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ONIT MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER. volts 8 ; e asec op Period of conduction the ampli -flers are ctassitied into following +yPes” | | | - Oh pe * | qos a amputiens= | 7 | pa | vi vo | q | classA to | ast Amplitrer Pe S73 eel Ese Che operating point is. DF Dc toad tine) - civcuit flows for entire CYCLE In Class -A Amplifier { | selected ot she middte lourrent ta the output of are Input Signal Conduction angle ts 360° el | fogas © Aree In ctas BOAMPUFler’ CThe Q polnt Is setectey op X-AxXk) The current To ‘the ou put circule FLO ws for spl one bole cycle to foe Tnpae aysbes Stgmest c Cond uct’on cing gtao?)- 33) ; = a —— ioe — bh te | vw we Cpoint ts selected tn -ve CULls + The curreng glows or fess than One half Cyele oF the i/p signal cconaluction angle ts (ess than (8d) | \) Sees 8B The Qpoint ts Selected blw A ana’ @: the is greater than cycie Of the topat signal econauar on. angie Ts. greater thon wo & Less than 360°)1) Coa ip Amplifiers |)! a ‘o> Current Flows ta the op che bale cycte but tess than fut Generany Aropliflers produce aletortion at he OUtPUE Some oF Ihe distor toms oCeUTedl in AMpliffer Circuit are given betow a) Frequeouy t Plsior tion, Wis eype OF distorilon exis when the \signal Componeny of Af Perente #requancies 4ee [ore fied dleeerventty, oA Cin ‘ ») Pose. dis tortion. re {the ampere phase shifts or HF Férene ro phos Produce unequal Hea" Compo nento- (ce “4 signed sand. the retultane ttgnay 4 of the tnput rion | leomtatns phase Con cleuoey atsto ea wy amplitude o or Non xinear Aisioruon, AMAA a this type OF Distortion vesulh from the produ Letton of new Frequency components in the outpde { Lanter ave not present tA the input signa, | . { } hb og q {OTASSIFICATION OF MULTISTAGE AMPLEFIERS (@)° BASED ON TYPE oF COUPLING. | i i) RC Couptect F Ampuriey . : “ aeyl¢ i | { | AC . _Jsrage, Stages | | vi arp |“ I-7 epee | Rc coup Ung bie 1st stage Op & geconol stage T/p bed) tunedt Conpung h 42) Transformer coupe | “Aropiitier, spit, ere { hae : i { “\ iM gs in, | Perc lemte eae Ractio fre |g LA ne | é 7 fe | a) mel! v Wig note eal tl | Transtormer Coupting bre 7 Rood Impedang | | Bt stage % and 944 Remove | ge oP. G age tp 2 nia Wi) direct coupled Amplifier Bae | ~ vy wpageut any" Couphvg et | sragel | biages| | he a Amp |e vo lowcost | i ) ~ 7 Gmpe cee} | Divect Coupling 10 yo tempaliasi Ofp of Lgl & le Of 892.5 Gat am er, | > quned Fler! \ d Wqu freq Aquat, |) eke ron | Tuned cxt bh. ofp (or! por stage § YP oF Seaq, | eo) Bequese Response of an Amplifier, ® @ot? / (ae a3 ‘ “cel 5 low Frog bh peg : Raiden region: re gion. ,fCH2) <- igh passle <—to 2 pass Re—> fig(o) Trequercy Respopse of ‘an araplibiee™ aigh Pass RO cKt:, ¥ | Same RCs ot { BC cone dom Poss TERE Hieghy freq Resporvc a t t Frgtes sow frequency RC No = Twlr wo bee Roa Tw &. vo “5— : = = Twos. vi a ens — [ure Ria] Toa ae vl. © ee RRC). Om ¢ a | we Know that: | = eS | 2T1Ba Co, ape | Me =» t —~® | 2mPe ne ot | nome oS ce #405 viz Vo'rO cso, vf increases C Suddenly), Q='se 2 NO #9. « 420) viev Ceonsiane> € -charging » wincrease: Cexponentatly’) . Cc | ieee Fged> Step 'nput signal, Figce) high, pass Re ChE vo tcsee '9CO) output Response ~ From Fig ted : Coe Wie ve tve, Vet fiat +vo we tf Zapey & J Fag: , 3 Apply differentiation, Qo We 4 ve at Re €q® is Fist order aiPPerenttal equation the Qeneral Solution tO the equettron I¢ “uf Yo x He *S _ @, © Ob TAIN Vatue of kr apply Initial condition Very Of tse, Vo av , —~@”? ean ’ i PA ’ Sak sie +E ie 4 YS : 21 3% VM { j 1/ Hate ME. ES %, ie 2 = D2xioo Kae —o \ 21 Rich RQ = 1 @ : Ine © wn anne Jotitt = ae x00 © i mA Hoo j-® sf ett \ - ; .t £0, WO j Vo 20.5 ee €=0, wt Csuddeny)s ¢ -Short circuit's vo =v; | : ae | : tro} Vi= constant 5 ¢~ charging CEP), vyt ces 6) | erent | - Sa TS | & ©)” 30 Stage CE amp ay | 2B: Approzimare Eq) ewe Por “Figcas Le, \ i : ‘ Ari PD bw | ABSUSIS OF Secor Stauge: Ancuysts or Firs st&Qe, 3 BORE Se cpm ‘Ray ow biey i? | Way Jat Peisonce ey sel : | | Qveran_Anouysis. Qiorhpiey Ty ¢ \ sigs (f Overan current gain’ az « Aare: 2. overay Voltage Gain ay . Avi vy, 3° Overau input Yeslstance Ris Ri aCteys a overal lp resistance Ro 6: avs = Ave Re Fins . 6 ats = Ar. Ro | Rs +R | Colet av a Toes Wavy © ae Ay 2 You. | . rol stage ce arop From. tne ce amplitier high Frequency response We KOLO {hat -the voltage gain of the Amplifier i itor Single stage is given by O COIUIATON OF dower = 3-dB freq for 'D’ stage amplifier, ne o for single blaqe. may oF \ e 1 apa, < AY? - ' n \ muttistage a for O stage “@) =o - : at f GOS then Ave Wa + i \ . ce ve mene i‘ vt | "P | 5 “. wfey® | Re) rg (5 Ved Apply $0:B-S 1p. (ee so fi \+70 . aioe [ta (AL [" Ga)’ ae _ (SR csr gee — . frequency for 2 StQ Am, , | cateutation OF upper 3228 LIE AA ens Sees | Cateutatloe Ov wwe | roe fron tne ce AmmpliPiers | | ign Frequency Res the gain of the Ampti stage is given by; PONS? » I rer for single | ! ——@ CSinge srage> } wees elt for muttistage armptifter, tbe gain is as: Oe Pg Awe Wy ° Ave = 10 | ( a [ain : fs” as S zh) ) FGais OF amp for A stage 5 Fe applied Freq Ot Pc + tower 348 Frequency for single sig Arnplifier fy: Upper % “ u wow u ms no of cascaded stoges- (AM: tower se freq for m -stage Arnplifies | ys Upper ben (i single Sta ge _ a. all - Aw? Gain of vor KNOW that) Bard widin of an aroplifier for single stage ls Given | pw. toe ——_+@. | 7 | "4 for ‘nD’ noor stages .the overall Band Width OF — lao ampliPier is given by- LKHZ , f9 = 200K#2 Calculate Band | er for Single stage am 4 stage. also | Catcutate gain for single stage and 4 stag @ . mn Sana width. £or singta 'sraas! | Consider f=&kue, Bus fo- by = 200 KHz - KHz = @oo-1) x08 Hz | Bio = 199x103 - for 4 stage: Bw = FD oP: pd! py here ne 4 / | A= eG) ee. | I xn HL 3 7 fyt = oor a) gh 2 tkae 200 Fisq-1 \ala— = Roo Tousq kee = = 0KO-w 7 me | Bue KHe | ee Kia KHZ | teyt = 86-94 KHE “s ae | = a3 ckHe ~ Band uselth for 4 stages. eet _ pf = Boigy = 213) Kun, BO” = B4-6y RH cl eR Te ea |r age. om | For muti stage ctmplitic r | es [ 4 i: r i eye : : y (rel ive | rep bor JS gy ids HEF | zat ne Bw I ee oud 3 As — contmcatcow —— | DEFFect, oF gain. | EN general we can determine the gain of multistage Ompltifier at any frequency below! the lower cutoff frequency of individual stagecan be | Qiven as Ay = Apia ns _ __@ | 3 soF uf/fayye oo, [eC ereen - e 'Y the goin of muttistage amplifier at. ony frequency above the, higher Uutore Frequency of individual ‘stage can be given as: Similar n Ay Av emia Cay 2 Fs SH F fren, Ragcose Pe TT OP gimgte ate Blces fraput B ie ME overallgain oF ampuen : PHONE Be ee 2 | > FLeQonz py = i 2 (when neg 2 = 80 wie 'Avcmpid) Flo: | : | Av = Av nig 2 (to? 1d F SUS. tara ae P| : )] (ep My { A | oad Wace | = 100 fF LS20H) FH =ao Cary Me avnid 2 i “1 Baloo. _ : sone) J % (2-33 |e eRe evs pant “wency Respone » © for sate bias in an ampliriey the logs oF Jain due to ‘Re’ we Might attempt “4, gypass the vesistor’ with avery Large capacitace ee 3. The fig shocon below describes the ePPects of 4this cap | * Lf it is WJ desired to. pyels degeneration and ha Po Gdversely On..the, dow Ayequercy aditor (Ce) ts +0 eFFee Fégcby Seropli Cc eqcKt for Vo = -hte To —O Te = “s___@ | | | Rst Ri Ri = hie * Cithte) Ze ag Ze = Rel[kXe = Re , - Ture | = Twee. | * fe 1 Tene oe ee fo etance = _Re j xe —_ i ede int wre o=0 w Rece ® Bi = bie + Ciebre) Re! : th Tw ReCe ect OF Emitter Bypass Copaecior Ce) on. Lows freq [Is Io CE Amplifier the emitter Resistance ‘Re’ is used) © Rig ee 3@ Ip - s——_—_—_.. - = + © Rs thies Cithfe)Re 'TwRe Ce 20 you H=hh eke Vs Rsihies Ciihfe) Re l+TwRe ce: Moe imhfeRer ot Rs thie #CrnFe) Re 14TwRe Ce Ce — snort Gxt "J! Re =0 ov. Avcme) = —hfeRe Rs thie. tagor AvCLE) | hie Re so AVCMF) Rot hier(iehFe)Re Aver y t+ jw ReCe ~hfe RE x Rsthie = Rs thie Rs thie + Cithfe) Re t+ JwReCe | | \ Ve GnreRe RsrhiedCirjuRee), = Cithfe) Re ‘ ¢ ) Rsthie = t let x. ars IJoRece = t+jwRece Ke 14 joRe Ce & Je joece ACh yntsn) Sry Rece = L+ jw Re le a all ¥f te JwRece yos tet ss Path eciahredRe| -() f = Rsrhie eel z+ A 4 i — OeO@ 9) q AvCur? _ | _ tej Re Ce 1 —_—— i . i AveME) Ca i ][urvertece ha ’ | TERE ] | = £ iB : cn | " ye } = | | (reins) liebe te “$cud | \ | $oP aie wey ee | 2wRece 4 DR eee | '| v (me) oN “Crm) oe | | when 4=F—: ! { = NS __ : “ | RPG | cnet mee 2 [HGH Sg... AL) ye (0 BE | oe +e [ % Sramece ett 778, | pe Ce i 2 RelCe ; @©-8 ; al rye | avec) {2 “CNe) BUEee eee | AvcnF) ( ie 81 AB ‘ re : o al) S53 “ Ved BY 35 Peon Cha f . (ir ue AVMOW a a kf | (ete © Y \ R —— | - VA ee ae ; [ecw Fiade i lieec” ie ° Jb figi) ‘fo’ determines the 2¢ro of the qain , x “gp determines the pole oF the Gain: if fho>py | erated: pole’ and zero are widely Sep! Dole” afd Lea et | Problem? : : r | cameretstage Aroplifier witb 4 identical Stages each au ise which have lower 3dB Frequency hime a] ‘upper 3aB frequency of 20 KHz DCalculate qain | joF “he amplifier for n=2 at fey he ae ee [CAssurne the mictband gain oF oe Me any : 4 nan of the aMPLIPIer gFor N=1) N= LNs tty Calci the Band with setae | 'y Gain=9 . | | Ineo Peaeuz Av = CAvCrmiay)? Fay Na25 P-45H2 sub 2oNe | fone tO OPE tego cas | te /2oxw)\*71 eu 1833 #5 1 | | | C Av cri) }P=2 5 -£= 2c0kua.— AY = Cay) ay = _ olin = 100 | faoxtee gg | ah a oath = 04 | (“aee, eee coh) olde 9, | 20p x10" c Jew NO n=t5 Bw = fy - fe = goxi- ao ey = a0(1000)-a0 = Yolload-1) = 19980 | N=25 = lqcagikt? | | =7Bw « £89 - £2 © 986 xioh— 3h.08 = rae3-42 ¥ hi ( i ; | ere 4M). py vor 4 fe fe, By atae nl | | a ‘ i = 80 £'3).08 ues | ale, ia Z | (222 | naa:- | | | | pw = fea to yt < fe ates = aonb Joe) Ron lors? BEAN 2 Wot 1 ‘i - —_ °° - = —- =-_ >) * — = pile Memhiees = ace eu-! Joued | a Bw = Bbq xWF—4E ae Uy: KH suo? Rei sts of 3 identical S109 ‘An amplifier consis plitler extends from Abe bandwith OF overall O&M to doKhe — ® calci the bandwidth of individual sioge- A - “Bandwidth Rohe to LOK HE of individual stage Syma Avr a) Yeon to ew = fe-fi fed= $2{aro Fis aon 42) VOT KOMID Iyay La = aoloasa = loa. bw =f Fr, ' SPOR GLABOA a, BW * 39/89 Kil > Nid Band gain aris dr nel 34 io 4 . 3 | - 42 $24 fe 2 20x10 = 3q-aae KH a ay. boa Se | tv = CavCeiay] =_(64008)! | f re fuey| De ooo pe J ae i es tn Coscader gone Sul | } eer ee Ww a ‘oi Rr x Re Coupled Ampifier. RC Col Bigead: Teo Stage Ro © COMpIeCL com plitiay using BT” FQ): 120 stage RE Coupted cumpitfier using Fer- sow frequency Response of TAnsisfor stage: : 2 BSAA Ch: Ry = 83! A % Ke 7 Per Ris Za. Figce) Laut che for blycdy. Replace ine gm, with! WE PEntp Source . 6 tof Ree Rix iy Fig(d> pe POE 7 > z)2, der’ Rol Fi Ret & ote Re, Co - = ite _seccaissaamanationt ARRIs Revenin’ theorern: = cb en - Ro ' Lelo Ri! From the dow frequency Response of an eumpll Fier we Kt foe Lt oO” ~< AT RC . Apply eQ@ to figce) ewe geb- —o am RFR cy high frequency Response of FET stage -- from tiqls) b j on x4 Pop [re c. Beets < Fiala) tqut ckt Fron Figge> - iors ca oF 16 ; IO F190), cu Cyt Colt Cine QD aviyp capacitane of, auc Steg amd B= rat RAG? TO yee Inavove eq 5 177 RD Q | Raq >>Ro, v a ne oP % 2f stay FIQCEI: Eque cee for FACED. wi It sioe ae RX RG — © “oO XD oe 1G Rol c zg. Li : ‘gcha: Fert for Ftq cg) £: APPLY thevenins *eorem to pig c(h). “—T “@ grt FIQGY eqekt for tighh) ~ ft js From ine high freq response Of an amplitie, wrt fos t —@6 a Roca apply ¢Q® +o Fig ci), we gee- Ca —6" 1 2mRgc CASCODE AMPLIFIER: | ab ef =Ce | one & , Figca) cascade oemplifier € ce-c,) | |e BY #/The cascAde cemnpti eer Consists oF ce -arnpli Fier stage in series with a cB stage: It is | one OF 4he KpPrOach TO save” Ane! tow fropedance, 6 oP vis \Probiero of Common base clreuit : : se. 2 os t patie’ t Te], “ble2 fbr ies ZRL vo i “bd [fn ae [eo Shed zed age. a ceo, = orl 15} stage. ceed fig > ape eee fr “Pigca, overatl Anatysic of Gropp: 3 Avr = Ay ave Bi RY, iB OS RRS Ras garg72 ps TO, TO £34 'Zork tos t Ig - Teo Teg Ter sh Xe Sax Ara xet x AT) * Bo Rare) SAX, ara: RE 4 BeatRil output Resi siane ; = Ros Bor 7 BL ; = ORE / E19 fe of CE-CC vee, =P Analy StS Fs ¥ ¢ ee): Bo BAL co co 1 Anatysis OF Second stage Analysis OF first stage ara «bee Aa, = Ube labee. at Bu = bie Big = . labee Avi = Axi 84 CR, = 812) Bl Av2 = Ary Re RID ' ; \ Higb Des sete ot et Bst hel ee" vot fio: econ “eas crnettia ge esle To the above fig gble and gee bave been neglected because we use epi Trae Re me network gsbocn In cebove, fgure cap be described by + Podal Equations Apply XcL at vode. ©, OD .@ then ux have , Rs =Astrbbl=- 4 5 G, ae ) Maier “ae wae Eqtn’s- aYge¥' : ae og” Gsivs = Tad Sues scoot. S-ccvey_ —=-@ © = Cam- $cc t CBcr +9bb! + SC) v2 ~9i5"'VI © = - appl Yat [able + Ob! 4 SCc@rce IVS ~ Sco V4 —e; 2 | Cam~ S:cc)¥3 © CGcg + $+ Co Vp ——@. Arrange eqt ®©.©-@.®@ to marix PA Go 1gQdetSCcete) 3. eon! Pg} vr Qmo- Sc Gui" SS Quy : ° “a ° a v o abe Able Dbw+SCee@ice) -See || ° Ome. Gugt Se Catcu tation of at— ON A12 aIp oO “ ~ fan on ms, 4 ve f_—@) Q O32 ass q vs o ° eA aas aue | Lye, A = Qa ne Cosseuy - 23943) ~azgagay | ~ 813 Faas ergs yy = 24843) f os ¢ / Cas3 Quy ~a3uQya)¢ au. d22- 2 At) 01/8330 324 4 calculation oF Au: ey! tn faa, 6) Give | atl a2 G3 o- Pt ' ° 032 033 co 5 ° Oo - aus sO Ay = Gsvs (ag) 32 ta), Du = ad vg Cam See abe!) (anSee) Now Sub ¢q'@ and @ ins yo vq 44 vs hs ¢ ’ ‘ | \| By simplifying above eQtny 5-56) 6 CS) C 8 oo css) CS 75 9)C5-S3) (5-54) Pieoe ce sR Cakade ott nigh frequendes: Ave K Se ) CS -Sg)CS-SqQ) 100! yon" 2 a ee 6a) Cs Saxe) wv lay ($-4 8 s- 82 C83), Cs In FlgteDe gy Grarnaee shoves eer eplecteg app analysis: in figta) can be because we Use Te network sown i {2 2 Wears described by four Podail- eqin’s * \ : = thn, 2 Gugizr ge Rss Rs erbbl= > Gur = ape 7 AL Qbb! = -— bb) | Eqin's: ass = [Gs !+gble+sCCotCe)]}vi~SCCv2 —O 0 = Gm -8Cc)Mi t CGcr rgb tSce)V2 -9 bbve® o> # Egbe! tgbbl «5 cei ce) 1¥3 TS. CONg. @- Ge Cam — eee - Cae tS on oO Qs!4 Qe + Steere * 2860-202. Sos | Qm- sec) Scrgbblsce, ape) ) 2 por, a) Qbb! be #9ob!scaia) ° ° IM-Scc. Gtr | Calcutation of a: GANS ° = @szaug-a ° a $4QDCanas, i -q | 12021). ay GI A,2q a bu > Gd vsCam- SCE 96H) Cony sees pee ea eens esegeeseauceiac enue” Sere one AEs | fy There Fore 5 | ae |) & Gee cee 6-35 C S-S2)CS8-5S3) a) / Anatysis ef Secona stage: EEE Ara = tthPe Lon} Rig =biet Cube) Rey ave = AER: Ree ie Avatysis of Fist. Stage: Ar, =-bfe Rip = hie avo AreRe Rin Ru = Ref Rig, Overall Abatys's'- al Av Av Ave = Az > de 2 Toy Ter Tb pre 5 To Te, Toy Te coy a t a 7. . pane AL, Rey + Ria >| Avg = Av Bis Biis+Bs : = Rool/ R 4 Ror = % > Ro = Ror acer Ro 'o2// Reg Bo. 2 Roy t hie lthfe - 7 1 - ee —— a

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