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6) -Orrcet cumcuton >. & is used asa teaching plan _ bo implement a Cuniculen process Chyoygh standarcused and i stuchoed — cantent acteroling. tothe _leamer!s age ,and. | abiGhy. Taug hE Curviecttom Tt eraples educators fe plan actwites accercling a Kme frame and emphasized the Coterenoy g Cumeutom — Consiciening the Sccieteatl_ Context focused rc Received — Cunicutom =- Te heips cducats fe assess _leamers to determine _ their level oP onclerstanoling of spreif& Sallis and guide _ their_thineng thieygh eveiluxtve progress cheae - 9 Hhoden Garriculem fe crables eavcates ta integrate School ihe lice to seciatise, ra be chseip ined thresh leoming ackvibes » ' & — Quesron 5 - QO) OFFicial Curmciurn 2 fe is a written docurnent with o Planned Courses 3 of study which is hicrarchicalty styuchsred sequencing - ON established rmeciel, methods cind evaluation . For erample the Naronal Curicuionn Framewens Cnc F) Tough Curent < — _ The tougne Curicalom ts the implementa hon ¢F she ____uritten _Gumcutum __fécaising in. the selechin andl ___ Sequencing oP teaching _ackvies Comprising. iinporany elements oF Centon, ideas , rrawledige Gnd seills,, exemple the leseen_plon = the Recewed Cumentin fh refs 0 trowleage and urcersioncing thas the learmer_has teamed at the end fa plonned acrvihy 1 emphasizing en tte_experenaes provicled. by teachers ‘ond___throeghintenaed Curriculum Hidden Curriculuen Te refers to a_sek of lessena whch are beamed bot | not_openty intercied tought In schools in terns ¢ scheo} Gulwe sch G8 language, meet! arc i behavior i ‘ i ' > moclet Mayes in a Circular mation thot reinforce Previous Steps prioritising prior Pnowledge, bills | ard behaviors °) Advantages :- ) the “cyclical: macol emphasizes the sifveutionct! ona sis as a preliminary step asi ik enables edecaters to indomerites new Infarmation inte the Curvicolomn — FR erample, neu teaching met hodolegie: 2) the @yctical mode! has a feed bace mechanism that enable teachers to review | their ockvity. a : Adapted foaching Shategies and methods, thus _ ik hetps to use the _infermahion recewed in _arctor fo acape a remedial or fellow oP _aenmity by exposing. leamers fa cuiffent teaming oppraactes. ife - evaluahon fe not terminal. £ Discdvantages :- ‘ : ' | ) “ihe cyclical macel is a bWme Consuming process _ “ ' ee As new infermahon are aolapted the teaming _ i Sbpoves are pot attained! ata spo time. leomue | lose _Intecedt 2) the Cycuicetl_moctel _ the received the Carreok ts UFRaut bo lacate ewhere & leorer in _ushich step the: learrer lid rot | inf®emation . 2 = b) Qves bon *Y tke seyouical Nec! of Wheeler and Nicholls The Cyclical Cumentum rmoctet Proposed a 5- stage Model emphasing the ayctical nahre of the Qurscutum process the Cyclic macdel emphasizes the InctusieA of a Sianonal anatysis that Senos as G prelimdnary atep bo introduce” an effective Contextyct! Tunmeuinm process hy Considering anal Gecomadanng Curent changes, be mare leaming More _ responsive fer Fxample the school Situatons livety che learner's needs. Re Selecnon of Ojechues that Should be lagical and reatishe bosed en the content to enable student develop required scillg, Considering the changes adapted in the Situahonal analysis. TRe_ Selection: anal orcpiniscihon of content 1s! “classified through the Conaidleribon of _seleckue _objeckves, clepencting on this step, the content shavid aneinged in lagical oreler From Simple to Complex that prometes_and Ruhl the pecds ef the Scpery thragh ssitable , authentic ond Comprehensive matter and shad toe accercting to the mental level of shelents. fhe setechen arel_orgonisaton of leaming pee expenences ts arranged bo promake cesve panapanen Pf leames hy creakng ackuties thak include an inkracucken, applicabian ard Prochee to heip (eames devetep _inclependent _thineing. In the evaluakon step, the leamer's prgress ts based vpon the previoas step abort how she learning cackviby has. been introdwed , uxis there clear explanaken and. clid he leamer had enowgh time ond pace bo apply his tenavledge the cysticat Page @ 2 ice . Seckon 8 Question 3 A_Gimeulum is a standard based sequence ef cutlined cenceprs here stuslents proche ond copie specie rrowledige ancl Seite Tk iso setecnon «fF wfermanen segega inte disaplined_ goats, mevtoss Trovenals ond ascessmene ef teaching andl leaming Preess which heips teachers to plan an cligned and schievobic educateral abyectve fe tare keaching and earring Consistent, for example, it can be a pack yearly. sytobes ore. C Nef) Wweerty Aesecn plans £c cr the smgouum Romer 1) TRe Cumicutom helps to teep wp with the chargicg wend bby rratting Leacking and leamin Consistere rel Wiele meas targets engage teamers 0, an aligned trae acne learning: Tt teaching plan fir invalring _keachers. cotlabortnen , ommenihes aral seciety ! Resources Needed wrong | = Flash cards ef cinimatls - Technolegical tool | Proce clues 4nerocluchon - | - Explaining the ackwity, briefing the leaming sbjeckues leamers should do animals movement C hopping, ronning and waning ) Lesson development » - Questioning their Prior (enouslealge { — Proodeng mevements [by interachng andl taring bom, they bsten . Conctusion of lesson :- t — Recap of ockvity, by asting and leaming by aleing thot they have leame. Evaluctinon + ~leamers have been able ty cevelop their Loactiy movements and Coordination Follow- ~? Goku) ty t = Arssassiqg children cused on cinincly's marement. Qveston 2 + leseon plan Subject > Science Subtopic Animals { ' Date 19 August 9091 | pes to aa | Place Classroom ow lj oe Qurabon: US min | a _ 4 ge group” 3 ype of activity: Group aatvity | \ | Ain To develop Prysical Coorcinanon and healthy hobts Leaming oulcomes At the endl cf the activity learners should! be able to? — Develop motor Sells Develop and demensnake ltskening grille Social Stcttls C born, aring) | Line with other areas of learning Nain area of, teaming: — Bely and Environmental Anwaweness = Commonieaion, language anal Gtoragy, leamer clo have tcnowlecge ff name ce Prior Enowledge Animals, motor Stills are developing - Te aching strakeges : — Teacher- led achwity Chele encour gos steent— centered, hands-on learning « Idi * sl He in_kerms. “eF Ceachi ee hee NJ Strategies | Concenc, Crills Secercing fe what the leamer hes 9 the learning prcess, And _behavieors tearne | ‘%_Ams, Geets_and objeckes -- Lt helps educates to promote efcnue learnins Qnel_ teaching process. Constckng achievable Measerable tearing objechves accarcing to leamer's age, and lever of uunderstonaling Subject Content » TK guticles ectucatts by provicting duthentic, relevant and artculated syitabus_ te Pon a sequence lesson pion leoming epeiences - Te heips edecans te plon keaching ackvibes based sn learmer's intewst, age and abiity, adapbng group cbsausson or role play Evatvanon :- Te heips educates assess outrome or ras leamers — thragh dbsencthon ara Farmathve assessment corning Poss | | | | | | ier Shes AEE Te een oe 2 ig ® 4) Evaluchon is the mediom that Serves to idendfy Tk hips edicams bs plan teaching achvitos the quauty ard effctveness of the [earning Powss in berms of teoching Strategies , Content, Sills Gard lehavieess acrarchng fe what the leamer has learnt in the learning prcess. Be Aims, Goals and objeckues - It heips educates to prmete effechve learning One teaching process fry Conatwenng achievable measurable teaming objeches accercing fe kamer's oe Bbjeck Content Te guises eaecatrs by provicting Guthentic, relevent and ormulated syllabus fe Plan a sequerce lesen pion agen | based sn leamer's intewst, age ard abuity, Odaphng grep cbeasson or role play Evoteanon'- Te heips educates assess outrome or OS of leamers — thragh dbyenaken ana rmahve sessment Quesso0 a ay) Aims, goes: objec SS 5) Suloject pater OF cancen® f Learning experiences f tvaluahon jock dos Oo bi fhe aims goals and objectves gerve ® | srancacciset Wwritken vision gca cement eho an em pirical! study of che sede Chak represen khe intended in Khe learning roceSS 2 for cuore CN ck): | is eased pen and the leaner. objec bve$ and example Wasendt oa LS camcoiom flor the rection ic is arranged ing Khe pies ef content fs set ancl aeryctocally oy consicient Tearners acd princi | 2) the sebject mater OF bo accornpuish ejecthues logically cindl mentes of —sociey: require learning - ® keacking ancl e the Inkerackens 3) «The learning expenences 4 be external Cancti bons etween the leamer ard & tn the — environrnen® to which he can reock Or create an acon oP acquing in farrneon 5 rranipalasing and using clwerse teaching Page 2 of \\ rd learnitg metho doleg ies. Programme Nome = Early chidhocd Care and Educakon Medele Mame = Girmcolom and Pedegegy in Canty chilahood: Hodule code = Ovbeo20223 Nome cf Condidare :- Howtar keyal Learner 1) * 201905901 Name of fotor = Nr. Gooathad Chandan Dare ond time of Exominahon : 19 August So! 04:30 1130 | | |

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