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April 30, 2022 | 9:00am via Cisco Webex & FB Live

Student Name: Cid Erick R. Poniente Date: May 05, 2022

Student Number: 202012050 Activity Number: 1

(Topic 1: Small Spaces Gardening)
Resource Speaker: Dr. Venuz O. Saz

The 1st webinar on April 30, 2022, was almost Little Spaces Planting, driven by Dr. Venuz Saz.
It is exceptionally instructive and accommodating for everybody to know approximately having
/planting little gardens for a sound environment. Small Spaces Cultivating was a hone of
developing any sort of plant in restricted ranges wherein you'll utilize a bottle, holder, in a green
roof, guerilla, and numerous more. In addition, Dr. Saz specified a few benefits that will happen
when people begin to actualize it. And one of the benefits is developing solid food and
can spare cash which is sweet since people don`t have to be purchase. Moreover, a few people
presently are likely to plant an herbal, especially the uncommon one for their claim needs since
their claim needs since there are people who utilize herbals instead of taking pharmaceutical,
that’s why practicing little planting must apply to each citizen so that the deserted regions can
be moreover utilized for cultivating since it can help the air.

Moreover, it`s as well vital as the primary step for our environment to educate the people when
it comes to appropriate ways of planting in huge or little zones to maintain a strategic distance
from squandering plants particularly in the event that you don`t know how to develop those
plants/herbals. Hence, we conclude that the reason of this small planting is to
create people get utilized to planting a tree in their community
and begin to adore the excellence of the environment since these days, it`s as well simple for a
few citizens/businessmen to concur on deforestation for the purpose of their commerce in which
it appears that they as it were care for themselves. Be that as it may, when those plantita`s &
plantito`s begin to spread their information and loan offer assistance to
those individuals who need to have their plant, at that point it`s not inconceivable to
spread more extensive and impact each citizen. As a conclusion, Dr. Saz said that “Gardens are
a incredible illustration that we procure what we sow indeed in little spaces” wherein clearly
reminds us that in the event that we need to have distant better;a much better;a higher;a
stronger;an improved">a much better environment,


(Topic 2: CvSU Environmental Policies)
Resource Speaker: Prof. Junser P. Magpantay

The second topic was “The Role of Pollution Control Office toward Healthier and Safer
Environment in CvSU” or Environmental Policies, mentioned via way of means of Prof. Junser
Magpantay. He stated that nearly 192,000 residual wastes had been spent each yr on the
university. These wastes come from the out of doors of the university, much less information
approximately social waste control (SWM) which ends from not noted waste that may be
recycled, and the attitude/field of people toward removing garbage. Also, the herbal calamities
delivered via way of means of typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions can’t be controlled.
Moreover, because of the shortage of regulations with regards to looking after the surroundings,
there are outcomes wherein people are generally affected.

Prof. Magpantay additionally delivered the position of the pollutants manipulate workplace
wherein he suggests a few legal guidelines that they put in force withinside the university. They
purpose to keep the stability of surroundings and socio-financial development, take away
poisonous materials and risky wastes, attaining of getting a wholesome air for residents,
defensive the country’s water our bodies from pollutants, decreasing waste thru imposing social
waste control this is primarily based totally on 3R’s (reduce, reuse and recycling) in order that
each citizen is aware of to segregate the biodegradables and non-biodegradables. Furthermore,
it’s an amazing concept that the GIGO coverage mounted in which it means ‘Garbage In, Garbage
Out is one of the environmental regulations in CvSU due to the fact they need that each one
people be chargeable for our waste and it suggests an amazing field for all of us. Aside from
that, banning the usage of plastic luggage to keep away from infection in canals and giving the
proper facts for all residents to segregate the waste each day. Therefore, we finish that if all
people have the proper field, they recognize what is right and bad, then it’s now no longer too
tough to comply with the regulations that put in force due to the fact it’s now no longer pretty
much of us however the mom earth additionally that we used and lived on today. It’s tough to
respire whilst you are suffocating, so why do you maintain on doing the ones matters that can
be dangerous to our surroundings in that you exhale and inhale the air that comes from our
earth. Additionally, it made me recognize that each motion has outcomes or now no longer, this
is why, we as residents, need to be very cautious and discover ways to control our wastes in
place of throwing it anywhere to keep away from conflict.


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