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What are Heuristics ? Solution methods for Cdifficult) problems that generate , but rot nece ssari ly optimal, solutions. Generally employed when sear ching for opti mal Solution isn't worth the effort (e.g. not enough time , space, 4, ete. +o Spare). Many large Companies rely heavi ly on heuristics ‘Troveling Salesman Problem (rsP) Visit all cities once and return to Starting point. Minimize travel distance. Heuristics: Random Quick Do it many times May end up with Somethi good Aso: randomize intermediate steps of other heuristics Heuristics : Greedy a i ie yl Make best local decision Gach time, Can be myopic - \ TSP case: r Easy & quick. ge to next closes unvisited city Hevristics : Simplification -+> Remove some details > Problem becomes easier > Solve easier problem > Convert solution to easier problem into solution +o original problem. TSP: what if al| cities to be visited were on the same straight road @ > —-_---->>_-—->.- p-— —> > > Heuristics : Simplification — Heuristics: Divide & Conquer Divide to create Smaller and easier problems. Heuristics : Divide Conquer / [SS « Solve Smaller problems, either heuristically or Optimally. Heuristics: Divide & Conquer Combine solutions +o smaller problems into solutions to the original problem. The heuristics we considered so far are CONSTRUCTION heuristics . They create a feasible Solution. Given a feasible solution, we can tr +o make it better by using on \MPROVEMENT heuristic. For the TSP, for example, removin a crossing will always improve the Solution, ie. reduce Travel distance: Ln oN - AL KA / This is called a 2-exchange T general , you could have a K-exchange type of improvement heuristic: choose K ‘pieces" of our current Solution to dismantle (somehow ) and reassemble to make the solution better. Repeat until no improvement is P ossible (or you tun out of time). Improvement (a.k.a. local search) heuristics generally conver ge to local optimal solutions : witial solutioy = —n 9 of improve- VU ment heuk- x \stte b S o” ‘To qet oul of those " boead traps. there exist META-HEURISTICS. "Things need to get worse before they get better..." Exaynples : « Simulated Amealing * Genetic Algorithms -Jabu Search ° etc.

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