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GRADE LEVEL STANDARD The learners demonstrate understanding of appropriate expected abilities and behavior during adolescence, skills and talents,
interests and personality towards fulfilling duties to oneself, country / world and to God and setting goals to account for the
consequences of decisions and actions inspired by model Filipino Christians and saints


Unit I - Becoming a Responsible Adolescent rooted in Christ

1. God Reveals Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners: LOVE AND
Himself God has revealed Himself demonstrate ways of: GOODNESS
through Me and given Himself to man. understanding of: VII.I-1.1 infer that God reveals Himself
1.1. This he does by revealing the - improving oneself in the today in different ways us so that He Self-Worth
Revelation and mystery, his plan for the - the importance of six developmental tasks of can make us capable of knowing Him
faith benefit of other. (CCC, 50) God’s revelations the adolescents and loving Him beyond our natural Faith in God
1.2. Six Moral: to us as capacity
Developmenta Respond to God’s way of developing - responding to God’s Goodness
l Tasks of the revealing Himself to. (CCC,52) persons revelations through the VII.I-1.2 explain that God can reveal
Adolescent Worship: six developmental tasks Himself in the different tasks of
Stage Reflect on the passage, “For - the Adolescence of adolescents. adolescents
in Him we live and move and stage and it’s six - more mature relationship in
have our being; As even developmental friendship
some of the poets among tasks as means to - role in the society
you have said, 'For we are realize God’s - changes in the body and
also His offspring.” revelations appropriate management
Acts 17:28 - responsible actions with kapwa
and society
- responsible decisions
- moral and spiritual
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VII.I -1.3 discuss how the six
developmental tasks of adolescents can
be done to respond to God’s
revelation and to reveal God to others

VII.I-1.4 compose a reflection about the

connection of the adolescence stage to
the passage Acts 17:28

2. God Created Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate LOVE AND
the human God commits Himself to us demonstrate ways of: VII.I-2.1 Infer that the Creation story is GOODNESS
person with by His free creative activity. understanding of: an account where God endowed us
different He created human beings, - developing God given with talents, skills, and interests to Self-worth/
Talents, Skills, settled them in the Garden of - Knowing that our talents, skills and respond to His call to serve others. Sel-esteem
and Interests Eden and put them over all talents, skills and interests to become
other creatures. CFC,321 interests are God’s good and responsible VII.I– 2.2. Identify talents and abilities Compassion
2.1. Creation gift for us so that we persons. that we can use to be a good and (Caring and
of Man and Morals: can use them in responsible person Sharing)
Woman – We are called to exercise serving others
Genesis 2:4-15 responsible stewardship over VII.I –2.3 show ways of using talents in Goodness
all creation. CFC,341 - Developing our serving God we can overcome aspects
2.2. Ways of talents, skills and of the self where one lacks self-
Identifying Worship: interest to serve and confidence.
different “Each of you should use praise God.
talents, skills whatever gift you have VII.I–2.4 Demonstrate ways of sharing
and interests received to serve others, as talents and skills in worshiping God
faithful stewards of God’s
grace in its various forms. If
anyone speaks, they should
do so as one who speaks
the very words of God. If

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anyone serves, they should
do so with the strength God
provides, so that in all
things God may be praised
through Jesus Christ. To
him be the glory and the
power for ever and ever.
Amen.” 1 Peter4: 10-11,

3. Roles and The learners The learners demonstrate Learners: PEACE and
Responsibilitie Doctrine: demonstrate ways of: JUSTICE
s of a Christian Being a person in Christ understanding of: VII.I – 3.1 Prove using the Creation
Filipino means being by others, being - living out our roles story that we are created as relational
Adolescent with others and being for -the meaning of our and responsibilities as beings with roles and responsibilities. Social
others. CFC,687 existence created by social beings rooted in VII.I – 3.2 Prove that we can fulfill our responsibility
God to be with others Christ. duties and responsibilities as and
3.1. Story of Morals: and for others which adolescents if we are rooted in Christ. accountabilit
Creation Be conscious of our can grow and develop VII.I -3.3 show ways of living out y
Genesis 2: 16- characteristics as persons in if we are conscious of different roles and duties as
25 experience rooted in Christ our roles and adolescents that manifest being Concern for
to gain true knowledge of responsibilities as persons in Christ. Others
self and our relationship to followers of Christ. VII.I – 3.5 – Compose a reflection about
3.3. others and God. CFC,686 the importance of prayer in
Performing - The different establishing a personal relationship
Roles and Worship: characteristics of with Christ that leads us to fulfill our
Responsibilitie Establish personal Persons in roles and responsibilities and grow as
s of relationship with Christ experience. relational adolescents.
adolescents through prayer to live a life
connected with Him. CFC,713 - Roles and
responsibilities of

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4. Responding Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate Learners: LOVE AND
to the Sin is an utterance, a deed or demonstrate ways of: GOODNESS
challenges of a desire contrary to the understanding of: VII.I-4.1 – Prove using the story of the
being a eternal Law. It is turning Fall of Man that SIN is a hindrance to Goodness
Christian away from God. CFC, 762. - The essence of SIN - Showing the effects of our young Christian Filipino adolescents
Filipino as a challenge Sin and the in overcoming their challenges in life. Personal
Adolescent Morals: among our importance of faith in Discipline
The need to have a radical Christian Filipino the way young VII.I-4.2 – Identify the different
4.1. The Fall of change in behavior. “Put adolescent in adolescents handle challenges of a Christian Filipino Sense of
Man away your misdeeds…cease living a life the challenges in their Adolescent that lead them to commit Responsibilit
doing evil, learn to do good, according to God’s stage of life. sin. y
4.2. Catholic make justice your aim; will.
Teaching redress the wronged. CFC, - Appreciating the VII. I – 4.3 Discuss the importance of Faith in God
about Sin 1790 - The importance of Sacrament of faith in the efforts of our young
(CFC762 -763) faith towards in Reconciliation as a way Christian adolescents to overcome their
Worship the way our to overcome sin and challenges.
4.3. Sacrament Through the Sacrament of adolescents face live according to the
of Reconciliation, the Holy Spirit the different Spirit. VII.I -4.4 - Recognize that through the
Reconciliation strengthened us in our challenges in their Sacrament of Reconciliation the Holy
combat against the evil of stage of life. Spirit helps the Christian Filipino
4.4.Challenges sin. CFC,777 adolescent to overcome sin and to
of being a - The importance of uphold God’s will in facing their
Christian Reconciliation in challenges.
Filipino the life of
Adolescent adolescents to VII.I – 4.3 Point out ways to deepen
battle the evil of one’s relationship with the Holy Spirit
sin and respond to to overcome the challenges
the call of the confronting a Christian Filipino

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Spirit. Adolescent.



Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners:
5. I am called In the depths of his demonstrate ways of: Truth
to do what is conscience, man detects a understanding of: VII.II- 5.1. Discuss how Adam and Eve
right law which he does not making good decisions respond to God’s call using their Goodness
impose upon himself, but - God’s gifts of towards truth and intellect, free will and conscience.
5.1. Intellect, which holds him to intellect, free will goodness with the use of Self-worth/
Free Will & obedience. Always and conscience to their intellect and free will VII.II- 5.2. Explain the nature of the self -esteem
Conscience summoning him to love good make good and make ways on human person with unique spiritual
and avoid evil, the voice of decisions and to correcting wrong things faculties as gifts from God: intellect,
5.2. Story of conscience when necessary act responsibly in based on a good free-will and conscience
Adam & Eve speaks to his heart: do this, every conscience.
shun that. For man has in his circumstances of VII.II-5.3. know the different types of
5.3. Types of heart a law written by God; our life with the Conscience and understand the process
Conscience to obey it is the very dignity guidance of the and importance of Formation of
of man; according to it he will Holy Spirit. Conscience.
be judged.(9) Conscience is
the most secret core and VII.II-5.4. analyze the qualities,
sanctuary of a man. There he importance, and purpose of the
is alone with God, Whose intellect, free- will and conscience in
voice echoes in his depths. making good decisions and correcting
(10) In a wonderful manner wrong things towards truth and
conscience reveals that law goodness
which is fulfilled by love of

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God and neighbor (GS16) VII.II-5.5. ask the guidance of the Holy
Spirit in analyzing a decision made
Morals: based on intellect and free-will and use
Conscience is a judgment of of correct conscience
reason whereby the human
person recognizes the VII.II. 5.6. Infer with the guidance of the
moral quality of a concrete Holy Spirit that a person knows readily
act that he is going to what is good and right in a concrete
perform, is in the process of situation according to the dictates of
performing, or has already conscience.
completed. CCC1778
VII.II. 5.7 carry out ways of
To form the conscience of a making good decisions towards truth
disciple of Christ , the key is and goodness
obviously Christ and his
Spirit, experienced within
Christ’s community, the
Church through prayer, by
attending to the Word of
God and the teachings of the
Church, and by the
responsiveness of the Holy
Spirit. CFC 707
6. Authentic Doctrine: The learners The learners The learners
Freedom Authentic Freedom is a demonstrate demonstrate ways of : Social
shared capacity with others understanding of: VII.II-6.1. Recall the exodus of Israelites responsibility
6.1. Freedom in the community for from Egypt and tell how this experience
and choosing -not anything at all- -the meaning of being became a moment of true freedom. Freedom and
Responsibility but what is the good, in order free which is doing -making step to change or VII.II.6.2.Explain how hardships and Responsibilit
to become true selves. (CFC the good and growing improve his/her use of sufferings help us build spiritual y
720) morally and freedom and become strength and make us realize the true

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6.2. Exodus Morals: responsibly on which responsible of attaining it. meaning of freedom. Justice
Freedom makes one’s understanding VII.II-6.3. Recognize the indicators/
man responsible for his acts is based on the signs of presence or absence of Prudence
to the extent that they are scriptures and life freedom
voluntary. Progress in virtue, and teachings of Jesus VII.II-6.4.Analyze freedom as shown in
knowledge of the good, and Christ, the perfect the youth’s behavior growing in the
ascesis enhance the mastery model of authentic image of Jesus.
of the will over its acts. CCC freedom. VII.II-6.5. Infer that it is the nature of
1734 human person to freely choose
Worship: between good or bad; and to grow
Ask God to guide us in morally and responsibly on which
overcoming obstacles in one’s understanding is based on the
achieving the true meaning scriptures and life and teachings of
of freedom so we may grow Jesus Christ, the perfect model of
in our capacity to be of loving authentic freedom.
service to others. VII.II-6.6. Make steps to change or
improve his/her use of freedom and
become responsible of attaining it.

7. I am Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners TRUTH and
obedient to Law is an ordinance of demonstrate ways of: RESPECT
God’s Laws reason for the common understanding of VII.II-7.1. Read Exodus 19:1-25;20-17
good, promulgated by the and discuss the importance of the law Love of truth
7.1. Divine Law one who is in charge of the in the scriptures and how it affects our
(Ten community ( CCC 1976, St. following the laws or rules present lives. Goodness
Commandmen Thomas ,STh I-II,90,4) -the moral law as the that are based on
ts) work of divine principles of the moral law VII.II-7.2. Discuss the relationship of Obedience
7.2. Exodus Morals: Wisdom, defined as or the Ten the four kinds of laws and explain the Determinatio
7.3. Natural The moral law is the work of God's instruction that Commandments in the : purpose of each one in our moral living n
Moral Law divine Wisdom. Its biblical prescribes to humans as obedient children of God Discipleship
meaning can be defined as the rules of conduct -Home (Eternal/Divine Law, Law of Nature,
fatherly instruction, God's that lead to doing -School Natural Moral Law, Civil/Human Law)

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pedagogy. It prescribes for good and avoiding evil -community
man the ways, the rules of VII.II-7.3. infer that the moral law is
conduct that lead to the the work of divine Wisdom, defined as
promised beatitude; it God's instruction that prescribes for
proscribes the ways of evil humans the rules of conduct that
which turn him away from lead to doing good and avoiding evil
God and his love. It is at once
firm in its precepts and, in its VII.II-7.4. Assess rules/laws in the
promises, worthy of love. home, school, and community, if they
CCC 1950 are based on moral principles and the
Worship: Ten Commandments.
Seek out the inspiration and
enlightenment from the Holy VII.II-7.5. List down ways to become
Spirit living a Christian moral obedient to the will of God by following
life. the Ten Commandments.

VII.II-7.6. reason out that the universal

objective of moral law to our human
nature, which is created by God, the
norm and source of all moral goodness.
8. I am a Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners HUMAN
Person with Being in the image of God, demonstrate ways to: DIGNITY
Dignity humans possess the dignity understanding 0f VII.II-8. 1. Explain the message in the
of person. They are not just to show respect , love story of King David related to defending LOVE AND
8.1. Story of something, but someone. -each person as and give service to one human dignity GOODNESS
King David They are capable of self- having dignity another especially to
knowledge, of self- because s/he is those in need, the VII.II-8.2. Infer that human dignity is Humility
8.2.Human possession, and of freely created in God’s marginalized; the poor, a. the inherent quality of the Obedience
Dignity giving themselves and image and likeness. sick and destitute human person being created in Service
entering into communion God’s image and likeness Love for
8.3. Respect with other persons. They are - human dignity as b. God’s ultimate gift to His neighbor
and care for called by grace to a covenant God’s ultimate gift to people that empowers them to Selflessnes

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the with the Creator, to offer Him His people that respect , love and give service
marginalized a response of faith and love empowers them to to one another
that no other creature can respect , love and give
give in his stead. CCC357 service to one VII.II-8.3. Recognize that every human
another. being has dignity, regardless of social
Morals: status, color, race, education, religion
Christ reveals how the and others.
essential dignity of all VII.II- 8.4. affirm that respect for human
persons is grounded directly dignity leads to loving God and oneself
on their origin, meaning and VII.II 8 .5. Take concrete steps to show
destiny. We believe all respect and care specially for the
persons are created by God marginalized; the poor, sick and
in His image and likeness. forgotten.
(CFC 685, cf Gen 1:26)
VII.II-8.6. Recite King David’s prayer
Worship: about confession of his sins against
Through the celebration of human dignity of his people and apply
the Eucharist, reflect on how it for personal reflection
our dignity affirmed as
children of God.
Unit III - Firming Up My Virtues and Values like the Prophets


9. Relationship Doctrine: The Learners The Learners demonstrate The Learners… LOVE and
of Values and Prophets were men called by demonstrate ways of… GOODNESS
Virtues (Isaiah) God to speak His word and understanding of… VII.III – 9.1 Discuss conversion through
The invite them back to Him. - Responding to the call the story of Prophet Isaiah that is, Goodness
Conversion of (CFC428) - The mission of of conversion, which changing his values to respond to God.
Prophet Isaiah the prophets to reflects embracing of Faith in God
(Is. 6:1-8) Morals: invite people back good values leading to VII.III – 9.2 Recognize that following

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Conversion The call of conversion is to to God forming of virtues God like Prophet Isaiah leads to the Self-Worth
turn back to God as Prophet (conversion) by needed for authentic formation of Christian virtues
9.1. Christian Isaiah said “Cease doing evil; embracing Godly Christian living. (Theological and Cardinal)
Values learn to do good.” (CFC values which lead
Theological 429/Is. 1:16-17) to virtues needed - Practicing Christian VII.III – 9.3 Identify Theological and
and Cardinal to live according virtues as a sign of Cardinal virtues and express their
Virtues Worship: to God’s will. conversion. importance in one’s life as a Christian
In the Sacrament of adolescent responding to the call of
9.2. Sacrament Reconciliation, we are invited - The importance of - Showing appreciation to conversion.
of to have a heartfelt Theological and the gift of Sacrament
Reconciliation repentance, which leads to Cardinal Virtues in of Reconciliation VII.III – 9.4 Compose a reflection
personal conversion. Christian living. journal about the role of the Sacrament
(CFC1772) of Reconciliation in the process of
- The Sacrament of conversion and acquiring of values and
Reconciliation as a virtues to live an authentic Christian
doorway for life.
repentance, which
leads to personal

10. Hierarchy Doctrine The Learners The Learners demonstrate The Learners: LOVE and
of Values Prophets’ call of conversion demonstrate ways of… VII.III-10.1 Justify through Prophet GOODNESS
(Ezekiel) leads to holiness as reflected understanding of… Ezekiel that holiness is the highest
Prophets in the words of Prophet value a human person can possess. Goodness
Speak to Us Ezekiel, “I will prove the how to respond to God’s VII.III-10.2. Interpret according to
about Holiness holiness of my great name… Prophet’s call of call of holiness, the Christian perspective the value of Faith in God
the nations shall know that I conversion requiring highest in the hierarchy of holiness being the highest on the Max
10.1. Am the Lord…when in their living in holiness, the values. Scheler’s hierarchy of values. Self-worth
Restoration of sight I prove my holiness highest in the VII.III-10.3 Prove that the chosen type
Israel through you.” - Ez 36:23 (CFC hierarchy of values, of values based on the hierarchy is a Holiness
(Ez 36:23-29) 2140) which means making guide towards authentic Christian

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God’s name holy in living.
10.2. Morals: one’s life and action. VII.III-10.4 Enhance skills in raising the
Hierarchy of The call to holiness is a levels of values and choose to live a
Values by Max renewal of life acting on holy life.
Scheler social justice through
preferential option for the
poor. (CFC 440)

We accept God’s call to share
in His Being and Ethical
action whenever we pray
‘Holy be Your Name’.
11. Internal Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate LOVE and
Factors that A Life with God is a life demonstrate ways of… VII.III – 11.1 Discuss how God’s GOODNESS
Influence inspired by the Holy Spirit understanding of… presence in the life of Prophet Samuel Goodness
Formation of who strengthens us in our influences his values in life.
Values struggles against the powers The importance of forming one’s values VII.III – 11.2 Explain that the Holy Spirit Faith in God
(Samuel) of evil and frees us by His living according to the through the interior is actively working through the
Prophets interior presence. (CFC 1315) Spirit who through His presence of the Holy Spirit different internal factors affecting Inner peace
speak a Life interior presence values formation. Personal
with God Morals: influences to acquire VII.III – 11.3 Discuss how the internal Discipline
We are called to live good values rooted factors, reasonable mind, responsible Moral
11.1. Samuel according to the Spirit whose in our desire to ‘walk freedom, moral conscience, leads to Integrity
3: 1-10 The presence gives new meaning in His ways’. formation of good values and virtues
Call of Samuel to life rooted in the law of VII.III – 11.4 Analyze an action based on
love for He is Love. the interior presence of the Spirit that
11.2. 2Internal (CFC810) influence the formation of values.
Factors -The works of the VII.II – 4.5 Infer that the interior
affecting Value Worship: Holy Spirit in guiding presence of the Holy Spirit in everyday
Formation To respond to the Holy us to a meaningful life living is a guide to responsible decisions

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Spirit’s lead will only be through good values. and actions.
possible through a vibrant
prayer life, to commune with
the Lord and ‘walk in His
ways,” as inspired by His Holy
Spirit. (CFC1485)

12. External Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners
Factors that Values Education will be demonstrate ways of… Faith in God
Influence ineffective without a deep understanding of… VII.III-12.1 Discuss through the story of
Formation of spiritual renewal, which Prophet Elijah that worshiping God is Religious
Values (Elijah) involves active personal and -values formation Living out spiritual an important factor in values tolerance
Prophets community prayer life, love requiring deep renewal through the formation.
Speak to Us for the Eucharist, reception spiritual renewal, positive influences of Goodness
about of the Sacrament of which involves active external factors VII.III-12.2 explain how the different
Worshipping Reconciliation and Marian personal and external factors influence one’s values
God devotion. (CFC1106) community prayer formation:
life, love for the a. Family and parenting
12.1 Kings Morals: Eucharist, reception b. School
18:30-39 Prophet’s call to worship God of the Sacrament of c. religion
is to express Christian love Reconciliation and d. peers
11.2.The for Him, which consists not Marian devotion e. media
Sacrifice at just through words but also f. status in the society
Carmel in deeds from the heart. -how the external g. cultural heritage
(CFC1496-97) factors influence
12.3.External value formation VII.III-12.3 Infer that:
Factors a. authentic worship should
affecting Worship: result to forming one’s values
Values Authentic worship should directed to doing good and
Formation. result to forming one’s values rendering justice to all
directed to doing good and b. values formation requires a
rendering justice to all. deep spiritual renewal, which

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(CFC497) involves active personal and
community prayer life, love for
the Eucharist, reception of the
Sacrament of Reconciliation and
Marian devotion

VII.III-12.4 show ways of living out

spiritual renewal through the positive
influences of external factors

VII.III-12.5 Testify how praying to God

can form good values in one’s life.

Unit IV – Setting Goals and Making Decisions Inspired by God

13.The Power Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners LOVE and
of the Word of St. Paul tells us that ‘all demonstrate ways of… VII.IV-13.1.Afirm the importance of GOODNESS
God in setting Scripture is inspired by God understanding of… discerning God’s will through the
one’s dreams and is useful for teaching – - using the Word of God Scriptures so that one may be fully Self-Worth/
and goals for reproof, correction, and -the importance of in setting one’s dreams competent and equipped in setting Self Esteem
training in holiness so that discerning God’s plan and goals that will lead to his/her dreams and goals for a
13.1.Reading the man of God may be fully through the a meaningful and successful life in the future. Sense of
and Use of competent and equipped for Scriptures so that successful life. VII.IV-13.2. Set clear and meaningful Responsibilit
Scripture every good work (2 Tim 3:16- one may be fully goals rooted in Scriptures in order to y
17)/ CFC 91 competent and discern God’s actions in one’s direction
13.2. Making equipped in setting in life and dreams Future
Decisions and Morals: his/her dreams and VII.IV-13.3. Explain the role of authentic Orientedness
Discernment The Word of God illumines us goals for a successful prayer in achieving one’s dreams.
how to act as disciples of life in the future. Obedientce
Christ and helps us discern to God’s will

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God’s action in our daily lives.

Discern God’s action in our
daily lives through authentic
prayer grounded in the Word
of God and Church living
tradition (CFC100)

14. Jesus is my Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners CHRISTIAN
model in Our faith centers on Christ demonstrate ways of… SPIRITUALITY
fulfilling my precisely because we believe understanding of… VII.IV-14.1.Discuss the life and mission
Personal “we called to union with him, -creating a Personal of Jesus as a model for Christians to Faith in God
Mission who is the light of the world, Jesus’ mission as Mission Statement in Life follow
Statement. from whom we go forth, fulfillment of the will based on the teachings of Christ-
through whom we live, an of the Father and that Jesus. VII.IV-14.2. Explain the importance of centeredness
14.1. towards whom our whole life we too, must fulfill having a Personal Mission Statement in
Decision- is directed.” (CFC 78, cf LG3 our mission as Life based on the teachings of Jesus. Self –
making CFC 487 followers of Christ or awareness
Christ-centered VII.IV-14.3. explain the steps needed
Morals: persons in composing a Personal Mission Intelligent
We are the followers of Statement in Life and the elements of Decision-
Christ, his disciples. Tracing -the importance of decision-making grounded on Making
his footsteps in our times- to responsible decision following Christ
utter his word to others. To making grounded on Prayerfulness
love with his life. To live with prayer that leads to VII.IV-14.4. create a Personal Mission
his life. This is why we must a clear mission Statement in Life that reflects the
move forward. To cease statement rooted in teachings of Jesus and ones uniqueness
following him is to betray our God’s call. as persons who decide and make
very identity. (PCP II, 34) actions responsibly towards the

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attainment of the common good.
Reflect on the two biblical
passages: Ephesians 1:4 (as
he chose us in him, before
the foundation of the world,
to be holy and without
blemish before him. In love)
and Romans 8:29 (For those
he foreknew he also
predestined to be conformed
to the image of his Son, so
that he might be the
firstborn among many

15. Reflecting Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners NATIONALIS
on the Right Your own personal vocation demonstrate ways of… VII.IV-15.1.Differentiate vocation, from M AND
Career and does not consist only in the understanding of… profession and career GOBALISM
Profession work you do, though that is -going through ‘exodus a. vocation as a calling to a service or
an expression of it. Your Vocation as a calling from oneself’ in order to status in life with great dedication Love of God
15.1. Prayer vocation is something more: to a particular service centre one’s life on Christ as service to God and to others and Country
& Guidance of it is a path guiding your many or status in life with and on his Gospel in b. profession as any type of work
the Holy Spirit efforts and actions towards great dedication as choosing a vocation, requiring special training or a Social
service to others. So in service to God and to course and profession particular skill, often one that Responsibilit
15.2. discerning your vocation, it is others. involves a high level of education y And
Vocation important to determine if c. career as a person’s progress and Accountabilit
you see in yourself the -importance of actions related to his/her y
15.3. abilities needed to perform discerning to the right occupation or profession taken
Academic, that specific service to vocation, course and throughout his adult lifetime Enterpreneur
technical- society. (Christus Vivit,255) profession needing a VII.IV-15.2. Discuss the different ial Spirit
vocational self -examination and vocations, professions, careers by

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courses, Arts Morals: reflection of oneself which Christian can live out their
and Sports, Therefore every vocation, through prayers. vocation
entrepreneuri even within the variety of
al or career paths, always requires an VII.IV-15.3. Identify personal attributes
plans exodus from oneself in order that should be developed in connection
to centre one’s life on Christ to one’s vocation and academic,
and on his Gospel. (Pope technical-vocational courses,
Francis’ Message for the 51st entrepreneurial or career plans.
World Day of Prayer for
Vocations 2014) VII.IV-15.4. Ask God through prayers to
W: Reflect on Ephesians 4:11- accept limitations in the personal
12 attributes that are needed in one’s
vocation and academic, technical-
vocational courses, entrepreneurial or
career choice.

VII.IV-15.5. match one’s personal

attributes with the requirements on
academic, technical- vocational course,
business or career choice is the way to
have meaningful business or
profession, become productive, a
faithful disciples of Christ and
contribute to the growth of the
country’s economy.

16. God Keeps The learners The learners demonstrate The learners CHRITIAN
His Plan of Doctrine: demonstrate ways of… VII.IV-14.1.Explain the Salvation History SPIRITUALITY
Salvation Salvation History narrated in understanding of… and the Biblical figures who responded ;
the Bible shows the dynamic - Goal Setting and Action to God’s plan of Salvation NATIONALIS
16.1. God’s interplay between good and -God’s call to Planning Chart (GSAPC) VII.IV-14.3.Explain the Church teachings M

K to 12 CLE-EsP Curriculum Guide, CEAP-NCFC, July 2020
assurance in evil, success and failure, participate in His which will lead in on discernment and submission to the
one’s plans within the lives of the great plans just like what He pursuing future life will of GOD –as an important step in Faith in God
and biblical figures. It recounts did to realize His rooted in God’s plan goal setting and action planning
aspirations. how God progressively salvation plan for us. VII.IV-14.6. Construct a ‘Goal Setting Obedience
(The Story of brought His Chosen People to and Action Planning Chart’ aligned to
Joseph) a clearer understanding and - Discernment and one’s dreams, and personal mission Respect
higher moral vision of their submission to the will statement, and personal attributes
16.2. God calls own and of God Himself. of GOD –as another VII.IV-14.8. Compose a prayer to make Faithfulness
Mary in His important step in responsible action planning
Plan of Morals: goal setting and Trust in God
Salvation (The All are called to participate in action planning
Annunciation) the God’s plan through (model of Mama
responsible decision making Mary)
16.3. Goal which involves person’s
Setting and thinking and willing. (CFC
Action 831)
Responding to God’s call is
following Christ’s moral life
nourished in the Eucharistic
celebration and experienced
in personal prayer. (CFC 844)
17. Studying Doctrine: The learners The learners demonstrate The learners Taking
Hard to This gives greater value to demonstrate ways of… VII.IV-17.1. Discuss the importance of Responsibilit
Achieve One’s everything you do. Your work understanding of… nurturing God’s given talents and skills y
Aspirations stops being just about in preparation for work in God’s
making money, keeping busy -the importance of -creating a Career Plan vineyard Courage
17.1. Career or pleasing others. It nurturing God’s given based on one’s interest,
Planning becomes your vocation talents and skills in talents, values and VII.IV-17.2. Affirm the “need to listen to
because you are called to it; preparation for work abilities and the GSAPC God’s voice, so that, like clay in the Service to
it is something more than in God’s vineyard done which will lead a hands of a potter, I can let myself be others

K to 12 CLE-EsP Curriculum Guide, CEAP-NCFC, July 2020
merely a pragmatic decision. person to become a better shaped and guided by him. Then I will
In the end, it is a recognition -the need to listen to version of oneself, become what I was meant to be, Faith and
of why I was made, why I am God’s voice, so that, productive citizen of faithful to my own reality” Hope
here on earth, and what the like clay in the hands society and faithful
Lord’s plan is for my life. He of a potter, I can let disciples of Christ. VII.IV-17.3. Infer that studying
will not show me every place, myself be shaped and develops skills, values, talents and
time and detail, since I will guided by him. Then I abilities that help one succeed in the
have to make my own will become what I desired business or profession.
prudent decisions about was meant to be,
these. But he will show me a faithful to my own VII.IV-17.4. Create a Career Plan
direction in life, for he is my reality following the steps and criteria for
Creator and I need to listen developing one
to his voice, so that, like clay
in the hands of a potter, I can VII.IV-17.5. Seek the guidance of the
let myself be shaped and Holy Spirit, in planning for one’s career
guided by him. Then I will
become what I was meant to
be, faithful to my own reality.
(Christus Vivit.256)

M: But you will receive

power when the Holy Spirit
has come upon you, and you
will be witnesses in
Jerusalem and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the end
of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

W: Reflect on the song, Tell

the World of His Love.


K to 12 CLE-EsP Curriculum Guide, CEAP-NCFC, July 2020

Church Documents:
Abbot, Walter SJ (1966), The Documents of Vatican II. New York: America Press.
Catholic Biblical Association of America (1986). The New American Bible. New York: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (1992), Acts and Decrees of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines Intramuros, Manila: ECCCE: Pio del
Pilar, Makati: Word and Life Publications.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (1997), Catechism for Filipino Catholics New Edition. Intramuros, Manila: ECCCE: Pio del Pilar, Makati: Word
and Life Publications.
Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education(1994), Catechism of the Catholic Church Definitive Edition. Intramuros, Manila: CBCP/ECCCE: Pio
del Pilar, Makati: Word and Life Publications.
Congregation of the Clergy, (1997) General Directory for Catechesis, Rome, Italy: Vatican Press.
Pope Francis (2016), Amoris Laetitia, Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Rome, Italy: Vatican Press.
Pope John Paul II (1994). Letter to the Families. Pasay City: Daughters of Saint Paul.
John Paul II. Balance Sheet of Papal Visit. (March–May 1981). The dignity of the human person. Manila: Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas.

 Published Books

Cornelio, J., Calano, M.J., Sapitula, Victor, M. (2016). Introduction to world religions and belief systems. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Covey, S. (2004). The 8th habit: From effectiveness to greatness. New York: Free Press.
De Mesa, J.M. (1991). In solidarity with culture. QC: Maryhill School of Theology.
Dy, M. (1994). Values in the philippine culture and education. Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House.
Esteban, E.J. (1990). Education in values. Manila: Sinagtala Publications.
Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory and practice. New York: Basic Books.
Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.
Locke, E.A. & Latham, G.P. (1990). A theory of goal setting and task performance. Englewoods Cliff, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Punsalan, T., Asuan, E., Caberio, S., Fulgencio, A., Marte, N., Nicolas, M.V. & Reyes, W. (1999). Buhay: Edukasyon sa pagpapahalaga para sa

K to 12 CLE-EsP Curriculum Guide, CEAP-NCFC, July 2020
kolehiyo. Manila: Philippine Normal University.
Punsalan, T. Gonzales, C., Marte, N., Nicolas, M. (2019). Paano Magpakatao 7. Quezon City: Rex Book Store.


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Glanzberg, M. (2018). Truth. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 ed.). In Zalta, E.N. (Ed.). Retrieved from
Krupansky, J. (2018). Relationship between virtues and values. Retrieved from
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K to 12 CLE-EsP Curriculum Guide, CEAP-NCFC, July 2020

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