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My Ideal marriage ……………………………………..…………..1

Real Friends ………………………………………………….....….2
Capture it ……………………………………………………….….3
Character Analysis…………………………………………………4
Non-Fiction Analysis Framework……………………….……...….5
Analysis of the Long Walk of Freedom…………………..……..…6
Writing Clinic ……………………………………………………...7
Writing Takeoff ………………………………………..…………..8
Write On ……………………………………………….………..…9
First Draft …………………………………………………….…...10
Revise First Draft ……………………………………….…...…....11
The Forgotten Ones …………………………………………….…12
My Autobiography …………………………………………....…..13
Brochure …………………………………………………………..14

There are countless benefits that define my perfect marriage. A solid partnership between the
two people in the union would be my dream marriage. Because it is a partnership, it means that
the two persons involved sort out their differences and concerns through equal negotiation.
The marriage must be founded on honesty and genuineness. Nothing, in my opinion, is more
stressful than marrying someone you think you know and understand, only to discover that
they are virtual strangers to you because they were not honest about themselves. In this
example, an ideal marriage would mean that there is no disappointments after the honeymoon
because the pair was honest with each other from the outset.
The ideal marriage is one in which both parties cheerfully accept their roles. It's not about
obligation or duty, but about a genuine desire to do something good and kind for the other
person. In a perfect marriage, neither partner is envious of the other's success, nor are they
threatened by it. Each partner recognizes that the other's achievement is also their success. The
discussion regarding women's empowerment takes a different, more positive turn in the ideal
marriage. In an ideal marriage, a really empowered woman is pleased to be a woman,
appreciates her husband, and has no desire to be equal to him or anyone else. A really
empowered woman in an ideal marriage recognizes and respects her husband as the family's
leader. A woman who is truly empowered understands her worth. The male, on the other hand,
adores and respects his wife. He understands that he is the family's leader, but he also
understands that this does not preclude his wife from having an opinion. He is not afraid of his
wife's opinions varying from his own, and he values them. He is not threatened by his wife
because he understands who he is.
Giving, taking, and sharing are the three pillars of the ideal marriage. In such a marriage, there
should be no selfishness. In fact, the partners should aim to do more to make each other happy
than to make themselves happy. Each partner's happiness should be the primary goal of the
other. Tolerance and sacrifice are the foundations of the perfect marriage. This does not imply
turning a blind eye to things that are manifestly wrong. It simply means compromising on what
can be compromised and ignoring little details that do not establish a relationship. After all, no
one is perfect, and spouses should be able to take a vacation from each other when it comes to
their flaws. This requires partners to consistently encourage, laud, console, praise, and respect
one another.

During my Elementary years, I am so eager to meet new people. I aspired of reaching friends because I
am not that amiable, ang my parents won’t allow me and my grandparents to go out and have fun. They
are so protective. I barely know how it is to share love and be accepted by others.
At first, I am cautious but when a few of my classmates approached me I began being comfortable. Even
my parents warned me that I should be wise in building relationships with others. I just ignored them and
enjoyed my new environment. I had no problems for the first few months of being friends with them. We
got along with each other well and did some activities together. They ask me for more favors, and if I did
not follow, they threatened me that they will not treat me as their friend anymore, I was bullied and only
good for them when it was convenient.
That night, my mother noticed and ask me why I am so bothered, I told her everything and she was
disappointed by how my kindness was abused, she comforted me. Everybody can hangout around me but
not everyone will truly embrace me and stay with me. With that happened, I become matured and realize
a lot for having and choosing a friend. Now, I have learned myself more and have found a true circle of
friends who uplifts me and sees my worth in whatever circumstances we are into.

1. I think the artist’s work is relevant to my Something I like about the work is
→ It’s very unique from each other arts, I’ve never seen an art like this using different instruments of
making arts.
2. I think the artist has made the work by using…
→ Their imaginary
3. work because…
→ It may express my emotions and feeling and that is now relevant art to me and I believed I can
enhance more talent of making arts.
4. I think the artist’s ideas are about…
→ In act of expressing feelings, thoughts and observations, I will as the ideas and feelings it created in its
5. I will use the artist’s ideas in my own work by…
→ By his creativity and uniqueness to inspire others to able to make their own ideas.
6. I think the artist made his work this way because…
→ They’re inspired by many things. They may be inspired by their imaginations.
7. I think the goal of the artist in doing this work is…
→ There is something inside the creative person that need to get out.
8. I think the artist’s belief is that…
→ Art can provide a space for people to meet and learn about other’s to inspired others of making art.
9. I think the feelings of the artist while doing the work is… because…
→ Free and exciting because it doing of an artwork that refracting on his personality of imaginary.
10. The work of art is related to… because…
→ Ourselves, because it is an essential part of our culture because it allows us to a deeper understanding
of our emotions.


It is because based on the artist work.

C ARTISTIC It is very absorbing to the eyes of the
R people.


People with an extremely high degree

CONFIDENCE of self-confidence don’t really need
other people to tell them their right or
doing good they know it.

The artist put desire to his work for

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS him/her do things well or to the best of
his/her ability. He/she is through,
careful and efficient
Title of the text: The long Walk of Freedom
Author: Nelson Mandela
Give a brief summary of the text: The holds a press conference the next day. Reforces ask welter he hates
white, to which Mandela responds by affirming that he hates the system not white people, and that whites
will play a critical role in rebuilding the country.
What are the underlying themes of the text? Does the author seem to be implying anything without
outright saying it?
→ The story revolves around the theme of getting freedom after a very long struggle due to the courage
of all the people who sacrificed so much for equality and peace in the country.
Select a line that reflects one of the themes you indicate above. Copy pastes here with quotation marks:
Do you feel any connection to the main character or narrator’s feelings or situation?
→ Yes
Does the text engage with any topics or issues that you think are especially important for people to know
→ Yes, because people must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate they can be taught to love for love
comes more usually to the human heart that its opposite.
List some positive points about the text you believe made it an interesting or engaging read.
→ The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days.
→ We can’t win a war, but we can win an election.
→ Learn to forgive, I believe that in the end that is kindness and accommodation that are all the catalysts
for need charge.
→ No one is born rating another person for the color of his skin background or religion.
How do the ideas in the test connect with the real world and/or your own life?
→ We have not taken the final step of our journey but the first step on a longer and even more difficult
Describe anything you saw in this text that you’d like to remember?
→ I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over 11. The brave man is not he
who does not feel afraid, but he who conquest the fear.


Being a student is easy, and I want to share on what kind of routine I have every day before going to
school. In the morning I wake up and wash my face. I always feed my pets before preparing for school.
After that I need to organize my things like my uniforms, and finally going to our bathroom to take a
bath. I will wear my pants with my sando and I make sure to eat my breakfast first, I still don’t wear my
uniform this time because it might become dirty. After breakfast, I brush my teeth and I will call my
grandmother to ask money for me to buy some foods in school.


The Long Walk to Freedom
By: Nelson Mandela
In the fast-developing world, advances and progress more countries and nations forward but at the same
time, some things are left behind and become a burden for the people and evolution to better life
With particular reference to globalization there is a price that must be paid, in relation to nations leaders
and citizens. Nelson Mandela gives an insight into civil matters through an autobiography titled “The
long Walk to Freedom”
One of the first accounts that Mandela has with the nation is when they “flew by helicopter to the first
National Bank Stadium in Soweto”. Even though the world has taken a big step forward, people were still
in poor conditions. This fad progress that globalization brings many more aspects of government and
good life to a country and politics. Culture and the general environment advances change the social lives
of people and modernize many parts of it while having some matter unattended.
This happens is a way of people who are poor and unable to support themselves, cannot hope to receive
more attention and better care, as political aims of the government are targeted on the global market,
international economics and relations.
After Nelson Mandela was released from prison and took on a tour of Africa, he wanted to give people a
message of his support and determination to help create a new people world with equal opportunities,
proper education, absence of crime and determination. The increasing population puts more demands on
the leader which requires adjustment of polices that are best suited for the modern time. The international
affairs put strict criteria and guidelines on the world and conduction of governing.
An inevitable process of globalization has increased the paced of progress but has created more
conditions that can become worse. People’s individual’s lives must be taken care, so that the society feels
strong and supported in orders for the nation to flourish. “Freedom is Indivisible”


Areas What to do What to do write

Topic A topic about a local issue in the society, Find some info about the topic and write
first find a broad topic in making thesis. it down in the paper or print up
It is very important to know this, but target The topic you write you need to know
Target Audience
audience are needed making to know the what target audience you need to pick.
how many readers are known readers take
Based on your choose topic write your
Select a theme about the topic you choose.
Theme theme to have understand the readers
There is important you need to tell what the
what the theme is.
theme you need.
Identify what tone you used and also
Tone and Motic As a writer you need to do what the tone
and motic you going to use to entertain the
Genre/ Type Drop the genre been used and what type of Genre have many to used analyze what
it. genre you’re using.
It is very important because this is the Write the info about the topic in the first
Front of View
summary of your using in the front page to page of the book to know the readers
first read of the reader to know what the what is it about.
thesis is about.


Name of the Main Character Name of other character Setting and other Atmosphere

American Revolutionary Women American Soldiers United States

Sociological Attributes Possible title
One of the most common ways The daughters of liberty conflict.
that women supported the war
American activist
effort was by marking homemade
cloth including textiles.
Psychological Attributes First paragraph
Some women even acted as spies, It was established in 1765, the
and there is at least one organization was comprised safety of
documented case a woman women who sought to demonstrate their
disguising herself as a man to loyalty to the revolutionary.
fight in the war.
Second paragraph
Physical Attributes
Women serried the war effort in other
Women performed crucial tasks important was, sewing uniforms and
in the American Revolution. blantifs for the soldiers, making bullets,
Organizing fundraising driver, and raising fords for the war effort.
supplying the troops, looking in
the military camps, and tending to Some women showed their dedication to
the wounded soldiers. the cause by putting their own lives in
danger. There are documented cases of
American women acting as spies.

First draft
Protect Yourself to protect others, say Philippines Covid 19 Survivors
Worrying about their family, is the worst part of testing covid 19, say 2 survivors from the Philippines.
Drew and Yang.
Drew, 35 and father of one, work in the aviation industry. After developing symptoms, he tests positive
for Covid 19 symptoms.
“The stress and anxiety was very difficult to handle because stress and anxiety I didn’t know if I was
infect my family member. I worry that my family might not be able to handle what I was going through if
they got infected by me”. That’s what scare me the most.
Meanwhile, Yang, 26, a manufacturing employee who lived with her parents and others family member,
begins wearing a face mask and avoid touching the handrails in public transport as Corona Virus cases
Still, three days after her birthday she becomes ill. She had to tell her parents that she tested positive.
“I see the sadness and felt of defeat in their eyes”.
Drew, who also follow the advice to isolate, also recovers. The experience also teaches him a lesson.


Protect yourself to protect others, say Philippine Covid-19 survivors
Two notable survivors, Drew and Yang, says that worrying about their family is the worst part after
testing positive of Covid-19.
Drew, now a 35 years old man and father of one, is currently working in an aviation industry. After his
symptoms has excessively progressed. He undeniably had tested positive Covid-19.
In his remarks, he highlights the “The stress and anxiety were extremely difficult to handle. He was
unaware if he was already infecting his family. He fears and perhaps, worry that they may not be able to
handle what here been through if they got infected by him. “For him, it’s what scares him the most.
Meanwhile, Yang, a 24 years old woman, who currently works as a manufacturing employee, and lives
with her parents and other family members. They began wearing a face mask and avoided touching the
handrails on public transport as the Corona Virus case rose abruptly.


The forgotten one’s is a story about a handful of people have all been forced together by a higher power,
because they were resumed not worthy of living in everyday society. They were forced out of their homes
and told that they would never return to a normal life.
Under the worst possible circumstances Herschel, Benjamin, Fernando and Hans entered into a world that
in their worst nightmares could not have imagined. Only time with tell, but individually neither of these
characters can survive on their own.
They must learn to forget the horrible things that have happened in their past, and work together in this
well of a situation to make the best possible outcome.
The story tells us that how much grateful should we be for the life we spend. Author advises that we
should always be grateful that we have is good enough.

I’m Vince Kevin Guzman, I was born on March 9, 2003 and I am now 18 years old. I live in Lemu
Norte, Enrile, Cagayan. My parents are Cherry and Vicente Guzman and I have a brother and a sister.
There a lot of things I like and that I don’t like. I like to have fun with my cousins and friends like
watching movies or playing online games. And the things that I don’t like is drawing because I’m not
good on it.
I took my Elementary education at Lemu Elementary School and my Secondary Education at Lemu
National High School. During weekends I usually play with my friends with basketball and I’m my hobby
is to take care of chickens. My family was a happy and a loving family.
When I was 2 years my mother needs to work abroad and my also needs to go t manila for us to be
financially stable. As the youngest I need to be responsible, because I won’t ruin their expectation on me
and their believed on my capabilities. I need to be cautious with all my doings and moves, so my parents
didn’t get disappoint to me. I must strive hard to be successful someday, life is hard but I’m grateful for
having my friends, cousins whom always there even I’m my lowest.
Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trust you, I’m pretty much on the happy
side of my life, but like the teens I do have my “day off “. That means I do have some sad days or
depressed days. I have a friend here that sort of look out for me and when I’m having a bad day. Good
friends and wonderful family are the ones who mold me for who I am today.
It’s certainly a shame to see individuals waste away their lives, we should be very thankful for
experiencing our lives. Above all, everyone should try to make their life more meaningful.

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