CDI-102-WEEK - (1) Specialized Crime

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km. 1 Lawaan Roxas City Capiz 5800

ACADEMIC YEAR 2020 -2021

Department: College of Criminal Justice Education Course Code: CDI-2

Name of Instructor: PCAPT ROGIE E. BARIL (Ret RC,) DPA Schedule: __
Course Descriptive: Specialized Crime Investigation, 1 with (Legal Medicine) Semester: Second Semester

Name of Student: _______________________ Year and Section__________________

Student I.D Number _____________________ Contact number__________________
Email Address __________________________ Alternate Contact number___________

Prelim Content Week 1

Specialized Crime Investigation 1 ( with Legal Medicine )

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the special study modern technique in the investigation of crimes
involving crimes against persons, and other related offenses. The application of medical science in crime
investigation with emphasis on the medico-legal aspects of physical injuries, death, abortion, infanticide, burn
and poisoning. Develop framework of investigating crimes, crime scene processing, and report writting.

Introduction, Concept Nature of Legal or Forensic Medicine –

There is only one path in the mastery of legal forensic medicine and that’s is, an extensive practical experience acquired
by a daily whole time application and study of medical problems which are represented by crimes of large community
like Metro Manila. The progress of criminal cases depends mainly on the progress of crime detection and investigation.
The author pooled his expertise and experience in making the book for criminology students and criminologist as well.
The main objective in the practice of legal forensic medicine is to seek for the truth. Theories and half truth have no
room the practice of legal/forensic medicine,

Forensic medicine or legal medicine is the branch of medicine utilized by the legal medicine authorities for the solution
of legal problems. It is the interaction of medical science with the law. The name forensic comes from the word “forum”
meaning the roman market place where lawyers, doctors, and other professional do their businesses.

1. Criminal Law – concern offenses which are considered to be against the general public interest, offenses against
persons, property, public safety and security of the state. Penalties consist of monetary fine, imprisonment or execution.
2. Civil Law – it is dispute between two individual or parties rather than the state. In both civil and criminal
action, the accused person is called defendant and the party bringing the action in a civil case is the plaintiff.

ADVERSARIAL – The legal system of criminal procedure in Aglo-sax on which descended from the American
code. The defendant has to prove it beyond reasonable doubt before judge, magistrate or jury.

WITNESS – is a person who has knowledge about the case


1. ORDINARY WITNESS – witness as to the fact Nothing to do with the medical practice.
2. PROFESSIONAL WITNESS – Doctors give factual evidence of something he did or saw during his medical
3. EXPERT WITNESS – One whi assist the law by giving an expert opinion an certain facts. Example
dermatologist may give opinion upon carcinogives properties of certain chemicals.

AUTOPSY – in its broadtest definition is simply the examination of a body after death. The primary objective of
autopsy is to determine the cause of death.


1. CLINICA/HOSPITAL AUTOPSY – which focuses on the internal organ findings. Its purpose in to confirm the
clinical diagnosis presence and extent disease, any medical condition that were overlooked and
appropriatness and outcome of therapy.
2. FORENSIC/MEDICO LEGAL AUTOPSY- To determine the cause of death and confirm the manner of death
often used in criminal proceedings.

FORENSIC/MEDICO-LEGAL AUTOPSY – must be documented and photograped including those present during
autopsy, date, time, and place autopsy.

Items to be collected for laboratory examinations:

1. Victims clothing
2. Blood examinations, DNA and blood typing
3. Bullets recovered from the body on hands swabs in case of guns shooting
4. Anal and Vaginal swabs combings from the heads and public hair in case of sex related cases.
5. Vomitus and other gastric secretions.

Forensic autopsy consist of external and internal examinations.


1. Broad overviewof the condition of the body and clothing

2. General Characteristics of the body

A. Sex and approximate age

B. Height and weight
C. Body build
D. Prohable cause of death
E. Presence of tattoo and tribal marks

3. External examination consist of classifying injuries. These include Abrasions, contusion laceration and harp
injury wounds. Hemorrhage in the eyelid as they can be indicative of asphyxia by strangulation. Genital
examination is suspected sexual abuse. Characteristics markings on skin in cases of firearms wounds or
commotive of shoot and gun powder.

Stippling, peppering or tattooing around the bullet hole.


Consist of the removal of the individual organs through a Y- shaped is T shaped incision beginning at the tap of
back shoulder and extending between to the public bone. Internal organs are weighed, sectioned and send for
pathologic examinations Blood is routinely tested to determine alcohol and other toxic subtances. Pulmonary
edema (Fluid accumulates in the lungs is commonly found in victims of chronic and amphetamine abuse.
Stomach contents for digested food or dissolved tablets.


This week you will study the basic concepts of Specialized Crime Investigation 1 with (Legal Medicine) and what it involves.
Review on importan and relevant topics, Rules and Laws in Fundamental of Criminal Investigation.

Along with these concepts, Scene of Crime operations of cases involving dead body infant or adult, human body parts,
and fetus. Kinds of Crime Scene Sketching and Kinds/Types of Crime Scene Photography

Specialized Crime Investigation is equally important for the students to learn the strategies and techniques in
handling and dealing with the threats of various crime investigation situations.

Chapter 1 Introduction, Concept Nature of Legal or Forensic Medicine

By the end of this chapter/week, you will be able to:

1. Criminal Law
2. Civil Law
3. Adversarial
4. Witness
5. 3 type of witness
6. Autopsy

This week, we will utilize blended learning method. Upon receiving this learning module, you shall be guided with the
lessons, discussions, and tasks need to be completed. On the “DISCUSSIONS” part of this module is for your advance
reading, make sure to read and understand the provided notes and feel free to use books or online references
provided therein. I will be posting the Initial Discussions in the GOOGLE CLASSROOM on February, 2021 (Wednesday)
from 7:00AM – 8:00AM only during your class scheduled time (Note: Enter your assigned Google Classroom at least 5
minutes before the scheduled time using the Class Code: (to be updated by the instructor).

In addition, the assignments will be due this February, 2021 (Sunday) at 11:59 PM. Prepare your inquiries and
questions regarding the advanced assignments and tasks to be discussed during the Initial Discussions in the Google
Classroom. For Face-to-Face and/or Virtual discussions and review schedule will be posted during the Initial
Discussion in the Google Classroom.


The teacher may deliver lessons in either face-to-face or via Online through Google Classroom. For face-to-face
discussions and delivery, the teacher should follow strictly the minimum health safety requirements imposed by the
school at a given class scheduled time. Making sure, that students follow said safety standards while in school.

[Include here at least 1 paragraph about the main topic or course theory, a short readings to support the topic/theory,
and images to make it look interactive and inviting. The goal here is to ensure that the students shall remain focus on
the lesson. You may also include “Ice Breakers” for the student to perform and accomplish in between discussions.]

Insert Study Links here (Youtube, PDFs, Drives, Images, Videos, Ebook Links)
Test and Evaluation of Knowledge: In a sheet of yellow paper. Answer the following with high honesty:
[Include here how to accomplish and send test and evaluation/quiz]

Week 1 (Discuss and Explain)

1. How could you interpret about Criminal Law?

2. What is the participation of Civil Law on the Crime Investigation
3. How could you reason out about ADVERSARIAL litigation
4. Why there is always the representation of a witness in court?
5. Discuss about the purpose of autopsy and differentiate?
6. Why autopsy of the dead human body is important in court litigation?

“The goal of this assignment is to help you understand Specialized Crime Investigation with Legal
Medicine in relation to crime and the adoption of strategies and tactics in dealing with potential and actual


Directions to Submit (if submission is through online)

[Instructions here would vary depending on the platform used, for example Google classroom,
messenger, Gmail]
1. On the right hand Menu, you will see a SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button with a white plus sign.

Click on the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button. Then click BROWSE to

2. When done, click the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button.

Directions to Submit (if submission is through face-to-face)

[Instructions here would vary depending on the instructor]
1. Bring your completed assignment in school (Main Campus) on or before March, 2021
2. Drop your completed assignment at the box placed in front of Room 211.
3. Make sure to label your completed assignment with your name, course, year and section.

[Insert here a short description of the criteria for grading and/or if there is a rubric attached to the assignment.]
Periodical Exam – 40%
Quizzes/Activity – 20%
Projects – 20%
Class Participation – 20%
Overall = 100%


CHAPTER 1 coverage
How Can You Prepare?
[List either a timeline or specific assignments with due dates that students need to do to complete the project using
the bullet pointed list function in your word processing program.]

End of Week 1 Prelim Learning Module


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