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Analyzing the Intention and

Message of Propaganda

 Define propaganda.
 Analyze the intention and messages
conveyed in the propaganda.
 Express the importance of knowing
the intention and message of
propaganda in decision-making.
Activity 1. FAMILIAR? GUESS!
Guess the product brand being
described by the given taglines.
*Raise your PLUS stick if you want to answer.
Activity 2. PLUS or MINUS
Identify the message of each
picture(propaganda) by raising your
PLUS sign stick if it conveys a positive
message and MINUS stick if it conveys
a negative message.
Activity 2. Guide Questions
1. What happened to the woman in the video?
2. Who gave their opinion about her headache?
3. What did she so in the end?
4. What message does it trying to convey?
5. What is its intention or purpose? Is it to
inform, persuade or entertain?
Activity 3. L K CLOSELY
You will be Propaganda Experts
today. Your task is to analyze a
propaganda using the Propaganda
Analysis Sheet.
Process Questions:
1. Describe the format of the propaganda.
2. Who made the propaganda?
3. Who is/are the intended audience?
4. What visual images/keywords appear in the
5. Does the propaganda convey a positive or
negative message? What is it?
6. What is the purpose of this propaganda?
7. What is it trying to get people to do or feel?
8. On a scale of 1 (very ineffective) to 5 (very
effective), rate the effectiveness of this
propaganda? Why did you give the propaganda
that rating? 
1. How did you analyze this propaganda?
What are the things you considered?
2. Why is it important to analyze the
intention / purpose and message of a
propaganda? How will it affect our
Knowing its intention/purpose
and message is important
so that we can think critically
before making personal
decisions or judgment.
- is the spreading of ideas,
information, or rumor for the purpose
helping or injuring an institution, a
cause, or a person. (Merriam Webster)
- a form of communication which
carries a biased message and is
intended to influence others to
accept or reject certain views or
It can be found almost anywhere!
Books, tabloids/ newspaper,
advertisements, speeches, arts
Purpose/Intention of Propaganda:
1. To inform
2. To persuade
3. To entertain
Things You Consider in
Analyzing Propaganda
A - Audience
I- Institution
R - Representation
I - Ideology
N - Narrative
G - Genre
As a buyer in real-life,
are you going to buy the
product in the video?
Tips on Buying Products
 Do you really NEED it?
 Is it within your BUDGET?
 Is it GOOD for you? What
benefit can you get from it?
Our decision affects our daily lives.
Everyday we make choices, and it is
important that we are able to think
critically and analytically before
making any decisions. Do not RUSH.
1.)What is propaganda?
A. A form of communication which carries
a biased message and is intended to
influence others to accept or reject
certain views or agendas.
B. A report of recent events
C. A piece of writing that is used to
inform, describe or explain a topic, using
important facts to teach the reader
about a topic.
2.)Which of the following would NOT be
an example of propaganda?
A. A photo of a homeless man intended to
generate sympathy for the poor
B. A campaign ad that uses statistics and
logic to prove its point
C. A piece of graffiti saying “Immigrants,
go home!”

3.)Which of the following materials could

be a piece of propaganda?
I. Books II. Movies III. Songs
A. Only III B. I and III C. I, II, and III

4.)Why is it important to analyze the intent

of the propaganda?
A.To join hands with the propagandist
B.To be able to think critically before
making decisions
C.To persuade other people

5.)Which is TRUE about propaganda?

I.Propaganda is ideological.
II.Propaganda uses mass media.
III.Propaganda is always true.

A. Only I B. I and II C. II and III

Listen to the song “Anak” by
Freddie Aguilar and analyze it
using the Propaganda Analysis
Thought to Ponder:
“A wise man makes his own
decisions; an ignorant man
follows public opinion.”

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