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SITHCCC018 Prepare food to meet special

dietary requirements By Tikaram Ghimire

Apex 5000 Don’t copy guys it’s for idea.
Please write in your own words

Question 1 - Answer

1. In the table below;

i. List five (5) basic nutrients, and

Fat, Protein, Carbohydrate, Vitamin, Mineral

ii. Explain two (2) functions in the body for each nutrient Fat:
• Source of energy in human body
• Insulate and protect vital organ

• Repair and build body tissues
• Transport and stores nutrients

• Source of energy
• Break down of fatty acid
 Help to break down and build proteins, fats and sugars in body
 Essential nutrient to keep body healthy

 Help body to grown and stay healthy

• Building strong bones

2. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provides 5 nutritional guidelines for adults, children
and adolescents and the Elderly which vary slightly for each group. Provide a brief
description of what these recommend in general:
Guideline 1 - To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and choose
amounts of nutritious food and drinks to meet your energy needs.
Guideline 2 - Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five groups every day:
vegetables and legumes, fruit, grain foods, lean meats, poultry and fish, and dairy. Guideline 3
- Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugars and alcohol.
Guideline 4- Encourage, support and promote breastfeeding. Guideline 5 -
Care for your food; prepare and store it safely.

Adult : Adults should eat all the food group to keep healthy
Elderly : elderly should eat variety of nutritious foods, plenty of vegetables and fruit, low
in saturated fat ,adequate amounts of water, alcohol be limited ,low in salt, high in
calcium, sugars in moderation
Children: should eat plenty of vegetables, legumes and fruits, plenty of cereals, preferably
wholegrain, lean meat, fish, poultry, Including milks, yoghurts, cheese to help for their growth

3. Explain two (2) implications that the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating has towards your role
as a chef.
• As a chef I should plan a menu that is made from nutritious ingredients.
• Prepare a decent portion of each five food group in a dish

4. You are working as the chef in a hospital and a new patient has Coeliac disease. How will you
ensure that the patient is not adversely affected?
As a chef, first I will make sure all the equipment and utensil used to prepare the food
for the patient is properly cleaned and separate any gluten food before start
preparing the food. I will carefully ensure that all the ingredients are totally gluten
5. You work at Hotel Futura as a chef. For a seminar the hotel offers the food choices outlined in
the table below. Which menu adjustments and points of care would be required for each
course for guests requiring gluten free meals and for those who suffer from diabetes?
PoachedEggs Assorted sweetPork Piccata, Mini Danish, Caesar Salad
on sour muffins mushroom risotto, assorted tea
dough with Ratatouille sandwiches Sole fillets with beurre
ham and blanc, steamed asparagus
spinach Tropical Fruit Salad
Chocolate Raspberry Mille

Gluten Free
Use gluten free
Using gluten free
Clean the utensil toUse gluten free Clean the utensil properly
bread recipe to make avoid from cross ingredient to make before use
the muffin contamination withthe pastry
gluten food Use gluten free salad
Use gluten free
ingredients Use alternative for mille

Use whole Making savory Prepare food with no Making savory Using Low GI bread wheat
bread dessert instead of sugar added pastry instead of sweet dessert sweet pastry
Using low fat yoghurt
Give more ham
and spinach Less sugar contain salad
6. List three (3) diseases that can be linked to diet, and explain how a change in diet could be
beneficial in these cases?


1. Tooth decay Infrequent and low sugar intake
Low chance of tooth decay

2. High blood pressure Eat plenty of plants food and low

Reduce chance of high blood
salt intake pressure and stroke

3. Osteoporosis Adequate high calcium intake Reduce chance of osteoporosis

7. What are the requirements for the following dietary needs?

8. Some religions have specific requirements around which types of food or food combinations
may be consumed. What is the basic information you need to consider when writing menus for
the following client groups, but also generally when catering for any religious based

a) Jewish customers
Do not eat pork, shellfish and any meat with dairy
b) Muslim Customers
Only eat halal food, do not eat pork and food contain with alcohol
c) Hindu Customers
Lot of Hindu is vegetarian and do not eat beef
d) General aspects which apply to all religious diets
Nutritious food, fresh ingredient, healthy cooking methods and balanced meal
9. Which aspects in terms of patient requirements and product availability need to be considered
for texture modification of foods? Which equipment is typically used to prepare and present
texture modified preparations?
Patient Requirements Product availability

Provide food for patient with chewing and Baby cereal,oat, Gravy powder
, Mashed potato
swallowing difficulties, such as those with Puréed, creamy soup, soft vegetables
dysphagia. The food may be pureed, chopped,
mashed, minced or made soft to reduce the
likelihood of choking
Examples for equipment for the preparation of texture modified preparations

For mincing :

For making puree



10.Provide examples of potential reactions from food allergies or intolerances. What are the
consequences of failing to address special requirements for food allergies, medical
conditions or drug-food interactions? What would be your actions to avoid negligence and
meet legal requirements?
Examples of potential reactions from food allergies or intolerances
itching, burning and swelling around the mouth
Runny nose
swelling of face or eyes
skin rash (eczema)
diarrhoea, abdominal cramps
breathing difficulties
wheezing and asthma

Consequences of failing to address special requirements

swelling of the tongue
swelling or tightness in the throat
difficulty talking
persistent cough
persistent dizziness or collapse

Actions to avoid negligence and meet legal requirements

Actions must be taken:
Be alert on the food ingredient before eating
Reading food labels
Follow strict hygiene rules
Separate utensils and equipment when cooking
Avoid food contamination
Follow food safety principals strictly

11.Which major nutrients are provided through the following foods?

Food category Nutrients
Bread, cereal, rice, pasta, noodles Vitamin, Mineral, Carbohydrate

Vegetables, legumes Vitamin Protein, Vitamin

Fiber, Mineral, Vitamin

Capsicum, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and tomatoes

Mineral, Vitamin
Dark green and orange vegetables like spinach, broccoli,
carrots and pumpkin
Green vegetables, dried peas, beans and lentils Vitamin, Protein, Mineral

Fruit Mineral, Vitamin, Carbohydrate

12.Which nutrients are the main energy providers for the human body?
What is their general role, nutritional value and approximately how much of each should be
included in a healthy diet?
Nutrients General role Nutritional value Daily requirement
Protein Protein has many roles 16.7kj/g 15-25% of daily food intake
in your body.
It helps repair and build
your body’s tissues,
allows metabolic
reactions to take place
and coordinates bodily
In addition to providing
your body with a
structural framework,
proteins also maintain
proper pH and fluid
Finally, they keep your
immune system strong,
transport and store
nutrients and can act as
an energy source, if
Carbohydrate Carbohydrates serve 16.7kj/g 45-65% of daily food intake
several key functions in
your body.
They provide you with
energy for daily tasks
and are the primary fuel
source for your brain’s
high energy demands.
Fiber is a special type of
carb that helps promote
good digestive health
and may lower your risk
of heart disease and
In general, carbs
perform these functions
in most people.
However, if you are
following a low-carb diet
or food is scarce, your
body will use alternative
methods to produce
energy and fuel your
Fat It builds up in the lower
layers of the skin to
maintain body
temperature, build brain
and nerve cells, and
mitigate shocks.
Fat can generate a lot of
energy in a small amount.
The amount consumed is
small, but there is a lot of
accumulation under the
skin. So it takes a lot of
exercise to consume it.
Because of this, many
women and dieters avoid
eating fat.
Overconsumption of fat
can lead to obesity and
adult diseases.
Lack of fat weakens your
immune system, makes
you less likely to recover
from fatigue skin may
become dry

13. What are food additives?

How can additives affect individuals and how can you as a chef identify specific additives in
Food additives are substances that added to a food to make it fresh, colour for presentation
and make food flavour better. Consuming small amounts of additives may be safe, but if it
added to much in a food on daily consumption might harm and risk the health. For worst case
like chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and
As a chef, you can identify specific additives used in the food by reading the label carefully and
identify the unique
14.List 4 factors which need to be considered when choosing cookery methods to ensure foods
maintain maximum nutritional values or meet dietary requirements?
 Grilling and roasting result in Maillard browning, which may have

detrimental health effects. Using olive oil spray on the food item before grilling it or
using special grills or pans with non-stick coating will minimise the amount of fat used
as well as reduce excessive browning. Simply cleaning the
grill regularly will
prevent The method of cookery used can have a large effect on health and excessive


Some methods of cookery such as steaming and en papillote are very healthy options, as
no fat is used and the maximum amount of vitamins are kept
within the items. Boiling vegetables results in vitamins leaching out into the

With all protein items consider the fat component. Trim off any excess fat

water, where they are lost.

meat, remove the skin from chicken either before or after cooking and skim
any stocks or jus to remove the fat. This can be done easily by storing the
liquid in the cool room overnight and then removing the solidified fat. Whilst
fresh oily fish are beneficial due to the omega 3 fats content, take care with
processed goods such as smoked salmon and tinned sardines.
 Fresh ingredients in season will provide optimum product, but in some
instances the preparation work involved will make reliance on fresh produce
impossible, e.g. large scale catering in an aged carefacility

15.What are the key features of the following lifestyle diets?

Diet Key features
No animal produce food
No animal produce food include milk and dairy product
Lacto vegetarian
No animal produce food included eggs
Ovo vegetarian
No animal produce food include eggs milk and dairy product
Ovo-lacto vegetarian
No read meat and poultry except seafood
Pesco vegetarian

Semi Vegeterian No meat but can consume poultry and seafood

16.How does storage and part processing affect the nutritional values of fresh fruit and vegetables?
Which measures can be used to minimise such losses?

Store the fresh fruit and vegetables in a cool place and cover it. It is better to store it in a dark

17.You have prepared 3 dishes for customers with special requests .

In your own words, what are the aspects you must consider to ensure that each dish meets
the following standards with consideration to special dietary or cultural needs?

Quality and Presentation standard Requirement

Taste can be control by add the seasoning in the correct amount or
Taste requirement from customer
Dish that serve should be balance of protein, carb and nutrition. For
Balance of dish (overall) example steak with salad and mash potato.
Colour is important for presentation. When platting and garnish the food
Colour colour could make the dish look appetizing and interesting.
Contrast may vary. Texture contrast like soft texture and crisp texture can
Contrast mixed, and taste contrast like sour taste and bitter taste can balanced.
Texture of food can provided vary by condition of special people like
Texture disability and preference texture modification could use.
Some garnishes can be considered for vegetarian or religion matter.
Garnish garnishes like krupuk udang can not be used for vegetarian.
Cleanliness is a most important matter for any dishes include special
Cleanliness request but in special request it should more care for cross contamination.
Service ware is not that big matter usually but some religion or cultural
Service ware people prefer some kind of pattern or colour for that.

18.Service has concluded. You have various foods in left your mise en place and your workstation
needs to be cleaned for the next shift. List the processes required to store leftover foods correctly
and the requirements to clean and sanitise your section to meet food safety standards.

Food Safe Storage Cleaning and Sanitation Specific areas and equipment requirements
that need to be cleaned
Keep high risk food at 5˚C or below Make sure the food is clean from the Work station need to be cleaned after
work station used
Covered the food when storing Clean and sanitise the container that Cool room or refrigerator need to
be used for storing and the storing area clean often
Avoid refreezing thawed foods Wash with hot water and detergent
Food processor that used need to
be clean properly

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