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Oscillatens ~ —The Pa oP amp re te ampli Py /sbengthen the Me sig: one F/p Pea an Imp. wele yn otme~ sont) ce penfenmeance oF ampll Fron G to make th mone tdeel: Sip KR pent of .clp CoP orp) fs x a J sampled and aren os* ip + dhe omp- CAV Alp ese hove sigs IP these s/s ane tn phase cE TS eared ve fin * Xe — 1k these 2/5 ane outo® plese, ik ts couca'-Ve. FIP 2} x, ese use ve FIRS ye eves its oS fin amplihen 1B coe vse FVE Fis pearres atts —" some oscitlaltons One prodvcsd ao tk acts OF Oscithetor> Oscitlaton 1- Aa osctilaten fs erncarh oshi'ch encnates esallatrens atolP nel 4 asithe out ange Te aegnel: A bee Ag T-ae GZsleer?) whoosea _catlenton'- “le pert ieee |e Ni as Vo ampliften (Ce) ehiPt bles slp oly. | Considen an tnventin ve Mhene ts 180°) phos an [pts ose Genenatty clon} ats Constaden oO Beri tous Consent) tle 4 Vot AVS 2S Ngs BVO Ve= play) Prom® Ves ARNG Oscallaton ts & ctnews} eaitch i. wi tee cooalee coffh Ave Pla. he Brkould be Im plete Eeeth ave) The soP Prevent condition ts Ap) = | Ms, yhts nmecesson thar Fin nlc Bee ON ee anit} of \R0° sto make Ve =) Inehass ee bh Cerin) Va st . C trey Q ett pre co The total phos shih} Je tn aha osctilaton tas: 360° Izo* predlec <4 be amp 9 FIG 1\zO° wt Pay SEO" pod ees eattenteon The Benle havse ethotes dihet uGrela erase eh EE anoscd) . The : das Vesp ot Gnv 36° & g.che mogy eh. lRe = \ Note 7 = < (an\z) etllakrees os F = BYP O'Ge) 860" phase @ ([ABle use oc sipossidal oscillabtor ol? ime QvHow the osctilaltons Ot produced cotth out ony alontiny iIp voltege : Generally fhe @setilaton cineot* bses ila =: and ele volbas Gorastng,) Preduces oscillabions ) tee 1h convents de voltog« to oc velteg ¢ Bob we peed a stenting srik= Ge The ts oblatned by Ressstkons th the skh The Rearelanee conssets .eP some Fyee clectwons » These @7 tmreve Feely and hence predves a soma Volhagae catied “Morse Vvoliag= Sra othe ckt vses “this ARN « volta « os thos Up ancl amp Pret Abie sly Ps.sal betas Srcitlatitons « ClossiPeatton sf osctNatons .— AY Bose on ole eeve foams i SP. Sinvsetdal oscillators Colprsine cseve ) _mon- gincsotctel Oscillator Colpe tyreang, SUVS > 5 2 Sacstooth cas~e j ee on ckt component B) Saves on shh compers 1 if hoses RGEC SRE Sscillatens och of oo Lee eS a | ee crypto = evgsel F -~PRased on the Ronge of openstirg eenuene oes te Hata oh eens Se LL TR the esctlatens one osc Lo enenate Osctilations Ob avdto Requency mange (Bone bo lo0-200KH =) —— > TREN E aes) ene cated Lows eC F) Gn oudto Pra Car) SsSaitlaters 2.TeL the ascillatrons One yowedlucedt at k Preswange mene |: Beto G2 . Thee es) ens I high R_ CHP) @m Deare H— (ep) osultetan. yhan BOO — 300 BHU Sou col fac osctilalons ane Ged ab LE FaNse be oy n n ” He Oa g¥ Bates on Ping. “a VLIR oscr—— g.ron’ [ose — Cro i) Non-P/p oxciilaton woes ve we eset Ba puny +o Prodoce Sasci\latrors Re_phaie shiFl Oseitiaten ahr) osei\Voten Boste ampliPten compntset Ri, Re Qi, Re Re, ce of FIR Nfs Compsizes bree Re Combinaltons Doste ampe Ay, Px @ Re one vred For salP brainy Le Foy maintsing sloble Operation point Re is cle load sesretamee al collecto™ bias astohilizatom GF ocks Ce V8 vsed Sea os shet} okt at hikes. LT Te eR Re_phase shiPt Oseilaton \ Tm re phase obrl th osci\\oton (en) noe) in oscillateoms Go) amplifreys coe OS o ae amplifier. SE ampliPien procluces two phase shrer. - Re phace shrPt osctitatons oP Re above osci\iator Comps tse® OQ Baste ampliPen Fa Pim nies > Boste ampliPten comprrses oF Ai, Re Ore Re, ce 2 FIR Ni Compsises of three Qa Combinaldtons Doste amp: Ayr G Re ane vred For sll bracing Le Fa Maintaing stable Operator point Rc ts cle lead vestetamee al collectom™ Ce V8 sed Fon bias slobilteatrem GF oeks as Shen} ck} ot huh Rea. ae - Ye Ce ts also Used to melt Foy the cleqgenenctise actten CF Be. J we Re Connected Im Senres csith emitten UIt Imhedeces me ae) Rot a oe ese need tye Pie. Th Ee ts compensated Vosing ce Fp Niles. Grenanata— Vee hse Alo < (N/A, preduces, GQ PHEse Pus facut Veeally - Bo ta | protice Jas (ATT ply eq Phase shire l—TRe combinettren oF Esch B&O Sapacthen Preodoces qo phase shi lh. J.2Teeo OA Nios ane SoFPretenh fo pyecdeee 180 pres ar Ph ; \ Sek o vabpractise 1 oH ae aes Go’ phsse ehreth. BO Ge Ne cd diese Re Nfeds, ts act (Zo" P Genenally Hace Fdential Resrstons anc Eapacitony ane sad - Bot in FH fhe thind capactton RY ts shocom “Instead PR. Because @! ts connected po the Vp ef amplifien IA acntes. The ampirFen trslodes Some (pRest stance t BE acted exhich ta Ircltcated = Rt J stolal Qearalance DB ecomer R'FRYHA Nocs the amp Inbedvees 120° phee= shi Fr q the Pip Ne ow 1 wo" (Go't60'+ 60) ma Aotea\ neo eee Also (AB) =} should be satisfies Mocs weplace transtaten cotth ibs Gperex. b-pen. medel het Ric Re//a[/hie ~ = a { Ra Gans ®e Se 32 ZR! Neate ia lea =) Web 3Re Sr 4 sn . a) 1 ConventithtS “nénverns*to, phevinin cer =eY < J Re sy + referee) al KNK to loop.) hte Teme ti CRe * Jose!) + Gi-723 > TfRer et ge - ares rh Re THRE PO | KVR do loop > ot Se Sit Ge-t5) + Cxte-TN) 3) -~I,270 —© | > -me age erds | wn to teop 3 o= do sxe) aage 4 Gs-72) => tae aoe [eR gee iy —_=©@ Ran Livike dhe ebeve <9Ms im madsen ; Rc ARt ace oe 2 a. \ heou _R ans ae cases ae |=| ° o _R ARM te aS c4 | . | obevacomalstx 8S | athe detenminant of tven OS A-(re4 ma foe) ee je o -Ceyfe a Gerd.) - sro | = Gere tn) [@ Ra BS- | - oferta) az Ber ft 4, AR _ ops poe Fes Pip voltag < Dy Vez ay “KR O-hHfesyre BOE =R.O RR ° as [e- a 12) (03 -E0) @0) + ChPernne\Car-05 | BD [chorea] " 3 ay. eee eee A a Np = Thee ReR™ ly a From Tank havsen Cxrtenran (Ap\= \ = & noe ao Vi Bove ABT! “ye .) Nai “Vo VezVi —s@® QOvVizr Ine 2 Rom @ Vee ~hfeBes® Vi a Rom © Dn chee Be RO 8 _ e See oe 7 heen ea wet ao = Wee = 2 7 joc af toc Sects ~«am) ce pete U & 3 OF > RB? | ae RD Riask ee Ge SES pee = ima 4 Re eat ;RRe 4, get (Le 3 ese ose eet Oe > ARRe ,oRh = A baa owe ese? > Aeretren = soo se > esos ) LAR. +E \ = Vu arer 6e- _ 1 —__——_ REA 1 ies ” Tee Cer 48s) i Qe Hee \ S oct — RVG nee - oOo . RLS Fe f. —\— - SnocJeqgica yay Su? Rez "Ruz f k “Pe \ | DnRe Verh : C2 2nAcvio § aa) 1 amacvsG Te ebtetn Bie Yo Ss te ReD BFaseee -Re _ Se b oe wee Bow ST PR div by pe = lq SR — RQ Rom @ osrRh - salso ec = Be Stale a C 1 cate =(eseny 7D) 1+ BREA ke Grak) — SC) = -hPe ic = 14 Sk- eK -KE*_ 26 — 20Ke “PEK > -29 -221e Awe Hh P eK SS => -hre ® ie = -29 —-2axn-hLere— bence Ayt —hPeRe _ Ess. = —24 sh Ge \s Ke<1) Ap=) ed Te oblatn min. valve RE bee hfe equate to tere Yate or PPM comet eg 2 Bera ne ee hfe = a aes shhie a) aj hha > aiGra ) TH nt. =) -23 = oe > ers 29 aa: } : | . pe eee | Bose cin oeene © Wee 2 2828 44@-7) cee f ese gek (here> 44-55) ee oeth — ajrn oF dream aceten cattes Th co laws be Ho actos SEAarom » FET phose ohift oscil edon Npo Ro v Fer . Rs a Ro, FET,Re¢ acts OS an = ame. B Qe His veh oe PIP Niles —Te oparshon vs Sime fo 834 prere ShPE onc RO+ 180 2 SCO fdotoak- 60460460 TR en, okt of FET IS \ one G ° Soar oy © ae | Sms Bva SRe Se oe eee Gm @xd one the main Pansmedens ofrEn. The gern of FET amp Ao Om RU Rod ehae aes SE%l - Ro//wa Roavwe Lle howe entwed that fle acco ide ge 24 No [AB I]>] fiar zal the Pegs OP ner ts yor es fo —1 ANRCTS adv of Be phesechiPl ose | stmpte te Sesrqn 2. erodoce ofp Prag IM Qudlto ~wemea — B. prodoces mrnvsorda) &lp reve Pore Wie Sta te are ete aregts OSG dvsody s— aH ts & Pinca Bag. Sseit¥eton. Ba shy age cae com Shee eee Bot we shourcl chenge FAS of Ss 2e Nes .s0 rh ws prsstisees) tmposstbl= + Wein bridge ossitieten' Thiges Gecrythe Seen #8 Fined So inonclen tS NES the Ra arsle, ce ge Ba a osaiiiaton: Tako Produces Ol? fray IN Gtclfe renge Also th tnevease the Boats @ Facten of the cenear}. escilason | the amp —s1e0° phaca ane Mea Shes Gee wed sree 360° ~— Osta ke he oscitvatons git? ene lope { Hon Fes Ssctitaloq 2. ce\\ptts Sscillaton Hantly oscillaten ose ave e A v athe Fin pont comatehs (OF bis eees — —the baste amplifren ts ara coe Used RE choke TTA Recson *S ce om. Hene as Rollocss 7 Brace thts LE oscillator, Lhene meg thet the ole (he aretyomey oat bill h ii a ume = tbrsugh Be ae et oc So oF Re anton placed BFE chok= Inateos oP RE choks ALolp o@ hentely O8* LMS 6 foe one E predus=2 =) ¥e IS max: Hon | >be open ck} he Geactones xe Jamel "No ac component amten Gy) me Vs 20 2 t g 8 ia Dv So t 0 Ee _y Fo the La@penoltten = bOpenciish | wren Nee. 14 tvens toe Spe ets ar aicenette Prete present, we predse Hontly ose- osc. TP ce O8= ea epee aa mise cap eg, one 8 aS) colt ils eter st abc Bort th Se Scatemt lows Le oschllated 23 constden IN by be and = as Impydenses Zy, Zo, 23° B ic asa Te =—« ej ee Noes Fenc lood tmpedene=" Le equtlanel— tmpd bse fenminels 243 Let the (cad tmpd be Zu a =(2ll hie + 23) //2e _ fae. 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Reatdlances + : | > me ve : Vo Gibte) Jerre i Bie Cane azrves Ke pie) | Be Z.hre —@ bre Cates) +2125 Rom Bo Ke eb— ae ea eee eel = WreGites)4z123 => —hpe 2, (eels < Fas = |hre Gita) | Rie Centers] atta tea) eck 7 , — | { > hp Age) G Ge ce Zz hre = RS eh N hte Guz) roe _- hfe (22{(eury\hre: 22 [Cewes\hrearies | 2 bre 1 ae ma ee 23923) 4} 2ert2 23 eae q — hfe 2222 UbleCa ies tex) eige +2125 See = | hie Gyi2ze+25) 4 222 Che) 24 ext al ee. See = ae gencnelised ay ef Le pscllL —| Haatly oscillate Bw A Incluctons ty & Le Gnd capeciton cH m-motee! 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LL ay ce ‘ nas al ioe a at Zeb - 2 yon sca Zaz fou Sob 2%, 22 IN @® s) hte me a aicot| wale se “coins Cas} + Sallie CE +R eh) 4 — (ane Grey 4 & =o Stacy 1 =) vghre \ tx, Veen OU) Whee Foren = = 5 =) ghre (ee, ak Sea Ey. tmse ee ike. bon: GR) (er) = 0 iT vB elas Few “1 ( tt = To bet ce aoe + —L— cs Vre eee hewn’ thle boas. 4 p Svstateed osc: a: Oe conctittos For tahbfe eS bs ona A ta hee = LOS, (4 hee = [sae Ww eee oy Rees es, a hee 2 Sr ystel oscillators t- } So fon cee hove seen pe Qre ig osc Wetors- The problem cath these oseiilestoas ty et camplete sloblizebron ese cant abolp caen-k beme . Fon cx ge oscil) atoss Se cre az 4o act complete atebilizeation —The ex gst! brs based open “piezo elect ic effect’ iP cs apply seme py essuse (mectentel tee Stvess) O97 — Th predoces some Afolfoge cahich | t© propentrene) to masgnitod oP cppited mechantest. 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S lew «sly Version CP ene) rS> freak Riise, 1 a ry harales ¢ srgnels Me By Mies lennon pot oe IS aes m6 Aso Lhe kyanstaton “Gs «d | hs poes7 4, sos Res ‘ balsiehs , Selected’ 7 Sesh Slut @ pont eestd be exdcil attthe © \ dhe onde SF ft a--\6fL : DAlso. fof foe hes 3 The ‘ek herdle : Ae @ poms AE He Pe Cade? Beso Pleas of : eam tts Ls Be 40 . m AGO ae Imex a x om ie \- I Ke Gra Migdvep ig f ° clots. 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