#2 MUN School Modul

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MUN School Modul #2:

Position Paper & MUN

Position Paper
Generally, position paper is a paper or document that prepared by the delegates and submitted to the
secretariat before the conference which summarizes their policy and also stances towards the topic.

Position paper have general rule as the position paper should length should maximum and not more
than 2 pages but it’s still exclude the reference. In terms of contain, position paper usually composed by
3-4 paragraph with some main important part which use most commonly following as:
a. First Paragraph : Topic Background
b. Second Paragraph : Country Stances
c. Third Paragraph : Past Action
d. Fourth Paragraph : Possible Solution

*But need to taken note that structure above are mostly used and could be different as following various
MUN environment and culture
Position Paper #2
After the position paper have been made and done, it can/must be submitted to committee before the
conference following depend to the deadline, rule and any other terms that given/decided from the
committee (event organizer) which could different and various in each conference. However, usually the
committee already give comprehensive information on Guidebook/Handbook/RoP regarding general
rule and submitting mechanism, so kindly make sure read beforehand in any further.

The reason to write or make the position paper also could be various as well, the fact that most MUN
conference set the rule about Award Eligibility which delegates that not submitting the position paper
unable to earn any award and it would be so vital when the delegate also aim to achieve any award. In
other hand, by making the position paper would so useful to help the understanding regarding the topic.

Position paper could be consider as good as it following common structure and rule that written in
previous slide, also it needs to have clear and precise mechanism, rich with data and unique/innovative
Research Tips
In preparation of MUN conference, the delegates needed and expected to do research regarding the
topic/agenda that will be discussed in the conference. Main part that should be considered on how the
delegates should do the research in terms of make it not out of the topic also to make it easier, some of it
will be a lot more efficient with key research following as:
a. Country Profile and Policy: research on country profile as what we’ll represented will be so on
point to understand the stances, but other country would helpful as well for references and
comparatif matter
b. Status and Recent Situation: recent status really needed to understood to know about status quo
and also to relate it with topic background in terms make it relevant with the research
c. Past Action and Convention: what have been done in the past so important to understand the
status regarding the ongoing issue, past convention also important as it help understand what have
been discussed and which country take part on it, also both of this would helpful to know what kind
of possible solution that haven’t proposed yet
Research Tips #2
Last but not least, to make your research direction on point and structurized, you can use 5W+1H Trick
which in each of the question/part would have their own important part following as:

a. What : what make this solution different from previous solution? To make it effective, of course the
fresh idea and solution will be relevant and on point regarding the ongoing issue
b. Why: why the solution is urgent? The urgency of the topic needed to be addressed beforehand to
understand it why it needed to be discussed
c. Where: where this solution will conduct?
d. When: when this solution will implement?
e. Who: who are responsible? who will take lead? Etc. Important to know who will take the part this
will also include the country stances on how the understanding about country capability
f. How: how this solution will run? how it can solve the root cause? Etc. This part pretty much would
be more complex than the other regarding how the mechanism will be implemented

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