Sentiment Analysis of Text Data in Web Comments: University Teaching Department, Rtu, Kota

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Submitted by:

Sarmesh Kanwar 18/474 18EUCCS052

Lakshmi Shekhawat 18/450 18EUCCS028
Priyanka Verma 18/465 18EUCCS043
Kavita 18/447 18EUCCS025

Under the guidance of

Mr. Harish Sharma

Asst. Professor Department of CSE

Department of CSE
Minor I

Synopsis Report (2021-22)

Project Title:


Sentiment is a view or opinion on something. Sentiment Analysis is the computational study of sentiments expresses in an
entity. There are many levels of sentiment analysis like feature level, entity level, sentence level, document level. In our
project we will consider sentiment analysis as sentence and document level.

This project will take an input as a web comments and it will analyze and tell its polarity. This project will help us to
choose type of content we want to read or focus on. It will help in analyzing what type of impact that text is going to leave
on reader. This will help in detecting the emotion on text

The goal of our sentiment analysis system is to obtain an output value that shows that how much positive, negative or
neutral the sentence or document is.
Our project aims to divide or distribute the content according to their sentiments and helps reader to choose the type of
content they want to read.

Keywords— sentiment analysis, polarity, modules, web comments

Sentiment Analysis is the use of basic language processing, computational analysis to extract sentiments in source. It is the
processing of computationally identifying and classifying the opinion expressed over a text in order to determine that
opinion or attitude expressed as positive, negative or neutral. Sentiment analysis has a wide range of applications because
opinions are central to almost all human activities, whenever we need to make a decision we look for other’s opinion. This
project is aimed to check the sentiments and polarity in a sentence.

We aim to perform sentiment analysis on the domain of texts because of challenging nature of the texts. The rise in social
media blogs and social media has a high interest in sentiment analysis. All the reviews, ratings and other form of online
opinions has become a virtual currency for business. People check reviews and the sentiments they are providing before
We will analyze the user generated text and classify the comments as being positive, negative or neutral. This project will
help peoples to filter the content they want to read or buy. It will help people to check the emotion behind any content. It
will determine the attitude of the speaker or a writer with respect to the topic.

For Ex: This movie is amazing.

This sentence expresses a positive opinion about the movie as a whole.

Like this example our project first will determine the sentiment of the sentence and then It will calculate its polarity which
will tell that the document is how much percent positive sentiment the document or sentence contain.

Polarity = Positive sentiment Total sentiment references

Problem Statement:
As social is growing day by day, its horizons are becoming wider. So, social media, blogging platform are the
platform to share opinions. So, it is very important to recognize what type of opinion or emotions that person
trying to convey or that content is even healthy or not.

Many teenagers spent most of the time on internet and the content may affect their mind. So, it’s really important
to filter that content and get that what impact that content going to leave on us.

We check others reviews and opinions before taking any decision. So, it’s difficult to check what type of
responses are they?

If something is trending on web so it’s difficult to get that the trend is positive to follow or

If we are purchasing something online there are types of responses which are difficult to judge.

Social blogs we read have impact on our mind that can be positive or negative.
Reading movie reviews on web it’s not easy to understand the emotion or sentiment behind them.


Its main objective is to determine the emotional tone behind a series of words, used to gain an understanding of the
attitudes , opinions and emotions expressed within an online mention.

It also helps in understanding public opinion , companies use sentiment analysis in doing market research and figuring out
if their customers like a particular product or not.

It can lead to more accurate tools for extracting semantic information and provides means for empirically studying
properties of social interactions .

Sub objectives:

To evaluate the persons opinion in certain cases

To determine the emotional tone behind the series of the word.

To teach the machine to analyze the various grammatical nuances
To implement an algorithm for automatic classification of text into positive or negative .
System Requirements:

Hardware Requirements-
An average computer system with basic specifications:
1. 2/4 GB RAM.
2. Intel Dual Core or Higher Processor.

Software Requirements-


Input Calculate the refrences in the

sentences, sentence. Classify the
doc….. Polarity = Positive sentiment document
(total sentiment references)

Positive Negative
Calculate sentiment on each
(verb/ term)

Classify the verb/opinion to be

positive, negative, neutral
Opinion Verb

Mid November, 2021 End of November, 2021 End of December, 2021 End of January,2022


Bo Pang, Lillian Lee, and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan. 2002. Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using
Machine Learning Techniques. EMNLP Proceedings.

Bo Pang and Lillian Lee. 2004. A Sentimental Education: Sentiment Analysis Using Subjectivity Summarization
Based on Minimum Cuts. ACL Proceedings.

Bo Pang and Lillian Lee. 2005. Seeing stars: Exploiting class relationships for sentiment categorization with
respect to rating scales. ACL Proceedings. .
P. Turney, “Thumbs up or thumbs down? Semantic orientation applied to unsupervised classification of
reviews,” Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), pp. 417–424, 2002.

E. Riloff, S. Patwardhan, and J. Wiebe, “Feature subsumption for opinion analysis,” Proceedings of the
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2006.

Synopsis Verified by:

Mr. Harish Sharma

(Project Guide)

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