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Safety Of Life At Sea, is the most important

convention of all international maritime
conventions. SOLAS is a maritime safety standard
that must be applied to certain sized merchant
vessels and is the parent for the issuance of various
standards (codes) for ship construction, equipment,
and operations.
Safety Of Life At Sea, merupakan konvensi paling penting dari
seluruh konvensi internasional tentang kemaritiman. SOLAS
menjadi standar keselamatan maritim yang wajib diterapkan
pada kapal niaga (merchant vessel) berukuran tertentu dan
menjadi induk bagi terbitnya berbagai standar (code) bagi
kontruksi kapal, peralatan, dan pengoperasian.

The tragedy of the Titanic inspired various efforts to evaluate

shipping safety standards until the first SOLAS conference was
held in 1914.
Tenggelamnya kapal Titanic setelah menabrak gunung es pada
14 April 1912, Tragedi Titanic menginspirasi berbagai upaya
mengevaluasi standar keselamatan pelayaran hingga
diselenggarakannya konfrensi pertama.
Solas conference in 1974 Resulted in the 1974 SOLAS
convention whose format is still valid today.
Konferensi solas pada tahun 1974 Menghasilkan konvensi
SOLAS 1974 yang formatnya berlaku hingga saat ini.

solas is an international maritime treaty that sets minimum

safety standard in the contruction, equipment, and operation
of merchant ships.
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
(MARPOL) is an international convention that contains the prevention and
pollution of the marine environment by ships.

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
adalah konvensi internasional yang berisi tentang pencegahan dan pencemaran
lingkungan laut oleh kapal

MARPOL 73/78 number 73 as the year of signing the convention, and number 78
as the year of the convention

MARPOL 73/78 angka 73 sebagai tahun penandatanganan konvensi tersebut, dan

angka 78 sebagai tahun konvensi tersebut

Annex I  Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil

Annex II  Regulations for the Control of  Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances
in Bulk  

Annex III Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in

Packaged Form

Annex IV Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships

Annex V Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships 

Annex VI Prevention of  Air Pollution from Ships

Annes VII Ballast Water

Lampiran I Peraturan untuk Pencegahan Pencemaran Minyak

Lampiran II Peraturan untuk Pengendalian Pencemaran oleh Zat Cair Beracun

dalam Jumlah Besar
Lampiran III Pencegahan Pencemaran oleh Zat Berbahaya yang Dibawa Melalui
Laut dalam Bentuk Kemasan

Lampiran IV Pencegahan Pencemaran oleh Limbah dari Kapal

Lampiran V Pencegahan Pencemaran oleh Sampah dari Kapal

Lampiran VI Pencegahan Pencemaran Udara dari Kapal

Lampiran VII Air Ballast

The International Convention on standards for training,
certification and watchkeeping for seafarers (or STCW), 1978
establishes standard qualifications for captains, officers and
guards on board merchant ships sailing
Konvensi Internasional tentang standar latihan, sertifikasi dan
dinas jaga untuk pelaut (atau STCW), 1978 menetapkan
kualifikasi standar untuk kapten, perwira dan petugas penjaga
diatas kapal niaga yang berlayar
STCW Convention chapters
Chapter I: General provisions
Chapter II: Master and deck department
Chapter III: Engine department
Chapter IV: Radiocommunication and radio personnel
Chapter V: Special training requirements for personnel on
certain types of ships
Chapter VI: Emergency, occupational safety, medical care and
survival functions
Chapter VII: Alternative certification
Chapter VIII: Watchkeeping
Bab I: Ketentuan Umum
Bab II: Departemen master dan dek
Bab III: Bagian mesin
Bab IV: Komunikasi radio dan personel radio
Bab V: Persyaratan pelatihan khusus untuk personel pada jenis
kapal tertentu
Bab VI: Fungsi darurat, keselamatan kerja, perawatan medis,
dan kelangsungan hidup
Bab VII: Sertifikasi alternatif
Bab VIII: Dinas jaga

The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
1972 were published by the International Maritime
Organization and set out, among other things, the "rules of
the road" or rules of navigation that ships and other ships
must follow at sea to prevent collisions between two or more
Peraturan Internasional untuk Mencegah Tabrakan di Laut
1972 diterbitkan oleh Organisasi Maritim Internasional dan
menetapkan, antara lain, "aturan jalan" atau aturan navigasi
yang harus diikuti oleh kapal dan kapal lain di laut untuk
mencegah tabrakan antara dua atau lebih banyak kapal.
The COLREGs include four annexes:
 Annex I - Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes
 Annex II - Additional signals for fishing vessels fishing in close
 Annex III - Technical details of sounds signal appliances
Annex IV - Distress signals, which lists the signals indicating
distress and need of assistance.

The ISM Code is a Safety Management System standard for
the safe operation of ships and for the prevention of pollution
at sea. In essence, this ISM Code aims to ensure safety at sea,
prevent accidents or deaths, and also prevent damage to the
environment and ships.
16 Elements of Ism CODE.

1. General
2. Safety and environmental protection policy
3. Company responsibilities and authorities
4. Designated person
5. Responsibilities and powers of the Master
6. Resources and manpower
7.Development of ship operations
8. Preparedness for emergencies
9. Reporting and analyzing non-conformance of accidents and
dangerous events
10.Maintenance of ships and equipment
12.Company review and evaluation verification
13.Certificate Verification and Supervision
14. Temporary certification
15.Certificate form

Kode ISM adalah standar Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan

untuk pengoperasian kapal yang aman dan untuk pencegahan
polusi di laut. Pada intinya, ISM Code ini bertujuan untuk
menjamin keselamatan di laut, mencegah kecelakaan atau
kematian, dan juga mencegah kerusakan lingkungan dan kapal.
16 Elemen KODE ISM.
1. Umum
2. Kebijakan keselamatan dan perlindungan lingkungan
3. Tanggung jawab dan wewenang perusahaan
4. Orang yang ditunjuk
5. Tanggung jawab dan kekuasaan Master
6. Sumber daya dan tenaga kerja
7.Pengembangan operasional kapal
8. Kesiapsiagaan untuk keadaan darurat
9. Melaporkan dan menganalisis ketidaksesuaian kecelakaan
dan kejadian berbahaya
10. Pemeliharaan kapal dan perlengkapannya
12. Ulasan perusahaan dan verifikasi evaluasi
13. Verifikasi dan Pengawasan Sertifikat
14. Sertifikasi sementara
15.Bentuk sertifikat
Tugas cadet
Deck Cadets and Their Duties
Deck cadets (deck apprentices) are cadets who practice the
deck section. During the twelve months on board the activities
are divided as follows:

For the first three months, I worked daily with the bosun. Here
the cadet deck starts:
Get acquainted with the parts of the ship and their functions.
Learn about daily work, especially ship maintenance and
sounding the tanks.

The second three months take care of the third officer. Deck
cadets learn about the duties and responsibilities of a third
commander at sea and in port. Together with the captain of
the three deck cadets will:
Learn to make ship conditions
Maintain safety equipment, such as lifeboats, fire
extinguishers, etc.
While on guard at sea, deck cadets will practice navigation,
keeping journals.
During front-back standby (anchoring, docking, departing
maneuvers), deck cadets will learn commands from bridge to
bow regarding anchoring or mooring lines and actions to be
taken at the bow.
If the third officer is in charge of handling ship documents and
crew documents, then deck cadets will learn what certificates
or documents are on board and what needs to be done before
they expire.

The third three months take care of the second officer.

Together with the commander of the two deck cadets, they
will learn the duties and responsibilities of the second
commander. Deck cadets can:
Improve navigation knowledge.
Learn how to use and maintain navigation equipment.
Make noon reports, correct maps, manage publications and
ship drugs.
In terms of making a noon report, the cadet deck will meet
terms such as distance, total distance, distance to go,
steaming time, total steaming time, sea speed, average speed.
An important part in making a noon report is how to calculate
the estimated arrival (ETA) at the port of destination.
During front-back standby (maneuver berth, depart) the deck
cadet learns to understand the commands from the bridge
regarding the ship's ropes and the actions that need to be
taken at the stern.

The fourth three months take care of the 1st officer. This is the
last period of cadet sailing practice on the ship. Here the deck
cadet will:
Learn the duties and responsibilities of the commander 1.
Gain knowledge of loading and unloading systems and their
Understand ship stability, ship construction and building, etc.

Kadet Deck dan Tugasnya

Kadet deck (deck apprentice) adalah taruna praktek bagian
deck. Selama dua belas bulan di kapal kegiatannya dibagi sbb:
Tiga bulan pertama ikut kerja harian bersama bosun. Di sini
kadet deck mulai:
Berkenalan dengan bagian-bagian kapal dan fungsinya.
Belajar tentang pekerjaan harian khususnya perawatan kapal
dan sounding tanki-tanki.

Tiga bulan kedua ikut jaga mualim tiga. Kadet deck belajar
mengenai tugas dan tanggung jawab mualim tiga saat di laut
dan di pelabuhan. Bersama mualim tiga kadet deck akan:
Belajar membuat ship condition
Merawat alat-alat keselamatan, seperti sekoci, pemadam, dll.
Saat jaga di laut, kadet deck akan berlatih bernavigasi, mengisi
Pada saat standby muka-belakang (maneuver berlabuh,
sandar, berangkat), kadet deck akan mempelajari perintah-
perintah dari anjungan ke haluan mengenai operasi jangkar
(anchoring) atau tali-tali kapal (mooring lines) dan tindakan
yang harus dilakuan di haluan.
Jika mualim tiga bertugas mengurusi surat-surat kapal dan
dokumen crew, maka kadet deck akan belajar sertifikat atau
dokumen apa saja yang ada di kapal dan apa yang perlu
dilakukan sebelum expire.

Tiga bulan ketiga ikut jaga mualim dua. Bersama mualim dua
kadet deck akan mempelajari tugas dan tangung jawab mualim
dua. Kadet deck dapat:
Meningkatkan pengetahuan bernavigasinya.
Belajar cara menggunakan dan merawat peralatan navigasi.
Membuat noon report, mengoreksi peta, mengelola publikasi
dan obat kapal.
Dalam hal membuat noon report, kadet deck akan berjumpa
dengan istilah seperti distance, total distance, distance to go,
steaming time, total steaming time, sea speed, average speed.
Bagian penting dalam membuat noon report adalah
bagaimana menghitung estimasi tiba (ETA) di pelabuhan
Pada saat standby muka-belakang (maneuver sandar,
berangkat) kadet deck belajar memahami perintah-perintah
dari anjungan menyangkut tali-tali kapal dan tindakan yang
perlu dilakukan di buritan.
Tiga bulan keempat ikut jaga mualim 1. Ini adalah periode
terakhir praktek berlayar kadet di kapal. Di sini kadet deck
Mempelajari tugas dan tanggung jawab mualim 1.
Mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang sistem bongkar muat dan
Memahami stabilitas kapal, konstruksi dan bangunan kapal, dll.
Alat keselamatan di atas kapal
1. Lifebuoy
2. Life jacket
3. Immersion suit
4. Life boat
5. Distress red flare
6. Parachute signal
7. Liferaft
8. Line thowwing apparatus
9. Smoke signal

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