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Class Diagram

• Object Diagram
• Class Diagram

Analysis and Design of IS 2

What is an Object?

• Informally, an object represents an entity,

either physical, conceptual, or software
 Physical entity


 Conceptual entity

Chemical Process

 Software entity
Linked List

Analysis and Design of IS 3

A More Formal Definition

• An object is a concept, abstraction, or thing

with sharp boundaries and meaning for an
• An object is something that has:
 Identity
 State
 Behavior

Analysis and Design of IS 4

Representing Objects

• An object is represented as rectangles with

underlined names
: Professor
a + b = 10

Class Name Only
Professor Clark

ProfessorClark : Object Name Only


Class and Object Name

Analysis and Design of IS 5

What is a Class Diagram?

• A class is a description of a group of objects

with common properties (attributes), behavior
(operations), relationships, and semantics
 An object is an instance of a class
• A class is an abstraction in that it:
 Emphasizes relevant characteristics
 Suppresses other characteristics

Analysis and Design of IS 6

Sample Class

a + b = 10
Days offered
Credit hours
Start time Behavior
End time Add a student
Delete a student
Get course roster
Determine if it is full

Analysis and Design of IS 7

Representing Classes

• A class is represented using a

compartmented rectangle

a + b = 10

Professor Class

Analysis and Design of IS 8

Class Compartments

• A class is comprised of three sections

 The first section contains the class name
 The second section shows the structure
 The third section shows the behavior (operations)

Class Name Professor

Attributes + Name: char(50)

+ empID: number
Operations + Create()
+ Save()
+ Delete()
+ Change()

Analysis and Design of IS 9

Classes of Objects

• How many classes?

Analysis and Design of IS 10

The Relationship Between Classes and Objects

• A class is an abstract definition of an object

 It defines the structure and behavior of each
object in the class
 It serves as a template for creating objects

• Objects are grouped into classes

Objects Class

Professor Smith Professor Mellon

Professor Jones
Analysis and Design of IS 11
What is an Attribute?


Attribute Value
no = 101
: CourseOffering startTime = 900
endTime = 1100
+ No: number
+ startTime: number
+ endTime: number Course104
no = 104
startTime = 1300
endTime = 1500

Analysis and Design of IS 12

What is an Operation?

+ No: number
+ startTime: number
Operation + endTime: number
+ addStudent()
+ deleteStudent()
+ getStartTime()
+ getEndTime()

Analysis and Design of IS 13

What is Polymorphism?

• The ability to hide many

implementations behind
a single interface

Java code
Analysis and Design of IS 14
What is an Interface?

• Interfaces formalize polymorphism

• Interfaces support “plug-and-play”

Realization relationship
Analysis and Design of IS 15

• Association
 Aggregation
 Composition

• Dependency
• Generalization
• Realization

Analysis and Design of IS 16

Relationships: Association

• Models a semantic connection among

Association Name

Role Names

Analysis and Design of IS 17

Relationships: Aggregation

• A special form of association that models a

whole-part relationship between an
aggregate (the whole) and its parts

Whole Part


Analysis and Design of IS 18

Aggregation – a whole-part relationship

• Identified by - 'consists of', 'has a', or 'is a

part of‘
• Wheels, doors and engine are ‘part’ of a car

Analysis and Design of IS 19

• A Personal Computer includes CPU, Hard Disk, Monitor, and
Keyboard as parts. But, these parts can exist without being
installed into a computer. The open diamond indicates
aggregation, but not composition

Analysis and Design of IS 20

Relationships: Composition

• A form of aggregation with strong ownership

and coincident lifetimes
 The parts cannot survive the whole/aggregate
Whole Part


Analysis and Design of IS 21

Composition – tighter aggregation

• the whole object has exclusive ownership of

its parts i.e. the part object can only
participate in one aggregation;
• the parts live and die with the whole

Analysis and Design of IS 22

(a) Class diagram
Closed diamond indicates
composition. The room
cannot exist without the

(b) Object diagram

Analysis and Design of IS 23

Association: Multiplicity and Navigation

• Multiplicity defines how many objects

participate in a relationships
 The number of instances of one class related to
ONE instance of the other class
 Specified for each end of the association

• Associations and aggregations are bi-

directional by default, but it is often desirable
to restrict navigation to one direction
 If navigation is restricted, an arrowhead is added
to indicate the direction of the navigation

Analysis and Design of IS 24

Association: Multiplicity

• Unspecified
• Exactly one 1
• Zero or more (many, unlimited) 0..*

• One or more 1..*
• Zero or one 0..1
• Specified range
• Multiple, disjoint ranges
2, 4..6

Analysis and Design of IS 25

Example: Multiplicity and Navigation



Analysis and Design of IS 26

Relationships: Dependency

• A relationship between two model elements

where a change in one may cause a change
in the other
• Non-structural, “using” relationship
:Client :Supplier Component

Package Client Supplier


ClientPackage SupplierPackage
Analysis and Design of IS 27
Relationships: Generalization

• A relationship among classes where one

class shares the structure and/or behavior of
one or more classes
• Defines a hierarchy of abstractions in which a
subclass inherits from one or more
 Single inheritance
 Multiple inheritance

• Generalization is an “is-a-kind of” relationship

Analysis and Design of IS 28

Example: Single Inheritance

• One class inherits from another





Analysis and Design of IS 29
Example: Multiple Inheritance

• A class can inherit from several other classes

Multiple inheritance

Use multiple inheritance only when needed, and

always with caution !
Analysis and Design of IS 30
What Gets Inherited?

• A subclass inherits its parent’s attributes,

operations, and relationships
• A subclass may:
 Add additional attributes, operations, relationships
 Redefine inherited operations (use caution!)

• Common attributes, operations, and/or

relationships are shown at the highest
applicable level in the hierarchy

Inheritance leverages the similarities among classes

Analysis and Design of IS 31
Example: What Gets Inherited




Analysis and Design of IS 32

Analysis and Design of IS 33
Class Diagram for the Sales Example


seller buyer item sold shipping mechanism

Salesperson Customer Product Vehicle

Corporate Individual Truck Train

Analysis and Design of IS 34

Analysis and Design of IS 35
Additional Class Diagrams

• Additional class diagrams are added as

• They show additional “views” of the packages
and classes in the model
• Examples:
 View of classes participating in a scenario
 View of the “private” classes in the package
 View of one or more classes and their attributes
and operations
 View of an inheritance hierarchy

Analysis and Design of IS 36

Ref.: Displaying Visibility

Analysis and Design of IS 37

Ref.: Class Relationships



Analysis and Design of IS 38


Analysis and Design of IS 39

Package Relationships

Analysis and Design of IS 40

A Sample Database Application
• The COMPANY database keeps track of a company’s
employees, departments, and projects.
 The company is organized into departments. Each department has a
unique name, a unique number, and a particular employee who
manages the department. We keep track of the start date when that
employee began managing the department. A department may have
several locations.
 A department controls a number of projects, each of which has a
unique name, a unique number, and a single location.
 The database will store each employee’s name, Social Security
number, address, salary, sex (gender), and birth date. An employee is
assigned to one department, but may work on several projects, which
are not necessarily controlled by the same department. It is required to
keep track of the current number of hours per week that an employee
works on each project, as well as the direct supervisor of each
employee (who is another employee).
 The database will keep track of the dependents of each employee for
insurance purposes, including each dependent’s first name, sex, birth
date, and relationship to the employee.
Analysis and Design of IS 41
The COMPANY conceptual schema in UML
class diagram notation

Analysis and Design of IS 42

Analysis and Design of IS 43
Analysis and Design of IS 44

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