Muneer Et Al., 2016 - Staging Models in Bipolar Disorder A Systematic Review of The Literature

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Review pISSN 1738-1088 / eISSN 2093-4327

Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 2016;14(2):117-130 Copyrightⓒ 2016, Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Staging Models in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Ather Muneer
Department of Psychiatry, Islamic International Medical College, Riphah International University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Bipolar disorder is manifested as severe dysregulation of mood with recurrent manic and major depressive episodes. It is asso-
ciated with psychiatric and medical comorbidities, inadequate response to currently available pharmacological agents and a
progressively deteriorating course in many patients. The index episode is often depressive in nature, while the first manic or
hypomanic episode may occur several years later in the course of the disorder causing delay in diagnosis and use of in-
appropriate treatment strategies. Staging has been used to great advantage in other branches of medicine like cardiology and
oncology. There is growing realization that major mental disorders are fundamentally progressive, with simpler treatment require-
ments and better prognosis during initial stages of the illness. Defining these conditions into clinically applicable stages not
only helps in better understanding the trajectory of a particular disorder, but also assists in management. Patients with a chronic,
recalcitrant condition like bipolar disorder are likely to greatly benefit from this approach. If the illness is correctly identified
early in its course, proper treatment can be instigated arresting progression to latter phases which are associated with myriad
complications in the biopsychosocial realm. With these considerations, a search of the MEDLINE data base was conducted to
seek out literature pertaining to staging models in bipolar disorder. A thorough scrutiny of the existing research work revealed
that a number of investigators have endeavored to stage define bipolar disorder. This paper outlines staging proposals for bipolar
disorder which have the greatest supporting evidence in the literature.
KEY WORDS: Bipolar disorder; Staging; Neuroprogression; Allostatic load; Biomarkers.

INTRODUCTION BD is a progressive condition which has a prodrome, a

symptomatic phase and a residual state. Many authors
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a serious neuropsychiatric have underscored the problem of delay in initial identi-
condition characterized by chronic instability of mood, fication which is of the magnitude of several years in some
circadian rhythm disturbances and continual fluctuations cases due to misdiagnosis and giving of wrong labels to
in energy levels, affect, sleep and cognitive appraisal of patients with the bipolar phenotype.4) Inappropriate or in-
the self and others.1) Many patients suffer their first mood adequate treatment can result in repeated mood episodes,
episode in adolescence or early adulthood and the disease persistent subthreshold symptoms, development of co-
follows a persistent course spanning the entire life, well morbidities such as substance use disorders, and pro-
beyond age 70 years.2) Bipolar diathesis has a pervasive gression of the disease with cognitive impairment and
adverse effect on all aspects of patients’ lives as they expe- functional decline. There is mounting evidence that
rience social, psychological, academic and occupational manic and major depressive episodes (MDE) have a toxic
difficulties due to the underlying disease. Since BD is a effect on neurons and glia, causing permanent damage to
lifelong disorder, there is an immense unmet need to stage areas of the brain critical in mood regulation. The neuro-
define the illness which helps in better understanding the progressive nature of BD can be arrested with early diag-
disease trajectory as well as delivering personalized treat- nosis, proper treatment on the biopsychosocial lines, rec-
ments to the patients. ognition of neuropsychiatric and physical comorbidities
and individually tailored management according to the
Received: July 13, 2015 / Revised: August 31, 2015 phase of the illness.7) In this respect it is imperative to de-
Accepted: September 1, 2015 marcate the stages of the disorder in order to facilitate the
Address for correspondence: Ather Muneer, MD
Department of Psychiatry, Islamic International Medical College, Riphah
delivery of improved patient care and attain better out-
International University, 274 Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan comes for the sufferers of this recalcitrant condition.8) It
Tel: +92-51-5481828, Fax: +92-51-5125170 must be kept in mind that the staging approach has been
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
118 A. Muneer

highly beneficial in the overall management of other com- MAIN SUBJECTS

plex (gene x environment) disorders including diabetes,
cardiovascular disease and various forms of cancer. Search Strategy
Staging presupposes that illness advances in an identifi- The MEDLINE data base was searched with the terms
able temporal progression of phases from an at-risk, pro- “Bipolar disorder and staging”, “Bipolar disorder and pro-
dromal period to the first clinical manifestations, and fur- gression” and “Bipolar disorder and neuroprogression”. A
ther developing into more severe, intractable forms with total of 746 items were retrieved dating from January 1970
evolution and chronicity.9) Current diagnostic systems to June 2015. Of these, 40 records were excluded because
emphasize presenting symptoms with a categorical and of the duplicate nature. Among the remaining 706 cita-
cross-sectional approach without considering the context, tions, a further 70 items were eliminated because these
the preceding risk factors and neglecting what is known were not in English language. The titles of the left over
about the natural history of illness development.10) More 636 records were examined for their relevance to the stag-
than a century ago, Kraepelin first realized that psychiatric ing of BD. This approach resulted in the ruling out of fur-
disorders had a staged development and his view of their ther 420 records from the study; the rationale was to ex-
progressive nature was reflected in his nomenclature of clude case studies, investigations carried out on animals,
dementia praecox and manic depressive insanity. Regarding papers describing specific pharmacological or psycho-
the latter, he recognized that while the initial episodes logical interventions, and items that had the major focus
were frequently precipitated by stressful events followed on other psychiatric disorders. The abstracts of the re-
by complete improvement, as the illness evolved the pa- maining two hundred and sixteen articles were read and
tients had affective recurrences in the absence of stressful the significance of the studies with regards to parameters
experiences and did not show full inter-episode recovery.11) of treatment, functionality and biomarkers for BD was
Clinical staging is a useful conceptual framework to re- judged. Twenty eight studies qualified for final inclusion
fine the phenotype of illness along developmental lines that comprised of general reviews, systematic reviews,
and supports the identification of trait and state specific meta-analyses, prospective and cross-sectional studies.
biomarkers. It paves the way for stratified and personal- These were read in full and the reference lists of the said
ized treatment at each stage of the illness as is happening articles were also consulted for additional information
in other branches of medicine.12) With regards to a pro- that could have impact on proposed staging models for
gressive condition like BD early intervention is likely to BD. See Fig. 1 for a summary of this investigative apprais-
be simpler and more effective and aims to significantly al of the extant literature.
prevent or delay advancement to more severe presenta-
tions requiring complex treatment strategies which are Developmental Trajectory and Clinical Heterogeneity of
less acceptable to patients and have a lower benefit-to-risk Bipolar Disorder
ratio.13) In spite of the obvious benefits of clinical staging,
this aspect of illness classification has been neglected in Classical, recurrent bipolar disorder
psychiatry until recently. However, there is now an in- BD is currently viewed as a spectrum illness which in-
creased impetus to characterize by stages major psychi- cludes several phenotypes. The classic BD is typified by
atric disorders, including BD. In this respect, staging mod- recurrent mood episodes of opposite polarity with full in-
els have been proposed by different researchers in- ter-episode recovery, very high heritability, and a good re-
corporating the longitudinal history of BD from a high, sponse to lithium in up to 80% of the cases.14) It is not asso-
at-risk period to illness progression to more severe and re- ciated with cognitive and functional decline and is charac-
fractory states. The purpose of this manuscript is to sys- terized by lack of psychiatric comorbidities like anxiety
tematically review the extant literature regarding the stag- and substance use disorders. The family history of patients
ing schemes put forward by key investigators in the field with classical BD is marked by high genetic predis-
and provide an overview of this innovative and exciting position in that they usually have a parent or a close rela-
area of research. tive with a similar condition.15) As children and adoles-
cents they may show an excess of adjustment, sleep and
anxiety disorders such as circadian rhythm sleep disorders
and separation anxiety disorder. The offspring of classi-
cal, lithium-responsive bipolar patients are often gifted,
Staging Models in Bipolar Disorder 119

tially between patients; however, over time there is no sig-

nificant change in illness phase and polarity, absence of
rapid cycling and lack of sub-threshold affective symp-
toms between episodes. This phenotype is marked by an
absence of evidence for progressive worsening of the
course, and a high incidence of recurrent mood disorders
but not schizophrenia in the relatives. In one sample of
outpatients, this comprised of 30% of the total bipolar pa-
tients seen in a subspecialty clinic of a Canadian teaching
hospital. The classical episodic lithium responsive sub-
type now forms part of a much broader spectrum of BD.

Bipolar spectrum disorders

Evidence supports that bipolar subtypes defined by ei-
ther prophylactic response or nonresponse to lithium dif-
fer in clinical course, family history and neurobiological
correlates.20) Lithium nonresponsive subtypes are more
chronic disorders that preferentially respond to atypical
neuroleptics (psychotic spectrum) or to anticonvulsants
(BD type II, comorbid anxiety disorders).21) Psychotic
spectrum BD has overlapping neurobiological findings
with psychotic disorders and a higher risk of chronic non-
episodic illnesses in family members, including schizo-
phrenia.22) In help seeking symptomatic youth, the illness
trajectory of non-classical BD is marked by negative
symptoms like affective flattening, anhedonia, apathy and
social withdrawal, overlapping clinically with depressive
spectrum presentations. They are liable to neurode-
velopmental disorders including learning disabilities, at-
tentional problems, academic failure and may exhibit
cluster A personality traits. The illness course of young
bipolar patients may be progressive, marked by mixed ep-
isodes, incomplete remissions, persistent subthreshold
symptoms, cognitive impairments and functional decline
in the latter stages of the illness.25) There is evidence for a
continual pro-inflammatory state, increased level of oxi-
dative stress and failing neurotrophic support. Neuro-
imaging studies show increased volume of lateral ven-
tricles with loss of brain matter in the final stages of the
Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the search strategy used in the pre-
paration of the systematic review.
Youth precursors of bipolar disorder
BD is not diagnosed until the occurrence of the first ac-
have a completely normal early development with good tivated manic/hypomanic episode; however, the bipolar
academic and social adjustment.16) In rare cases classic, diathesis most often starts with a depressive episode
lithium-responsive BD may occur in individuals without a which may antecede the first diagnosable activated epi-
family history of the condition but this would be an ex- sode by many years. A positive family history informs the
ception rather than the rule. The frequency of recurrences risk of BD in youth who present with melancholic depres-
and the quality of remission are known to vary substan- sive episodes. There are other antecedents which in-
120 A. Muneer

clude non-specific anxiety syndromes, and persistent shown divergence in illness course based on subtypes of
mood instability diagnosable only as depressive disorder the illness. Specifically, children of parents with BD with
not otherwise specified, cyclothymia, or emotional an excellent response to long-term lithium had a com-
dysregulation. In addition, in samples of help seeking pletely normal or endowed early developmental course. In
youth attenuated psychotic symptoms, attentional and contrast, the children of parents who failed to respond to
cognitive problems often co-exist with affective lithium prophylaxis manifested childhood problems with
symptoms. These early forerunners are nonspecific and cognition, emotional regulation, socialization, and showed
are seen in other illness trajectories including psychotic neurodevelopmental disorders.32) Among high-risk off-
disorders, internalizing and externalizing disorders, and spring who developed major mood disorders, the children
substance use disorders. These can also be self-limited of lithium responders had an episodic, remitting course
presentations in some young people and do not progress to and responded to lithium prophylaxis, while the offspring
major psychiatric illnesses. However, it is the nature of the of lithium nonresponders exhibited a non-fully remitting
family history that brings important context to the other- course and responded preferentially to either prophylaxis
wise vague clinical manifestation in children and with an anticonvulsant or an atypical antipsychotic.33)
adolescents. The history of BD in close family members Moreover, the spectrum of end-stage disorders among the
and their response to specific treatments, for example lith- affected offspring of lithium responders was limited to
ium are important predictive factors aiding in the early dif- mood disorders, while the offspring of lithium non-
ferentiation of illness trajectories and in foretelling treat- responders showed both mood and psychotic spectrum
ment outcome in symptomatic youth. For instance, stimu- illnesses. The analysis, based on up to 17 years of pro-
lants and antidepressants should be either avoided or, if spective clinical research observation, holds up that BD
used kept to low doses, short duration and closely moni- develops in a sequence of predictable clinical phases; not
tored in patients with a confirmed family history of BD. all offspring manifest all stages, but once they enter the
model they proceed in a forward sequence. The clinical
Prospective studies of offspring of parents with bipolar staging model is a collective overview, and it should be
disorder kept in mind that not all high-risk offspring follow the
A number of longitudinal, prospective studies of off- model or advance to end-stage illness.
spring of parents with confirmed diagnosis of BD have

Fig. 2. Duffy’s integrative clinical staging model for bipolar disorder.

BD, bipolar disorder; MDD, major depressive disorder; MDE, major depressive episode; NOS, not otherwise specified.
Staging Models in Bipolar Disorder 121

35) 41)
Staging Model Proposed by Duffy sodes occur over time. Affective episodes acting as allo-
Based on above observations, Duffy has come forward static states generate a burden that is responsible for ill-
with a staging scheme that emphasizes the family history, ness progression commonly seen in BD.42) AL may con-
early childhood precursors, and adolescent psycho- tribute to a better understanding of the diathesis, partic-
pathology. This model defines the course and prognosis of ularly to the inter-episode phenomena such as suscepti-
BD according to illness subtypes and is helpful in predict- bility to drug and alcohol abuse, decline in psychosocial
ing the latter stages of the diathesis in subsets of functioning, cognitive dysfunction and affliction with car-
patients.35) A schematic representation of her version is diovascular, metabolic and endocrine diseases. Bipolar
provided in Fig. 2. patients exhibit alterations in major mediators of AL, for
instance persistent dysregulation of the hypothalamic-
Neuroprogression as the Basis for Staging in Bipolar pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, modified immune response
Disorder with a continual pro-inflammatory state, increased dam-
There is ample research evidence that BD is an evolving age due to the occurrence of oxidative stress and de-
condition in which early stages have different clinical fea- creased neuronal survival as a result of withdrawal of neu-
tures compared to latter phases. The advancement of the rotrophic support.43) Greater during the acute phases of the
illness, frequently connected with inadequate treatment is disease, these deleterious changes remain sub-threshold
associated with a higher number of episodes occurring even during remission and damage the CNS, as the ele-
spontaneously as the disease progresses.36) There is a ments of brain tissue are particularly vulnerable to the me-
greater rate of medical and psychiatric comorbidities, in- diators of AL. Whereas, the body attempts to maintain ho-
creased risk of suicide, more number of hospitalizations meostatic balance in the presence of ever mounting stress,
and poorer response to treatment.37) Accompanying these increasing AL overwhelms the compensatory mecha-
phenomena are cognitive deterioration and functional de- nisms causing permanent damage to the brain and the pe-
cline in such areas as occupation, social relationships, and ripheral organs.44) Fig. 4 depicts how intermediary factors
financial independence with eventual loss of autonomy.38) of AL act in an orchestrated harmful manner inflicting in-
Research efforts in the last few decades have started to un- cremental damage to the whole body.
cover the neurobiological correlates of the worsening
clinical course in BD. The term “neuroprogression” has Biomarkers of Bipolar Disorder
been increasingly used to define the pathological re-
organization of the central nervous system (CNS) which Potential neuroimaging markers
arises as the result of several insults, such as inflammation Many studies have reported the existence of changes in
and oxidative stress. In BD, neural substrate reactivity is
changed by repeated mood episodes ultimately promoting
a brain rewiring that leads to an increased vulnerability to
life stresses. An episode-dependant deterioration pattern
has been widely described in serum biomarkers, brain
imaging and neuropsychological performance in effected
individuals. Staging which attempts to delineate the ill-
ness trajectory into phases can be considered as another
facet of neuroprogression in BD. This conceptual frame-
work is illustrated in Fig. 3.

Allostatic Load as the Cause of Progression in Bipolar

BD is a complex and multifactorial disease with genetic
and environmental factors contributing to its clinical
expression. BD can also be regarded as an illness involv-
ing the cumulative build-up of allostatic states, where
physiological ‘wear and tear’ described as “allostatic load Fig. 3. Linking neurobiological and clinical findings to neuropro-
(AL)” progressively increases as stressors and mood epi- gression and staging.
122 A. Muneer

Fig. 4. The mediators of allostatic

load act in a vicious cycle in bipolar
disorder. CNS, central nervous system.

48) 49)
the brain structures of patients with BD. Morphometric in healthy controls. Gulseren et al. reported that the
studies found enlargements of lateral and 3rd ventricles number of total brain hyperintensities increased with the
which were not evident from the onset of the disease and number of manic episodes. The same authors suggested
were often found only after several mood episodes. that these lesions should be used as trait markers because
Strakowski et al.45) reported that the volume of the ven- white matter hyperintensities were frequent findings in
tricles in BD patients during the first manic episode was family members who did not have BD.
similar to that of healthy individuals but lateral ventricles
were 122% larger 8 years after disease onset in cases with Neurotrophic factors
history of multiple affective episodes. Other studies have Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been
found a progressive diminution in hippocampal volume in extensively studied in BD. Neurotrophic factors are essen-
multiple episode patients. As hippocampal volume was tial for neuronal differentiation and survival and play a vi-
normal at disease outset and decreased only after repeated tal role in dendritic growth, synptogenesis, and processes
episodes, this may be a state marker of BD. A number of like long-term potentiation. BDNF is highly concentrated
studies have also found a reduction in the volume of some in limbic and paralimbic areas and its role in the patho-
areas of the prefrontal cortex. López-Larson et al.47) found genesis of BD has been well investigated. It is generally
that although the volume of the prefrontal lobe of patients believed that serum BDNF levels correlate with brain
with BD was similar to that of healthy individuals, there BDNF concentrations, so that peripheral fluctuations are a
were differences in volume of gray matter in both the right sensitive marker for disease activity. Two recent meta-
and left prefrontal cortex. Their findings also showed that analyses indicated that patients in the manic or depressive
disease duration might be correlated with a smaller vol- phase had lower blood concentrations of BDNF than
ume of gray matter in the left inferior prefrontal cortex. healthy individuals, and that serum BDNF levels in euthy-
Finally, many studies have documented the existence of mic patients were not significantly different from those
white matter hyperintensities in individuals with BD. The found in controls.50,51) Reduction in serum BDNF level
presence of these abnormalities in deep white matter is may be a potential biomarker of acute episodes and could
about 2.5 times more likely to be found in BD patients than differentiate patients in a manic or depressive state from
Staging Models in Bipolar Disorder 123

those in a euthymic phase at a sensitivity of 90% and a spe- antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation and levels of ni-
cificity of 85%.50) tric oxide (NO), an important marker of oxidative stress.58)
In contrast, a recent study found that laboratory meas- The meta-analysis conducted by Andreazza et al.59)
urements of serum BDNF concentrations may distinguish concluded that some of the oxidative stress markers are
bipolar from unipolar depression at a diagnostic accuracy elevated in plasma or blood cells of individuals with BD,
of 88% for values equal to or lower than 0.26 pg/ml. The particularly NO and thiobarbituric acid reactive sub-
authors compared plasma BDNF concentrations of pa- stances (TBARS), markers of lipid peroxidation. The
tients with BD in a depressive state with patients with uni- analysis of blood TBARS concentrations in patients with
polar depression, and found that the first group expressed BD revealed that these are elevated during all stages of
52) 60)
lower levels of BDNF. Clinically, the difference be- BD. This suggests that lipid damage occurs all along the
tween bipolar and unipolar depression remains challeng- course of this mood disorder. Therefore, serum levels of
ing, as the BD diagnosis can only be made if the patient TBARS may be used as biomarkers of progression of BD
has at least one manic or hypomanic episode. Therefore, provided further studies confirm that these increase with
blood BDNF concentrations may be an important element the duration of the disease. In addition to TBARS, NO
to establish the differential diagnosis between these condi- concentrations are also elevated in BD, regardless of the
61) 62)
tions. Other studies suggest that BDNF may be a bio- mood state. Andreazza et al. found that there are other
marker of disease progression and severity. In this sense, oxidative stress markers, such as 3-nitrotyrosine which
BDNF values are inversely correlated with severity of are elevated in the initial stages of BD.
symptoms of patients with BD. To explore the potential One of the consequences of oxidative stress is DNA
of blood BDNF to discriminate advanced and initial BD damage, and studies with patients with BD have shown an
states, researchers showed that serum BDNF concen- increase in the frequency of DNA damage. Andreazza et
trations may discriminate patients with BD for less than 3 al. described a positive correlation between manic and
years from patients that have had the disease for over 10 depressive symptom severity and enhanced DNA damage.
years, at a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 88% and ac- At the same time, DNA damage has also been associated
curacy of 95% for values equal to or lower than 0.62 with reductions in telomere length in lymphocytes of in-
pg/ml.54) Another possible use of serum BDNF concen- dividuals with BD.64) According to some researchers telo-
trations is the prediction of response to treatment and the mere shortening may be indicative of cumulative oxida-
assessment of pharmacological efficacy. In this regard a tive stress. Moreover, a study with patients with BD
study found that there is an increase and normalization of concluded that the number of shortened telomeres and
blood BDNF levels after appropriate treatment of acute mean telomere length are associated with the number of
mania. depressive episodes along life, but not with type of
illness.64) Telomere shortening physiologically occurs af-
Oxidative stress ter each cell division as part of normal ageing. However,
Oxidative stress is the result of imbalance between oxi- telomere shortening found in individuals with BD seems
dant and antioxidant enzymes, which usually results in to be indicative of ageing acceleration of the magnitude of
cell damage. Lower antioxidant levels and an increased about 10 years. These data may explain the association be-
production of pro-oxidant agents give rise to oxidative tween BD and early medical comorbidities associated
stress which leads to changes in macromolecules such as with ageing.66)
lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and DNA.56) The CNS is Another element to support the role of oxidative stress
particularly vulnerable to oxidative injury, because the in BD is the evidence that antioxidant compounds, such as
brain uses a great amount of oxygen which promotes the N-acetylcystein (NAC) are beneficial in the treatment of
formation of oxygen free radicals and reactive oxygen BD according to several studies. NAC, a glutathione pre-
species. Moreover, the CNS has a limited antioxidant ca- cursor efficiently reduces depressive symptoms in pa-
pacity, and glutathione is the main antioxidant in the tients with BD and improves their functioning and quality
brain.57) The enzymes composing the antioxidant system of life.67) Treatment effects of mood stabilizers seem to be
are most importantly superoxide dismutase (SOD), cata- associated with their action upon oxidative stress path-
lase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase. The role of oxidative ways. Patients with BD treated with lithium have a sig-
stress in the pathophysiology of BD has been investigated nificant reduction of TBARS concentrations and of the
in several studies, which consistently report changes in SOD/CAT ratio, whereas healthy individuals exposed to
124 A. Muneer

68) 54)
lithium do not have the same changes. These findings significantly. Kapczinski et al. found that when TNF-α
suggest that lithium has an antioxidant effect favorable for concentrations were equal to or greater than 20.36 pg/ml,
the treatment of BD. Lastly, to evaluate systemic toxicity patients with BD at advanced stages could be discrimi-
in BD, Kapczinski et al. compared the concentrations of nated from patients in initial stages at an accuracy of 91%
several markers in patients with BD, healthy individuals and sensitivity and specificity of 97% and 85% re-
and patients with sepsis. One of their notable findings was spectively, indicating that TNF-α might be a potential bi-
the impressive scale of oxidative damage during acute BD omarker of BD progression. In addition to the changes in
episodes, as high as the level seen in patients with sepsis in inflammatory cytokines alluded to above, moderately ele-
some cases. vated levels of C-reactive protein are found during manic
Inflammatory factors Increased concentrations of pro-inflammatory cyto-
Inflammatory factors also known as cytokines are pro- kines in BD may indicate an association with high rates of
teins or glycoproteins secreted by cells of the immune sys- medical comorbidities, particularly cardiovascular dis-
tem in response to noxious stimuli. Cytokines gain access ease as these inflammatory changes may be risk factors for
to the CNS via the periphery, while microglia the resident the development of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and
brain macrophages also secrete these mediators. Pro-in- atherosclerosis. Such findings stress the importance of
flammatory cytokines like tumor necrosis factor alpha medical evaluation and physical management of these pa-
(TNF-α) bind to neuronal death receptors and recruit Fas tients, with the provision of appropriate and timely treat-
(first apoptosis signal) to activate caspase 8, a pro-apop- ments to reduce early mortality related to the bipolar
totic enzyme leading to cell death.70) The increased neuro- diathesis. Comorbidities are considered as not only the
nal loss via apoptosis has been documented as decrease in consequences of pharmacotherapy and life style charac-
hippocampal volume and reduction in prefrontal grey teristics of BD patients, but also a manifestation of this
matter in bipolar patients with repeated episodes. More- multi-system disease.72) In fact, medical burden is part of
over, inflammatory factors interact with HPA axis, auto- the early stages of BD as over 70% of young individuals
nomic nervous system, and key neurotransmitters like are estimated to need treatment for chronic medical condi-
glutamate, serotonin and dopamine.71) Recent studies in tions.77) Middle-aged patients, in contrast develop heart
bipolar patients have confirmed the presence of a chronic disease and hypertension at a younger age than adults
inflammatory state in this mood disorder. In general, af- without BD, underscoring that medical burden should be
fective episodes may be classified as pro-inflammatory included in disease staging.78)
states, for example one study revealed that patients with a
manic exacerbation had higher interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4 Staging Models of Bipolar Disorder Based on
and IL-6 concentrations than controls, whereas those suf- Neuroprogression and Allostatic Load
fering from bipolar depression only showed elevated lev-
els of IL-6. During euthymic periods only IL-4 levels were Staging model proposed by Berk et al.
raised, suggesting that mania and to lesser degree depres- BD initiates with an asymptomatic phase (stage 0),
sion are associated with a proinflammatory state.73) Ano- which is directly associated with specific risk factors, for
ther study found that patients in a manic state have sig- example family history of the illness and substance abuse.
nificantly higher concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-α than Stage 1 is divided into 1a and 1b, characterized by the
individuals without BD. After 6 weeks of treatment with presence of mild, nonspecific mood symptoms, with the
mood stabilizing drugs, the same patients had normal IL-6 possibility of evolving to prodromal patterns. Stage 2 is
levels, but TNF-α concentrations remained high. There- where the 1st episode takes place, in either the manic or
fore, the authors of this paper suggested that IL-6 might be depressive phase - the latter being more common. Stage 3,
a marker of manic states. divided into three phases, is characterized by the first re-
At the same time, preliminary studies have found that lapse or the persistence of subclinical symptoms (phase
inflammatory biomarkers are capable of discriminating 3a), by an illness course with borderline symptoms (3b),
bipolar patients in the initial stages of the disease from and by a remission and recurrence pattern (3c). Finally,
those in advanced stages. According to Kauer-Sant’Anna stage 4 refers to patients who do not achieve full remission
et al.,74) at advanced BD stages serum IL-10 concen- of symptoms or are refractory to treatment.
trations declined and plasma TNF-α levels increased
Staging Models in Bipolar Disorder 125

Staging model proposed by Kapczinski et al. Manual (DSM). DSM-IV recognized BD type I (manic/
This model, proposed some years latter shifts the em- mixed and recurrent MDE), BD type II (hypomanic and
phasis to functioning in the inter-episode as a means to as- recurrent MDE), cyclothymic disorder (hypomanic and
sess staging along with the characterization of biomarkers recurrent depressive episodes that fall short of MDE) and
for each phase. The patients are classified into 5 stages, BD not otherwise specified. However, important changes
starting with a latent phase in which individuals may expe- have been made in DSM-5 with regards to the definition of
rience mood and anxiety symptoms without overt pres- mixed episodes, as now patients can be diagnosed with
ence of BD. In stage 1, patients already present a period of suffering from a mixed episode even if they have only a
mania/hypomania but present adequate functioning and few manic symptoms concurrently with depressive symp-
absence of cognitive deficits in the inter-episode. In stage toms. Additionally, patients with hypomania can also be
2, subclinical symptoms, comorbidities and mild cogni- identified as having mixed symptoms and a new specifier
tive dysfunction are present in the inter-episode. In stage “with mixed features” has been added to the diagnosis of
3, patients present with marked cognitive and functional major depressive disorder (MDD). These changes are
impairment. Finally, stage 4 includes individuals with se- suggestive of the fact that mood disorders occur on a con-
vere cognitive and functional impairment, leading to loss tinuum and the distinction between MDD and BD is
of autonomy. Table 1 gives a comparison of the staging blurring. The extant literature on the neurobiology of
systems for BD along with the putative biomarkers for mood disorders indicate that these conditions have com-
each stage. mon underpinnings and share similar pathophysiologic
Therapeutic implications of staging The strongest support for the contributory role of in-
In other fields of medicine staging is widely used to flammation in the causation of MDD comes from the ob-
choose appropriate treatment and inform the prognosis. servation that cytokine immunotherapy based on chronic
However, this is a new trend in psychiatry and only re- administration of interferon-alpha and/or IL-2 to patients
cently have the first models of staging of psychiatric dis- with kidney cancer or melanoma with metastasis induces
orders been developed. For staging designs to have heu- an episode of depression in a significant proportion of
ristic value, the course of the disease should be predictable patients.85) Further, anti-TNFα treatment with etanercept
along time and the illness at the initial stages should be as- and infliximab is emerging as a possible option in the
sociated with simpler treatment requirements and a better management of resistant mood disorders, either as mono
outcome. In addition, treatment efficacy should also be or adjunctive therapy.86) Other lines of evidence show that
greater in the beginning of the ailment and a subsequent akin to BD, MDD is a neuroprogressive condition with de-
progressive decline should be expected, culminating in clining neurotrophic support, augmented neuronal loss in
treatment resistance. For this reason staging formats need key mood regulating areas like the hippocampus and in-
to be constructed in parallel to treatment algorithms, as cremental damage to central and peripheral organs with
81) 87)
different stages have diverse therapeutic requirements. illness advancement. As such attempts have been made
Therefore, it is surmised that staging is instrumental in to stage MDD; further details on this subject can be ob-
choosing personalized optimal management plans and is tained from the excellent review by Ferensztajn et al.88) In
simultaneously helpful in making clear the prospects in in- summary, it can be enunciated that while there are pheno-
dividual cases. It must be recognized that early inter- typic differences in major mood disorders, convergent
ventions are fundamental to neuroprotection; in addition, pathophysiological mechanisms operate that lead to the
while treatment during the initial stages should primarily expression of these conditions in predisposed individuals.
focus on neuroprotective strategies, therapy during more As far as the staging models in BD are concerned the
advanced phases should be palliative and rehabilitative to following points need to be highlighted.
control the consequences of disease progression. The im- i) A developmental clinical staging approach represents
portance assigned to neuroprotective approaches may an important advance supporting earlier and more accu-
take psychiatry to a new era of preventive medicine.82) rate psychiatric diagnosis.
ii) Clinical staging of BD must consider both the natural
Limitations of the Staging Models history and the heterogeneity of the diagnosis.
The concept of BD has broadened with the publication iii) A comprehensive evidence-based staging model of
of consecutive editions of Diagnostic and Statistical BD is important to promote early detection and inter-
126 A. Muneer

Table 1. Evidence based staging models for bipolar disorder (BD)

Duffy et al.35) Berk et al.79) Kapczinski et al.80)

Stage Stage Description Stage Description Biomarkers
Classical BD Bipolar spectrum

0 Well but at confirmed familial Well but at confirmed familial risk 0 Increased risk for mood dis- Latent Mood change symptoms and Genetic polymorphisms may
risk for BD for psychotic spectrum or aty- order, asymptomatic with anxiety; ↑risk of develop- determine susceptibility
pical BD active risk factors ing BD; no cognitive dys-
1 Episodic anxiety/sleep disorders Chronic fluctuating anxiety and 1a Mild or nonspecific symp- 1 Well defined euthymic periods. Serum concentrations: ↑TNF-α,
sleep disorders. ND disorders, toms No psychiatric comorbid- ↑ 3-NT, ↑ IL-6
learning and motor disorders 1b Prodromal features: ultra high ity between episodes; no
risk cognitive dysfunction
2 Single depressive episode, dys- Negative symptoms – amotiva- 2 1st manic or MDE, the latter 2 Inter-episode symptoms due Serum concentrations: ↑TNF-α,
thymia, cyclothymia, AD tion, alogia, flattening of affect being more common to comorbidities. Transient ↑ 3-NT, ↑ IL-6, ↓ BDNF
cognitive dysfunction
3 Recurrent melancholic MDD Cognitive symptoms, attenuated 3a 1st relapse, subclinical symp- 3 Clinically relevant pattern of Morphometric brain abnor-
with or without psychotic fea- psychotic symptoms, academic toms in the inter-episode cognitive and functional malities may be present.
tures and social decline 3b 1st clinical relapse impairment with inability Serum concentrations:
3c Subsequent pattern of remis- to work ↑↑TNF-α, ↑3-NT, ↑IL-6, ↓↓BDNF
sions and relapses
4A Episodic mania or hypomania Mixed or psychotic mania 4 Refractory to treatment, no 4 Loss of autonomy due to Ventricular enlargement and/
4B Comorbidities Psychotic spectrum, cognitive and symptom remission cognitive and functional or white matter hyperinten-
functional deterioration impairment sities. Serum concentrations:
↑↑ TNF-α , ↑ 3-NT, ↓↓ BDNF,
↑↑glutathione reductase and
transferase, ↓ IL-10

ND, neurodevelopmental disorders; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-alpha; 3-NT, 3-nitrotyrosine; IL, interleukin; AD, adjustment disorders; MDE, major depressive episode; BDNF, brain derived
neurotrophic factor; MDD, major depressive disorder.
Staging Models in Bipolar Disorder 127

vention, as well as research aimed at identifying markers gregate view of how the illness unfolds as it develops. The
of illness predisposition and progression. extrapolative nature of the staging schema helps in for-
iv) The proponents of staging BD on the basis of neuro- mulating individually tailored treatment plans and defin-
progression and AL have focused on differentiating ear- ing prognosis in patients with BD. Appropriate and ad-
lier- from later-stage illness in adult patients meeting full equate treatment in the early phases should prevent ad-
diagnostic criteria for the disorder. vancement to the latter periods of the disease when lasting
v) These studies consider neither the evidence of early damage has in essence occurred. In susceptible indivi-
antecedent risk syndromes nor the developmental illness duals with an ultra high risk profile, interventions in the
trajectory leading up to the full-blown diagnosis of BD, as earliest stages give an opportunity to prevent the ailment
reported in several large prospective studies of the off- from progressing and resulting in a whole host of un-
spring of parents with this condition.27) desirable sequelae. Each one of the existing staging models
vi) The proposed staging models should be examined for BD has its merits and limitations, but unquestionably
with the caveat that these provide an aggregate view de- there is a great need for this proposal. It is expected that fu-
rived from research studies and will not apply to all ture research will lead to refinements in the staging proto-
high-risk offspring as environmental and epigenetic fac- cols with better outcomes for the sufferers of BD, which
tors operate in the expression of the diathesis. indeed is an intractable condition with poor prospects for
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et al.80) is that it focuses solely on progression of end-stage
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