Coil Tubing Telemetry

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Coiled-Tubing Telemetry Intervention

in Shut-In Conditions

W hen a new horizontal well

in Asia was incapable of
unassisted flow, coiled tubing (CT)
area. Balls up to ⅞ in. in diameter do not
become stuck, and there is a minimal ef-
fect on the CT fluid pressure drop.
compatible mechanical threads for the
electric tools. The adapters also contain
separate burst disks to open circulating
was selected for the perforation and ports. Camera adapters connect one or
stimulation intervention. Mechanical Description two cameras with front and lateral views.
isolation was required to ensure that of the Wire CTT System The camera adapter allows fresh fluid to
the stimulation fluids entered only the The 0.125-in.-wire CTT system has sever- be pumped through to wash the camera
new zones. Accurate depth control al components, such as surface hardware lenses and improve downhole images.
was required for three runs: setting and software; the ⅛-in. insulated electri- Downhole data and images are trans-
two composite bridge plugs (CBPs), cal conductor inside the CT string; and a ferred through the 0.125-in. wire to sur-
deploying CT-conveyed perforating BHA with different sizes, including 2.125, face. The wire exits the CT string through
guns for opening two intervals, and 2.875, and 3.5 in. The 2.875-in. BHA with the bulkhead. A slip collector provides
milling out the two CBPs without taking three subassemblies is shown in Fig. 2. electrical connection through the rotat-
returns to surface. For the first time, a The 2.875-in. sensor assembly has the ing drum to the surface data connection
tension, compression, and torque (TCT) following components: and power system. Finally, the data are
subassembly was used to improve the ◗ Tubing end connector displayed on the monitors at the surface
milling operation. ◗ Head that secures the wire and can be interpreted in real time.
downhole, seals the exterior of
Introduction the wire, and provides downhole Description
CT telemetry (CTT) systems have proved electrical connection of the TCT Subassembly
to be effective in enhancing operations ◗ 0.875-in. ball-operated wire-release The TCT subassembly enables real-time
by providing real-time monitoring of mechanism monitoring of axial forces and torque ex-
downhole data including depth, pres- ◗ Double-flapper check-valve housing erted on the BHA. This subassembly con-
sure, temperature, force, and torque. For ◗ Electronic module with a sists of foil strain gauges that are glued
data transmission from downhole sen- casing collar locator (CCL) and with epoxy resin onto the inside wall of
sors to surface, these telemetry systems pressure/temperature sensors the pressure housing. Five printed cir-
can use either insulated wire or optical (internal/external) cuit boards are mounted on the outside
fiber. With insulated wire, power can be ◗ Motorhead section, where a ¾-in. of the annular ring of the atmospheric
transferred from surface to the down- ball-release mechanism is located chamber. The atmospheric chamber has
hole sensors. With optical fiber, down- followed by a circulating port a central flow passage such that the elec-
hole batteries are required in the bot- activated with 0.625-in. balls tronic component must fit on the annular
tomhole assemblies (BHAs) to power the ◗ Burst-disk section enabling 0.5-in. ring mounted inside the module housing.
downhole sensors. When compared with balls to pass through to activate The TCT electronics module uses pre-
braided systems using the 0.125-in. in- downhole tools defined tables for pressure and tempera-
sulated electrical cable (Fig. 1), the main The logging adapters in all three sizes ture compensation.
advantages of the CTT system are its are designed to connect any logging tools
low weight and the fact that balls can be with the 0.125-in. wire. The adapters Operational Benefits
pumped through the CT. A small wire has are crossovers, providing electrical con- of the TCT Subassembly
a minimal effect on the CT cross-sectional nections to the logging tools, and are ◗ Real-time torque readings help
the CT crew optimize the weight
on bit (WOB) to extend the mill
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
and downhole motor life. In
of paper SPE 189910, “Operational Improvements Using a Coiled-Tubing-Telemetry
addition, torque data can be used
System for a Complex Milling Operation in Shut-In Conditions,” by P. Correa, to differentiate between several
D.  Parra, S. Craig, SPE, S. Livescu, SPE, A. Yeginbayev, and Z. Nadirov, Baker milled materials.
Hughes, a GE Company, prepared for the 2018 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing and Well ◗ TCT data can be used to confirm
Intervention Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 27–28 March. the BHA is latched to a fish. The
The paper has not been peer reviewed. data can also be used to verify

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

56 JPT • JUNE 2018

Protection Adapter

Sensor Assembly

Head Logging Adapter

Camera Adapter

Fig. 1—0.125-in. insulated wire. Fig. 2—2.875-in. BHA with subassemblies.

that a downhole jar has been the well could not flow without assis- hole (RIH) weight. The total time since
successfully activated. tance (i.e., nitrogen lifting). A CBP was the CBP was dry-tagged until the time
◗ Receiving the TCT feedback in placed at 5293 m measured depth (MD) it was milled out was 4 hours. A total of
real time can help monitor the at the heel of the horizontal section 380 bbl of working fluid was used after
static and dynamic coefficients of in 4.5-in. tubing (3.826-in. inner di- the CBP was dry-tagged. When the CBP
friction, understand how well a ameter) to perforate and acid-stimulate was milled out, its remaining debris was
specific extended-reach technology the upper zones to increase the gas/ pushed down on top of a deeper CBP set
is working, and optimize its oil ratio and lower the formation-fluid at 5535 m MD and the CT was POOH.
effectiveness. equivalent density.
◗ Real-time torque and compression Perforations were discharged electri- Conclusions
data enable more-effective cally with the CTT logging adapter. The ◗ Use of CTT systems improves
identification of the top of 2-m-long 2.875-in. guns were deployed CT operations significantly by
sand in deviated wellbores and to perforate the interval between 5285 providing real-time downhole
differentiation between friction and 5287 m. This interval of interest was information, including pressure,
lockup and wellbore obstructions, confirmed by comparing the depth data temperature, and CCL data as well
reducing operational time and acquired in real time with a previous log. as axial forces and torque on BHA,
stuck-pipe risk. After performing all the previous op- with the addition of a 2.875-in. TCT
◗ Real-time tension and compression erations above the CBP, the milling op- sensor. The last two parameters
data enable application of eration was performed with the shut-in are extremely useful during milling
the specific WOB required for wellhead pressure. For this operation, operations.
inflatable devices. Personnel can the CTT system was run above the down- ◗ The challenges of performing CBP
also ensure that WOB is neutral hole motor (DHM) to perform real-time milling in shut-in conditions have
when setting casing patches and monitoring of the downhole pressure been encountered in this field.
can see if downhole sliding sleeves (inside and outside the BHA), the tem- Under the shut-in scenario, as the
were properly closed while pulling perature (inside and outside the BHA), job progresses, part of the debris
out of hole (POOH). and the depth-correlation data from becomes packed between the mill
the CCL. and the CBP and other debris is
Case History Six milling attempts were performed found behind or around the BHA,
Milling in shut-in conditions has become with several flow rates ranging from 1.5 increasing the complication of the
a conventional CT operation in this field, to 1.75 bbl/min. Because the differential operation. Use of the CCT real-time
mainly because of operator limitations pressure between the DHM (internal) downhole data with the TCT sensor
in handling water-based sour fluids at and the annulus (external) was moni- has proved helpful in performing
surface. After the arrival of the TCT sub- tored in real time, the CT crew at surface these operations safely without
assembly on location, a CBP milling op- knew when the motor was milling the compromising well integrity and in
eration was performed using the CTT CBP; up to 530 psi of differential pres- avoiding stuck-pipe events.
system and the TCT subassembly. To de- sure was recorded. Taking advantage of ◗ CT software output used to predict
scribe the benefits of adding a TCT sen- the actual differential pressure across tubing RIH and POOH weight
sor into the milling BHA, a case history the DHM, the total milling time for all during the design stage can be
is offered here; another is discussed in six attempts was 187 minutes. After the verified with recorded data from
detail in the complete paper. sixth milling attempt, one trip was com- the TCT sensor to create a more-
pleted without pumping for dry-tag pur- accurate scenario for future
Well A. This well was stimulated with poses to measure progress. Then, in the CBP-milling operations. This is
the multistage selective acid-stimulation next trip, while pumping at 1.5 bbl/min, extremely important when dealing
technique. Because of the unexpect- the CBP was milled out and the milling with CBP-milling depth in the toe
ed high viscosity of the formation oil, BHA went down with normal run-in- section of the well. JPT

58 JPT • JUNE 2018

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