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In the park:


Mmm, yeah. Luciano?

Wow, How are you doing?

Fantastic, I’m so exited to you again, you look great.

thank you, how’s your friend?

She’s my cousin. She lives with me in Italy.

Really? What’s her name?

Her name is milagros.

Hello, nice to meet you Luciano.

Nice to meet you, too. I like your coat, it’s unique.

Thank you,

Cool, Today is kati’s birthday in my house. It’s at 7 o’clock.

Nice. so, see you later.

In the party:

Todos: Surprise!!!!!!

Oh my gosh, i can beelieve it!

Happy birthday kati.

Thank you. When you came?

Yesterday, in the morning. How is your family?

Welcome, well, my brother is police officer and he lives in mexico.

Interesting, and you?

Well, i’m administrator, and i have a fast food business. I love pizza.

Congratulations, you are a business woman. sounds great.

Thank you, and you Luciano?

Mmm i have a dog, his name is Rocki. I work in a financial center in san isidro.

And i have a soon, His mame Is Luis.

How old Is he?

He’s 4. It’s a very cute and inteligent.

Fabulous, how about you milagros?

Well, i stued in spain for three years, before, i worked in Italy.

Actualy a live with yessi. She’s a wonderful Parner and friend.

Thank you milagros.

Tthe party was great , but I have to go , thank you very much.

We also have to go , it has become very late.

Thank you very much for coming to my birthday , see you son , goodbye

Bye bye

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