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Meditation- the act of giving your attention to only one thing or one Liturgy of the Word- Listen

Liturgy of the Eucharist- Do
- can be a religious activity that involves silence as a
means to reflect God’s love or presence Concluding Rite- Go

Christian Meditation- a means to have a communication with God Introductory Rite- entrance, procession and song

- Sign of the Cross and Greetings

The Holy Spirit in the Trinity- the fruit of love of the father and the - Penitential Rite
- Kyrie
- combination of the spirit of the father
- Gloria
and the son
Liturgy of the Word- First Reading

- Responsorial Psalm
Wisdom- enables us to appreciate
- Second Reading
Understanding- enables us to grasp the truths of faith
- Alleluia
- help us act in ways wa are living christian faith
- Gospel
- know what to do
- Homily
Counsel- identify the right course of action in a given situation
- Profession of faith(Creed)
Fortitude- allows us to be strong and brave to stand for our faith
- Prayer for the faithful
Knowledge- ability to give importance to the value of created things
Liturgy of the Eucharist- preparation of gifts
- knowing what is right or wrong
- prayer over the gifts
Fear of the Lord- enables us to show respect and awe towards God
- Eucharistic prayer
- help us to thank and praise God for the gift of life
Communion Rite- Lord’s Prayer
- fear of hurting God
- sign of peace
Piety- teaches us about duty, respect and loyalty towards our parents,
family and country - Breaking of the bread

- Communion
Holy Spirit- the voice and presence of God in our hearts - Prayer after Communion
- encourages us to do good and reject evil Concluding Rite- Blessing
Eucharistic Miracles- Lanciano, Italy: - Dismissal
- 700 AD 1250 years ago

Effects of the Holy Eucharist

1. The Holy Eucharist unites us with Christ and it is the best way to
have a deep relationship with Christ

2. Faithful attendance in the mass will help us to reject sin or

wickedness Vocare- there should be a response in every call and that response
could be good or wrong
3. It takes a way social or social differences
Evil Holiness
4. To reunite and be reunited to the Church
Vocation- Latin word “vocatio” which means call, summon or an
5. It builds up the Christian Coummunity invitation

- a call from God to all members of the Church to embrace

a life of holiness
The order of the Mass
Univesal vocation or call to holiness- To be holy does not require
Introductory Rite- Come
being a bishop, a priest or religious
Main mission: Panatilihin ang Simbahang Katoliko

Noah- mission is to save all types of animals including humans from

the great floood (Gen 7,8:1-14)

- Challlenge: Noah is old, people did not believe him

Abraham- Father of all Nations

- He wass called to leave behind his sin, idolatrous past in

order to worship the true God

- Challenge: to leave his homeland and go to the Land of

Canaan, he needs to sacrifice his own son Isaac

Moses- prince of Egypt

- mission is to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt

- Challenge: pharaoh did not believe Yahweh and pharaoh

further put burden to the Israelites

- Torn between his family in Egypt and Israel

Samuel- mission to preach

- was called three times

- Challenge: he don’t know the Lord yet

Jeremiah- he is young prophet

- too young to preach

- minamaliit kakayahan nya

God Calls in the New Testament

1. Mary (Meriam meaning a beautiful lady) (Hebrew)

- God called her through angel Gabriel

Response: “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord”

“Let it be done according to your word”

Mission: To be the mother of God or the bearer of Christ as the

promise savior of the world (Theotokos)

Struggles: Mary become a loving mother and a good mother to

Christ. She resiliently endured the deaths of his son on the cross just
to fulfill the plan of God for the salvation of the world

2. Peter- Petrus, Latin meaning stone

Calling of the Twelve

- Jesus called Peter to be a fishers of man. Jesus entrusted the

Church to Peter, You are Peter, Upon your rock I will build my

- First Pope

- was crucified upside down

3. Paul- Gods call the conversion of Paul while paul was travelling in
Damascus, there was a light that flashed around him and God said to
him,”Saul, Saul why do you persecute me”

Mission: To strengthen the church that Peter started

To encourage the early Christians to be firm on

- He was beheaded by the Romans

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