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Dela Cruz, Rafael M.


What are common misconceptions regarding the CHR?

Overtime people tend to get influenced by those that they idolized, such are those whom are
appointed in the government, along with their influence comes their ideologies and beliefs
about their opposing parties, by which are shared among the masses, whereby are then turned
into a basis of arguments, controversies, and debates as those which are influenced heavily no
longer tend to check the credibility and reliability of the speech and words of their idol due to
their devotion and adoration. Certain opposing parties includes the Commission on Human
Rights (CHR), the independent organization disproves of the killings and atrocities of drug
related people during the War-on-Drugs campaign of then president Rodrigo Roa Duterte, with
this opposition, the supporters of the president justifies the killings as an exchange for the
peace and prosperity of the country, by which the CHR condemns as the main basis of peace is
not reliant towards murder and killings, hence, hearsay and fake news about the actual goal of
the CHR are disseminated by which affected the image of the CHR. Certain misconceptions
includes that the Liberal Party list are behind the opposition as well as the puppetry of the CHR
towards the United States of America, this however, of course is not supported by either facts
or evidences, the masses tend to be ignorant about facts and believe what they want to believe
as well as to hear what they want to hear, specifically the majority those which have a strong
faith and trust towards their chosen candidates.

What needs to be improved with the CHR?

As the basis of progression goes, one must not be satisfied with their work, this includes
especially those with heavy responsibilities, such are the State, Government, and Organizations.
Due to the lack of understanding about the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and its duties,
the dissemination of non-factual and unreliable news were quick, along with these are the
broken trust of the masses towards the Organization, hence, improvements in regards towards
the trust and reach to the citizens must be of priority, this is to enable the masses to clearly
understand the duties and agenda of the CHR organization.
Is CHR still needed in today’s time? Discuss
If complete power of the State and Government has no limitations, criticisms, and oppositions,
then the country will fail. The main basis of our Constitutional and Human rights is for us to be
protected from the power of the State and Government, by which is related to the duties of the
CHR, promoting and encouraging our rights, hence, is still necessary as to monitor the actions of
the state and continue to address any wrong activities as well as to criticize in order for the
state and governance to be further improved.

Is the PNP and CHR supposed to be enemies? How can we make them work cohesively with
one goal of the enforcement of the rule of law?
No organization of the same goals and duties must be opposing one another, as how can the
common goal of both be reached if each are conflicting damages between themselves, the
fastest way to reach the objective is to support one another. The Philippine National Police
(PNP) should focus towards the enforcement of the law and the reduction and repression of
criminality, the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) may then help the PNP improve through
the investigations of anomalies in regards to the violations of human rights in police work, by
which, they must proceed to recommend solutions as well as information in regards to the
cases of such, lessening the numbers of certain deemed unqualified and incompetent personnel
in the organization and by effect , will further increase the quality of their work in general. We
may conclude that no organization is perfect, hence, improvement is not an option but a duty,
and both must seek to do so as their responsibility purposely and mainly involves the safety of
the people residing in the Nation or Country.

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