Resource Geology - 2007 - Harijoko - Characteristics of The Cibaliung Gold Deposit Miocene Low Sulfidation Type Epithermal

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doi: 10.1111/j.1751-3928.2007.00011.x Resource Geology Vol. 57, No.

2: 114–123

Original Article

Characteristics of the Cibaliung Gold Deposit: Miocene

Low-Sulfidation-Type Epithermal Gold Deposit in
Western Java, Indonesia

Agung Harijoko1,2, Yukiko Ohbuchi2, Yoshinobu Motomura3, Akira Imai2

and Koichiro Watanabe2
1Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2Department of Earth

Resources Engineering and 3Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Middle Miocene (11.18–10.65 Ma) low sulfidation-type epithermal gold mineralization occurred in the Cibali-
ung area, southwestern part of Java Island, Indonesia. It is hosted by andesitic to basaltic andesitic lavas of the
Middle Miocene Honje Formation (11.4 Ma) and is covered by Pliocene Cibaliung tuff (4.9 Ma). The explora-
tion estimates mineral resource of approximately 1.3 million tonnes at 10.42 g/t gold and 60.7 g/t silver at a
3 g/t Au cut-off. This equates to approximately 435,000 ounces of gold and 2.54 million ounces of silver. That
resource resulted from two ore shoots: Cibitung and Cikoneng. Studies on ore mineralogy, hydrothermal
alteration, geology, fluid inclusion, stable isotopes and age dating were conducted in order to characterize the
deposit and to understand a possible mechanism of preservation of the deposit. The ore mineral assemblage
of the deposit consists of electrum, naumannite, Ag-Se-Te sulfide minerals, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite and
galena. Those ore minerals occur in quartz veins showing colloform–crustiform texture. They are envel-
oped by mixed layer clay illite/smectite zone, which grades into smectite zone outward. The temperature of
mineralization revealed by fluid inclusion study on quartz in the veins ranges from 170 and 220°C at shallow
and deep level, respectively. The temperature range is in agreement with the temperature deduced from the
hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblage including mixed layered illite/smectite and laumontite. The
mineralizing fluid is dilute, with a salinity <1 wt% NaCl equivalent and has stable isotopes of oxygen and
hydrogen composition indicating a meteoric water origin. Although the deposit is old enough that it would
have been eroded in a tropical island arc setting, the coverage by younger volcanic deposits such as the Citeluk
tuff and the Cibaliung tuff most probably prevented this erosion.
Keywords: Cibaliung, epithermal, hydrothermal alteration, Indonesia, Java.

1. Introduction the Bayah Dome complex, such as Cikotok, Cikidang

(Rosana & Matsueda, 2002), Cirotan, Ciawitali, Gunung
The Cibaliung deposit is situated in the Miocene Pongkor (Warmada et al., 2003, 2007; Syafrizal et al.,
Honje Igneous Complex in the southwestern part of 2005, 2007) (Fig. 1).
Java Island approximately 70 km west of Bayah Dome, The exploration work at the Cibaliung deposit sug-
a gold district at western Java. Some low-sulfidation gests that the extent of the quartz veins is approximately
type epithermal gold deposits have been discovered in 1.4 km with an average width of approximately 10 m.

Received: 12 September 2006. Accepted for publication 9 January 2007.

Corresponding author: A. HARIJOKO, Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Grafika No. 2-Bulaksumur,
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Email:

© 2007 The Authors

114 Journal compilation © 2007 The Society of Resource Geology
Cibaliung gold deposit

Fig. 1 Location of the Cibali-

ung epithermal gold deposit
and other epithermal gold
deposits in western Java.

Drilling conducted in this deposit confirmed that the erosion and possible preservation mechanism of the
vertical extent of the quartz veins is up to 300 m. The Cibaliung deposit.
resources are estimated to be 1.3 million tonnes at
10.42 g/t gold and 60.7 g/t silver at a 3 g/t Au cut-off.
This equates to approximately 435,000 ounces of gold 2. Regional geology
and 2.54 million ounces of silver (Angeles et al., 2002).
The presence of epithermal gold mineralization in Java is located in the Sunda volcanic arc extending
the Cibaliung deposit is characterized by the occur- from the northern tip of Sumatra through Java and
rence of gold-bearing quartz veins. The host rocks of Bali, continuing to the eastern part of Indonesia. The
this deposit are volcanic rocks, comparable to those at western part of Java is situated in the transition from
the Bayah Dome complex. They consist of Oligocene oblique subduction (west) to normal subduction (east).
to Miocene basaltic andesite of the Honje Formation This area is bounded by the Cimandiri fault, a north-
intruded by dikes and are unconformably overlain by easterly sinistral strike–slip fault and the Ujung Kulon
the Cibaliung tuff (Angeles et al., 2002). The K-Ar dat- fault, a prolongation of the dextral strike–slip Suma-
ing on the andesite lava and the Cibaliung tuff sug- tran fault (Malod et al., 1995). The lineaments in this
gested ages of ca 11.4 and 4.9 Ma respectively area are mostly influenced by these major structures.
(Harijoko et al., 2004), while the 40Ar/39Ar dating on The volcanic arc was formed along the northern mar-
adularia collected from the veins suggested an age of gin of the active convergence plate, that is, the subduc-
mineralization of ca 11.18–10.65 Ma (Harijoko et al., tion of the Indian–Australian plate beneath the Eurasian
2004). plate during Cenozoic time and has been active since at
In contrast the mineralization ages in the Bayah least Eocene time (Katili, 1975; Hamilton, 1979). This
Dome complex are much younger than that of the subduction resulted in a volcanic chain along Java (Van
Cibaliung deposit. They range from 2.4 to 1.5 Ma Bemmelen, 1949; Katili, 1975; Whitford et al., 1979;
(Marcoux & Milesi, 1994; Milesi et al., 1999; Rosana & Setidjaji et al., 2006). The volcanic front has migrated
Matsueda, 2002), and the ages of the host rocks range from south to north with time and has remained calc-
from 14 to 2 Ma (Marcoux & Milesi, 1994). Therefore alkaline in composition throughout its history (Nicholls
the Cibaliung deposit is the oldest known epithermal et al., 1980; Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1994).
gold deposit in western Java. K-Ar dating of volcanic rocks showed that the volca-
We present the results of our studies on hydrother- nism in Java can be grouped into three magmatic belts:
mal alteration, fluid inclusion, stable isotopes and ore the late Eocene–early Miocene, late Miocene–Pliocene
mineralogy, and discuss the characteristics, level of and Quaternary belts (Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1994).

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A. Harijoko et al.

The late Eocene–early Miocene belt was emplaced Honje Formation is intruded by subvolcanic andesite
along the southern part of Java trending west–east, and diatreme breccia.
while the late Miocene–Pliocene belt occurs further Drilling shows that the Honje Formation is uncon-
north parallel to the older belt and in some places is formably overlain by two tuff units: an unnamed tuff
overlain by Quaternary volcanic rocks. and the Cibaliung tuff. In this paper we use the name
The Cibaliung deposit is situated in the Honje Igneous Citeluk tuff for unnamed tuff. Unconformities are indi-
Complex that is mainly composed of Miocene basaltic cated by two different layers of paleosol, which sepa-
andesite volcanic rocks of the Honje Formation. The rate the Cibaliung tuff from the Citeluk tuff and both of
volcanic rocks are overlain by sedimentary rocks more these tuff units from the basaltic andesite of the Honje
or less equivalent to the Pliocene Cipacar Formation Formation. This is an indication that the Honje Forma-
(Sudana & Santosa, 1992; Angeles et al., 2002). The sedi- tion was exposed and weathered before the deposition
mentary rocks consist of conglomerate, calcareous of the Cibaliung tuff.
sandstone and limestone. Drill holes intersected the Cibaliung tuff over a 50-m
interval (with a drilling inclination of approx. 55°).
3. Geology of the Cibaliung deposit The Cibaliung tuff consists of several tuff units includ-
ing pumice lithic tuff, ignimbrite (welded tuff) and
The geology of the Cibaliung deposit was described accretionary lapilli of dacitic composition. The textures
by Angeles et al. (2002) and Harijoko et al. (2004). The indicate that the Cibaliung tuff was formed by pyro-
Cibaliung deposit is hosted by the Honje Formation, clastic flow and air fall. These features, combined with
which comprises basaltic andesite lavas and volcanic the fact that the tuff is underlain by paleosol, suggest
breccia intercalated with tuffaceous sedimentary rocks that the tuff is formed in a sub-aerial environment. The
(Fig. 2). The lavas are massive and show trachytic tuff consists of weathered and/or altered rock fragments,
textures in thin section, while volcanic breccia shows fresh pumice and obsidian in an addition to phenocrysts
textures of quenching during its formation, indicative such as plagioclase and quartz. The fragments and phe-
of hyaloclastite in a sub-aqueous environment. The nocrysts are embedded in an aphanitic groundmass.

Fig. 2 Geologic map with vein

distribution of the Cibaliung
area and the location of drill
holes. Modified after Angeles
et al. (2002).

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Cibaliung gold deposit

In some places the Cibaliung tuff crops out as fresh mixed layered clay minerals in the middle and at depth.
rock but it is weakly altered in the drilling cores. X-ray At shallow depths clay minerals dominate in smectite.
diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that the Cibaliung Ore mineralogy of the Cibaliung deposit consists of
tuff contains clinoptilolite. It indicates that Cibaliung precious minerals such as electrum, naumannite and
tuff is subjected to zeolitization, altering the volcanic Ag-Se-Te sulfide minerals. These precious metal min-
glass to clinoptilolite. This may be caused by burial erals coexist with chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, and
process, that is, diagenesis. galena (Fig. 3). This agrees with the chemical composi-
tion of the Cikoneng and Cibitung shoots that has high
concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, Ag, Se, Te and Sb, al-
4. Ore and gangue mineralogy of the veins though the Au content was not determined.
Quantitative analysis was conducted to determine
The Cibaliung deposit consists of the Ciconeng shoot the composition of the electrum and sphalerite using
and the Cibiung shoot. Quartz veins at the Cibaliung an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). The Ag
deposit show typical textures of epithermal deposits contents of electrum from the Cibaliung deposit from
including stockwork, massive and colloform–crustiform the deep to the shallow levels appear to be similar,
banding. ranging from 39 to 61 mol% (Cikoneng shoot) and from
In the present study gangue minerals of the Cikoneng 42 to 60 mol% (Cibitung shoot). The Fe content of sphal-
and Cibitung shoots are identified by XRD. Gangue erite decreases towards the shallower levels. Electrum
mineral assemblages of the Cikoneng and Cibitung in the shallow part shows zoning in the Au content.
shoots are similar. They consist of adularia, quartz, and The Au content increases outward in the electrum

Fig. 3 Ore mineral assemblages

in the Cikoneng and Cibitung
shoots of the Cibaliung
deposit. cp, chalcopyrite; el,
electrum; nm, naumantite; py,
pyrite; sp, sphalerite. Bars: (a)
100 ␮m; (b) 10 ␮m; (c) 10 ␮m;
(d) 10 ␮m; (e) 10 ␮m.

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grain. The zoned electrum grains may be caused by mixed layer clay zone (zone III) and kaolinite–dickite–
weathering processes after their formation. nacrite zone (zone A). Furthermore zone III is divided
The ore mineral assemblage of the Cibaliung gold into two subzones based on the occurrence of adularia
deposit indicates that it is a low-sulfidation type epith- into mixed layer clay minerals (IIIa) and mixed layer
ermal gold deposit (Hedenquist, 1987). The physico- clay minerals–adularia (IIIb) subzones. Zone IIIb sur-
chemical condition during ore deposition in the rounds the quartz veins, indicating the center of the
Cikoneng and Cibitung shoots are similar on the basis epithermal system in the Cibaliung deposit (Figs 5, 6).
of ore and gangue mineral assemblages. Moreover, those alteration zones can be grouped on
the basis of the pH of hydrothermal fluid into neutral
pH (zones I, II and III) and acid alteration (zone A). The
5. Hydrothermal alteration of
neutral pH alteration is distributed at the northern part
the host rocks of the study area from the surface to the deeper level,
Hydrothermal alteration study in this deposit was car- while the acid alteration is distributed locally in the
ried out by mapping the surface alteration as well as southern part of the study area (Fig. 5).
examining the vertical distribution of alteration on the Figure 6 shows that zone III envelopes the quartz veins
drilled cores. Identification of hydrothermal minerals from the shallow to the deep levels. The temperature
was mainly conducted using XRD on bulk powdered
and clay samples, and thin section observation under
microscope. In addition, whole-rock chemical analysis
was also conducted in order to determine the element
addition and removal. Chemical composition of whole-
rock samples was analyzed by means of X-ray fluores-
cence (XRF) spectroscopy.
The identified hydrothermal alteration minerals are,
in order of abundance, quartz, clay minerals, adularia,
albite, pyrite, and calcite. In addition, some zeolite
group minerals such as laumontite, heulandite, anal-
cime and clinoptilolite are also identified.
The hydrothermal alteration is divided into four al-
teration zones on the basis of temperature-sensitive
minerals (clay minerals and zeolite), and permeability
indicator (Fig. 4; modified from Izawa et al., 1990).
They are the cristobalite–smectite–kaolinite zone
(zone I), smectite–quartz–kaolinite zone (zone II),

Hydrothermal Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone A

Minerals cr-sm-ka qz-sm-ka a mix-clay b ka-di-na
Ch/sm, il/sm

Fig. 4 Alteration zoning by mineral assemblage. ch/sm,

mixed layer chlorite/smectite; cr, cristobalite; di, dick-
ite; il/sm, mixed layer illite/smectite; ka, kaolinite;
na, nacrite; qz, quartz; sm, smectite. Fig. 5 Surface alteration map of the Cibaliung deposit.

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Cibaliung gold deposit

of ore formation is interpreted ranging from 150 to Table 1 Isotope analysis on quartz and river water from
220°C based on the occurrence of mixed layer illite/ Cibaliung deposit
smectite that coexist with laumontite. Furthermore, an No. Samples ␦18 O ␦D
alteration zone containing adularia indicates that the
FI-01 Quartz crystal (comb structure) 7.5 −66.6
zone is permeable. FI-02 Quartz (massive) 9.6 −45.5
The occurrence of adularia as well as mixed layer FI-03 Mixture Quartz adularia 5.7 −44.6
clay illite/smectite is marked by the increase of K2O (massive)
content. Increasing Na2O content is indicative of the FI-04 Mixture Quartz adularia 4.7 −57.3
occurrence of albite.
Cigomba Present-day meteoric water −6.1 −36.6

6. Fluid inclusions
The fluid inclusion microthermometry was conducted
in two samples from the shallow levels. The homogen-
on four samples. Two samples were collected from the
ization temperatures of the primary inclusions of the
surface/near surface of the Cikoneng shoot (FI-01 and
samples from the deep part range from 170 to 300°C,
FI-02) with the remaining samples from deeper levels of
and from 160 to 330°C for the samples from the shallow
the Cikoneng shoot (FI-03) and the Cibitung shoot
levels (Fig. 7). The final ice melting temperatures range
(FI-04). One of the four samples consists of quartz crys-
from −0.1 to −0.4°C. This indicates a dilute fluid with
tals exhibiting comb texture (FI-01) while others contain
salinity <1 wt% NaCl equivalent.
quartz crystals in massive quartz veins (Table 1). The
The determination of trapping temperatures in the
distribution of the samples is portrayed in Figure 6.
epithermal deposits needs little or no pressure correc-
Two types of inclusion are visible at room tempera-
tion of the homogenization temperature (Bodnar et al.,
ture: two-phase liquid–vapor (liquid dominant)
1985). In the boiling condition, the trapping tempera-
and two-phase liquid–vapor (vapor dominant) inclu-
ture is estimated from the first peak in the histogram of
sions. The inclusions are generally liquid-rich with a
the homogenization temperature (Bodnar et al., 1985;
liquid: vapor ratio of approximately 4:1. The criteria for
Etoh et al., 2002). Accordingly, the formation tempera-
a primary inclusion and evidence of boiling are from
tures of FI-01 and FI-02 are inferred to be approxi-
Roedder (1984) and Bodnar et al. (1985). Evidence of a
mately 170°C. In contrast, the formation temperature
boiling event in the inclusion was observed as the coex-
in the non-boiling condition is interpreted on the basis
istence of both liquid- and vapor-dominant inclusions
of the histogram mean. Consequently, the formation
temperatures of FI-03 and FI-04 are estimated to be
approximately 220°C. This temperature formation is
consistent with the temperature deduced by hydro-
thermal alteration mineral assemblage.
The formation temperature estimated from fluid in-
clusion microthermometry was used to infer the for-
mation depth of the veins. It is assumed that the boiling
occurred in the shallow part of the vein located at the
present-day surface level and that the hydrothermal
fluid was diluted. Applying the boiling point curve
(Haas, 1971), the formation depth of the present-day
surface level is estimated to be located at approxi-
mately 75 m below the paleo-water table (Fig. 8).

7. Stable isotope data

Fig. 6 Cross-section of the (a) Cikoneng and (b) Cibitung

Stable isotope compositions were measured for four
shoots showing the alteration zonation in the sub- samples of quartz from the veins and one water sample
surface. of present-day meteoric water. The present-day meteoric

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(a) (b)
8 6



0 0

(c) (d)
20 12

16 10

4 2
Fig. 7 Histogram of homogeni-
0 0
zation temperature. (a) FI-01,
160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 n = 32; (b) FI-02, n = 35; (c) FI-03,
Homogenization temperature (°C) n = 55; (d) FI-04, n = 30.

water was collected from the Cigomba River. The was also analyzed. The extracted water is presumed to
quartz samples used in the present study are the same have been derived from fluid inclusions within the
as those used in the fluid inclusion microthermometry quartz. Therefore, the ␦D is assumed to represent the
(FI-01, FI-02, FI-03 and FI-04), so their formation tem- ␦D value of the hydrothermal fluid. The ␦D values of
peratures are known. Two quartz samples (FI-03 and the water range from −44 to −67‰ (Table 1).
FI-04) are not pure quartz because they contain some The meteoric water sample collected from the
adularia. The proportion of adularia in the mixture was Cigomba River has a ␦18 O value of −6.1‰ and a ␦D
defined by extrapolating the intensity of the main peak value of −36.6‰ (Table 1). These values represent the
of quartz and adularia in terms of the X-ray diffraction present-day meteoric water in the Cibaliung area. This
of the samples with that of a standard mixture (Shika- value is also close to that from the Pongkor River, ap-
zono & Nagayama, 1993). Based on the extrapolation, proximately −5.8 and −35.1‰ for ␦18 O and ␦D values,
the proportions of adularia in the samples were defined respectively (Widi & Matsueda, 1998).
to be 28 and 4 wt% for FI-03 and FI-04, respectively. The plot in Figure 9 portrays the variation of the ␦18 O
The isotopic composition analysis was conducted at and ␦D values. The samples appear to have similar or
Chinese Academy of Science. The results of stable iso- slightly higher ␦18 O values relative to the present-day
tope analysis are presented in Table 1. It shows that the meteoric water. This indicates that the origin of the
␦18 O value of the quartz increases with increasing ele- hydrothermal fluid responsible for the gold miner-
vation of the samples, ranging between +4.7 to +9.6‰. alization in the Cibaliung deposit is dominantly
The ␦18 O values of the hydrothermal fluid were de- meteoric water with slight modification due to either
rived from the calculation using the equation adopted isotopic exchange with the host rocks or mixing with
from Matsuhisa et al. (1979). In the case of samples con- isotopically heavier fluids, such as magmatic fluid
taining adularia, calculation is adopted from the (Giggenbach, 1992).
method used by Nagayama (1993). The formation tem- In the case of the Cibaliung deposit, the ␦18 O values
peratures inferred from fluid inclusion data were ap- of the mineralizing fluid are slightly higher than the
plied in the calculation. The ␦18 O values of the fluid meteoric water. The increase of the ␦18 O values is
resulting from the conversion of the ␦18 O values of most probably caused by isotopic exchange during
minerals (quartz or mixtures of quartz and adularia) interaction with the host rocks. Faure et al. (2002) and
range from −3.9 to −6.2‰ (Table 2). Nicholson (1993) pointed out that the fluids generated
In addition, the hydrogen isotope ratio (D; deuter- by isotopic exchange at high water/rock ratios (>0.2)
ium) of water extracted from the vein quartz samples have ␦18 O values close to that of meteoric water.

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Cibaliung gold deposit

Cibaliung hydrothermal water
Cigomba River water
Pongkor River
Cikidang hydrothermal water

FI-02 FI-03

-60 Primary
FI-01 magmatic


-8 -4 0 4 8 12 16
Fig. 9 Plot of ␦18 O versus ␦D of the hydrothermal fluid of
the Cibaliung deposit. SMOW, standard mean ocean

The age of the mineralization was determined by

40Ar/39Ar dating method on adularia from a vein,

while the age of the host rock and the cover rock were
determined by K-Ar age measurement on andesitic
lava of the Honje Formation and the Cibaliung tuff.
The 40Ar/39Ar dating resulted in an age of mineral-
ization of 11.18–10.65 Ma while the K-Ar age determi-
nation resulted in a host rock age of ca 11.4 Ma
and that of the cover rock of the Cibaliung tuff of
ca 4.9 Ma. So there is an interval of approximately
5.5 Myr between mineralization and deposition of the
Fig. 8 Estimation of formation depth using boiling point Cibaliung tuff.
curve (BPC). The estimation indicated that the vein at
the present day surface is formed at 75 m below the
paleo-water level.
9. Preservation of the Cibaliung deposit
The age of the mineralization of the Cibaliung deposit
8. Age of the Cibaliung gold ranges from 11.18 to 10.65 Ma (Harijoko et al., 2004),
mineralization and the host rock indicating the occurrence of Miocene epithermal gold
deposits in Java. This result also indicates that the
The age of the Cibaliung gold mineralization and the Cibaliung deposit is the oldest epithermal gold deposit
host rock have been discussed by Harijoko et al. (2004). among the deposits already discovered in Java.

Table 2 Conversion of ␦18 O values from mineral to fluid

Depth ⌬mineral- ⌬mineral-
No. (m) ␦18 Omineral XQ Xad SG Xvq Xvad XoA T(°C) fluid(Q) fluid(Ad) ␦18 Ofluid
FI-01 180 7.5 1 0 2.65 1.00 0 0 170 13.70 9.66 −6.2
FI-02 160 9.6 1 0 2.65 1.00 0 0 170 13.70 9.66 −4.1
FI-03 −100 5.7 0.72 0.28 2.62 0.71 0.29 0.25 220 10.42 7.32 −3.9
FI-04 −140 4.7 0.96 0.04 2.65 0.96 0.04 0.04 220 10.42 7.32 −5.6

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Acknowledgments 34, 131–149.
Nagayama, T. (1993) Precipitation sequence of veins at the
The authors wish to acknowledge the management
Hishikari deposits, Kyushu, Japan. In Shikazano, N., Naito,
of P. T. Cibaliung Sumberdaya and Austindo Resources K. and Izawa, E. (eds.) High grade epithermal gold mineral-
Corporation N. L. for the permission to publish this ization, the Hishikari deposit. Resour. Geol. Spec. Issue, 14,
paper. We are grateful to the reviewers for their review. 13–17.

© 2007 The Authors

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