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SESSION – (2022 – 23)



 Make a word file with screenshots of all programs and output.
 Save your file with your name and class like:- AmanGuptaXIIA.docx and mail it to


Topic No. of programs

Functions 8
Text File 8
Binary File 8
Modules in Python 1
Total 25
1. Write a function in python to count the number of lines in “try.txt” begins from Upper case
2. Write a function in python to read lines from file “try.txt” and count how many times the word
“will” exists in file.
3. Write a function in python to read lines from file “try.txt” and remove all those words, which
have two characters in it.
4. Write a function DISPLAY() in Python to read contents from file “try.txt”, and display the
every 4 lettered word in upper case.
5. Write a program to create a binary file with roll number, name and marks of any 5 students.
Also write a function update() to input a roll number and update the marks.
6. Write a function to random_number_generator() that generates random numbers between 1
and 6 (simulates a dice).
7. Write a program to calculate the factorial of an integer using recursion.
8. Write a program to create a library in python and import it in a program.
9. A binary file “STUDENT.DAT” has structure (admission_number, Name, Percentage).
Write a function countrec( ) in Python that would read contents of the file “STUDENT.DAT”
and display the details of those students whose percentage is above 75.Also display number of
students scoring above 75%.
10. Write a program to create a binary file with name and roll number. Search for a given roll
number and display corresponding name, if not found display appropriate message.
11. Write a program to implement searching methods based on user choice using a list data-
12. Write a menu driven program in python to do following
1. Reverse String
2. Check whether string is Palindrome
3. Make half string in Uppercase
4. Exit
13. Write a python code that accepts a filename, and copies all lines that do not start with a
lowercase letter from the first file into the second.
14. Write a Menu driven program in python to count spaces, digits, words and lines from text file
15. Write a python program to sort elements of a list in ascending and descending order by using
bubble sort. Write user defined function.


Q1. Find the numbers of all one-one functions from set A  a, b, c to itself.

Q2. Let R be the equivalence relation in the set A   6,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6, of

integers given by R  a, b  : 2 divides a  b . Write the equivalence class [0]

Q3. If the set A contains 5 elements and set B contains 6 elements, then find the numbers of
one-one and onto mappings from A to B

Q4. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6}, show that the relation R defined by

R  {(a, b) : b is divisible by a , a, b  A} is not an equivalence relation.

4x  3
Q5. Check whether the function : − → f ( x)  , x  2 / 3 is bijective or not.
6x  4
Q6. Check whether the relation R on R defined by R  {a, b) : a  b3}. is an equivalence relation
or not.

Q7. If : − → is a mapping defined by ( ) = show that is not Bijective.

Q8. Show that the relation R in the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} given by R = {(a, b) : |a – b| is even},
is an equivalence relation. Show that all the elements of {1, 3, 5} are related to each other
and all the elements of {2, 4} are related to each other. But no element of {1, 3, 5} is
related to any element of {2, 4}
Q9. Show that each of the relation R in the set A = {x  Z : 0  x  12}, given by
R  {(a, b) : | a - b | is a multiple of 4}is an equivalence relation Find the set of all
elements related to 3 in each case.
Q10. Prove that the relation R on the set N  N defined by
(a, b) R (c, d ) iff a 3  d 3  b 3  c 3 for all (a, b), (c, d )  N  N is an equivalence relation.
Q11. Prove that the relation R on the set N  N defined by
(a, b) R (c, d ) iff ad  bc for all (a, b), (c, d )  N  N . is an equivalence relation.
Q12. Prove that the relation R on the set N  N defined by
(a, b) R (c, d ) iff ad b  c  bc a  d  for all (a, b), (c, d )  N  N . is an equivalence
x 1
Q13. Let A  R  {2} and B  R  {1} . If f : A  B is a mapping defined by f ( x)  , show
that fis Bijective.
Q14. Show that the function f : R  R defined by f (x)  2
,  x  R , is neither one-one
x 1
nor onto.

Q15. Show that the function f : R  R defined by f (x)  2 ,  x  R , is neither one-one
x 1
nor onto.
Q16. Show that the function f : N  N given by f ( n)  n  ( 1) n for all n  N . is a bijection
Q17. Let A and B be two sets. Show that f : A  B  B  A defined by f ( a, b)  (b, a) is a
Q18. Show that the function f : R  {x : x  R,  1  x  1} given by f ( x)  is one-one
1 x
and onto.

Q19. Find the domain of the function f : R  R defined by f  x   x 2  3 x  2

[Ans:  ,1  2,  ]

Q20. Let A = {a, b, c} and the relation R be defined on A as follows: R = {(a, a), (b, c), (a, b)}.
Then, write minimum number of ordered pairs to be added in R to make R reflexive and
Q21. Let the function f : R  R be defined by f (x) = cosx, for all x  R Show that f is neither

 
one-one nor onto. Consider function f : 0,   R given by the function f  x  sin x and
 2
 
g : 0,   R given by the function g x  cosx . Show that f and g are one-one, but f+ g
 2
is not one-one.

Q22. If R1 and R 2 are equivalence relations in a set A, show that R1  R2 is also an

equivalence relation.
Q23. Check whether the relation R in the set R of real numbers, defined by R = {(a, b) : 1 + ab>
0}, is reflexive, symmetric or transitive.

Q24. Evaluate: The value of − − − is

Q25. Write the domain of the function = (2 − 3 )

Q26. Write the domain = ( − 4)
Q27. Write the domain of the function defined by ( ) = + is
Q28. Evaluate: cos

Q29. The value of
tan −√3 + sec (−2)

Q30. Evaluate: − sin −

1) Draw free hand 20 sketches every day, on a news print paper orsketch book.
2) Make composition in A2 size sheet both ( coloured / and pencilrendering) colour medium are
pencil colour or oil pastel of thefollowing :
a. Landscape one each (both)
b. Nature study (pencil rendering)
3) Make a composition on A2 sheet following topics. (any one)
a) Politics
b) Incredible India
4) Make one object drawing on A2 sheet with pencil rendering.





Prepare investigatory project on any topic from NCERT.



Topic Roll no.
1.Study of the presence of oxalate ions in 1 , 9 , 17
guava fruit at different stages of ripening.
2. Study the quantity of casein present in 2 , 10 , 18
different samples of milk.
3. Preparation of soybean milk and its 3 , 11 ,19
comparison with natural milk with respect to
curd formation, the effect of temperature, etc
4. Study of the effect of Potassium Bisulphate 4 , 12 , 20
as a food preservative under various conditions
(temperature, concentration, time, etc.)
5. Study of digestion of starch by salivary 5 , 13 , 21
amylase and effect of pH and temperature on
6. Comparative study of the rate of 6 , 14 , 22
fermentation of the following materials: wheat
flour, gram flour, potato juice, carrot juice, etc.
7. Extraction of essential oils present in Saunf 7 , 15 , 23
(aniseed), Ajwain (carum), Illaichi
8. Study of common food adulterants in fat, oil, 8 , 16 , 24
butter, sugar, turmeric power, chilli powder
and pepper.

Q1. Individually make a standard working model or a research work to any
relevant topic of physics and E-mial at (XII A
and XII C) (XII B)
Q2 . Complte the assingment of chapter 3 given below
Chapter 3 - Current Electricity
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q1. Is electric current a vector or scalar quantity? Explain.
Q2. How can the current flow in an electric circuit?
Q3. What is the order of the number of free electrons in metals? What is their function?
Q4. What is the effect of temperature on the relaxation time of electrons in a metal?
Q5. What do you mean by a linear resistor?
Q6. What is the effect of rise in temperature on the electrical resistivity of semiconductor?
Q7. What is the internal resistance of a cell due to?
Q8. By what factor the resistivity of a typical insulator ( e.g amber ) is greater than that of a metal ?
Q9. A 4 non insulated resistance wire is bent in the middle by 180O and both the halves are twisted
with each other. What will be its new resistance?
Q10. Can the terminal potential difference of a cell exceed its e.m.f?

Short Answer Type Questions

Q 1. Three cells of emf 2.0 V, 1.8 V and 1.5 V are connected in series. Their internal resistances are
0.05 , 0.7 and 1 respectively. If this battery is connected to an external resistance of 4 ,
calculate (i) the total current flowing in the circuit. (ii) the potential difference across the
terminals of the cell of emf 1.5 V while in use.
Q2. A battery of emf 6 V and internal resistance 1 is connected to a resistor. If the current in the
circuit is 0.5 A, what is the resistance of resistor? What is the terminal voltage of the battery when
the circuit is closed?
Q3. A cell of emf∈ and internal resistance r gives a current of 0.5 A with an external resistance of 12
and a current of 0.25 A with an external resistance of 25 . Calculate ( a ) internal resistance of
the cell and ( b ) emf of the cell.
Q4. Two identical cells, whether joined together in series or in parallel give the same current, when
connected to external resistance of 1 . Find the internal resistance of each cell.
Q5. A large number of free electrons are present in metals. Why is there no current in the absence of
electric field across it, but there is a current in the presence of electric field?
Q6. Clarify your elementary notions about current in metallic conductor by answering the following
(a) The electron drift speed is estimated to be only a few mm s-1 current in the range of a few
amperes. How then is current established almost the instant a circuit is closed?
(b) The electron drift arises due to the force experienced by electrons in the electric field inside
the conductor. But force should cause acceleration. Why then do the electrons acquire a steady
drift speed?
(c) If the electron drift speed is so small, and electron’s charge is small, how can we still obtain
large amounts of current in a conductor?
(d) When electrons drift in a metal from lower to higher potential does it mean that all the “free
“electrons of the metal are moving in the same direction?
(e) Are the paths of electrons straight lines between successive collisions (with the positive ions
of the metal) in the (i) Absence of electric field, (ii) presence of electric field?
Q7. What happens to drift velocity ( Vd) of electrons and the resistance R if the length of a conductor
is doubled ( keeping potential difference unchanged ) ?
Q8. A copper wire of resistance RO is stretched till its length is increased to n times of its original
length. What will be its new resistance?
Q9. A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a variable resistor R. Plot a graph
showing the variation of terminal potential V with resistance R and E with R. Predict from the
graph the condition under which V becomes equal of E.
Q10. A battery has an emf E and internal resistance r. A variable resistance R is connected across the
terminals of the battery. Find the value of R such that ( a ) the current in the circuit is maximum (
b ) the potential difference across the terminals in maximum.
Q11. In the circuit shown in figure E,F,G and H are cell of emf 2V,1V,3V and 1V and their
internal resistance are 2Ω,1Ω,3Ω and 1Ω respectively. calculate the potential difference
between B and D .

Q12. Two cells each of emf E and internal resistances r1 and r2 are connected in series to an external
resistance R. can a value of R be selected such that the potential difference at the first cell be

Q13. In the circuit shown, R1=4 , R2 =R3 =15 ,R4=30 and E =10v. Calculate the equivalent
resistance of the circuit and the current i2 and i4 on each resistor.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q17. Define drift velocity. Derive an expression for drift current and then derive Ohm’s law ..
Q18. Explain the WheatStone Bridge. Derive a balanced condition for it using Kirchoff’s law.
Q19. Draw the circuit diagram to find the unknown resistance using meter bridge. Give its working
and formula used.
Q21. A battery of n cells each of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across an external
resistance R. Find the current in the circuit when (i)R>>nr (ii)R<<nr
Q22. A mixed grouping of cells has m rows of cells connected in parallel across an external resistance
R. Each row contains n cells in series. Each cell has emf E and internal resistance r. Show that the
current in the circuit will be maximum when R=nr/m

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