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Numerical optimization of active heat sinks considering restrictions

of selective laser melting

F. Lange1 , C. Hein1 , G. Li1 , C. Emmelmann1,2
1. Fraunhofer Research Institution for Additive Manufacturing Technologies IAPT, Hamburg,
2. Institute of Laser and System Technologies, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Abstract 1. Introduction

Parametric and topology optimization approaches Electronic devices like LEDs or computer chips
are widely used techniques for performance im- dissipate heat because of thermal losses. In ap-
provement of components in terms of various ob- plications with high requirements regarding the
jectives. Especially topology optimization often weight and build space as the automotive or
leads to complex geometries that are difficult or aerospace industry, small and light weight heat
impossible to be produced by conventional man- sinks are needed for cooling. Topology optimiza-
ufacturing processes. Due to its great freedom in tion methods are nowadays investigated for im-
shape and structure design, additive manufactur- proved heat sinks designs with better thermal per-
ing methods like selective laser melting are pre- formances and lower pressure drops. [1–5] Com-
destined for the production of such components. pared to conventional design based on the engi-
Nonetheless some restrictions need to be consid- neer’s skills and experience, topology optimiza-
ered while designing parts for additive manufac- tion [6] is a systematic approach which can lead
turing to ensure for example the printability or the to unintuitive and innovative designs.
possibility to remove support structures. In this
paper, an optimized design of an active heat sink Additive manufacturing methods like the selective
is sought. The goal of the optimization is the max- laser melting are used for the manufacturing of
imization of the thermal conductivity, hence the complex topology optimized structures because
minimization of the temperature of the heat dis- of the great design freedom provided by a tool-
sipating component. Therefore, a parametric as free, layer-wise production. [7] This design free-
well as a topology optimization is implemented dom also allows for compact designs of thermal
in COMSOL Multiphysics R
and compared to components with good adaptation to geometrical
each other in terms of performance improvement boundary conditions. [8, 9]
and computational effort. The heat transfer in
solids module in combination with the optimiza- Even though 3D printing grants great freedom in
tion module is used for the two-dimensional cal- shape and structural design, the restrictions of ad-
culations. Manufacturing restrictions are included ditive manufacturing need to be considered during
into the simulations to directly obtain printable the design phase of components. [10, 11] These
components granting a reduction of post process- restrictions strongly differ from conventional pro-
ing effort. Limitations of such restrictions are cesses, are highly material dependent and have to
shown and approaches to handle these limitations be adjusted for any change in printing material or
are investigated. Experiments with 3D-printed even alloy. The minimum wall thickness for ex-
prototypes are carried out in order to validate the ample is amongst others limited by the radius of
numerical results. In comparison, a conventional the laser beam. [12]
heat sink is investigated to show lightweight po-
tentials and possibilities of performance improve- Manufacturing restrictions can be directly inte-
ment. grated into topology optimization simulations, to
only generate geometries fitting this constraints.
Keywords Some of these restrictions have already been suc-
cessfully implemented, like wall thickness restric-
topology optimization, parametric optimization, tions [13], overhang constraints [14] as well as
heat sink, convective cooling, 3D printing, addi- cavity problems [15]. In comparison, the bene-
tive manufacturing fit of a parametric optimization is the easy imple-

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2018

1 COMSOL Conference in Lausanne
Fins heat generation. Since the fluid flow is not con-
sidered, the general objective function, f0, par , in
Heat Pipes
Air Fan
this optimization problem is equivalent to mini-
mizing the total variation of the temperature in the
design domain Ω during a constant heat genera-
tion, which is analogical to maximizing the ther-
Heat Input mal conductivity of the domain [1]:
Measuring point A-A
f0, par = k (∇T )2 dΩ. (3)
Figure 1. Definition of the problem. Ω

2.1 Parametric Optimization

mentation and exact limitation of the design vari-
ables. Thus, parameters like the wall thickness
can be easily restricted to minimum values. Additionally, a restriction of a limited area frac-
tion of the form
In this paper a parametric optimization and a Z
topology optimization approach are compared for Afins dΩ < γ0 AΩ (4)
an active heat sink with three heat pipes (see Fig- Ω
ure 1) regarding the thermal performance and the with the area of the fins Afins , the area of the
computational effort. design domain AΩ and the material fraction γ0
is applied for the parametric optimization. The
The results of the optimization are evaluated with Bound Optimization BY Quadratic Approxima-
an experimental setup where the optimized and tion (BOBYQA) algorithm is used to solve this
additive manufactured heat sinks are tested along optimization problem. [18]
with a conventional heat sink. To ensure compa-
rability between the investigated optimization re-
sults the same alloy AlSi10Mg was used to print 2.2 Topology Optimization
all heat sink prototypes.
In order to find the optimal topology for given
objective functions and constraints, the material
2. Governing Equations distribution method is used. For this purpose a
design variable (design density ρdes ) is defined
The problem to be solved is a standard nonlinear which takes values between 0 (no material or
optimization problem of the form fluid) and 1 (solid material) for each finite ele-
ment. A so called ’penalization’ scheme is used
to influence the material distribution such that in-
minimize f0 (x)
termediate design values are repressed and a well
subject to fi ≤ 0 i = 1, ..., m, defined material distribution is achieved, see [19].
xmin ≤ x j ≤ xmax The objective function is defined analogous to the
j j , j = 1, ..., n.
(1) parametric optimization
where f0 is the objective function, fi are behavior Z
constraints, m is the number of constraints, and x f0,1 = kSIMP (∇T )2 dΩ. (5)

is a vector of n design variables, x j . [16–18]
where kSIMP is the thermal conductivity as a func-
For the numerical analysis of the heat transfer, so- tion of ρdes by applying the solid isotropic mate-
lutions are found for the governing conservation rial with penalization (SIMP) rule [4, 6]:
equation of energy. For steady state the heat trans-
fer is given by Fourier’s Law n
kSIMP (ρdes ) = (ks − kmin ) · ρdes + kmin (6)

−∇ · (k∇T ) = Q, (2) with the thermal conductivity of the solid material

ks and the minimal value of thermal conductivity
where k is the thermal conductivity, T is the Tem- kmin which is chosen to be much smaller than ks
perature state variable and Q is the volumetric and n is the penalization factor. Since an active

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2018

2 COMSOL Conference in Lausanne
cooling with air is intended, a limit on the solid
fraction γ of the domain area A is introduced by Tamb
0≤ ρdes (x) dΩ ≤ γA, (7)

to allow the fluid to pass by. The total vari-
e1 d2
ation of the design variable is used to define

y in m
e2 a
a problem- and mesh-independent dimensionless
penalty term for intermediate densities of the
form [13]
h0 hmax
f0,2 = |∇ρdes (x) |2 dΩ (8)
Heat Source
where h0 is the parameter governing the size of
symmetric Heat Sink symmetric
details in the solution and hmax is the actual mesh
size. The parameter h0 can be used to adjust
Equation 8 such that it fits the manufacturing re- x in m
strictions for minimum wall size. Figure 2. Used parameters, the mesh and bound-
ary conditions for the two-dimensional parametric opti-
The final objective function is received by balanc- mization. There are symmetric conditions at all bound-
ing the objective and penalty term against each aries at the left and bottom side. The outer bound-
other. Therefore, a linear combination controlled ary is assumed to be at ambient temperature (Tamb =
by the parameter q of the form 293.15 K).

R 2 so that there are six variables to vary. Some con-

f0 = (1 − q) Ω kSIMP (∇T ) dΩ straints are applied to these variables, like d1 and
+q h0 hAmax Ω |∇ρdes (x) |2 dΩ
(9) d2 are restricted by the minimum wall thickness,
compare to [10], and the other ones by geometric
is chosen. q defines the weighting of the dif- limitations.
ferent objectives against each other. f0,1 tempts
to create long, narrow and pointed ramifications. A maximum element size of 1 × 10−3 m is cho-
This works against the restriction of a given mini- sen which results in 4330 to 6800 elements de-
mum wall thickness f0,2 . Thus, the minimum wall pending on the number of fins and the current pa-
thickness is respected in a global scope, while it rameter set. Due to the symmetry of the prob-
is locally violated - especially at the end of nar- lem only a quarter of the component is simulated,
row branches. This results in structures that are this goes along with a simplification of the heat
not printable, because the laser diameter is greater source, compare Figures 1 and 2 or 3, but ensures
than the structure itself. a comparability of the different approaches.

3.2 Topological Model

3. Computational Model
3.1 Parametric Model A two-dimensional, stationary simulation with re-
spect to the material distribution method is per-
The geometric composition for the parametric op- formed. A mesh of tetrahedral elements is used
timization is abstracted from topology optimiza- for the discretization of the simulation domain.
tion results known from the literature, [4, 5]. The maximum element size in the domain is vary-
The boundary conditions, the mesh and the de- ing between 1 × 10−4 m in the design space to
sign variables for the parametric optimization are 2 × 10−4 m in the solid areas at the borders of the
shown in Figure 2. In addition, the cross section design space.
area was limited to a value of 30% of the simula-
tion domain, to keep the weight of the component The simulation domain with the design space for
as small as possible and to enable a free fluid flow the topology optimization, as well as the bound-
between the fins. Furthermore the number of the ary conditions and mesh are shown in Figure 3.
fins is also a design variable for the optimization, The boundary conditions and the values of the

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2018

3 COMSOL Conference in Lausanne

y in m

Design Space Ω


Heat Sink

Heat Source Figure 4. Total variation of the temperature field as a

symmetric symmetric function of the number of fins.

x in m
tion of the temperature field, compare with Figure
Figure 3. The boundary conditions of the two-
4. However, due to the limitation of the solid area
dimensional simulation domain are shown. A heat
source in the center of the simulation domain and the
fraction, see eq. 4, and the minimum wall thick-
heat sink in the design space represent respectively the ness, the maximum possible number of fins is 10.
heat transferred by the heat pipes into the system and For this reason also d2 is forced to the limit of the
the heat carried away by the fluid. constraint.

4.2 Topological Model

heat source and heat sink are chosen analogous
to the parametric model. In order to unfold the The results of the topology optimization are
whole potential of additive manufacturing, the shown in Figure 5. Coral-like structures are
part should be in one piece, to avoid an assem- formed, which become thinner towards the out-
bling of the component. To ensure that, optimized side. Due to the higher value of the heat source
structures have to be connected to the outer wall. than the heat sink in the simulation, a connection
Thus the value of the heat source is chosen to be to the outer shell is generated, which is essential
greater than the value of the heat sink, so that ex- for the manufacturability of the component.
cessive energy is forced to be dissipated over the
solid casing. The exact position of the surface is determined by
a level of ρdes . Figure 5 shows the setting for dif-
4. Optimization Results ferent levels. Since a defined area fraction γ was
4.1 Parametric Model specified, the correct choice would be ρdes = 0.5,
but it can be observed that this goes along with
The results of the parametric optimization are a discrepancy from the underlying temperature
shown in Table 1. The solver attempts to use as field. A good conformity is achieved at ρdes = 0.3,
many fins as possible, because of a homogeniza- which is thus used.

As already mentioned, the optimization process

Table 1. Parametric optimization results. will produce some thin, not printable structures,
that violate the wall thickness restriction, equation
Parameter Value 8. In order to secure an optimal performance of
the structure, a procedure to handle these areas
NFin 10
needs to be developed, compare with figure 6.
a 11.464 mm
d1 0.6050 mm One way (the standard procedure) is to simply not
d2 0.5000 mm print structures that are smaller than the laser di-
e1 0.8576 mm ameter - see Figure 6 dot-dashed line. Since these
e2 2.0105 mm small structures are located all over the surface,

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2018

4 COMSOL Conference in Lausanne
m m m

m m m

Figure 5. Simulation results with differently chosen surface locations by levels of ρdes , left ρdes = 0.5, middle ρdes = 0.4
and right ρdes = 0.3. The colours represent the temperature field in the domain, the black line shows the location of the

this could reduce the performance of the struc-

ture significantly, especially for very small mea-
sured devices, since the heat transmission is cou-
pled to the total surface area. On the other hand
mathematical optimal surface
the weight of the component is further decreased,
normal laser path
which can be an important point for lightweight
normal surface
laser path with forced edging
The other way is to force the laser to expose these forced edging surface
thin structures (forced edging - see Figure 6 blue
area and dashed line), which results in thickened
branches that increase the weight of the structure,
while still giving a small loss in performance,
compared to the mathematical optimal structure
obtained from the optimization.
laser diameter

5. Experiments

In order to validate the numerical results and to Figure 6. Laserpaths and laser diameter in compari-
compare the optimized designs with each other son to the mathematical optimal surface. The red line
and conventional designs, as well as the differ- shows the normal laser path, which will result in ne-
ent exposure strategies shown in Figure 6, experi- glecting structures smaller than the laser diameter - the
ments were carried out. resulting structure is represented by the dot-dashed line.
The blue line shows the laser path with a forced edg-
Three prototypes were manufactured - the para- ing, which results in thickened structures (represented
metric optimum, the topological optimum with by the dashed line).
the normal laser path and the topological optimum
with forced edging, compare with Figures 6 and
7. In order to produce structures with high rela-
tive densities, a volumetric energy input of around

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2018

5 COMSOL Conference in Lausanne
Figure 7. Simulation results and prototypes. Paramet-
ric optimum: top - simulation, bottom - printed and post
processed part. Topological optimum: upper left - sim-
ulation, upper right - printed and post processed part
without forced edging. bottom - printed and post pro-
Figure 8. Measured temperature of the prototypes for
cessed part with forced edging.
given wattage (at constant reference temperature).

340 J m−3 was chosen. The parts were produced

gradually increasing with the wattage. A minor
on an EOS M290 machine with a layer thickness
difference between the topological prototypes can
of 60 µm from AlSi10Mg.
be observed, with a slightly better performance of
Figure 7 shows the simulation results in compar- the prototype with forced edging.
ison with the printed and post-processed proto-
Table 2 shows the mass and thermal resistance
of the investigated prototypes. The conven-
An experimental setup with a max. 24 V power tional heat sink offers the best thermal resistance,
supply for the heat source and a fan, constantly which however is accompanied by the greatest
driven by an additional 12 V power supply, com- weight. The best weight related thermal resis-
pare with Figure 1, was built up. A thermocou- tance is achieved by the topological optimum
ple type K measured the temperature at the heat without forced edging, which is around five times
dissipating component, while a multimeter was better than the conventional component and thus
used to determine its current draw to calculate the ideally suited for lightweight construction appli-
wattage. In order to minimize the influence of cations. The topological optimum with forced
measurement errors and hysteresis, multiple mea- edging has a lower thermal resistance, but since
surements were carried out. The results of the it is a little bit heavier the weighted thermal resis-
measurements are shown in Figure 8. There is tance is higher compared to the topological opti-
a clear performance difference between the para- mum without forced edging.
metric and topological models of around 3 to 5 K,
6. Conclusions
Table 2. Mass (m), thermal resistance (Rth ) and weight
related thermal resistance (R∗th ) of the investigated Pro- As expected, the parametric as well as the topo-
totypes. CON: conventional heat sink, PO: parametric logical optimization approaches lead to designs
optimum, TO: topological optimum, TOFE: topologi- with improved performances compared to con-
cal optimum with forced edging. ventional designs. While the parametric approach
has a less costly implementation, the topology ap-
CON PO TO TOFE proach generates a universal solution, applicable
to many familiar problems. Nonetheless the cal-
m in kg 0.550 0.170 0.134 0.140
culation time is much higher due to the need of a
finer mesh.
Rth in 0.360 0.462 0.376 0.373
K W−1 The choice of the exposure strategy (forced edg-
R∗th in 0.198 0.079 0.050 0.053 ing or not) comes along with slightly different
K kg W−1 masses and thermal resistances of the optimized

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2018

6 COMSOL Conference in Lausanne
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