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Question Bank

Short answers 3 Marks.

a) How Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning differ from each other?

 Artificial Intelligence is the concept of creating smart intelligent machines. Artificial

intelligence is the practice of computer recognition, reasoning, and action.
 Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that helps you build AI-driven
 Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning that uses vast volumes of data and complex
algorithms to train a model.

b) Explain laws of thought approach with suitable example.

c) How computer vision can be useful in healthcare.

 Computer vision has been used in various healthcare applications to assist medical
professionals in making better decisions regarding the treatment of patients.
 Computer vision not only helps medical professionals in saving their valuable time on basic
tasks but also saving patients’ life. 
 It can provide significantly high levels of precision diagnosis which may in coming days go up
to 100 percent.
 It is used for timely detection of illness using pattern recognition capability which can save
countless lives for long term.
 It lessens the time doctors usually take in analysing reports and images. It frees and offers
them more time to spend with patients and provide personalized and constructive advice.
 It delivers efficient and accurate healthcare services through its life-saving applications.
 It is used to read and convert 2D scan images into interactive 3D models that enable medical
professionals to gain a detailed understanding of a patient’s health condition.

d) List the fields that form the basis for AI.

1.Machine Learning: Machine Learning is the technique that gives computers the potential
to learn without being programmed. It is the science that enables machines to translate,
execute and investigate data for solving real-world problems. It has given us self-driving cars,
image and speech recognition.
2.Neural Network: The neural network is a branch of artificial intelligence that makes use of
neurology (a part of biology that concerns the nerve and nervous system of the human
brain). Neural network replicates the human brain where the human brain comprises an
infinite number of neurons and to code brain-neurons into a system or a machine is what
the neural network functions. In simple terms, a neural network is a set of algorithms that
are used to find the elemental relationships across the bunches of data via the process that
imitates the human brain operating process. From forecasting to market research, they are
extensively used for fraud detection, risk analysis, stock-exchange prediction, sales
prediction and many more.
3.Robotics: Robotics determines the designing, producing, operating, and usage of robots. It
deals with computer systems for their control, intelligent outcomes, and information
transformation. Robotics determines the designing, producing, operating, and usage of
robots. It deals with computer systems for their control, intelligent outcomes, and
information transformation.
4.Expert Systems: Expert systems were considered the first successful model of AI software.
For the first time, they were designed in the 1970s and after that escalated in the 1980s.An
expert system refers to a computer system that mimics the decision-making intelligence of a
human expert.
5.Fuzzy Logic: In the real world, sometimes we face a condition where it is difficult to
recognize whether the condition is true or not, their fuzzy logic gives relevant flexibility for
reasoning that leads to inaccuracies and uncertainties of any condition. Fuzzy logic is
convenient and flexible to implement machine learning techniques and assist in imitating
human thought logically.
6. Natural Language Processing: It is a technique of computational processing of human
languages. It enables a computer to read and understand data by mimicking human natural
language. It is a method that deals in searching, analysing, understanding and deriving
information from the text form of data.

e) Give a brief introduction to the Turing test in AI?

 The Turing test, originally called the imitation game.

 In 1950, Alan Turing introduced a test to check whether a machine can think like a human or
not, this test is known as the Turing Test.
 In this test, Turing proposed that the computer can be said to be an intelligent if it can mimic
human response under specific conditions.
 A deceptively simple method of determining whether a machine can demonstrate human
intelligence: If a machine can engage in a conversation with a human without being detected
as a machine, it has demonstrated human intelligence.
 The original Turing Test requires three terminals, each of which is physically separated from
the other two. One terminal is operated by a computer, while the other two are operated by
 During the test, one of the human’s functions as the questioner, while the second human
and the computer function as respondents. The questioner interrogates the respondents
within a specific subject area, using a specified format and context. After a present length of
time or number of questions, the questioner is then asked to decide which respondent was
human and which was a computer.
 The test is repeated many times. If the questioner makes the correct determination in half of
the test runs or less, the computer is considered to have artificial intelligence because the
questioner regards it as "just as human" as the human respondent.

f) What is NLP? What are the various components of NLP?

 NLP is called as Natural Language Processing.

 It refers to the branch of computer science and more specifically, the branch of artificial
intelligence or AI concerned with giving computers the ability to understand text and spoken
words in much the same way human beings can.

h) What is heuristic search?

 Heuristic search is class of method which is used in order to search a solution for a problem.
 It is a technique designed for solving a problem more quickly when classic methods are too
slow or for finding an approximate solution when classic methods fail to find any exact
 This technique doesn’t generally ensure to locate an ideal or the best arrangement,
however, it may rather locate a decent or worthy arrangement inside a sensible measure of
time and memory space.
 Techniques in Heuristic Search:
1.Direct Heuristic Search (Informed Search)- Informed Search Algorithms have information
on the target state which helps in logically capable-looking. It contains an array of
knowledge like how far we are from the goal, path cost, how to reach the goal node, etc.
This data help agents to explore less to the search space.
2. Weak Heuristic Search (Uninformed Search)- Uninformed Search Algorithms have no
additional information on the target centre point other than the one gave in the
troublesome definition, so it’s also called blind search.
3.Hill Climbing in AI- Hill Climbing is a kind of heuristic quest for logical progression issues in
the field of Artificial Intelligence. Incline climbing handles the issues where we need to grow.
4. Simulated Annealing Heuristic Search- Simulated Annealing is an algorithm that never
makes a move towards lower esteem destined to be incomplete that it can stall out on a
nearby extreme.

i) What are the types of Machine Learning?

 Supervised and Unsupervised learning are the two techniques of machine learning. But both the
techniques are used in different scenarios and with different datasets.
Supervised Learning:
 Supervised learning is a machine learning method in which models are trained using labelled data.
 Learning model take direct feedback to check if it is predicting direct data or not.
 Predicts the output.
 Input data is provided to the model along with the output.
 Needs supervision to train the model.
 Produces Accurate result.
 Supervised learning can be categorized in Classification and Regression problems.
Unsupervised Learning:
 Unsupervised learning algorithms are trained using unlabelled data.
 Doesn’t take any feedback.
 Model finds the hidden patterns in data.
 Only input data is provided to the model.
 Does not need any supervision to train the model.
 May produced less accurate result as compare to supervised.
 Unsupervised Learning can be classified in Clustering and Associations problems.
Reinforcement Learning:
 Programmers design an algorithm to perform a task and give it positive and negative signal to act as
algorithm execute to complete the task. Sometimes, the algorithm even determines on its own what
action to take to go ahead.

j) Define state-space search technique.

 State space search is a process used in the field of computer science, including artificial
intelligence (AI), in which successive configurations or states of an instance are considered,
with the intention of finding a goal state with the desired property.
 It is total space available for the agent in the state.
 It is very useful in AI because of it provides a set of all possible states, operations and goals.
 If the entire state space is for a problem then it is possible to trace the path from the initial
to the goal state and identify the sequence of operation required for doing it.

k) What is the intelligent agent in AI, and where are they used?

 An intelligent agent (IA) is an entity that makes a decision, that enables artificial intelligence
to be put into action.
 It can also be described as a software entity that conducts operations in the place of users or
programs after sensing the environment. It uses actuators to initiate action in that
 It is a program that can make decisions or perform a service based on its environment, user
input and experiences. These programs can be used to autonomously gather information on
a regular, programmed schedule or when prompted by the user in real time.
 AI assistants, like Alexa and Siri, are examples of intelligent agents as they use
sensors to perceive a request made by the user and the automatically collect data
from the internet without the user's help. They can be used to gather information
about its perceived environment such as weather and time.

n) What is an Artificial neural network?

 Artificial neural network (ANN) is a computational model that consists of several processing
elements that receive inputs and deliver outputs based on their predefined activation
 The artificial neural network can perform the tasks that the linear programs cannot perform.
A neural network can learn and it does not need to be reprogrammed. They can handle the
missing data. It can work even in noisy places.
 Artificial neural networks are created to digitally mimic the human brain. They are currently
used for complex analyses in various fields, ranging from medicine to engineering, and these
networks can be used to design the next generation of computers
 Example: Artificial Neural Networks are used for verifying the signatures. ANN are trained to
recognize the difference between real and forged signatures. ANNs can be used for the
verification of both offline and online signatures. For training an ANN model, varied datasets
are fed in the database.
 Store information on the entire network
 The ability to work with insufficient knowledge
 Good falt tolerance
 Distributed memory
 Gradual Corruption
 Ability to train machine
 The ability of parallel processing

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