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phononic crystals is focusing through

negative refraction.3–6 The focusing is
not due to a negative refractive index;
instead, it utilizes bands beyond the first
Brillouin zone with eigenfrequency con-
tours convex to the origin at specific fre-

Metamaterials quencies.3 This results in a range of

incident wavevectors being focused in
two dimensions6 and three dimensions.3 It
is emphasized that Snell’s law is valid,
Lee Fok, Muralidhar Ambati, and Xiang Zhang with the phase front direction undergoing
normal refraction.
When the inclusion impedance and
Abstract phase speed are greater than those of the
The field of engineered materials with designed properties is expected to continue matrix but not effectively infinite, addi-
to grow in the future, and metamaterials are instrumental in allowing this freedom of tional interesting phenomena can
design. Metamaterials, particularly acoustic, are still in the stage of infancy. Acoustic
occur.10–13 The inclusions allow waves to
metamaterials are being explored theoretically, but there has been little headway on
pass through, making the field a compli-
cated interference of scattered, inclusion-
the experimental front. The design, development, and characterization of acoustic
transmitted, and matrix-transmitted waves.
metamaterials will offer many opportunities in materials science. In this article, we
This results in asymmetric transmission
review the basic physics of different kinds of acoustic periodic structures with special
peaks and dips as a function of frequency,
emphasis on locally resonant acoustic metamaterials. We first survey phononic
called Fano profiles.14 The case where the
crystals and then discuss localized resonances in intrinsic and inertial resonating
inclusion material is very similar to the
structures of acoustic metamaterials. Finally, we present the ongoing efforts in realizing matrix material tends to yield no new phe-
acoustic metamaterials with negative materials properties and discuss the implications nomena, as the waves are only weakly
of acoustic metamaterials. scattered. However, when the phase
speed of the inclusion material is signifi-
cantly lower than that of the matrix mate-
Introduction rial, local resonances can occur, resulting
Metamaterials designed by engineering enabling multiple scattering to be treated in acoustic metamaterials.
the underlying microstructure offer new in an average sense and effective proper-
opportunities in materials science and tech- ties such as mass density and bulk modu- Acoustic Metamaterials
nology. Acoustic metamaterials, as a coun- lus to be ascribed to the material. Acoustic Acoustic metamaterials derive their
terpart to electromagnetic metamaterials, metamaterials can be further classified unique properties from resonators con-
have just begun to emerge. These are a sub- into intrinsic and inertial, depending on tained within each unit cell. The general
set of microstructured acoustic materials whether the size of the resonating ele- physics behind the unusual materials
that fall into three nonexclusive categories: ments is completely decoupled from the properties is straightforward. When a
phononic crystals,1–15 intrinsic acoustic meta- wavelength. In this review, we present a mechanical oscillator is driven through res-
materials,16–18 and inertial acoustic metama- brief history of phononic crystals, fol- onance, the phase delay of the “response”
terials.19–28 Before the interest in acoustic lowed by a discussion of recent advances acceleration relative to the driving force
metamaterials, phononic crystals were first in acoustic metamaterials. abruptly changes from a small amount to
investigated in the early 1990s as the ana- nearly 180° as the displacement amplitude
logue of photonic crystals. When constituent Phononic Crystals becomes large in low-loss materials. The
“atoms” of high impedance contrast with The term phononic crystal has been large scattered and reradiated fields inter-
the matrix are arranged spatially on the used to label many different periodic fere constructively or destructively or
order of the matrix acoustic wavelength, fluid, elastic, and combination structures. cause anomalous phase shifts when added
band folding due to Bragg scattering results Here, the term acoustic phononic crystal to the background input wave.
in bandgaps1,2 and other extraordinary phe- (APC) is used to describe materials with One of the key differences between
nomena.3 However, a reliance on Bragg scat- elastic or fluid inclusions inside a (differ- locally resonant sonic materials and
tering makes phononic crystals unfeasible at ent) fluid matrix. When the matrix is an phononic crystals is dependence of the res-
low frequencies because of the long acoustic elastic solid, the material is called an elas- onance frequency on the geometry, includ-
wavelengths, necessitating impractically tic phononic crystal. The anomalous ing lattice parameters and incidence
large samples. In addition, phononic crystal behavior in phononic crystals arises from direction. Phononic crystals require the
media cannot be ascribed effective proper- interference of waves strongly scattered wavelength to be on the order of the lattice
ties, such as acoustic impedance or index, off the inclusions and transmitted through constants in the propagation direction at
that are a key to using them as “materials” the inclusions and matrix. For the com- the bandgap center frequency. However,
when designing new structures and devices. mon case of effectively rigid inclusions in each unit cell in an acoustic metamaterial
Acoustic metamaterials, also known as an APC (e.g., steel in air), the bandgaps contains its own mechanical oscillator.
locally resonant sonic materials, provide a appear when the layer spacing in the These unit cells are very small and have
major step toward an effective medium propagation direction is nominally one- minimal crosstalk, leaving the individual
description. By properly engineering reso- half of the wavelength in the matrix fluid, resonator eigenfrequencies insensitive to
nators into each acoustic “atom,” one can causing destructive interference. lattice parameters and direction. The two
achieve a unit cell that is deep-subwave- Aside from bandgaps,7–9 one of the methods of creating local resonances,
length at the resonance frequencies, thus most interesting phenomena created by including examples, are discussed next.


Acoustic Metamaterials

Intrinsic Acoustic Metamaterials a Neck area (S) b

In intrinsic acoustic metamaterials, the
inclusion phase speed is much lower than 40
that of the matrix fluid.16–18 One can Neck

Frequency (kHz)
length (L)
understand the resonance phenomenon
by considering the relative inclusion and Neck
Negative Stiffness
matrix wavelengths at resonance. The
lowest order eigenmodes of an inclusion Cavity Volume(V ) 30
nominally occur when the wavelength
resonator theoretical
inside the inclusion reaches twice the L resonator experimental
inclusion size. Assuming that the lattice no resonator
constant is on the order of the inclusion C
size, this means that the matrix wave- 60 120 180 240
length is much larger than the unit cell Re(K) (m–1)
when the inclusion resonances are
reached. For this type of acoustic metama-
terial, a material with a very low phase
speed is needed. The most common
choice is a soft silicon rubber,15 which has
phase speeds that are two orders of mag-
nitude lower than those of typical solids.
Very few studies have considered inclu-
sions consisting entirely of soft rubber. L C
One numerical study utilized soft silicon L C
rubber in an acoustic metamaterial,16 and L C
another used it in an elastic metamater- L C
ial.29 Experimentally, an investigation
using this material found a transmission L C
resonance that was believed to be local- L C
ized in the rubber.30,31 However, as in L C
other publications23–25 considering this C
material, an additional heavy component
was placed inside the soft material to cre-
ate an inertial acoustic metamaterial.
Figure 1. (a) Cross-sectional view of a Helmholtz resonator. A cavity is carved out
Inertial Acoustic Metamaterials of a rigid material (gray) and connected to the outside through a neck. Forces
Instead of requiring materials with very applied to the neck area S drive neck fluid approximately as a mass into the cavity,
low phase speeds, local resonances can which compresses like a spring. The inset illustrates the analogy between a
also be created through inclusions of two Helmholtz resonator and an LC (or inductor–capacitor) circuit. (b) Dispersion
relationship for the one-dimensional chain of Helmholtz resonators shown in part
or more components that function as (c).19 The region where the real wave vector (inverse wavelength) decreases with
mass–spring–damper oscillators in each increasing frequency marks the resonance region where the bulk modulus is
unit cell.19–28 Two resonators used in recent negative.
inertial acoustic metamaterials are the
Helmholtz resonator19–22 and coated cylin-
ders/spheres.23–25 Helmholtz resonators
consist of a cavity in a rigid material con- a b c
nected to the fluid matrix through a much 2.0
narrower throat. A unit cell of such a con-
struct is shown in Figure 1. The fluid in the 1.6
Frequency (kHz)

throat acts approximately as a mass,

whereas the compressible fluid in the 1.2
cavity performs the function of a spring. 5 mm
With the appropriate throat and cavity 0.8
dimensions, individual Helmholtz res-
onators can be made deep-subwavelength 0.4
at resonance. m
The concept of coated cylinders/spheres 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1
as resonators gained prominence in a Amplitude Transmission Coefficient
report detailing an experimentally tested
elastic inertial metamaterial. By coating
Figure 2. (a) Cross section of an inertial acoustic metamaterial unit cell consisting
heavy spheres with soft silicon rubber and of a silicon-rubber-(white) coated hard sphere (black) embedded in an epoxy
encasing the coated spheres in epoxy, matrix (gray).30 The hard sphere oscillates back and forth in the soft rubber,
actual mass–spring–damper resonators forming the resonant element. (b) Unit cells arranged in an 8 × 8 × 8 block of
were created, as shown in Figure 2.30 This metamaterial that was experimentally tested. (c) Transmission dips associated with
idea was extended in theoretical works in local resonances.


Acoustic Metamaterials

which the epoxy matrix is replaced by a rials.24 The interpretation of the coated- of the slab.36,37 For a beam obliquely inci-
dense fluid, and the same low-frequency sphere inertial elastic metamaterial as a dent on the layer of metamaterial, one can
resonances were found.23,24 mass–spring–damper oscillator naturally measure the transmitted beam displace-
leads to the explanation of transmission ment or internal field and the intensity of
Negative Acoustic Properties dips as resulting from the core oscillating the reflected beam to infer the refractive
The goal of creating acoustic metamate- strongly out of phase with the driving index and impedance of the slab.
rials is to go beyond the bandgaps,7 focus- force on each epoxy unit cell. Assuming
ing,3–6 and waveguiding32,33 found in that the core oscillation is strong enough Future Directions
phononic crystals and create new effective to dominate the average acceleration, it Many uses have been proposed for
material properties. We focus here on the can be shown that the real part of the mass acoustic metamaterials and acoustic
development of negative effective density is negative. phononic crystals (APCs). The most obvi-
acoustic properties. ous are as noise-damping and -shielding
Negative Index materials, as single negative properties
Negative Bulk Modulus In the case of purely real properties, imply strong damping and bandgaps
Bulk modulus is defined through the negative refractive index in acoustics as imply that transmission is forbidden.
constitutive relation between pressure defined in Equation 3 requires both the Experimental demonstrations have
and volume: real mass density and the real bulk modu- shown that the mass density law is broken
lus to be negative: by a large amount within very narrow fre-
¶p quency windows.28
B = –V . (1) B0r The other natural proposed application
¶V n= . (3)
÷ r0B of acoustic metamaterials and APCs is as
In Equation 1, B is the bulk modulus, V is lenses. APCs have already been shown to
the volume, and p is the gauge pressure. In Equation 3, n is the index of refraction, focus pressure waves at very specific
Negative bulk modulus occurs when a B0 is the reference bulk modulus, and ρ0 is wavelengths and could be used immedi-
unit cell, on average, is expanding when the reference density. Assuming positive ately.3–6 However, because this focusing is
the applied gauge pressure is positive, reference materials properties, when the scattering-based, only far-field compo-
which is reminiscent of the spherically metamaterial bulk modulus and density nents are focused, and the resolution is no
symmetric radial oscillation of a monopole are both negative, the term under the better than that of normal lenses.
resonator above its resonance frequency. square root is positive. However, as in the Negative-index lenses have the potential
Spheres have natural monopole resonance electromagnetic case, it can be shown to circumvent this constraint and break
modes, and soft rubber spheres in water through causality that the negative square the diffraction limit by focusing near-field
have been numerically shown to cause a root should be chosen.16 In this case, in evanescent pressure waves as well.
negative bulk modulus over a small fre- addition to the refraction being negative,
quency window above resonance.16 the evanescent waves will be enhanced Acknowledgments
Subwavelength Helmholtz resonators across a slab of negative index, leading to Funding from the Office of Naval
radiate in a hemispherical pattern but can subwavelength imaging.34 A negative- Research (Grant N000140710626) is
also be, in effect, monopoles in narrow index acoustic metamaterial using the acknowledged, as is funding from the
one- and two-dimensional waveguides, intrinsic resonances of soft spheres has National Science Foundation Graduate
where the shadow region does not exist. been proposed.16 Assuming sufficiently Fellowship Program.
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