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Tree squirrel

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Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Tree squirrels include over a hundred species that are found on all continents except Antarctica, and are the members of the squirrel family (Sciuridae) most commonly referred to as "squirrels".[1] They do not form a single natural, or monophyletic, group, but instead are related to the various other animals in the squirrel family, including ground squirrels, flying squirrels, marmots, and chipmunks. The defining characteristic that is used to determine which of the various species of Sciuridae are tree squirrels is therefore not so dependent on their physiology, but their habitat. Tree squirrels live mostly among trees, as opposed to other squirrels that live in burrows in the ground or among rocks. However, there is one exception to this rule, as physiological distinction does make a difference in regard to flying squirrels, who also make their home in trees, but have unique physical characteristics that separate them from their tree squirrel cousins (specifically, special flaps of skin that act as glider wings, allowing them to "fly"). The most well-known genus of tree squirrels is Sciurus, which includes the eastern gray squirrel of North America (and which was introduced to Great Britain), the red squirrel of Eurasia, and the North American fox squirrel, among many others. Since many tree squirrel species have readily adapted to human-altered environments (including intensely-cultivated farms and urban cities), and because they are mostly diurnal (active during the daytime), when most people are outdoors to see them, they are perhaps the

most familiar members of the rodent family to most humans. Indeed, in some larger cities, they are often the only wild animals (not counting birds) that most people ever see. It is no surprise, then, that tree squirrels and humans have had a very complex and longlasting relationship.


1 Classification 2 Relationship with humans o 2.1 As pests o 2.2 As pets o 2.3 As food 2.3.1 In the U.S. 2.3.2 In the U.K. 3 In culture 4 Albino and white squirrels o 4.1 Albino and white squirrels in folklore 5 Red and gray squirrels in the UK 6 References 7 Literature cited 8 External references

[edit] Classification

Indian palm squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)

A baby Sciurus Guy G. Musser, one of the world's leading experts on rodents, and the Archbold Curator Emeritus of Mammalogy at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, clarifies the usage of "squirrel" and related terms: The squirrel family includes ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, prairie dogs, and flying squirrels, but to most people squirrel refers to the 122 species of tree squirrels, which belong to 22 genera of the subfamily Sciurinae.[1] Current taxonomy, based on genetic data, splits the tree squirrels into several subfamilies. The following genera of the squirrel family are classified as tree squirrels.[1][2]

Subfamily Ratufinae o Genus Ratufa (Asian giant squirrels) Subfamily Sciurillinae o Genus Sciurillus (South American pygmy squirrel) Subfamily Sciurinae o Tribe Sciurini (mostly American tree squirrels) Genus Microsciurus (American dwarf squirrels) Genus Rheithrosciurus (Borneo tufted ground squirrel) Genus Sciurus (American and Eurasian tree squirrels) Genus Syntheosciurus (Central American mountain squirrel) Genus Tamiasciurus (American red squirrels) Subfamily Callosciurinae (Asian tree squirrels) o Genus Callosciurus (Oriental tree squirrels, introduced into Europe and South America) o Genus Exilisciurus (Asian pygmy squirrels)

Genus Funambulus (Asian palm squirrels, introduced into Australia)[3] Genus Glyphotes (sculptor squirrel) Genus Nannosciurus (Asian dwarf squirrel) Genus Prosciurillus (Sulawesi dwarf squirrels) Genus Rubrisciurus (Sulawesi giant squirrel) Genus Sundasciurus (Sunda squirrels) Genus Tamiops (Asian striped squirrels) Subfamily Xerinae o Tribe Protoxerini (African tree squirrels) Genus Epixerus (African palm squirrels) Genus Funisciurus (rope squirrels) Genus Heliosciurus (sun squirrels) Genus Myosciurus (African pygmy squirrel) Genus Paraxerus (bush squirrels) Genus Protoxerus (African giant squirrels)
o o o o o o o

[edit] Relationship with humans

This squirrel, who was looking for a treat, has become desensitized to humans. The distance between the squirrel and the camera was less than 18 in. Squirrels are generally intelligent and persistent animals. In residential neighborhoods, they are notorious for discovering clever methods to circumvent obstacles in order to eat out of bird feeders. Tree squirrels also create minor annoyances by digging in planting pots and flower beds to pull out bulbs which they chew on, to either bury or recover seeds and nuts, and for building nests within human domiciles, including attics and basements. Squirrels use their keen sense of smell to locate buried nuts and can dig extensive holes in the process. Birds, especially crows, will sometimes watch a squirrel bury a nut, then dig it up as soon as the squirrel leaves. Although they are expert climbers, and primarily arboreal, squirrels also thrive in urban environments, where they have adapted to humans.

This iron bird feeder is advertised as being "squirrel proof and bear resistant"

[edit] As pests
Squirrels are sometimes considered pests because of their propensity to chew on various edible and inedible objects. This characteristic trait aids in maintaining sharp teeth, and because their teeth grow continuously, prevents over-growth. Homeowners in areas with a heavy squirrel population must keep attics and basements carefully sealed to prevent property damage caused by nesting squirrels. A squirrel nest is called a "drey". Some homeowners resort to more interesting ways of dealing with this problem, such as collecting and planting fur from pets such as domestic cats and dogs in attics. This fur will indicate to nesting squirrels that a potential predator roams and will encourage evacuation. Fake owls and scarecrows are generally ignored by the animals, and the best way to prevent chewing on an object is to coat it with something to make it undesirable: for instance a soft cloth or chili pepper paste or powder. Squirrel trapping is also practiced to remove them from residential areas. However, otherwise squirrels are safe neighbors that pose almost zero risk of transmitting rabies.[4] Squirrels are often the cause of power outages. They can readily climb a power pole and crawl across a power line. The animals will climb onto transformers or capacitors looking for food. If they touch a high voltage conductor and a grounded portion of the device at the same time, they are then electrocuted and cause a short circuit that shuts down equipment. Squirrels have brought down the high-tech NASDAQ stock market twice and were responsible for a spate of power outages at the University of Alabama.[5] To sharpen their teeth they will often chew on tree branches or even the occasional live power line. Rubber plates (squirrel guards) are sometimes used to prevent access to these facilities. Squirrels are blamed for economic losses to homeowners, nut growers, forest managers in addition to damage to electric transmission lines. These losses include direct damage to property, repairs, lost revenue and public relations. While dollar costs of these losses are sometimes calculated for isolated incidents, there is no tracking system to determine the total extent of the losses.[6]

Painting of a Colonial American boy holding a pet squirrel.

[edit] As pets
Squirrels can be trained to be hand-fed. Because they are able to cache surplus food, they take as much food as is available. Squirrels living in parks and campuses in cities have learned that humans are typically a ready source of food. Urban squirrels have learned to get a lot of food from generous humans. A commonly given food is peanuts, but recent studies show that raw peanuts contain a trypsin inhibitor that prevents the absorption of protein in the intestines. Therefore offering peanuts that have been roasted is the better option.[7][dubious discuss] However, wildlife rehabilitators in the field have noted that neither raw nor roasted peanuts nor sunflower seeds are healthy for squirrels, because they are deficient in several essential nutrients. This type of deficiency has been found to cause metabolic bone disease, a somewhat common ailment found in malnourished squirrels.[8]
[9][dubious discuss]

Squirrels are occasionally kept as household companions, provided they are selected young enough and are hand raised in a proper fashion. They can be taught to do tricks, and are said to be as intelligent as dogs in their ability to learn behaviors.[citation needed] Pet squirrels are usually kept without cages, but a large cage and a balanced diet with good variety will keep a pet squirrel healthy and happy. The pet owner must beware of "spring fever" at which time a female pet squirrel will become very defensive of her cage, considering it her nest, and will become somewhat aggressive to defend the area.[citation

[edit] As food

The hunting and consumption of squirrel goes back to the beginning of the human race.
[citation needed]

[edit] In the U.S. Squirrel meat is considered a favored meat in certain regions of the United States[10] where it can be listed as wild game.[11] This is evidenced by extensive recipes for its preparation found in cookbooks, including older copies of The Joy of Cooking. Squirrel meat can be exchanged for rabbit or chicken in recipes, though it may have a gamey taste[12] if handled improperly. In the book White Trash Cooking[13] (which contains recipes for squirrel dishes), one of the contributors describes squirrel meat: Squirrel is one of the finest and tenderest of all wild meats. Its flavor is mild, rarely gamey. There is no need for soaking, and seldom any need for parboiling. They should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting, but skinning may wait until they're ready to be cooked...This is a real sweet meat.[13] Although squirrel meat is low in fat content, unlike most game meat it has been found by the American Heart Association to be high in cholesterol.[14] In many areas of the U.S., particularly areas of the American South, squirrels are still hunted for food, as they were in earlier years.[15] During the 2008 U.S. election, Republican presidential candidate and Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee mentioned his experiences eating squirrel during an interview with Meet the Press anchor Tim Russert. The following is a brief excerpt from the transcript of that interview:

Eleanor Roosevelt in squirrel fur coat Tim Russert: All right. Before you go, I have to ask you about this comment on...Morning Joe's program back in January: "When I was in college, we used to take a popcorn popper, because that was the only thing...they would let us use in the dorms...and we would fry squirrel in the popcorn poppers in the dorm room." Governor Huckabee: Yeah. Yeah. We really did that. We really did. Tim Russert: Did you eat them? Governor Huckabee: Well, of course you...we ate them. Tim Russert: What does it taste like?

Governor Huckabee: I should say it tastes a lot like chicken, but it doesn't. Tim Russert: What's it taste like? Governor Huckabee: It, it tastes like squirrel. It's not the best thing in the world but, you know, when you go squirrel hunting, you got to do something with those things. And part of it was just to say we could do it. I mean, it was a college thing. I mean, but fried squirrel is a Southern delicacy. You got to know that. Tim Russert: But you're off the squirrel now? Governor Huckabee: I haven't eaten fried squirrel I think since college. Thank the Lord. I don't... Tim Russert: This may help you in Virginia. Governor Huckabee: It may kill me up--in other states, however.[16] As with other wild game and fish species, the consumption of squirrels that have been exposed to high levels of pollution or toxic waste poses a health risk to humans. A recent example of this took place in 2007 in the northern New Jersey community of Ringwood, where the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services issued a warning to anyone who eats squirrel (especially for children and pregnant women) to limit their consumption after a lead-contaminated squirrel was found near the Ringwood Mines Landfill,[17] which had been the location of illegally-dumped toxic waste for many years before authorities cracked down on this practice in the 1980s.[18] This especially affects the local Ramapough Mountain Indians, who have hunted and consumed squirrels from before European contact. The hunting and eating of squirrels is considered to be one of this people's time-honored traditions, linking them through a process of cultural identity to their ancestors, and to each other.[18] On learning of the ban on squirrel meat consumption, one member of the Ramapough Tribe told a reporter that: "I feel my ancestry is disappearing, my heritage".[18] [edit] In the U.K. For most of the history of the United Kingdom, squirrel has been a meat not commonly eaten, and even scorned by many.[19] But in the early 21st century, wild squirrel has become a more popular meat to cook with, [20] showing up in restaurants and shops more often in Britain as a fashionable alternative meat.[19] Specifically, U.K. citizens are cooking with the invasive gray squirrel, which is being praised for its low fat content and the fact that it comes from free range sources.[20] Additionally, the novelty of a meat considered unusual or special has added to the spread of squirrel consumption.[19] Due to the difficulty of a clean kill and other factors, the majority of squirrel eaten in the U.K. is acquired from professional hunters, trappers, and gamekeepers.[19] Some Britons are eating the gray squirrel as a direct attempt to help the native red squirrel, which has been dwindling since the 19th-century introduction of the gray squirrel, resulting in dramatic habitat loss for the indigenous red squirrels.[19] This factor was marketed by a national "Save Our Squirrels" campaign that used the slogan, "Save a red, eat a gray!"[19]

[edit] In culture
Further information: List of fictional squirrels Despite periodic complaints about the animal as a pest, general public opinion towards the animal is favorable, thanks to its agreeable appearance, intelligence and its eating styles and habits.[citation needed] Squirrels are popular characters in many forms of media. Perhaps the first cultural reference to a specific-named squirrel is Ratatoskr, a mythological Norse squirrel that carries messages by running up-and-down the world tree Yggdrasil. The Ratatoskr myth dates back to the Early Middle Ages, and possibly earlier. The title character in Miriam Young's 1964 children's book Miss Suzy is a squirrel Literary references to squirrels include the works of Beatrix Potter, Brian Jacques' Redwall series (including Jess Squirrel and numerous other squirrels), Pattertwig in C. S. Lewis' Prince Caspian, Michael Tod's Woodstock Saga of novels featuring squirrel communities in the style of Watership Down, and the Starwife and her subjects from Robin Jarvis's Deptford novels. Squirrels are also popular characters in cartoons, such as Scrat from Ice Age, Slappy Squirrel of the Animaniacs, Sandy Cheeks from SpongeBob SquarePants, Hammy from Over the Hedge, Benny in The Wild, Rodney and Leon and Darlene from Squirrel Boy, Secret Squirrel, Screwy Squirrel, Nutty from Happy Tree Friends, and Rocky, Bullwinkle's adventuring partner. Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls cartoon has the superhero ability to communicate with squirrels, which she does by saying "Chee, chee, che-chee, chee, chee...". Video games include squirrel characters such as Rare's Conker series starring Conker the Squirrel, as well as Ocean Software's Mr. Nutz. There is even a squirrel-themed superheroine, Squirrel Girl. The popular Pokmon game includes a squirrel character by the name of Pachirisu. There are also numerous references to squirrels in the music industry, including the North Carolina group Squirrel Nut Zippers, the electronica group Techno Squirrels, the nowdefunct Florida band called For Squirrels (who claimed that they performed their music for squirrels), a children's music group called The Nutty Squirrels, and even a record label with the name Blank Squirrel Musics. There is also a student-run radio station at Kent State University called Black Squirrel Radio.

[edit] Albino and white squirrels

Further information: Albinism#In other animals Further information: Leucism One of the ways that squirrels impact human society is inspired by the fascination that people seem to have over local populations of white squirrels (often misidentified as

being albino).[21] This manifests itself by the creation of social group communities that form from a commonly-shared interest in these rare animals. These groups demonstrate classic sociological group dynamics, including personal identity by belonging to a group, as well as hierarchical competition between white squirrel groups with each other over which has the best local white squirrel population. Other impacts on human society inspired by white squirrels include the creation of organizations that seek to protect them from human predation, and the use of the white squirrel image as a cultural icon.

Welcome sign for Kenton, Tennessee, an example of competition for "White Squirrel Capital". Some examples of this cultural impact include:

Olney, Illinois, known as the "White Squirrel Capital of the World," is home of the world's largest known white squirrel colony. These squirrels have the right of way on all streets in the town, with a $500 fine for hitting one. The Olney Police Department features the image of a white squirrel on its officers' uniform patches.

Along with Olney, there are four other towns in North America that avidly compete with each other to be the official "Home of the White Squirrel", namely: Marionville, Missouri, Brevard, North Carolina, Exeter, Ontario, and Kenton, Tennessee, each of which holds an annual white squirrel festival, among other things designed to promote their claim of "White Squirrel Capital".[23] Other towns that have reported white squirrel populations in North America (although not necessarily at war with other towns to be the "official" white squirrel capital) include Columbia, Mississippi,[24] Dayton, Ohio,[citation needed] DeForest, Wisconsin,[25] Stratford, Connecticut,[26] and some of the snowbelt cities in the Western, Central and Finger Lakes regions of New York state (Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse).[citation needed]

In addition to the various towns that boast of their white squirrel populations, a number of university campuses in North America have white squirrels, including:

The University of North Texas has an Albino Squirrel Preservation Society, founded in 2001. In 2006, the University of North Texas held a student referendum to name their white squirrel as the university's secondary mascot, however the vote was narrowly defeated by the student body.[27]

Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan is home to frequentlysighted white squirrels that live on and around the campus.[28] A Facebook group dedicated to these squirrels, called I've Seen the Albino Squirrel of Michigan Tech, was created for people to post photographs and anecdotes of their encounters with the white squirrels, and includes some stories from Michigan Tech alumni that recall seeing white squirrels in Houghton dating back to the 1930s. The University of Louisville in Kentucky has established its own chapter of "The Albino Squirrel Preservation Society", which maintains contact with its members and interested parties through a Facebook group by that name. The university has an open policy to give away a free t-shirt to anyone who brings a photograph to the administration offices that was taken of an albino squirrel on campus grounds.

Other university campuses that have albino squirrel populations include Oberlin College in Ohio,[30] Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio,[31] Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky (which has had a population of albino squirrels since the 1960s),[21] and Youngstown State University in Youngstown, Ohio.[citation needed]

A true albino squirrel. Note the pink eyes.

A white squirrel. Note the non-pink eyes.

Although these squirrels are commonly referred to as albinos, most of them are likely non-albino squirrels that exhibit a rare white fur coloration known as leucism that is as a result of a recessive gene found within certain Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) populations, and so technically they ought to be referred to as white squirrels, instead of albino.[21] Dr. Michael Stokes, a biology professor at Western Kentucky University, commented that the probable cause for the abundance of white squirrels on university campuses was due to them being originally introduced by someone: We're not sure how they got here, but I'll tell you how it usually happens...When you see them, especially around a college campus or parks, somebody brought them in because they thought it would be neat to have white squirrels around.[21]

Dr. Albert Meier, another biology professor at Western Kentucky University, added that: ... white squirrels rarely survive in the wild because they can't easily hide. But on a college campus, they are less likely to be consumed by other animals.[21] A list of white squirrel sightings around the world is maintained by the White Squirrel Research Institute, a group based in Brevard, North Carolina.[32]

[edit] Albino and white squirrels in folklore

A story in which a Nga shapeshifts into a white or albino squirrel, is killed by a hunter, and magically transformed into meat equal to 8,000 cartloads figures prominently in the folklore of rocket festival traditions and the origin of Nong Han Kumphawapi Lake in Northeast Thailand.

[edit] Red and gray squirrels in the UK

Red squirrel at a feeding tray in the Lake District, England. A decline of the red squirrel and the rise of the eastern gray squirrel has been widely remarked upon in British popular culture. It is mostly regarded as the invading grays driving out the native red species.[33] Evidence also shows that gray squirrels are vectors of the Squirrel parapoxvirus for which no vaccine is presently available and which is deadly to red squirrels but does not seem to affect the host.[34] Currently the red squirrel only resides in a few isolated areas of the UK, notably in Scotland, and in England Formby, the Lake District, Brownsea Island, and the Isle of Wight. Special measures are in place to contain and remove any infiltration of gray squirrels into these areas. Under British law, the eastern gray squirrel is regarded as vermin, and at one point it was illegal to release any into the wild; any caught had to be either destroyed or kept captive. In 2008 the law was altered, allowing those with the proper license to release captured gray squirrels.[35]

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