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The Seven last Words of Christ. Introduction. Soprano Solo. THEODORE DUBOIS. © vos omnes qui transitis per viam, atten - © all ye who travel upon the highwayhearle dit videte si dolor sicut dolor meus._ en to me, and behold me: was eer sorrow like Posuit me Dominus desolatam, tot die moo- unto my sorrow? For the Lord Almighty rore confectam; ne vocetis me Noemi, sed vo- hath dealt bitterly with me. Call me now no cate me Mara. more Naomi, from to-day call me Mara. Andante.(d = Soprano Solo. tel Soto Oboe, molto espress.. A T_ =— pp tao— > 2 ii 2 Bae > Ba. * Soprano Solo. my_molte expressive 0 vos om- nes qui transi-tis per O all = ye_who travel upon the Sirinee cD | faa loa = om-nes qui transi-tis per vi - am, ye—who travel upon the —high-way, *,—— iF we at - ten- di- te, et vide - te heark- en to me, 9, and behold — me, a ee = dim. - si est. = do - ‘lor —si-cut do-lor_ me - was eer sor - row like un-to my sor - > Po-su-it me Do-minus de-so-la - For theLord Al - might- y, the Al-might - sr. —— FR to - té di - e mo-ro - re con- feo- tam; hath dealt bit-ter-ly, hathdealt bit-ter - 1y with me; g a~, 2 oiiea fis sia 2 ne vo-ce-tis me Call_menow no more qui transitis per vi - am, om - nes trav-el up-ow the high - way, ye —. who pS qui transitis per vi - am, at - ten-di- te, et viede - travel upon the high-way, —heark-en to me, and behold Ohe Cn dim. do - lor si- cut do- lor like un- to my :_ — est eer sor - row si est do - lor si- cut do- lor Was eer sor - row like un-to my a lp | colle voce mm ~S ‘allurg. First Word. 7 Baritone and Tenor Soli, with Chorus. Pater, dimitte iilis, non enim sciunt, quid Father, forgive them, for they know not Sacint. whut they do. Et dicebant omnes: Reus est mortis; tole, And the people clamor’: He is deathguilt- tolle, crucifige eum. Sanguis ejus super nos Zi take, im, take him, let us crucify him!” Be et super filios nostros! is blood on us, and on our children! Crucifixerunt Jesum et iatrones, unum a Then they did crucify Jesus, and the two dextris et alterum a sinistris. thieves, one at His right hand, the other at His left hand. Andante. (d= 60) Cor. Solo. ‘ane. = sine Pian i fa eo Baritone Solo. Pa - ter, Fa - ther, hoe & Tenors. ter, di - mit-te il - lis, | non ec-nim sci - unt ther, Fa - ther, for- give them, — for___ they know not quid fa- ci unt. what they 40. Oboe & Tenors. Harp. phe en aoe F f= => Timp. p) Foro Tenor Solo. Recit. ‘Et di-ce-bant om- nes: Trap. And the peo-ple clam-ord: f° murcuto They. Allegra can fuoco. SOPRANO I. Re - us cst He "is death - guilt - $0) : he is death - Re - us est : eis death - guilt - = -y, he is death - Re eat mor is est is death - i is - He sas" gu is death Te - us est ‘mor = fis; He is death - guilt - —+y, Allleyrro con fuoco.(d =%0) = us est is death - Sr so ‘Ra. #3 fo # fa. * us est_— mor is death - guilt us est is death him, 10 —= San. guis Be his - jus, blood, ay, Ba. * Ra. * crese. poco a poco - su = oper us; be cresc. poco a cresc. poco a poco - sempre cresc. - su- per fi - li- 0s nos- tros, and on our chil-dren, our chil - dren, Sempre cresc. . et su- per fi - li- os nos - tros, and on our chil-dren, our chil- dren, and our Sempre crese. . : su- per fi - li nos - tros, and on our chil-dren, our chil-dren, be on us and. our Sempre cresc. - : su- per fi- li- nos-tros, su- per fi - li - os and __ on our chil-dren, our chil-dren, be on us and our + Sempre crese. . = us ‘est is death cru- ci- fi- yee us est mor - tis; - fy him; —he_-—is death - guilt - y, ® us est mor - tis; he is death - guilty, g z us est mor - tis; - fy him; he is death - guilt - y, ecru - ci - fi - 5 2 5 5 e us est mor - tis; let us cru- ci - fy him; he is death - guilt - y, 13 le, tol - Te, him, take him, Ie, tol - le, him, take him, Ra. Tenor Solo. ru-ci-fi-xe- runt Je Then they did cru - ci-fy Je tol = Tet ‘Take him! _ Df gBASSES. 14 pid dolce et la - tro - = nes,__ ue - and the two thieves, —_ one SOPR.I. tol - let take him! SOPR.II. je! him! tol - take sost. P ‘Celtis D. BL ea Timp. ay P Cru - ci- fi- Then they did 15 Tenor Solo. poco « — poco__erese. xe - runt Je - la - tro - cru - ci-fy Je - the two TENORS. tol - le! stake him! passes, J7'2¢_ tol - Ie! take him! poco crese. a dex - His right te- rum a si - nis - er at His_ left 16 a tempo us est mor - is death - guilt - us ‘est mor - is death - guilt - Chorus. Us est is death Re - us est He is death a tempo Tutti. come prima. ga Ra * oF Ba, * 7 us est tor - fis; | Re- us est’ mor — iy death- guilt - y, he is death- guilt - us “est mor - is death - guilt - ~ us est mor - tis; is death « guilt Ys take him, ‘us est mor - He is death guilt - Us est mor - he is death- guilt - Re- us est mor us est mor - tis; tol - Ie, He is death- guilt - — y, he is death- guilt - y, take him, — s fa, ritone Solo. ey | him, Te, him, Tey him, le, Warp. $ Wort Wind tol = le, tol -Ie, take him, take him! tol - le, tol - le, take him, take him! tol- le, _ tol- le, take him, take him! Ls tol - le, tol le, take him, take him! Tutt, ar let us cru-ci-fy him. > > > + $ eru-ci-fi-ge e- um. let us eru-cj-fy him. Kez ze =E 3 een cru-oi-fi-ge e-um. let us cru-ci-fy him. 2 dod 20. non for come sopra f co dim. poco u non e- nim sei- -unt, for they know_______ not. poco « poco dim. =i unt. they do. u tempo. p Sanguis ¢ - jus, sanguis @ - jus Re his, blood,ay, be his bloodon «tempo _ Sanguis e - jus, sanguis e - jus Be jhis, blood, ay, be his bloodon i tempo — Sanguis e - jus, sanguis e - jus Be his, blood,ay, | be his blood on tempo —— Sanguis @ - jus, sanguis é - jus Be his blood, ay, be his blood on a tempo colla voce 20 oco u poco crese. sempre crese. su -per nos, su- -per nos = et___—su-per_ fi - li - os us, be his blood on us, then, and__ on our children, our cou, pocp _cresc. sper nos, bu. nos et su-per fi - li - os us, be his blood on us, then, and ‘on our children, our joco_u poco cres sempre crese. su- per nos, su- nos et su-per fi- li - os be his blood and on our children, our poco u poco crese, sempre crese. =per nos, su. =per nos ct__su-per_ fi - li - os be his’ blood on us, then, and__ on our __ children, our sempre crese. poco a poco|crese. tf, = us est__ is death - no-stros, su-per fi -li- os no- -stros! children, be on us and our chil- -dren! no -stros, ~ us est children, 0 - stros, fi - li - os children, be on us and our chil- -dren! us est is death - no-stros, fi - li - -os children, be on us and our chil- -dren! He is death - RA us est mor - tis; tol - Ie, — tol - Ie, vs he is death-guilt - y, take him, take him, mor guilt mor us est mor - tis; tol. - le, tol = dey guilt - y, he is death-guilt - y, take him, — take him, mor - tiss usest mor - tis; tol = —_ ie, tol = ley guilt - y, he is death-guilt - y, take him, ‘take him, 2 mor - tis; Re- us est mor - tisy tol - Ie, tol ~ ley guilt - y,. he is death-guilt . y, take him, take him, * tiss y us est__ mor - is death - guilt - usest mor - tis; - fy him! He is death ~ guilt - 5 Re - usest mor - tis; He isdeath - guilt - y, cru - ci- fi- ge e- -um Re - usest mor - tis; let us cru-ci - fy him! He is death - guilt - y, ® fa e Andante.19 moto, Bcritone Solo. Pa ter, Fa ther, Andante.19 moto. Harp. e- nim sei- — - unt, they know not Second Word. Duet for Tenor and Baritone, with Chorus. Hndie mecum eris in Paradis, amen a- Verily, thou shult be in Paradise to-duy men, dico tbs. with me. Amen, so I tell thee. Domine, memento: met’ cum veneris in re- Hear me, O Lord, and remember me,when gnum tuum, ‘Thou comest into Thy kingdom. Anilante, quasi_Andantino..(J= 58) Tenor Solo] ———~_ Ste Piano. 25 Tenor Solo. sost. molto. a Ho - poco rit. Ver = with - co ti - bi, 1 tell thee, __—— eS Baritone Solo. Do Hear, FiLObow ——S=_—*=/!{_E_——— - ris in_pa-ra- shalt i Par - adise to- me-men-to, me - men - to re-mem-ber, re - mem-ber,re- Clr. Cor. Been, ne, me- men - to me - 7 Lord, hear and re - mem- ber me, Tenure. Ra. cum when =—>— tg. — ne = Tis in re - gnum, in regnum tu - - in - to thy —king-domjn-to thy king .- - EBF | EEFEEF Tenor Solo. if a Ver- um me - men- to dom. soprano. Hear and re Do- SOPRANO I. Hear, ‘sost. it basso. =tis in fa- ta - di- Par - a-dise_tg - day ——L 5 yo- mit - ne, Hear 0. =thi = ne, 0 Lord, —— ih mien - to Hear, o sand _re_- Do = ie > tien = to Hear, hear, andre = Do- = mi - ney me Hear,_____ 0 Lord, hear, Win the = men~ to poco crese. Wear, and re - mem - ber, me - mem ~ ber; cum Ye = ne tis in re = num when thou com-est in- -to ‘thy me- 7 cum veo= ne = ris mem - ber; when thou _gom-est re = gnum -to ‘thy ime cum te > he fis ~ num mem - ber; when thoy, cogs ‘thy, nema te co eres. me - 7 cum veo> ne ris num mem - ber; thou com-est -to "thy, me- ta - um, King - dom, tu - um, King - do tu - dm, King - dom, tu - um, King - dom, “shalt ~cum be e- 5 with __ ‘me - hear, ie hear, me - hear, i men - to andre - ‘men - to and re - men - to andre - ‘men - to and re - hear, o- hear, o- hear, vins.8-? aa pe lp susie “Gell, Tenors Ra. Sil cantoe p Vaccompeo —— shalt SS ~men - 10, =mem - ber, to - ——_———" to me - and re - mem = to me - hear me, 33 p poco pit lento e = fis inpa-ra- di - so. with me today in Par- a - dise. me - 7 hear me. ppp <== meo- 7 hear_ me. ppp Cite parte me = i, hear me. ppp cola parte met hear me. coltu purte me boot hear_ me. « tempo f alla purteP Silly POT nm ae ¥ es 6158 Ra. a . 7 * t zB Third Word. Soli for Soprano, Tenor, Baritone, with Chorus. Mutior, cece filins tuns, See, 0 woman! here behold thy Son belored. Stabat Mater dolorosa See yon mother, bow'd in anguish, Juxta Crucem lacrymosa, Who beside the cross doth languish, ‘Dum pendebat Filius. Where on high her son is borne; Quis est homo, qui non fleret, Is there mortal, who not feeleth Christi Matrem si videret To behold her where she kneeleth, In fanto supplicio? So woeful, and all forlorn? Andante Soprano Solo. Tenor Solo. Baritone Solo. Chorus. Andante (J. 52) mu - li- er, see, 0 wo- man, Mu-li-er, Q woman, Mu-li-er, woman, Mu-li-er. ‘woman, or pane My-li-er, © woma 0 woman, Ore on cote te i - has here be - hold thy_— son be - here be - hold, be-hold, 7 ee =e, ce be-hold, be “hold PP, te-te, be-hold, be-hold tery Soprano Solo. ‘molto espress. ue : Sta - bat Ma - ter lov - I See yon moth - er, fi-li-us tu - thy son be-lov: - fi-li-us tu - thy sqn be-lov - fi-li-us tu - thy son be-lov - fi-li-us tu - thy son be-lov - simile eee Tiep. ro - sa Jux - ta cru - cem la - cry- mo - sa, an - guish, Who be - side the cross_cdoth lan - guish, = : ? r Re Se Stier my —— ‘Dum pen-de-bat fi - li-us, dum pen-de-bat fi - Sta - bat Where on highher son is borne, where on highher son is borne; See yon ° 7 =~ Ma = ter do - Io - ro - sa. moth = er, bow an- guish nor Solo, dolce espres: Quis est Is there. qui non—____ Chri - sti ma - who = not—___ To be - hold si vi - where she P —: fee rai = == Et 2 = quinone et Giri ma 5 who not —______ feel - eth To be - hold _. trem her__— i where Chri - sti ma — = trem To be - hold her - de. kneel ma - ‘trem Si vi = de ~ = et hold her where she) kneel - = eth, ie — = ret kneel - ~ eth, to ful to ful sup and sup dim, . sup anand ‘sup and “ tise Pert = Baritone Solo. pitt largamente a Mu — li- er, ec-ce fi- li- us bechold, 0 wo-man, thy son be - 0. ; SOPRANO I cola parte “ Fourth Word. Baritone Solo. Dens meus, nt quid dereliquisti me? Omnes amici mei dereliquerunt me: pree- valuerunt insidiantes mihi; tradidit me quem ailigebam. Vinea mea electa, ego te plantavi;quomo- do conversa es in amaratudine ut me cruci- figeres? Andante muestoso. (J = 60.) cuntando_e_ sost. Piano. me - us, De - us Fa. ther, God, my Flt F God, my Father, why hast Thou forsaken me? All those who were my friends, all ave now forsaken me, and they that hate me do now prevail against me; and he whom I have cher- ished, he hath betray’d me. Even the vine that I have chosen, and that T have planted: wherefore art thou now 80 strangely turned into bitterness, that I by thee am crucified? me - us.ut quid de-re-li- quis ti me? Fa - theroh whyhast thou for-sak- en me?, e me - us, De~ us me = us, mt quid de~re- i Fa - ther God, my Fa = ther, oh why poco pir f° quis—ti me? Omnes a-mi-ci me - i de~ re-li- que-runt me. sak - en me? Allthosewhowere my friends,al! have now for. sak- en me, F.. Omnes a-mi-ci_me- i de - re- li - que- runt Allthosewhowere my friends, all have now for- sak - en me; and they that mc, > > > > e>e>5 2. ee S>>>5 5 -e-runt in-si-di-an-tes mi-hi; pre-va-lu - e- runt in-s hate me donowprevail a-gainstme, andtheythathate me donowprevail a-gainst me, cresc. ————— =p di-dit me, tra- di- dit me quem di- li - ge - bam. he whom I ‘have cher-ish-ed, he hath be - fray’ me. hon & Ung L Stra Wind p doloroso — Timp. tf, z De - us me- us, De-us me - us, ut quid de-re-li - God, my Fa-ther, God, my Fa - ther, oh why hast Thou for ~ stp. Oboe 3 of qui - sti me? Sak - en me? (ler baer nf poco pi f G68) SS Vi ne-ame- a _e - le E ven the vine that I. have cho poco pit f Ben - tht a 45 ae Pe a le - : ta, e-go te plan-ta - vi; cho - sen, andthat_I have plant - ed quo omo-do con- ver - snes in a - mari - where - fore art thou now so strangely, turn’d: in - to wean, €OPP#SS. > 7 gr eC dim P Teoh —= diene ut cru - Gi-fi ~ xe ne? se, ter-ness, that T by thee am ci-fied?,, Tnccento| P Sf p_———__ |p cru-ci = fi = by thee am Sr Ss gg > crese, - altarg. - - J. matte ze res, ut me crusci- fi = xe cru - ci-fied, that T by thee am ulling. crese, Ra, * Bo * Tempo I. inf targum. edu, pitna voce _ De God, Vine. of Fa * & * & #* da & limite # us, ut quid de- re- li - qui - sti me? ther, oh why hast Thou for - sak - en me? dim. — To~ us, ut quid de-re - li ther, oh why hastThou for - sak Tull Lp quid dere = Ti why hast Thou for - sak its Mar k | coll parte Tar Fifth Word Chorus, and Soli for Tenor and Baritone. Sitio! Judwi prastercuntes blasphemabant eum, moventes capita sua et dicentes:Vah'qui des- truis templum Dei, si tu es Christus, Filius Dei, descende nunc de oruce, ut videamus et ‘tredamus tibi—Si tu: es rex Judeorum, sal vum te fac, Aridantino, quasi Andante. Tonor Solo. Baritone Solo,| Soprano I. indantino, quasi joloroso chr 7 Piano. if pp sostenut dotce ad tb, ndante. Zam athirst! And the Jews then passing by him,all did rail upon him, and wagging their heads at him, they said into hi Ah! Thou wouldst fain destroy the tem- ple; if thou be Jesus, Son of the Father, now from the cross descend thou,that we behold it, and “believe on thee when we behold it. If thou art king over Israel, save thyself, then! (a= Fo) 49 Tenor Solo. quasi Recitativo blas-phemabant Ju - de i pre-te-re - un-tes did rail up - And_ the Jews then passing by him, all motto ralt. Zt, e-um, mo-ven-tes ca-pi-ta sua et di - on him, and wag-ging their heads at him, they said un - SF Allegro energica, Vah! An! Chorus. Allegro energico. Sf 3. 50 simile z ‘TENORS. ot ‘ben_marcato qui des - tru-is tem - plum De- i, es Christus, ‘Thou wouldst fain de - stroy_ the — tem-ple; if thou be — Je - sus, BASSES. qui des - tru- is tem - plum 7 Christus, Thou wouldst fain de - stroy_ the — tem-ple; if thou be Je -sus, — Fi-li-us De - i, de-seen-de nunc, de cru - &, Son of the Fa - ther, now from the cross. de - scend thou, =~ Fi-li-us De - i, de-scen-de mune. de cru - ce, Son of the Fa - ther, now from the + cross. de - scend thou, ut vi-de - a-m that__ we be - hold - da-mus, et cre - da - mus lieve on thee when we be - ut that__ vi-de- a-mus et we be - hold it, cre - da-mus, et cre - da - mus and__ be - lieve on thee when we be - Sf murcato qui des - tru -is tem - plum ‘Thou wouldst fain de -stroy the qui des - tru-is ‘Thou wouldst fain de qui des - tru-is ‘Thou wouldst fain de - stroy tem - plum stroy the tem - plum the qui des -tru-is tem - plum Thou wouldst fain de - stroy De-i, Father, De - i, Father, De-i, Father, De-i, Father, descen - de now from the descen ~ de now from the descen - de now from the descen - de now fromthe the nune cross nune cross nune nune cross De -i, temple; De -i, temple; De -i, temple; De - i, temple; de cru de - scend de cru de - scend de eru de - scend de cru de - scend si tu es if thou be si tu es if thou be si tu es if thou be tu es if thou be - ce, thou, thou, ~ ee, thou, = ee, thou, Christus, Fi -li-us Je- sus, Son of the Chri-stus, —Fi-li-us Je - sus, Son of the Christus, Fi-li-us Je - sus, Son of the Christus. Fi-li-us Je - sus, Son of the ut___vi-de - a - mus that__we be-hold it, ut that ut that ut that vi-de - a - mus we be-hold it, vi-de - a -mus we be-hold it, vi-de - a - mus we be-hold it, et thee da - mus ti we— be - hold it. cre - da - mus, be - lieve on ere - when et. and cre - da- nus, ct cre- da- ms ti—- bi, be - lieve on thee when we be - hold__ it. et cre - da- mus, et cre- da be - lieve on when we et cre - da-mus, et cre - da be - lieve on when we Qui de - Thou wouldst de - wouldst de - is, qui de - wouldst stroy, wouldst Clana HNIn, 54 De- i, tem-pley de - wouldst De- i, tem-ple, qui thou tem - plum De-i, qui de - stru = is, stroy the tem-ple, thou. wouldst fain de - qui de-stru - is tem- plum Thou who de - stroy-est the Oboe Tutti > simile quis de- stu - is tem - plum De- i, thou wouldst fain de - stroy the tem-ple, stra - is tem - plum, tem - plum De- i, fain de - stroy, de - stroy ‘the tem-ple, qui de - stu - tem - plum De- i, stroy, wouldst fain de - stroy the — tem-ple, ae int qui. de-stru - is tem-plum De - i, Yah thou who de - stroy-est the tem-ple, an! S, mare. qui de - stru - is tem - plum Thou —wouldst fain de - stroy the TENORS. SSeS —_ = = Chri - stus, Je - ss, da - mus ti - di. up - on thee, 7§ BB | AA... salsum te save thy - self, salvum te save thy - self, salvum te wve thy - self sal-vum te savethy - gelf, laine Andante. (ad ib.) ritone Solo, Ch ‘ENORS, Qui de - Thou __wouldst BASSES. Qui de - ‘Thou ___wouldst 58 nf poco pit fe crese. de - stu - is tem - plum wouldst fain de - stroy the poco pir fe crese. de - stu - is wouldst fain de - stroy__— the tem - poco pih f ¢ crese. de - stru = is tem) - plum wouldst, fain de. poco, pin Fre cnese. de - wouldst fain de - stroy the tem - ple. de - wouldst qui de - ‘Thou wouldst FL.Ohve Clan. a Corn MF Troe. Baan. aStr. rex king. Chri - stus, Fi - li - Je - sus, Son us of the Fa - ther, si tues Chri - stus, Fi - li - us De - i, if thou be Je - sus, Son of the Fa - ther, ————_ ot ut vi-de - de- sven-de that ___ we be - now from the ut. vi-de - that____we be - de - scen-de now from the sempre IF fac, de-scen-de nunc = de_—s cru - - then, now from the cross de scend de-scen’-de — nune de cru - - now from the cross de ~ scend de-scen - de now from the scend o-rum, salvum te fac, if thou art — king conver _Iy-rael, save thy ~ self, then, ce, si tues rex Jude - o-rum, salvum te fac, Is-rael, save thy - self, then, = o-rum, salvum te fac, Is-rael, save thy ~ self, then, uf, then o-rum, salvum te fac, thou, if thou art king o-ver Is-rael, save thy - self, then, fal te - self, fae, then, fac, then, fac, then, fac, then, vum te fac, thy - self, then, vum te fac, thy - self, then, vum te fac, thy ~ self, then, vum te fac, thy - self, then, Tutti ze = molto - Ga. * + FR Andante. (ad lib.) Tym. * tr t (dopo lOrchestra) Baritone Solo. a Allegro. 1 moto. seco. Vah! secco. faht srcco. Vaht Sheen ‘Vah! Allegra, 19 moto. WF Tutti. 668 Sixth Word. Tenor Solo,and Chorus. Tater, tn manustaascommendo spiritim meum. Pater meus es tu, Deus meus, susceptor s- In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. Andante. Tenor Solo. Soprano. SopranoII.3 Father, into Thy hands Tcommend my soul. For Thou art my God and my Father; Thou art my Saviour. Into Thy hands I commend my soul. a | = Tenors. 3 Basses. “Andante. (¢ . jmth Prem murrcut Piano. if Pl OP P lta metoain| Cs 2 dolce. ad simile. Ste Tl —= > Tor Fie Tenor Solo. PR * Ere dolce espressivo ry= Pa - ~ ter, in ma - nus Fa - - ther, in - to thy = mg fsimite. =rit. fat Ra Sa PAM Sinile. 67 = tu - as com -— men- do spi-ri-tum me - um. hands 1 now com-mend, T com-mend my soul. TA eta e Fa eRe Tae Bo 8 eR. # mae ms tu - as Fa- in - to thy hands — 1 A en.vd6u eet tte... > ‘molto teguto men - do spi-ri- tum__me - um. now________ com- mend, 1 com~ mend my____soul — es * fa oe OD = >= poco crese. == ‘a-ter—Pa-ter me-uses tu, De-us me - us, Pa~ ten—— Pa-ter For thou_art my God,art my Godand my Fa - ther, for thou_—art my —~ — aes fer 68 Tenor Solo. —= > us es tu, De-us me ; - us. me = my God and my Fa = ther. God, —art molto sostenuto Sus-cep - tor sa-lu-tis My Fa - therartthouand Sus-cep - tor sa-lu-tis My Fa - ther artthouand P Se Chorus. Sus-cep - tor sa-lu-tis My Fa - ther artthouand ee Sus-cep,- tor sa-lu-t My Fa = ther artthou,and ee [Peecenplo adi ap ee — Pr ht — ——_ > —— . Loy = ee bd se eee oe ee =: =F — me-#, sus- cep tor sa-lu-tis me - m, sus - cep - ton sus- Sav-iour, my Fa - therartthou,and Sav - jour, my Fa - ther, my: =— ee ° SSS Ee ae 2 SS me- x, sus-cep - tor sa-lu-tis me - a, sus- cep ~ ton sus - Sav-iour, my Fa - therart thou,and Sav - jour, my Fa - ther,my — he = = | 7 —$ + =, - tor sa-lu- tis mw, sus cep - tor, sus- iour, my Fa - ther art thou,and jour, my Fa - ther, my — —_—S ep et ra =f =o =e] me-a, sus-cep - tor sa-lu-tis me - #, sus- cep - torsus - Saviour, my Fa - therartthou,and Sav - jour, my Fa - ther, my — oe > SS me f i => Sa wot od | Swag ary = + SS =- hep = —= = ‘a 69 Tenor Solo. nf. —= cep- tor Sa-lu-tis me - a, in - Fa- ther art thou,and Sav__- our, in - ——_ cep - tor sa. "lu-tis me - Fa - ther art "thou, and_S: - nus, ma. - thy’ hands, cep- tor sa - lu-tis me = 2, in ma- 5 Fa - ther art thou, and Sav__- __iour, i Se cep- tor sa- lu-tis me - Fa- ther art thou,and Sav - oo nus— ma thy, hands, =| —-+$ > wp r. Wind "murcatu Ta melodia. gf J mero * Sine Ore tu = as thy hands 1 nus, in ma - nus tu a thy hands, in - to thy hands I com fs com - now com- mend my tu. as thy hands com - men - tu > as com - men - thy hands cd 70 spi-ri- tum mg - yg - T com-mend my soul, in - to thy do mend, do spi=, fio tum ome = um ma - nus mend com-mend my spi - ri tum I com -mend. do spi tum mend, T com = mend = my soul, in - - to thy, ri- tum com-mend = my soul, in - -to thy tea da spi - mend, 4 tw # # a, ta, # fa, Ra. * P ——— tu - as com~ hands__ _com 5 spi-ti-fum me =~ - - soul, myGodand Fa. = —— tu - as com - hhands__T__com - spi- ri-tum me - my God and Fa_- — — F tu as com — men. ~ - do spi- Fi-tum me ~ hands—_I__com- mend = my soul, my God_and Fa spi-ri-tumme — my God and Fa tu - as com - hands T_com. - tu - as com- hands Icom - lo spi- ri-tum me - soul, my God and Fa cotta parte com = men - ‘spi-Fi-tum my Fi my God and spi-ri- tum pin - tum my God and God and spi-ri- tum spi-ri - tum my God and myGod__and spin - tum spiri - my God and - my God, spi-ri- tum spi-ri — my God and my God Fa - : Vig, Tutti it. TM pp rit - om —y Rm Seventh Word. Solo for Soprano, Tenor and Baritone, with Chorus. Et clamans Jesu voce magna dixit: Con- summatun est! Et inclinato capite, tradidit spiritum. Erat autem fere hora sexta; obscuratus est sol, et tenebre facte sunt in universam ter- ram; velum templi scissum est; omnis terra tremuit; petr@ scisse et monumenta aperta sunt. Prayer. Adoramus te, Christe. et benedicimus tibi.quia per sanctam Crucem tuam redemisti mundum. Andante maestoso.(d = 50) quasi recitato ad Ub, yy Soprano Solo] Et Piano: Baritone Solo. BD. Tinp. Andante. misurato fam he Con- sum-ma - It is fin. ed! PP or. wut BS Scpreno § must Recit Et m-eli- na - And_he did bow, did bow. P ste cla-mans Je ~ su And with a fo ca-pi- te, jis_head, And with a loud voice Jesus cried, exclaim- ing: It ix finished! ‘And He did bow His head, and rendered up His spirit. And it was about the sixth hour; and the sun was darkened, and darkness covered the earth, until about the ninth hour: and the veil of the temple was rent, and all the earth did quake; and the rocks were rent, and all the graves were opened wide. Prayer. Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do. praise Thee for ever; for on the holy cross hast thou the worldfrom sin redeemed. a = fa-gna di xi ‘ex-claiming- vo-ce me loud voice Je-suscris cola purte Con- sum- ma Se fin Gon - Stm- tha tis fin Con - sum. ii ig fin Con- sum - mi It is tradi and - dit ders _up- PP. SOPR.I. misurato, fim con- sum-ma’- fu ish ~ PRU it is fin — con - sum-ma - tum ENORIt "is fin = ish - ee con sum-ma - tum ass. It is “fin ish con sum-ma - tum It is fin = ish - misurato. SOPR.D. & Corand Tromb. A con- sum-ma- fim est! fa Has ‘eh. eat" con- sum-ma - {um est! it is fin > ish - ed! rit. eon- sim-ma- fim est! fy ! is fin - ished! a 4 Tenor Solo. Come Recitutivo B-rat au-tem fe- re ho- ra Andante. @ = 60) And it was a bout the sixth poco la dim. poco ob-scu-ra- tus est sol, and the sun was darken, Pp leguto - : : - : : _P fe-he-tre fa-cte sunt in " O- fi-ver-sam ter - ram; darkness cov -.erd the earth, until a- bout the ninth hour; re = ina corda motto lurgumente a 7 ve-lum tempfi 7 seis - sum est; and the veil of the temple was rent, a of Tati ste $F Ra. om-nis fer-ra tre- mu - it; and all the earth did quake; #2 P # + cresc. ed qilarg. molto - 5 - 5 - pe- the scis - et mo - fu - and the rocks - and all the SD, colla_voce cresc, ed | allarg. molto - Allegro molto.(d = 96) a - per. ta sunt. were o- pend wide. Timp 76 Sp molto cresc. t. ass 2 ka * = Tutti. tee. * gaaVen nen # Satan y ee Tha. 17 3 . =" on fa —— Jt lungu a piacere. a8 ft, pedal-bews, ore A es Thmp- sempre dim. - Andante largo. (d= 66) ? 78 Remurk. It is by far most preferable to sing this Chorus with the great organ. The organ Would then double the voices with very soft stops -- gamba and voix céteste. SOPRANO I. A - do-ta-mus te, Chri- ste, be - ne-di - ci- mus _. Christ,we do all a - dore the we do praise thee for SOPRANO II. — = A - do-ra-mus te, Chri-ste, be - ne-di - ci- mus Christwe do all a'- dore thee, we do praise thee for TENORS. Chorus. A - do-ra-mus te, Chri- ste, be - ne-di - ci- mus Christ,we do all a - dore thee, we do praise thee for BASSES. A - do-ra-mus te, Chri- ste, be - ne-di - ci- mus Christywe do all a’- dore thee, we do praise thee for ~ Orehesten Str 5 = =5 ot aT fo a - do-ramius te, Chri-ste, et bene - di - ci-mus ti- bi, qui-a per sanctam Christ,we do all a ~ dore thee, and we do praise thee for ev- er, for on the ho- ly cresc. - do-ramus te, Chri-ste, et bene - di - ci- mus ti- bi, qui-a persanctam Christ,we do all a. dore thee, andwe dopraisethee for ev- er, for onthe ho. ly crese a - do-ramus te, Chri-ste, et bene - di - ci- mus qui-4 per sanctam Christ,we do all a’. dore thee, andwe do praise thee for _ev-er, for onthe ho- ly cresc. a - do-ramus te, Chri-ste, et bene - di - ci- mus Christ,we do all a dore thee, andwe do praise thee for qui-a persanctam for onthe ho- ly rr 79 nf, PP Cru-cem tu- am re- de-mis-ti mun-dum; a - do-ramus te, Chri - ste, cross hast thou the world from sin re - deem-ed. Christ,we do all a - dore thee, P n = Cru-cem tu-am re - de-mis-ti mun- dum; a - do-ramus te, Chri-ste, cross hast thou the world from sin re - deem-ed. Christ,we do all a - dore thee, Es Cru- cross hast thou the ” em {u-am re - de-mis-ti mun- dum; a - do-ramus te, Chri -ste, world from sin re - deem-ed. Christ,we do all a'- dore thee, PP Cru-cem tu-am re - de-mis-ti mun-dum; a - do-ramus te, Chri -ste, crosshast thou the world from sin re - deem-ed. Christ,we do all a - dore the una corda allarg. molto PPP PPP ———_ p>; et bene - di - ci- mus ti-bi; a- do-ramuste, Chri-ste! and we do praise thee for ev-er. Christ,we do all a'- dore thee! ——$—=—_ p> FPP et bene - di - ei- mus ti- bi; a - do.ramus te, Chiri-ste! and we do praise thee for ev-er. Christ we do all_a = dore thee! et bene - di - ci- mus ti-bi; ‘a - do-ramus te, Chri-ste! andwe do praise thee for ev-er. Christ,we do all a '- dore thee! ———— pr Tx Chri-ste! dore thee! et bene- di - ci- mus ti-bi; a- doramus t andwe dopraisethee for ev-er. Christywe doall a a ina corda PPP. allarg. motto Te

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