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Platinum Jubilee Glossary

Anniversary Date an event took place in a previous year

Beacon A signal fire lit as a warning or celebration

Palace Queen Elizabeth's official London residence

Bunting Flags and colourful decorations

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Platinum Jubilee Glossary

Celebration A social gathering to celebrate an event or date

Competition A quiz or contest people try to win

Concert A music performance for an audience

Coronation The ceremony for crowning a king or queen

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Platinum Jubilee Glossary

Crown A king or queen's special hat, with gold and jewels

Diamond Jubilee A celebration of 60 years with Elizabeth II as queen

Golden Jubilee A celebration of 50 years with Elizabeth II as queen

Monarch A king, queen or emperor

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Platinum Jubilee Glossary

Pageant Procession of people in colourful costumes

Parade Public procession to celebrate a special event

Party A social celebration with food and drink

Platinum Jubilee A celebration of 70 years of Elizabeth II as queen

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Platinum Jubilee Glossary

Reign The period of rule by a monarch

River Thames Large river in London

Silver Jubilee A celebration of 25 years of Elizabeth II as queen

Street party A special celebration by residents in their street

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Platinum Jubilee Glossary

Throne A special ceremonial chair for a monarch

Trooping the Colour Procession of soldiers and horses celebrating Queen's birthday

Westminster Abbey Royal church in London where monarchs are crowned

Windsor castle Royal residence in Berkshire

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