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Aide Memoire


Good day to you, I am Maniquiz Cedrhick Earl Quinto . I am student working on a research entitle “Time
Management: A key to student’s goal setting”.
As a part of this academic endeavour, I am inviting you for a one-on-one interview session that will capture
your own experience of the said phenomenon. This activity will be audio- recorded and it will be conducted in the
Filipino language.
Your participation in this study shall be helpful in exploring and understanding the in-depth experiences of
Senior High school students who experiences issues about doing their academic tasks and objectives under a pressure
of time.
Before we start, I would like to ask for your consent if you are willing to take part on this study. This activity
will take an hour on the average.
Do you have any questions or concerns? Are you now ready to answer some questions?

Data Aspect Accounts
I. Respondent’s Information
Time of Interview:
(At this point, I will ask you of certain demographic Date:
information that would somehow complement my Place:
research data for analysis. Please fill in the required Interviewee:
information and tick boxes as appropriate.) Age:
II. At this stage I would like you to read for a brief moment this copy of consent form and when you agree on the
terms stated about your willingness to take part on this interview, please sign in below this consent form.
III. Testing of Audio/Video device

Any statement may be added:

1. How do you describe your experiences in doing your tasks under

a pressure of time?

2. What do you think are the factors that affects you in doing your
tasks in a matter of time?

3. What strategies ( cite as many as possible) do you employ in

attaining your goals for a period of time?

4. How much time do you usually devote yourself in doing your

academic activities or schoolwork?

5. Whom should you often ask for help if you are running out of
time in doing your goals and objectives?

Finally, before we end this activity, is there anything else you feel I should know about your transition experiences?

I already have the accounts needed for my study. Thank you very much for your time and active participation In this
interview. I will promise and assure you that all the information recorded here and the details that you had given will
be confidential.

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