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a l k about
your parents, CE
their names brothers or sisters. Think about a Listen to Part 2. Greg tato.
what they do his family. Tick ( ) the
adjectives about them people he ta
CA Listen to Part 1.
his mother a
the people Greg talkS about his family.
he talks about. iCK his grandfather his granig
his grandparents in India his unde
Zaunt sister
uncle granddaughter
grandmother b 2AZ Put the life events in
the ce
grandchildren Lbrother grandfather
on the timeline. Lister again
and ect or
grandson parents
answers. check o
C Choose words 1 got married
in 1b to
complete Greg's family tree. 2 grandfather was born
d Cz8 Listen 3 grandmother finished work
Whose parentsagain
and check 4 photographer took the picture
your answers in lc.
were born in India?
5 went to university
e CzaA Pronunciation Listen 6 grandmother was born
to the sound of the marked
letters. Tick () the words that
but Ial. have the same sound as
cousin uncle aunt
grandmother grandson 1937 1958
T Look at the 1939 1962
family tree again. Who can say these sentences: 320
Write the names.
1 'Alice is my aunt.'
Grea. Ella. Rick NATHAN SALLY
2 'Ravi's our uncle.'
'Ella's our granddaughter. eq,la, Rick
Sally athon
Rick, Ella and Greg are our cousins.'
TA Kick KarKavI
5Sally and Nathan are our grandparents.' arcsEla,
6 We've got
three grandchildren.' allyAlAho'n
g Draw your own family tree. Show it to your partner and
talk about how many people there are.
gindiather arandn

- Suncle Father Mother



a Match phrases
bWrite down five different times in numbers. Ask your hundred

l hundred
partner to say your times. 2 one million

and twenty
3 one
C Now go back to p.23 4 a / o n e million
thousand one
5 one
thousand twc
6A Years and dates 6 one

hundred and thirtyth

the months in the correct order. Listen 7 one
a CEE3 Put t h o u s a n d one

and check. Listen again and repeat. 8 one thc

six hundred
9 five million thre
thousand and
September /sep'temba/ April/'eipral/ 10 a/one
June/dgu:n/ e 108
November /nau'vembo/ January/dzænjori a 120
August/>:gost/ February /'februari f 1,C
b 1,003
December /dr'semba/ May /me March /ma:tf/ 8 15
c 1,100
October /ok'touba/ Julydzul'a1/ h 5,6
d 100,000

b 253 Complete the sentences with in or on. Listenh b B46 Look at these phm
phrases (sometimes twic
and check.
again and repeat.
1 We were in Australia n 2012.
2 My birthday's o n the nineteenth of June. and
1 340 = three hundred for
Our next holiday'sLa May.
2 2,002 two thousand te

C Correct the dates. Then write them in number form. 3 45,800 forty-five thous

the 4 381,245 =three hundre

1 The next meeting's on'twelfth of April.
12 Aprile tevoforst
2 Our party's on Saturday the twenty-one February.
of February. + 5 2,000,670 =two million
3 We werein Canada in twenty oh seven. (21 tebruur
Te 15 680.430 fifteen m
neuc4 Next Saturday's the seventh July. thescuenth of l afour hundred thirty
(2o07)5 I was at university until one thousand nine hundred and
C Write down a number b
ninety-eight. ninetech nincty-eig t (1998)
6 l'd like to reserve a single room on second of December. 600 and 699
tht ac (ond of Decemó er 2 ecenmbe) 3,001 and 3010
d Think of two people in your family and two friends.
Write down their names. d Ask a partner to say yo

eTell a partner the birthdays of the four people. e Now go back to p.1C
Can they match the bithdays with the names?

fNowgo back to p.61

Name:Juto Pablb Agoa
Grammar Focus
Past simple:
the correct word.
Underline C Put the
words in the correct order
awere on holiday last week.
to make
was you born? questions.
Where were 1 born
tnere any eggs in the fridge? /you / where/ were?
Wasn't/ Wereni
wasnt/ weren t at college yesterday; I was ill in bed.
Where were you born
good/ film / was/ the ?
5 There were
was a lot of people in the queue.
triends late?
was/ Were your 3
6 Why a lot of / there/
party/ werel people / at / the ?
there a laptop on the desk?
Was/ Were
your children born?
R When Was were 4
grandmother's / was/ name/ your /what ?
2ewrite the sentences so that they are about the past.
5 school/ at / were /
Re yesterday l you ?
1 My
father's a manager. My father was a manager
2 They
aren t friends.
B No, he isn't.
6 was/ your hotel /a
pool/ at/ there?
3 A ls your grandtatherrich?
Wa and Esd hru Ytch Na, he waNt
We're at school togetherleuerd dt shool oqet d Now go back to p.61
5 It's a
beautiful day. twus u beuutfal d
6 My teacher's name's Miss Smith. touthrr's nume wa Hls Snmuth
7 She isn't at
home. he wnt c a
8 There are 20 people in my class.hMe Uere20 r o p l e in my l a s
9 I'm nottired
10 A Areyou happy? B Yes, Iam.Wgeyau hapoy Ye, we

6B Past simple: positive

a Write R (regular) or / (irregular) after each verb. C Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of
Use the list on page 176 to help you. the verbs in brackets.
1 arrive R 11 have When I was child,
a we had an old computer
2 become 12 like K (have)
3 buy 13 plan 2 TheyDeciMe_good friends in 1976 and they stayed
4 Come 14 play Kk friends for many years. (become)
5 cook 15 spend 3 1lost my phone for about a week, but then I
6 decide R 16 tell Iaungit under my bed! (find)
7 enjoy R 17 try R 4 She tald me an amazing story about Steve
8 find 18 win Jobs. (tell)
9 finish K 19 work 5 It was a very difficult match, but in the end we
10 go 20 write On (win)
6 My uncle was a famous writer. He o e b o o k s
D Write the past simple forms of the regular verbs in a. for children. (write)
Be careful with spelling! 71 haalaT my first computer in 1995. (buy)
arived 81 enafora walk yesterday. (go)
9 When I 9 t home, I checked my emails. (get)

alat d Correct one spelling mistake in each sentence.

1 He plaied volleyball when he was young

2 1 buyed a new bed yesterday and it cost £450.

3 Irealy liket the concert on Saturday

4 She eated a piece of cake with her colfee

an email about the new cOurse

They gotten

home last weekernd

6 We dicIde to stay at

eNow go back to p 63

MMAR Past simple: positive verbs
Past simple irregular
form of verbs 1-5 in
the past use the past simple
erline a Hannah and Charlie
in their conversation. Match them
text. verbs in the box
with 1-9.
Lwent bspent gotf made told3
3 live
cost 2ate
4 decide q came
1 bought g
5 ove 4 go 7 make
1 buy
the rule. 2 eat 5 cost 8 get
t 6 spend 9 Come
or 3 tell
of regular verbs add
the past simple
To form
bNow go to Vocabulary Focus 6B on p.163
Listen to the infinitive and the past
of the verbs in la. Which two verbs
have an
C Use the verbs go, eat, buy, make and getto talk
cimple form the past? about things you did:
extra syllable in
yesterday last week .lastyear
with two sounds.
.last night
Complete therule

edendings have
an extra syllable /hd only after .and 5 SPEAKING
the text
a C262 Read about Becky's hobby. Complete
verbs in the box.
Practise say1ngthese past simple forms.
with the past simple form of the
258 Listen and check your answers.
extra syllable: Listen and check your
Which have an
answers. listen have start
play buy like
looked waited arrived finished
wanted remembered needed
hobby was playing the piano. I only
When I was young my
past simple form of verbs 1-4 in His family Ked jazz not modern or classical music. My parents
Underline the old and
secret. Are these verbs regular
or irregular? hougn me a piano when Iwas eightyears
lot of
2 find 3 make 4 become 3Stared lessons then. They4Mad a

have jazz CDs and I always temd to them. So they were

happy for me to play jazz. |°lay£d_jazz piano allthe
g Now go to Grammar Focus 6B on p.146 music.
time. I still play the piano now and jazz is still my favourite

3 LISTENING b Think of a hobby you had when

you were a child. Make notes.
a Steve Jobs' when he was a child was electronics.
hobby Read Becky's example in 5a
Tick () the hobbies you did when you were a child. to help you. Think about:
reading taking photos what you did
drawing pictures playing the guitar how your parents helped you
Can you think of other hobbies?
C Talk with a partner
about your childh0od
bC258 Listen to Hannah and Charlie. hobby. Start the
What were their childhood hobbies?
conversation with
this question.
C253 Listen again and complete the notes
about Hannah and Charlie.
What was your hobby
Hannah Charlie when you were a child?

hobby details basketball cakes

parents' problem
Oanmes Money
nOW She docatbok biats
ond uky
1-Fill the gaps with was/wasn't/were/weren't 2-Makequestions
Peter: Where were you last summer, Sally? In
1-How many. restaurants

Italy? There were two restaurants.

Sally: No, I
in Italy.Iwasin London. 2- Was a cafe in the street ?
Peter:were you alone? Yes, there was a café.
were there two swimming pools here ?
Sally: No, 1_wasn't.IWO 3-
with my parents. I was at The Yes, there were two swimming pools.
Bridge Hotel'. was the weather So bad

Peter: Wow! I think that's a nice hotel!w it No, the weather was great.
were a lot of places to visit
Sally: Yes,it was _ lovely. There was a golf Yes, there were a lot of places to visit.
court, there were two swimming pools, there 6-What was the flight
a very good restaurant and also there The flight was quite and pleasant.
were two cafés. 7 Was there a bank near the hotel,
Peter: Oh! That sounds great! w a s the No, there wasn't a bank near the hotel.
restaurant good?
Sally: Yes, itwas 3-Circle the correct option.
Peter: And what were the rooms like?,
were 1-The weather was/were nice in Paris.
they nice and comfortable?
Sally: Yes, they were And they_were _big!
2-There was/werea lot of interesting places
There was a mini bar and tovisit in Amsterdam.
3-Sandy was/ a thome last night
past siMple/was were-there was-there_
restaurant good? np31632mnz
Sally: Yes, it was
Peter: And what were
3-Circle the correct option.
the rooms like?
they nice and comfortable? 1-The weather was/were nice in Paris.
Sally: Yes, they were And they 2-There was/were a lot of
were big! interesting places
Was a mini bar and to visit in Amsterdam.
there was a big television 3-Sandy was/wasntat home last night
with a flat screen but there was a CD player. because she /wasn't at a party.
Peter: was there a computer in the room? 4-Tom's friends wasn t/weren t tired
Sally: No, there wasnt yesterday
5-In the room there was/were two beds.
Peter: And Was
the weather nice?
6-I was/wasihapPy because it rained the
Sally: It w a s bad. In fact,
it was ok because it
whole week. It was/wasn'tterrible!
only rained 7-My parents were/weren't sad because my
one day. The temperature was mild, ft V sister was/wasn't here on their anniversary.
too hot. I don't like the heat. 8-There wasn t/werent any milk in the
Peter Oxford Street very busy?
Sally: Yes, it was It is busy all year. 9-No, it was/wasn ta big house. It
Peter: So you had a great time in London. was/wasn't quite small.
Sally: Yes, absolutely. 10-There Was/were a piano in the room.
London isa very nice city. 11-Your mother was/were very happy to
aunt Mary.
see my
12-Was/werethere any books on that shelf?
Yes, there was/wr one book.

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