of either PD-1 or PD-L1 mAbs in either
tion of graft rejection observed after PD-L1 the priming or effector phase. These results
neutralizing antibody administration may de- suggest that the effector responses of T cells
pend on regulatory T cells. Administration of in asthma may be influenced by PD-L2, but
anti-PD-L1 on the day of transplantation or not PD-1. Use of sHIgM12 mAb, which was
on day 60 after transplantation led to cardiac previously described as inducing reverse sig-
graft rejection in CTLA-4-Ig-treated recipi- naling through PD-L2, in a mouse model of
ents, with an increase in lymphocyte produc- allergic asthma completely blocked the devel-
tion of inflammatory cytokines and signifi- opment of airway inflammatory disease, and
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cant decreases in regulatory T cell numbers sHIgM12-treated DCs could mediate these
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

within the allograft. Similar studies in both a same protective effects when transferred into
skin allograft and a GVHD model have also hyperimmune mice (48, 49). Finally, treat-
suggested that PD-1:PD-L1 interactions on ment with PD-L2-Fc prior to sensitization
regulatory and effector T cells may be im- and challenge exacerbated T cell prolifera-
portant (109, 119). No acceleration of rejec- tion and cytokine production and increased
tion was observed when anti-PD-L1 treat- eosinophilia in vivo but had the opposite
ment was given in the absence of CD25+ T effect in vitro, where it inhibited T cell pro-
cells. The loss of PD-1 and PD-L1 through liferation and cytokine production (121). PD-
genetic deletion or antibody blockade also L2 blockade, but not PD-1 or PD-L1 block-
has been demonstrated to increase effector ade, diminished eosinophil migration to the
cell generation and cytokine production (110, conjunctiva in a mouse model of allergic con-
118, 119). These studies suggest that PD- junctivitis (122). Among the studies that have
L1 may regulate transplantation tolerance by tested the function of PD-1 and its ligands
controlling the balance between regulatory in allergy and asthma, most have utilized dif-
and pathogenic effector cells, limiting the ex- ferent reagents. Further work is required to
pansion of alloreactive effector cells in the pe- understand the role of PD-1 and its ligands
riphery. in allergic diseases, yet a consistent finding
has been the implication of PD-L2 in these
Asthma and allergic responses constitute in-
appropriately vigorous immune responses to TUMOR IMMUNITY
innocuous stimuli. B7 family members are Tumors express antigens that can be recog-
implicated in the regulation of allergy and nized by host T cells, but immunologic clear-
asthma and are involved in the priming events, ance of tumors is rare. Part of this failure
helper T cell differentiation, and effector is due to immune suppression by the tu-
function that underlie the pathology of these mor microenvironment. PD-L1 expression
diseases. Although a picture of the definitive on many tumors is a component of this
role of PD-1 and its ligands in asthma and suppressive milieu and may act in concert
allergy has yet to emerge, most data point with other immunosuppressive signals. PD-
to PD-L2 as a critical molecule in these dis- L1 expression has been shown in situ on a
eases. PD-L2 is abundantly expressed in DCs wide variety of solid tumors including breast,
in the lung in a mouse model of asthma. In lung, colon, ovarian, melanoma, bladder, liver,
a mouse ovalbumin-induced allergic asthma salivary, stomach, gliomas, thyroid, thymic
model, PD-L2 treatment during challenge epithelial, head, and neck (55, 123–131).

692 Keir et al.

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Immunohistochemical staining of normal and

malignant breast tissue is contrasted in Figure
4. In addition, PD-1 expression is upregulated
on tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, and this
may also contribute to tumor immunosup-
pression (58). In ovarian cancer, PD-L1 ex-
pression is inversely correlated with intraep-
ithelial, but not stromal, infiltrating CD8 T
cells, suggesting that PD-L1 inhibits the in-
tratumor migration of CD8 T cells (124). Ex-
pression on tumor cell lines is generally lower
in vitro, and expression is increased upon
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adoptive transfer into animals. Translation of

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

PD-L1 mRNA is enhanced by loss of PTEN

and the ensuing activation of Akt, a com- Figure 4
mon event in tumorigenesis (29). Most im- PD-L1 is upregulated on breast tumor, but not normal, cells
portantly, studies relating PD-L1 expression Immunohistochemical staining (brown) of a breast ductal carcinoma
on tumors to disease outcome show that PD- showing high expression of PD-L1 on neoplastic tissue (thick arrow) and low
L1 expression strongly correlates with unfa- expression on adjacent normal tissue (thin arrow) (figure kindly provided by
David Dorfman, Brigham and Women’s Hospital). Note that lymphocytes
vorable prognosis in kidney, ovarian, bladder,
are more abundant in normal tissue areas than in cancer cell nests.
breast, gastric, and pancreatic cancer but not
small cell lung cancer (124, 126–131). In ad- sponding to PD-1 signals in situ in Hodgkin
dition, these studies suggest that higher levels lymphoma (134). PD-1 and PD-L1 are ex-
of PD-L1 expression on tumors may facilitate pressed on CD4 T cells in HTLV-1-mediated
advancement of tumor stage and invasion into adult T cell leukemia and lymphoma (135).
deeper tissue structures. These tumor cells are hyporesponsive to TCR
The PD-1 pathway may also play a role signals, and PD-1 blockade increased their ex-
in hematologic malignancies. PD-1 or PD- pression of TNF-α, but not IFN-γ.
L1 are rarely expressed on B cell malig- Studies in animal models demonstrate that
nancies (55), but PD-L2 has been identified PD-L1 on tumors inhibits T cell activation
by microarray analysis as being highly ex- and lysis of tumor cells and in some cases leads
pressed in mantle cell lymphomas (132). PD- to increased tumor-specific T cell death (123,
L1 is expressed on multiple myeloma cells 136). Treatment with anti-PD-L1 or injec-
but not on normal plasma cells. T cell expan- tion of tumor cells into Pdcd1−/− mice aug-
sion in response to myeloma cells is enhanced ments antitumor responses, as measured by
in vitro by PD-L1 blockade (28). PD-L1 cytotoxicity and cytokine production (136–
is expressed on some primary T cell lym- 138). Treatment with anti-PD-L1 in vivo de-
phomas, particularly anaplastic large cell T lays, but does not halt, tumorigenesis of PD-
lymphomas (55). PD-1 is highly expressed L1-expressing mouse myeloma cell lines (137)
on the T cells of angioimmunoblastic lym- PD-L1 blockade can improve the outcome
phomas, and PD-L1 is expressed on the of immunotherapy. PD-L1 expression on the
associated follicular dendritic cell network immunogenic tumor P815 causes resistance
(133). In nodular lymphocyte-predominant to immunotherapy, but blockade with anti-
Hodgkin lymphoma, the T cells associated PD-L1 restores the response to anti-CD137
with lymphocytic and/or histiocytic (L&H) therapeutic mAb (136). Treatment with anti-
cells express PD-1. Microarray analysis using PD-L1 mAb enhances T cell immunother-
a readout of genes induced by PD-1 ligation apy, and administration of anti-PD-L1 with
suggests that tumor-associated T cells are re- activated T cells augments rejection of a

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PD-L1-expressing squamous cell carcinoma autoimmunity leads to exacerbated autoim-

(125). munity associated with severe inflammation
Tumor-associated APCs can also utilize and tissue damage (61, 63–66, 69). Bone mar-
the PD-1:PD-L pathway to control antitu- row chimera studies point to an important
mor T cell responses. PD-L1 expression on a role for PD-L1 on non–bone marrow–derived
population of tumor-associated myeloid DCs cells in limiting effector T cell responses and
is upregulated by tumor environmental fac- immunopathology.
tors, and PD-L1 mAb blockade enhanced The expression of PD-L1 on vascular en-
DC-mediated T cell activation (139). Plas- dothelial cells has led to the hypothesis that
macytoid DCs in the tumor-draining lymph PD-L1 on endothelial cells may regulate the
node of B16 melanoma express IDO, which activation of T cells that contact the vessel
strongly activates the suppressive activity of wall, the extravasation of T cells into tissue,
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regulatory T cells. The suppressive activity of and/or limit detrimental consequences of im-
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

IDO-treated regulatory T cells required cell munopathology. Blockade of PD-L1 on vas-

contact with IDO-expressing DCs and was cular endothelial cells enhances IFN-γ pro-
abrogated by PD-L blockade (140). duction and cytolytic activity of CD8 T cells
A fully human PD-1 mAb has been in vitro (143). Cd274−/− Pdcd1lg2−/− mice de-
developed and is in Phase 1 clinical trials for veloped severely increased atherosclerotic le-
cancer. Preclinical studies show that PD-1 is sion burden, suggesting that PD-L1 also may
expressed on tumor-specific human T cells play a significant role in inflammatory diseases
following vaccination with tumor peptide in which vascular endothelium and T cells are
antigen. Blockade of PD-1 with this mAb important for pathogenesis (144).
during in vitro stimulation with melanoma Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) express
peptide increased the numbers and effector high levels of PD-L1, which can be upregu-
activity of tumor-specific human T cells (141). lated during LCMV clone 13 infection (145).
Both Th1 and Th2 cytokine production were Elegant confocal, electron, and intravital mi-
increased. PD-1 blockade did not change croscopy studies demonstrate that the FRC
the percentage of apoptotic antigen-specific network can regulate T cell access to the
human T cells, indicating that the increase in paracortex within the lymph node and reg-
number was due to increased proliferation, ulate movement within the LN. In vivo ad-
not decreased death. In mice, a triple treat- ministration of blocking PD-L1 mAb during
ment therapy of anti-PD-L1 blockade, de- LCMV clone 13 infection induced significant
pletion of CD4 T cells (primarily regulatory CD8 T cell–mediated damage to the splenic
T cells), and irradiated tumor cell vaccination stroma, demonstrating an essential role for
induced complete elimination of large es- this pathway in minimizing virus-induced im-
tablished renal cancer cell (RENCA) tumors munopathology. These studies suggest that
with long-lasting tumor-specific immunity PD-L1 on FRC may contribute to viral persis-
(142), further suggesting that this pathway is a tence during chronic infection. Further stud-
promising target for therapeutic intervention. ies are needed to test whether expression of
PD-L1 by FRC may contribute to the influ-
ence of FRC on T cell trafficking.
A number of studies point to an important
role for PD-L1 in limiting immunopathol- CONCLUDING REMARKS
ogy. Following infection with LCMV clone PD-1:PD-L interactions exert a vital
13, WT mice develop a chronic infection, and diverse range of immunoregulatory
whereas Cd274−/− mice die (87). Blockade or roles in T cell activation, tolerance, and
elimination of PD-L1 in mouse models of immune-mediated tissue damage. How do

694 Keir et al.

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PD-1 and its ligands exert their inhibitory ef- Because both PD-L1 and B7-1 are ex-
fects? One of their most significant functions pressed on T cells, B cells, DCs, and
is controlling potentially pathogenic effector macrophages, there is the potential for bidi-
T cells, yet PD-1:PD-L can also dampen rectional interactions between B7-1 and PD-
early activation events when naive T cells L1 on these cell types. Emerging evidence
encounter antigen in lymph nodes. PD-1 and demonstrates a unique and critical role for
PD-L1 are also expressed on regulatory T PD-L1 on nonhematopoetic cells for medi-
cells and may control their suppression of ating tissue tolerance as well as protecting tis-
effector T cells. Recent studies indicate that sues from the detrimental consequences of
PD-L1 and PD-L2 can signal bidirectionally overaggressive effector responses. Microbes
by engaging PD-1 on T cells and by deliver- and tumors appear to have exploited this
ing signals into PD-L-expressing cells. These pathway to evade eradication by the immune
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bidirectional interactions between PD-1 and system. These distinctive functions provide
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

its ligands, along with the identification of therapeutic opportunities for developing PD-
B7-1 as an additional binding partner for 1/PD-L antagonists to boost antimicrobial
PD-L1, may help explain the seemingly and antitumor immunity as well as agonists
contradictory results seen with reagents to control pathogenic T cells in autoimmune
developed to manipulate this pathway. The diseases and graft rejection. The fundamental
discovery of B7-1:PD-L1 interactions also and therapeutic importance of the PD-1:PD-
reveals additional ways by which PD-L1 L pathway gives impetus to further investiga-
exerts its inhibitory functions. tion of its functions.

A.H.S. and G.J.F. have patents on PD-1 ligands and grants on PD-1 and PD-1 ligands.

This work was supported by grants from National Institutes of Health and the Foundation
for the National Institutes of Health through the Grand Challenges in Global Health Ini-
tiative (to A.H.S. and G.J.F.) and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (to A.H.S.). Be-
cause of space restrictions, we were able to cite only a fraction of the relevant literature and
apologize to colleagues whose contributions may not be appropriately acknowledged in this

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K. Frank Austen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p x
Doing What I Like
K. Frank Austen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases in Autoimmunity
Torkel Vang, Ana V. Miletic, Yutaka Arimura, Lutz Tautz, Robert C. Rickert,
and Tomas Mustelin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 29
Interleukin-21: Basic Biology and Implications for Cancer
and Autoimmunity
Rosanne Spolski and Warren J. Leonard p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 57
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S.M. Vidal, D. Malo, J.-F. Marquis, and P. Gros p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 81
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and John W. Kappler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p171
T Cell Trafficking in Allergic Asthma: The Ins and Outs
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Janet Stavnezer, Jeroen E.J. Guikema, and Carol E. Schrader p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p261
Migration of Dendritic Cell Subsets and their Precursors
Gwendalyn J. Randolph, Jordi Ochando, and Santiago Partida-Sánchez p p p p p p p p p p p p p293

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The APOBEC3 Cytidine Deaminases: An Innate Defensive Network

Opposing Exogenous Retroviruses and Endogenous Retroelements
Ya-Lin Chiu and Warner C. Greene p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p317
Thymus Organogenesis
Hans-Reimer Rodewald p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p355
Death by a Thousand Cuts: Granzyme Pathways of Programmed Cell
Dipanjan Chowdhury and Judy Lieberman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p389
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Monocyte-Mediated Defense Against Microbial Pathogens

Natalya V. Serbina, Ting Jia, Tobias M. Hohl, and Eric G. Pamer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p421
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2008.26:677-704. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

The Biology of Interleukin-2

Thomas R. Malek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p453
The Biochemistry of Somatic Hypermutation
Jonathan U. Peled, Fei Li Kuang, Maria D. Iglesias-Ussel, Sergio Roa,
Susan L. Kalis, Myron F. Goodman, and Matthew D. Scharff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p481
Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Intravenous Immunoglobulin
Falk Nimmerjahn and Jeffrey V. Ravetch p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p513
The IRF Family Transcription Factors in Immunity and Oncogenesis
Tomohiko Tamura, Hideyuki Yanai, David Savitsky, and Tadatsugu Taniguchi p p p p p535
Choreography of Cell Motility and Interaction Dynamics Imaged
by Two-Photon Microscopy in Lymphoid Organs
Michael D. Cahalan and Ian Parker p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p585
Development of Secondary Lymphoid Organs
Troy D. Randall, Damian M. Carragher, and Javier Rangel-Moreno p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p627
Immunity to Citrullinated Proteins in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lars Klareskog, Johan Rönnelid, Karin Lundberg, Leonid Padyukov,
and Lars Alfredsson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p651
PD-1 and Its Ligands in Tolerance and Immunity
Mary E. Keir, Manish J. Butte, Gordon J. Freeman, and Arlene H. Sharpe p p p p p p p p677
The Master Switch: The Role of Mast Cells in Autoimmunity
and Tolerance
Blayne A. Sayed, Alison Christy, Mary R. Quirion, and Melissa A. Brown p p p p p p p p p p705
T Follicular Helper (TFH ) Cells in Normal and Dysregulated Immune
Cecile King, Stuart G. Tangye, and Charles R. Mackay p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p741

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