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Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering

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Optimization of cable insulation eccentricity by

Taguchi robust design

Yu-Ping Gu, Long-Sheng Cheng, Li-Jiao Xu & Xiang-Lai Chen

To cite this article: Yu-Ping Gu, Long-Sheng Cheng, Li-Jiao Xu & Xiang-Lai Chen (2019):
Optimization of cable insulation eccentricity by Taguchi robust design, Journal of Industrial and
Production Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/21681015.2019.1645048

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Published online: 30 Jul 2019.

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Optimization of cable insulation eccentricity by Taguchi robust design

Yu-Ping Gua, Long-Sheng Chengb, Li-Jiao Xuc and Xiang-Lai Chend
School of Management Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, China; bSchool of Economics
and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China; cSchool of Automotive and Rail Transit, Nanjing
Institute of Technology, Nanjing, China; dSchool of Business, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, China


Reduction of the cable insulation eccentricity is an important proposition in the cable Received 12 April 2017
industry. In this paper, firstly a strong negative correlation between the insulation eccentricity Accepted 2 July 2019
and the signal-to-noise ratio of insulation thickness in nominal-the-best characteristics is KEYWORDS
obtained by correlation and regression analysis. Secondly, the methods of fault tree and Robust design; SNR;
risk priority number are used to determine three key factors. Finally, Taguchi robust design is eccentricity; process
used to optimize process parameters. Experimental results showed that the average thickness optimization
of insulation can be reduced from 4.52 mm to 4.31 mm and the average eccentricity of
insulation can be reduced from 6.12% to 3.09%. Taguchi robust design can not only improve
the product quality, but also save product costs and achieve significant economic benefits.

1. Introduction thickness was 4.5, and the fluctuation range was

1% to 10%, while the process control required that
The control of the cable insulation eccentricity is
the average thickness should be 4.3 mm.
a very important research subject of all cable
Therefore, reducing the insulation eccentricity of
manufacturers, and is also the key for quality pro-
the cable and its fluctuation, that is, improving the
blem of the power industry and many users.
robustness of the production system, could not
According to the national standards, the cable
only improve the product quality, but also reduce
insulation eccentricity index should not be larger
the amount of insulating materials and improve
than 15%, while the limit value is restricted to 8%
economic efficiency.
by State Grid and 6% by some companies. Many
Taguchi robust design is an optimized design
scholars have proposed some solutions for this key
method created by Dr. Genichi Taguchi, who is
issue. Liu [1] used the collimated X-ray scanning
a well-known Japanese quality engineering scientist
mode to eliminate the influence of swiveling
in the 1970s. This method is based on design of
speed and vibration to cable eccentricity detection
experiments (DOE) and uses signal-to-noise ratio
in production. Zhao [2] detected the cable eccen-
(SNR) to improve product quality and robustness.
tricity in real time based on the X-ray detection
Through adjusting the level combination of control
theory to guarantee cable production quality and
factors, this method can make the product and
reduce waste. Chen [3] constructed the online
process insensitive (i.e., robust) to unpredictable
detection simulation model by considering the
variations, and improve product quality characteris-
dynamic factors of cable swing and noise in pro-
tics. Up to now, the method has been successfully
duct line which influence the measuring data dur-
used in many fields such as machinery, electronics,
ing cable production. Cui [4] presented the design
medicine, etc. In addition, this method has greatly
of electric cable eccentricity non-contact on-line
improved the product performance. Kim [5] used
measurement system based on DSP. Most of
Taguchi robust design to enhance the motor qual-
recent researches about the eccentricity are
ity regardless of the tolerances. Wu [6] applies the
focused on the measurement system and data
Taguchi method to optimize the process para-
meters for the die casting of thin-walled magne-
The problem of controlling the eccentricity of
sium alloy parts in the industries of computer,
the insulation is actually to control the thickness
communications, and consumer electronics.
of the insulation and its fluctuation. The historical
Bernardo [7] presents a systematic design frame-
data of the inner core of a certain type of insu-
work that includes Taguchi loss functions and
lated cable were analyzed. The average value of
other robustness criteria within a single-level
the cable eccentricity was 6%, the average

CONTACT Yu-Ping Gu School of Management Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, 962
Cao-Shan Road, Beng-Bu city, An-Hui province 233030, China
© 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers
2 Y.-P. GU ET AL.

stochastic optimization formulation to obtain an

optimal design that maximizes average process per-
formance. Lin [8] applied robust parameter designs
based on Taguchi methods to the study for inves-
tigating the key variables influential to hemodialy-
sis. Dehnad [9] pointed out that Taguchi methods
had a greater effect on U.S. products than any one
concept or method yet devised, and changed the
way many U.S. companies operate.
In this paper, FEMA is used to find the critical
factors to eccentricity of cable insulation, and then
Taguchi robust design is used to optimize para-
meter levels of these critical factors to reduce the Figure 1. Eccentricity and SNR scatterplot.
cable insulation thickness and its fluctuation.

By using Minitab software, regression analysis

2. Correlation and regression analysis between the variables y and η is completed, and
then the results are shown as following:
The eccentricity of cable insulation is defined as the
deviation between the maximum and minimum
values of the insulation thickness that measured in Regression Analysis: Eccentricity (y) versus SNR (η)
the same section divides the maximum value. The The regression equation is y = 26.2–0.621η
formula is specified as follows: Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 26.167 1.99 13.15 0
xmax  xmin SNR -0.6214 0.06128 -10.14 0
y¼ (1)
xmax S = 0.473901 R-Sq = 85.1% R-Sq(adj) = 84.3%
Analysis of Variance
Thus, to control the eccentricity needs to con- Source DF SS MS F P
trol the insulation thickness and its fluctuations Regression 1 23.093 23.093 102.82 0
Residual Error 18 4.042 0.225
actually. In addition, the insulation thickness has
Total 19 27.135
a target value. That is, the insulation thickness is
hoped to fluctuate around the target value, and
the fluctuations are as small as possible. This type
of quality characteristic is nominal-the-best. The Clearly, y and η have a strong negative correlation.
distribution characteristic of this statistic is com- That is, the more the η is, the less the y is. This shows that
plex and does not obey the normal distribution the objective of minimizing y is achieved by maximizing
according to the actual measurement data. η. Furthermore, the SNR of cable insulation thickness can
The SNR of insulation thickness which denoted be regarded as normal according to the normality test by
as η is calculated as follows. First, the thinnest using Minitab software, shown in Figure 2. Thus, using
point of the insulating layer is selected, and then the parameter η to design and improve processes will be
the thickness data is measured every 60°. Each much easier than using the parameter y directly.
sample is measured six times and denotes as xi,
i = 1 . . . 6. The average value of these samples
denoted as x can be calculated. The calculation of
η can be specified as formula 2.

η¼ (2)
n1 ðx i  x Þ

One hundred and fifty samples are collected in

the past three months, and the insulation eccen-
tricity denoted as y and η are calculated respec-
tively. The correlation between variables y and η is
−0.956. The scatterplot of the insulation eccentri-
city and SNR is as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2. Probability plot of SNR.

3. Influence factors analysis Table 1. RPN analysis.

Through analysis of the factors of production opera- No. Factors S O D RPN

1 Given line speed 6 9 2 108
tion, such as man, machine, material, method, mea-
2 Conductor jitter 3 5 6 90
surement and environment, the potential failure
3 Preheating temperature 4 10 2 80
mode is listed. The fault tree of unsafe products is 4 Machine Head 1-zone temperature 8 2 2 32
modeled according to the logical principle and is 5 Machine Head 2-zone temperature 8 2 2 32
shown in Figure 3. 6 Mold assembly position 6 2 1 12
By the brainstorming method, the cable’s poten- 7 Mold core matching 8 6 3 144
tial failure modes of severity (S), occurrence (O) and 8 Melt Index 8 7 3 168
9 Extrusion pressure 8 9 2 144
elusive detection (D) are evaluated, and the risk
10 Operator 8 7 3 168
priority number (RPN) analysis is shown in Table 1. 11 Hanging angle 8 10 2 160
The factors are chosen as the main factors if the RPN
is equal to or larger than 144, such as mold core
matching, melt index, extrusion pressure, the operator,
hanging angle. Because the influence of melt index is Table 2. The main factors.
derived from the external factors which are belonged
No. Main factors Characteristics
to uncontrollable change factors and is identified as 1 The operator Noise factor
the noise factors. The behavior of operators cannot be 2 Melt index Noise factor
accurately controlled, the factor of operator is also 3 Extrusion pressure Control factor
considered the noise factor. The other three factors 4 Mold core matching Control factor
would be considered the control factor because the 5 Hanging angle Control factor
levels of these factors are controllable. The main factors
are shown in Table 2.
4.2. Design of experiment (DOE)
4. Process optimization L8(27)orthogonal array is selected to conduct DOE.
The extrusion pressure denoted as A is set in the
4.1. Control factors level analysis
first column, the mold core matching denoted as
Through the analysis above, the extrusion pressure, B is set in the second column, hanging angle denoted
mold core matching and hanging angle are treated as as C is set in the fourth column. Error factors are set in
the key control factors. The levels of these factors are the other columns. The header of the orthogonal
shown in Table 3. table is shown in Table 4.

E1 Given line speed

E2 Conductor jitter

E3 Preheating temperature

E4 Machine Head 1-zone

Machine Head 2-zone

E6 Mold assembly position

co-extruded E7 Mold core matching

E8 Melt Index

E9 Extrusion pressure

E10 Operator

Hanging E11 Hanging angle


Figure 3. Product fault tree.

4 Y.-P. GU ET AL.

Table 3. Control factors level.

No. Control factors 1-level 2-level
1 Extrusion pressure 245 bar 280 bar
2 Mold core matching 25.2 mm 25.5 mm
3 Hanging angle Diviation≤2° Deviation>2°

Table 4. Orthogonal array head design.

Column No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Factors A B e1 C e2 e3

4.3. Experiment implementation

Figure 4. Main effects plot of SNR.
According to the factor level, the thickness of the
insulation layer of each test is measured. The average
value and SNR are calculated as shown in Table 5.

4.4. Experiment results and the optimum scheme

The results of the experiment are analyzed by
Minitab software shown as follows. Moreover, the
main effect plot of SNR and means are shown in
Figures 4 and 5.

Taguchi Analysis: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 versus A, B, e1, C, e2, e3
Response Table for Signal to Noise Ratios
Nominal is best 10 log10 ðx2 = s2 Þ Figure 5. Main effects plot of means.
Level A B e1 C e2 e3
1 32.72 35.62 33.15 34.47 33.14 33.51
2 34.85 31.95 34.42 33.10 34.44 34.06 line in Table 5, i.e., extrusion pressure is 280
Delta 2.13 3.66 1.28 1.37 1.30 0.54 bars, mold core is 25.2 mm, and hanging angle is
Rank 2 1 5 3 4 6 controlled within 2°. The corresponding average
Response Table for Means thickness is 4.31 mm, SNR is 38.37 dB and the
Level A B e1 C e2 e3 eccentricity is 3%.
1 4.445 4.383 4.434 4.414 4.447 4.410
2 4.401 4.462 4.412 4.432 4.399 4.436
Delta 0.044 0.079 0.023 0.018 0.048 0.026
Rank 3 1 5 6 2 4 4.5. Verification test
Using the optimized levels of the parameters during
the production process, the cable insulation thickness
Through the main effects analysis of SNR and eccentricity and SNR are monitored, and the relevant
means, extrusion pressure, mold core matching data are shown in Table 6. The average thickness is
and hanging angle are all robust factors. The reduced 0.21 from 4.52 to 4.31, the SNR is increased
best combination is A2B1C1 which is the fifth 5.39 from 33.04 to 38.43, and the eccentricity is

Table 5. Experimental design and results.

Factors and their level Insulation thickness
Factors1 Factors2 Factors3 No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 SNR Mean
1 1 1 4.25 4.46 4.39 4.52 4.44 4.4 33.69 4.41
1 1 2 4.35 4.38 4.38 4.59 4.4 4.44 34.14 4.42
1 2 1 4.34 4.5 4.43 4.54 4.67 4.58 31.83 4.51
1 2 2 4.28 4.38 4.52 4.4 4.41 4.63 31.23 4.44
2 1 1 4.23 4.32 4.32 4.37 4.28 4.36 38.37 4.31
2 1 2 4.31 4.34 4.42 4.5 4.39 4.36 36.27 4.39
2 2 1 4.36 4.41 4.38 4.4 4.39 4.6 34.00 4.42
2 2 2 4.26 4.48 4.41 4.62 4.55 4.56 30.76 4.48

Table 6. RPN analysis. Notes on contributors

Average thickness Eccentricity Yu-Ping Gu is a lecturer in the School of Management
Scheme (mm) SNR (dB) (%)
Science and Engineering at Anhui University of Finance
Before 4.52 33.04 6.12 and Economics. She received her M.S. degree in School of
Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. degree in School of
After 4.31 38.43 3.09
improvement Economics and Management both from Nanjing University
Improvement Reduce 0.21 Increase Reduce 3.03
of Science and Technology, Nanjing. Her research activities
effect 5.39 include product quality control, management decision and
data mining.
Long-Sheng Cheng is currently a professor in School of
Economics and Management at Nanjing University of
reduced 3.09 from 6.12 to 3.09. It can be seen that the Science and Technology. He received his M.S. and Ph.
improvement effect is remarkable. D. degrees from Nanjing University of Science and
Technology, Nanjing, in 1989 and 1998, respectively. His
present research interests include data mining and manage-
5. Conclusion ment decision.
Li-jiao Xu is a lecturer in the School of Automotive & Rail
The main contents of this paper are as follows: Transit at Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing. She
firstly, a strong negative correlation is presented received the M.S. degree in Mechatronic Engineering from
between eccentricity and SNR of cable insulation the China University of Mining and Technology in 2006, and
thickness by using the method of correlation and the Ph.D. degree in Vehicle Engineering from the Southeast
regression analysis, and thus the optimization pro- University in 2015. Her present research interests include
dynamics of gear system, structure optimization.
blem of the eccentricity is converted to the optimi-
zation of the SNR of the insulation thickness. Xiang-lai Chen is currently a visiting professor in the School
Comparing with the direct use of eccentricity as of Business at Hunan University of Technology. He received
his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Nanjing University of
the optimization object, converting it into SNR is Science and Technology. His research activities include qual-
more conducive to the implementation of the ity management and applied statistics.
experimental while keeping the optimization effect
at the same level. Secondly, through the analysis of
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