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The research in J7 was on the factors influencing major selection by college of business
students in USA (Crampton , Walstrom , Schambach, 2006). Trends of enrolment of various
fields with research fluctuate and the demand in specific colleges with business degree
programs fluctuates. In 1990s, enrolment in accounting degree programs has been small.
Hence, this studies aimed is to quarry the factors influencing major selection by college of
business students.

The research in J8 was factors influencing Malaysian students’ option of major at

Universities in UK ( Latifah, 2015). This study was expression knowledge could make a
country be more strong. The success of any society depends on the progress of the quality of
education. Hence, this studies aimed is to quarry the factors influencing major selection by
Malaysian students.

The research in J9 was factors that influence the choice of business major evidence from
Jordan ( Nahar, 2013). The growth in business major students in Jordanian Universities is
over than the market capacity. The students number in TTU has evolved beyond all
expectations and reached over the target that set. The reason for the TTU fluctuation of
business major students over demand is unclear. Hence, this studies aimed examine the
effect of individual variables, gender , general secondary average and future job factors on
business major choice by student.
2.0 Literature Review
Based on the past researchers in J7,J8 and J9, have a lot of factors been found influencing
choice of major of the student. One of the most common factors is effected by family
members (Stevenson and Stigler, 1992, as cited by Latifah, 2015; Dellman-Jenkins, 1997, as
cited by Nahar, 2013).Most of the students don’t have their own ideas, so usually they will
follow their parents’ advice and pave their way. Students of parents who are more highly
educated and earn higher wages than those who are more financially experience. The job of
the parents will affect the department to students who want to learn after growing up. The
second most common factor is student’s interest (Galotti and Kozberg, 1987 , as cited by
Crampton, Walstrom and Schambach, 2006; Uyar ,2011, as cited by Nahar, 2013).When
students study what his interest, they will more motivation to learn. Boredom can be reduced
and can more focus on their course. But, maybe interest is gradually shifting the due to time.
The last but not last common factor is financial rewards, long-term income, job security, and
starting salary( Noland, 2003, as cited by Crampton , Walstrom and Schambach , 2006; Lowe
and Simons, 1997, Nahar, 2013). Long-term income allow people to fulfill essential human
needs. High salary increases their standard of life. Stabile salary and job stability render them
more ease. In the conclusion, the three of studies have discussed a lot of different way factors
that the choose by college major and share some common factors.
3.0 Methodology
All of the three journal articles used quantitative research. Form of research construction is
appropriate. This research can rapidly to collect the data and data information can be accept
very high. In the J7, research of new students from business course degree in midwestern
University was manufacture and manage a questionnaire closely like used in Noland. A total
of 89 new students in business course responses in the three different class and in the 89
responses only 32 were female, this indicates an under-representation of women in these
courses when the total of university population is around 55% female. Researchers randomly
choose 360 students in 6 different university, different faculties or different departments. This
report was represented different ethnic population in the study. In the sample J8, J9 is good
enough for the questionnaire, but J7 is not enough for that because number of female students
is too less to match to another students in business college. Questionnaire in J7, J8 and J9 is
used 6-point Likert-type scale, students are required to reflect or demonstrate awareness of
career opportunities in different business subject. In J8 , a lot of researchers had used
Statistical Package for Social Science Program Version (SPSS for Windows Version 14) to
check out their respondents information. The information of respondents can use to check out
the questionnaire efficiency and reliability. The problem of J7 face information uneven
because female students in business college too less. The problem of J8 face is they just focus
on 6 universities. The problem of J9 facing all of the respondents’ opinions different.
4.0 Result and Discussion
The researches in J7 , J8, and J9 were conducted to analyze issues influencing students
behavior. The researcher found the highest mean in J7 factors were personal interest in
subject matter, long-term salary prospect, and probability working in field after graduation. In
J8 found by researchers the most highest mean were own aspiration, own ability, and parents’
interest. In J9 the most highest mean were future earnings, career option, and occupational
prestige. In all the journals, one of the most important factors is personal interest in subject
matter, because students will be particularly focused on the subjects that interest him. If
students does not like that course, the learning process will not be as good as the course they
like. One of the most important factors is own aspiration too. If is not students’ own
aspiration, they are easy to feel stressed, tired and bored. Students will have no confidence to
learn about that course. They will have difficulty absorbing better knowledge , it is difficult
for them to focus on one of that course they don’t like. In addition, one of the most important
were future earnings. The subject students choose to study maybe linked to their future
earnings. Most of the people want to get a high salary job and provide themselves with future
stability. Have a stable future earnings can provide better living conditions. In my opinion,
future research should be taken more consideration research to get more opinions from
students. To tap the talents of students so they can keep up with the changes of the times. In
J7 researchers should be collect data on the average number of men and women to get a
better views between students. In J8 research is recommended that Malaysia should cultivate
more creative and motivational students. In J9 recommended that admission requirements of
Jordan University to lowers the threshold to give more students the opportunity to learn the
courses they like to turn them into professional in future.
5.0 Conclusion
In my conclusion, from the information in this 3 journals, own interest is most of the one
factors among the students. Most of students will consider their interests before considering
future earnings and parents’ interest.
1. William J. Crampton, Kent A. Walstrom and Thomas P. Schambach, 2006,
STUDENTS’, Issues in Information Systems, Volume VII, No. 1, pp.226- 230
Online Journal of Quality in Higher Education, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp.10-23
3. Dr Ahmad Nahar Al-Rfou,2013, ‘Factors that Influence the Choice of Business Major
Evidence from Jordan’, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 8, Issue
2, pp.104-108

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