Math II Task 12 Solution - ICEP

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1) Particel of mass m1=5 , m 2=7 ,∧m3 =9kilograms are located at the

x 1=2 , x 2=−2,∧x 3=1 respectively, along the x-axis. Find the center of mass!

Answer :

2) The masses and coordinates of a system of particles in the coordinate plane are
given by the following:
m1=2 , ( 1,1 ) ; m2=3 , ( 7,1 ) ; m3=4 , (−2 ,−5 ) ;m 4 =6 , (−1,0 ) ;m 5=2 ,(4,6). Find the
moments of this system with respect to the coordinate axes, and find the
coordinates of the center of mass!

Answer :

3) The masses and coordinates of a system of particles are given by the following:
m1=5 , (−3 , 2 ) ; m2=6 , (−2 ,−2 ) ; m3=2 , ( 3,5 ) ; m 4=7 , ( 4,3 ) ; m5=1 ,(7 ,−1). Find the
moments of this system with respect to the coordinate axes, and find the
coordinates of the center of mass!

Answer :
 Find the centroid of the region bounded by the given curves. Make a sketch and use
symmetry whenever possible!

4) y=2−x ; y =0 , x =0

Answer :

5) y=x 2 ; y=x +3
Answer :
6) y=x 3 ; y=0 , x=1

Answer :

1 2
7) y= x ; y=0 , x=4

Answer :
8) y=2 x−4 ; y=2 √ x , x=1

Answer :

9) y= y 2−3 y−4 ; x=− y

Answer :
10) Please use Pappus’s Theorem to find the volume of the solid obtained when the
region bounded by y=x 3 , y=0 ,∧x=1 is revolved about the y-axis (You
can see your problem 6 for the answer of x for the centroid). Do the same problem
by the method of cylindrical shells to check your answer!

Answer :

From Problem 6

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