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Agus Pamitran
Teknik Perkapalan FTUI
Diesel Engine Theoretical Efficiency
Diesel Engine Theoretical Efficiency
Engine Power
Engine Power
• Indicated Power

• Friction Power

• Brake Power
BP = IP - FP
BP = Force x Distance/time
= Force x Circumference x RPM
= Force x π x Diameter x RPM
BHP = Force (lbf) x 4.45 N/lbf x π x Diameter (ft) x 0.31 m/ft x RPM x
(1/60) min/s x (1/745) HP/W
BHP = [Force (lbf) x π x Diameter (ft) x RPM] / 33000
BHP = [Force (lbf) x π x 2R (ft) x RPM] / 33000 = 2πFRN/33000
BHP = [Force (lbf) x R (ft) x RPM] / 5250 = FRN/5250
• T (lbf.ft) = F (lbf) x R (ft)

• BHP = FRN x 2π / 33000

• BHP = 2πTN / 33000
• T = 33000 BHP / 2πN

• BHP = FRN / 5250

• BHP = TN / 5250
• T = 5250 BHP / N
• BHP = [Force (lbf) x R (ft) x RPM] / 5250
• BHP = FRN / 5250
• BHP = (bmep A) RN / 5250 = bmep ARN / 5250

mep = work output / swept volume

• bmep = 5250 BHP / ARN

• bmep (psi) = 1,008,000 BHP / D²LMN (4 stroke)
bmep (psi) = 1,008,000 BHP / D²LM2N (2 stroke)
D = diemeter piston (in)
L = stroke (in)
M = jumlah silinder mesin
N = kecepatan mesin (RPM)
• FR = bmep AR  T = bmep AR
• bmep = T / AR  bmep = 192T / D²LM
Compute the BMEP and Torque of a
four-cycle diesel engine,
5¾” bore,
8” stroke,
which develop 120 BHP at 1000 RPM.

BMEP = 1,008,000 BHP / D² L M N

= 1,008,000 x 120 / ( 5¾2 x 8 x 6 x 1000 ) psi
= 76.2 psi

Torque = BMEP x D² x L x M / 192

= 76.2 x 5¾2 x 8 x 6 / 192 lb-ft.
= 629.84 lb-ft

• Mechanical Efficiency
• Indicated Thermal Efficiency
= IHP / Heat input
• Brake Thermal Efficiency
= BHP / Heat input
• Volumetric Efficiency
= Volume admitted / Disp.
• Relative Efficiency or Efficiency Ratio
= Actual Thermal Eff. / Ideal Thermal Eff.
Find the BSFC and brake thermal efficiency of an engine which consumes 16.2 lb of fuel in
20 minutes while developing a power output of 126 BHP. The fuel has a heating value of
19,300 Btu/lb.

1 Btu/h = 0.000393 HP; 1 HP = 2544.433748 Btu/h

Brake power = 126 BHP x 20 minutes = 126 BHP x 1/3 h = 42 BHP.h
Heat input = 19,300 Btu/lb x 16.2 lb = 312,700 Btu = 122.89 HP.h

BSFC (Brake Specific Fuel Consumption) = Fuel consumption (lb) / BHP.h

BSFC = 16.2 lb / 42 BHP.h = 0.39 lb/BHP.h

Brake Thermal Efficiency = BHP / Heat input = 42 /122.89 = 34.18%

Find the brake thermal efficiency of an engine whose specific fuel consumption is 0.44
lb/BHP.h, the fuel has a heating value of 19,500 Btu/lb.

Brake Thermal Eff. = BHP/Heat input

= (1/0.44) BHP.h/lb / (19,500 x 0.000393) HP.h/lb
= 29.66%
Where the Lost Heat Goes?
Where the Heat Goes Btu / BHP.h Percent of Heat in Fuel

Brake work 2545 33

Friction 680 9

Heating of jacket water 2100 27

Heat in exhaust gasses 2200 28

Radiation 255 3

TOTAL 7780 100

Approximate Brake Mean Effective Pressure of Diesel Engines

Approximate BMEP
Type of Engine
lb / sq in

4-cycle, medium-speed, continuous rating 75 – 85

4-cycle, supercharged, continuous rating 120 – 205

4-cycle, supercharged, intermittent rating up to 300

4-cycle, various scavenging methods, continuous rating 30 – 75

4-cycle, supercharged, continuous rating 100 – 130

4-cycle, supercharged, intermittent rating up to 150

Sebuah engine mempunyai 6 silinder dengan bore 82.55 mm dan
stroke 79.5 mm. Kompresi rasio 7.8. Dapatkan kapasitas mesin dan
volume clearance tiap silinder!

Volume langkah satu silinder = (1/4)  D² S

= (1/4)..(82.55 mm)².79.5 mm
= 425.66 cm³ = 425.66 cc

Kapasitas mesin = 425.66 cc x 6 = 2554 cc

Kompresi rasio = (Vol. total) / (Vol. clearance)

= (Vol. clearance + Vol. langkah) / (Vol. clearance)
7.8 = 1 + (Vol. langkah) / (Vol. clearance)
Vol. clearance = (Vol. langkah) / (7.8 – 1) = 425.66 cc / 6.8 = 62.6 cc
Sebuah engine gasoline empat langkah menghasilkan 48 BHP dengan efisiensi mekanis
80%. Konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik (BSFC, brake specific fuel consumption) = 0.3
kg/BHP.h. Nilai kalor bahan bakar 10,000 kcal/kg. Bahan bakar C8H18.
Berapa: a) IHP, b) FHP, c) Brake Thermal Efficiency bt, d) Indicated Thermal Efficiency it, e)
konsumsi bahan bakar per jam, f) AFR

a) m = BHP / IHP  IHP = BHP / m = 48 HP / 0.8 = 60 HP

b) FHP = IHP – BHP = 60 HP – 48 HP = 12 HP

c) bt = BHP / fuel HP = 1 / [BSFC (kg/BHP.h) x Nilai Kalor (HP.h/kg)]

= 1 / (0.3 kg/BHP.h x 15.6 HP.h/kg) = 21.37%
1 cal = 4.184 J  1 W = 1 J/s = (1/4.184) cal/s  (1/745) HP = (1/4.184) cal/s
1 kcal = 5.62 HP.s = 1.56x10-3 HP.h
Nilai Kalor = 10,000 = 15.6 HP.h/kg

d) it = IHP / fuel HP = (BHP/m)/fuel HP = (BHP/fuel HP)/m = bt /m = 21.37/80 = 26.7%

e) Konsumsi bahan bakar = BSFC x BHP = 0.3 kg/BHP.h x 48 BHP = 14.4 kg/h
f) Fuel C8H18. Fuel consumption = 14.4 kg/h.

Weight of hydrogen  14.4 kg/h x [ (18x1) / (8x12 + 18x1 ] = 2,27 kg/h hydrogen
Weight of carbon  14.4 kg/h x [ (8x12) / (8x12 + 18x1) ] = 12,13 kg/h carbon

2H2 + O2 = 2H2O C + O2 = CO2

1 kg/s + 8 kg/s = 9 kg/s 1 kg/s + 2.67 kg/s = 3.67 kg/s
2,27 kg/s + 18,19 kg/s = 20,5 kg/s 12,13 kg/s + 32,38 kg/s = 44,5 kg/s

Total O2 uniting with oil = 18,19 kg/s + 32,38 kg/s = 50,57 kg/s
Total air required for combustion = 50,57 kg/s / 23.1% = 219 kg/s
AFR = 219 / 14.4 = 15,2
Sebuah engine gasoline empat langkah menghasilkan 31
BHP dengan efisiensi mekanis 82%.
Konsumsi bahan bakar (ISFC) adalah 0.25 kg/IHP.h.
Nilai kalor bahan bakar 9,800 kcal/kg. Bahan bakar C8H18.

a) IHP
b) FHP
c) Indicated Thermal Efficiency it
d) Brake Thermal Efficiency bt
e) Konsumsi bahan bakar per jam
f) AFR
Motor Diesel 2 langkah, 5¾” bore, 8” stroke, menghasilkan 120 BHP pada 1000 rpm. Efisiensi termal indikasinya
30%, dan efisiensi mekanisnya 75%. Nilai kalor bahan bakar C15H28 adalah 10,000 kcal/kg . Hitung: a) BMEP, b)
Torque, c) Konsumsi bahan bakar mesin dalam kg/h, d) ISFC, e) BSFC, f) AFR

Sebuah engine gasoline empat langkah menghasilkan 48 BHP dengan efisiensi mekanis 80%. Konsumsi bahan
bakar spesifik (BSFC, brake specific fuel consumption) = 0.3 kg/BHP.h. Nilai kalor bahan bakar 10,000 kcal/kg.
Bahan bakar C8H18.
Berapa: a) IHP, b) FHP, c) Brake Thermal Efficiency bt, d) Indicated Thermal Efficiency it, e) konsumsi bahan bakar
per jam, f) AFR

a) m = BHP / IHP  IHP = BHP / m = 48 HP / 0.8 = 60 HP

b) FHP = IHP – BHP = 60 HP – 48 HP = 12 HP

c) bt = BHP / fuel HP = 1 / [BSFC (kg/BHP.h) x Nilai Kalor (HP.h/kg)]

= 1 / (0.3 kg/BHP.h x 15.6 HP.h/kg) = 21.37%
1 cal = 4.184 J  1 W = 1 J/s = (1/4.184) cal/s  (1/745) HP = (1/4.184) cal/s
1 kcal = 5.62 HP.s = 1.56x10-3 HP.h
Nilai Kalor = 10,000 = 15.6 HP.h/kg

d) it = IHP / fuel HP = (BHP/m)/fuel HP = (BHP/fuel HP)/m = bt /m = 21.37/80 = 26.7%

e) Konsumsi bahan bakar = BSFC x BHP = 0.3 kg/BHP.h x 48 BHP = 14.4 kg/h

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