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Globalization is a critical focus in our contemporary society. Regardless of the dynamics

of globalization's inevitable interconnection, these forces are heavily affected by an economic
theory known as "economic neoliberalism" (Nagan,2016). Neoliberalism is a free-market
capitalism ideology that advocates for lower government spending, deregulation, globalization,
free trade, and privatization. Its goal is for the government to transfer control over economic
matters to the private sector. Neoliberalism has been chastised for restricting social services, over
empowering companies, and aggravating economic disparities (Longley, 2021 & Rodrick, 2017).

Based on the assumption that proponents of neoliberal capitalism frequently assert that
their policy model can expedite a more equitable distribution of wealth from the top to the
bottom of society, many studies contend that it entrenches the constant accumulation of wealth
by the largest corporations, faltering democratic institutions. This, in turn, adds to the
maldistribution of wealth resources in both established and developing economies, resulting in a
widening of the income gap between the richest and lowest earners. of the income gap between
the highest and the lowest-earning members of the society. Furthermore, this ideology pervades
other sectors such as education and health, resulting in further neoliberal policies that worsen
people's suffering, particularly among the poor. As a result, policies that are anti-poor and anti-
people are becoming increasingly prevalent. Finally, this allows megacorporations to monopolize
the market; thus, leaving the micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) for little to
nothing (Rodrick, 2017)

Using a framework such as this that influences globalization makes growth extremely

difficult. This is also a major stumbling obstacle in the way of a successful and prosperous
sustainable development plan. Consequently, nations should choose a different course to attain
true progress. As the world community gears up for the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable
Development Goals, or SDGs, which were unanimously accepted by member nations, with the
goal of ending poverty and hunger by 15 years. Although the purpose is admirable, such an
initiative is viewed useless because a development strategy should not be universal because each
country has unique aspects to account (Johri, 2016). There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all
method to development. Therefore, academics recommend that countries pursue human-centered
development. The concept of human-centered development indicates that economic development
should be prioritized with a specific focus on human (Nagan, 2016). UNICEF also recognized
the enormous potential of the human-centered approach, which is a novel way of addressing
societal concerns and particularly terrible difficulties by putting people at the center. Human-
centered design (HCD) is a problem-solving method that starts with a knowledge and
understanding of the human dynamics and context that encompasses a problem. It necessitates
direct collaboration with those who use or offer the service or product in order to produce new
ideas that are viable and relevant in their frame of reference.

While it may seem obvious, communities' true needs are frequently overlooked in foreign
development attempts. Stakeholders are frequently the last persons to be considered regarding
actions that affect their life especially those on the developing countries. Leaders are so
consumed with keeping up with globalization that they neglect the people. Moreover, the people
have little say on the country's path of action towards development. The leader has complete
control over the creation and implementation of the plan, which almost always flops and doesn't
reach its goals. Human-centered projects should be the cornerstone to attaining the SDGs as
countries fight to eliminate severe poverty and boost development. It starts with empathy and
collaborates with the community. Most notably, it considers human factors through designing
solutions in consultation with the communities that designers serve, taking into account human
needs, capacity, perception, and culture. The promotion of this kind of discussion with the
people harness social solidarity, hence generating an environment suitable to growth (UNESCO,
2012). The process is slowed by the time and resources spent on empathizing, ideating, and
iteration. Due to the bottom-up and user-driven approach, design thinking has also failed to
become the dominant strategy for development initiatives, making solutions far more difficult to
scale. Despite its greater initial expenses, HCD has a huge long-term benefit and avoids the
problems that have led to the failure of far too many well-intentioned development projects. Top-
down techniques to development have been overemphasized in the past, ignoring local
conditions, and resulting in an abundance of misguided projects. As a result, the developing
world is littered with abandoned schools, half-built wells, and empty health centers.

This type of strategy is appropriate and necessary in a country like the Philippines. The
country is currently confronted with a slew of challenges. Leaders, on the other hand, continue to
provide only band-aid solutions and push for growth plans that are not based on the interests of
the masses. If the nation continues to enforce such kind of development plan, we will get
nowhere the goal we want. This sort of activity wastes the country's resources, lives, and time.
Due to corruption, pandemic, and government incompetence, the country is undergoing its worst
economic recession since martial law was declared. Poverty rose to 23.7 percent in 2022, up
from 21.1 percent in 2018. The number of Filipinos living in poverty has now surpassed 26
million, accounting for little under 25% of the population (CNA, 2022). Another important issue
that the Philippines is dealing with, and that will continue to be a problem for many years to
come, is debt. According to the Bureau of the Treasury, the Philippine government's outstanding
debt reached 11.7 trillion pesos ($229 billion) at the end of December, up a fifth from a year ago.
In 2021, the debt-to-GDP ratio increased to 60.5 percent, up from 54.6 percent the year before
(Bloobmerg, 2022). This downturn in the economy has resulted in a rise in the country's
unemployment rate. The country's jobless rate has risen to 6.6 percent, accounting to 3.27
million Filipinos, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority. Furthermore, corruption has
exacerbated the country's current situation. According to Transparency International's report, the
Philippines fell 14 places to 113th place in the 2019 corruption perception index from its prior
rank of 99 in 2018. With a score of 34, the Philippines' efforts to combat corruption have largely
remained static since 2012. All of these issues have repercussions in other areas of society,
including education, health, and the environment. Bearing this in mind, it is now, more than ever,
vital to advocate for better solutions and development plans.


This course of plan is based on Human-Centered Development incorporated with a few

modifications. The sustainable plan should be taken with leniency since it is premade. Thus, can
be subjected to changes based on the needs of the people. However, it is expected that most of
these plans are already appropriate because they were derived from studies and also adopted
from other countries but made adjustment to be appropriate to the Philippines. The whole plan is
aimed to be implemented and achieved for the next 10 years (2032) but will keep progressing
even after those years.

The people's voice is extremely crucial in these long-term goals. As to why empowering
people by listening to them, conducting educational dialogues, and encouraging them to
participate is pivotal to the success of this. Ultimately, an inspiring and servant-leader is vital to
lead this development plan.

1. Tapat: Ending Rampant Corruption

Government office involved

a. Bureau of Internal Revenue
b. Bureau of Treasury
c. Bureau of Local Government Finance
d. Commission on Audit
e. Department of Information Communication Technology
f. Department of Science and Technology
g. Ombudsman
h. Department of Justice

Appointment. The appointed official should be not driven by political agenda but based
on their record and capabilities. Deserving leader should be positioned into the palace and
different offices to ensure that the plans laid out will be prosperous.
Transparency. The government office both for finance and technology should
establish an accessible website with user-friendly interface to make country’s funds and
government expenditure transparent to the public. This will not only promote freedom to
information but also will be a big help to eradicate corruption.
Accountability. Public servant who will commit corruption should be sued and
given appropriate sanctions. No one should be above the law; thus, everyone would be
penalized if they are proven guilty.
People involvement. Citizens should take part in eradicating corruption by being
vigilant and raising their voices if they see acts that is against the law. However,
empowering the people should also comes with a pledge of their protection. They should
not be in any way subjected to state terror if they express dissent and expose certain
public officials for their wrong doings.
End 2023

Monitoring and evaluation

The department of finance should overlook this operation. The evaluation will
come from the people’s feedback on the site establish and also through analysis of the
engagement and experience gathered in the site.

2. PinTiG- “Pinagsama-samang tinig”: Heeding to the Public Needs and Problems

Government office involved

a. Department of Social Welfare and Development
b. Department of Interior and Local Government
c. National Economic and Development Authority
d. Philippine Statistics Authority
e. Philippine Institute for Development Studies

The heart of human-centered development is the voice of the people. In this
initiative, the government must do ground works to do detailed social investigation and
case analysis of the pressing problem that the masses experience. This can be done
through online forms, drop boxes, putting up desk, talking to communities, focus-group
discussion, and virtual consultation This will also include crafting of very intensive
reports that will also be made accessible to the public. Then use the data gathered in
making appropriate plan and actions.

Kilatis: Recalibrating the Plans Set through Listening to the Concerns and Comments of
the People.
In this underlying effort, the government will lay out the plans made based on the
data gathered from the people and then let them criticize it to further improve the pre-
structured sustainable plan.

First quarter of 2023

Monitoring and evaluation

Department of Social Welfare and Development should take upper hand in this
project. They should be the one to monitor and evaluate if the initiative is going where it
should be. The executive branch should also do a sort of micromanagement to supervise
in this matter since this is vital in the whole sustainable plan.

3. Pag-alpas: Revitalizing the Philippine Economy

Government office involved
a. Department of Finance
b. Department of Interior and Local Government
c. National Economic and Development Authority
d. Department of Budget and Management
e. Department of Agriculture
f. Department of Agrarian Reform

Proper budget allocation. It is also needed for the country to do analysis on the
allocation of budget. The government should put more budget on what is needed and
defund those offices that are useless. We should invest more on education, health, and
International Investors. Ideally, the first step should be the regaining of trust of
not only the Filipino people but also the other nations. It is important to establish trust
once again to attract investors and businesses that will create more job and will improve
our economy. This can only be done if the government have integrity and deemed
reliable to the eyes of the investors for them to be convinced to invest on the Philippines.
Boosting MSMEs. The government should also provide stimulus funds or
principal to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, recognized as backbone of economy,
for them to start again or develop their endeavor. Consequently, it is expected that these
companies will provide more jobs and income that will help boost the economy.
National Industrialization. The government should opt to national
industrialization to stop the cycle of import dependent, and export oriented of the goods
in the country. The government should invest on improving the industry of our own for
us to be able to sustain the needs of the Filipino people. Furthermore, we will be able to
utilize our abundant natural resources and raw materials for our own benefits. This will
save the country with bunch of money, will provide income and supply jobs.
Agriculture. The country should focus on the agricultural sector. They should
provide support to the farmers by buying their produce directly, letting them have a
market, giving education, granting financial aid, furnishing them with equipment and
materials for better farming and of course pushing for the genuine agrarian reform.
Technology. The world is rapidly forwarding and shifting to digital age. The
country must keep up. We are blessed with bunch of raw materials to make our own
technology and gadgets, we just need budget, people, and facilities to harness them.
Philippines should invest in this sector as it has a massive potential in sustaining our

By 2028

Monitoring and evaluation

The Department of Finance and National Economic and Development Authority
should be the one to monitor and evaluate the progress of this initiative.

4. Karunungan: Reforming and Refurbishing the Education System

Government office involved
a. Department of Education
b. Department of Science and Technology
c. Department of Budget and Management
d. Philippine Institute for Development Studies
e. Commission on Higher Education

Budget. Senate should increase the funds allocation on education should be
increased to be able to carry out actions that are necessary. This includes building more
schools and classrooms, dormitories, increasing salaries, adding more staff, buying of
school supplies and such.
Education system. Department of Education should refurbish the education
system to make it more pro-student and pro-poor. The education system should shift to be
more pro-student and science based. They should come up also with strategies that will
help the students to maximize learning.
Education curriculum. Philippines is lagging behind in terms of academics
compared to other countries. Therefore, it is important to assess the curriculum’s quality
and effectivity. Afterwards, recalibrate it and improve it based on what is better and
Upskilling. There are studies that revealed that Filipino’s skills abroad don’t meet
international standards. Furthermore, our fellowmen abroad are forced to work inferior to
their degree and desired job because they don’t meet the caliber required. With this,
providing education, training and seminars are needed for them to be competitive abroad,
if they decided to work there.
Research. Philippines has many excellent and intelligent scientist, engineer, and
researchers but they lack findings. Budget increase in sector of Research and
Development (R&D) to harness the potential of our own people and our natural
resources. Hopefully, in the future we will be able to discover our own medicine, vaccine,
technology and such.
Social education. It is very alarming how students forget the history that make
them susceptible to revisionism, disinformation, and black propaganda. Consequently,
they must be given form of education that will instill the history in their minds such as
museums, watching documentaries, hearing testimonies and the likes. Moreover, they
should be given educational discussion about societal problems to arm them with
knowledge to be involved in such matter.

End of 2030

Monitoring and evaluation

Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education should supervise
this program through the aid of Philippine Institute for Development Studies that can help
in evaluating the programs.

5. Paghinga: Promotion for Inclusive and Better Health Care for All
Government office involved
a. Department of Health
b. Department of Budget and Management
c. Department of Finance
d. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation

Facilities. More public health institutions should be built across the country
especially for mental health. They government should ensure that almost every barrio and
sitios have their own health clinic with health practitioner to keep them in check and also,
they can provide medical help in case of emergency. Having public health institutions
will allow the people to have access to health care without worrying of the financial
expenses. The clinics and hospitals should also be given necessary high-tech and
innovative materials and equipment that they need for taking care of the public.
Rapid Response. The health response in the Philippines very slow that they
arrive at site of emergency or cater the patient very late. That’s why we should increase
number of ambulances, health vehicles and first-aid response team. We should also put
up a centralized hotline [like 911] number that people can call. The hotline operator will
be the one to dispatch the nearest emergency team.
Health Professionals. We should provide more competitive wages to the health
professionals for them not to be forced to work abroad or change profession. They should
also be given not only training, seminars and upskilling but also breaks they need. Lastly,
they should be provided with proper gears and materials they need such as PPEs,
vitamins, health checks and the likes.
Health Care. Access to health should be available to everyone. The
PHILHEALTH should be probed for its corruption and then restructured with new leader
to ensure that this time it will serve the people. The masses should be presented with
variety of health insurance and payment options. In this case, Filipinos will have
insurance that will help them pay hospital bills. Moreover, the government should
provide subsidy to help the public hospitals and also the people in need.

By 2028

Monitoring and evaluation

Department of Health should be given restructuring to regain its dignity and also
for it to serve its mandate better. This department is a critical component for the success
of this sustainable plan thus they are expected to do their part as they will be the one to
monitor and evaluate this.

6. Lakbay: Improvement of Country Railroad and Highways

Government office involved
a. Department of Human Settlement and Urban Development
b. Department of Public Works and Highways
c. Department of Transportation
d. Department of Science and Technology
e. Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Mass transportation. The state should focus more on improving the mass
transportation system instead of private cars. We should prioritize building lanes and
highways for the mass transport vehicle and pedestrians Increase on public transportation
vehicle and systematizing of the terminals and stations are necessary for us to achieve
better mass transport for the people.
Rural development. The rural areas are being left behind in terms of road works
development. They are left with unsafe and longer travel since they don’t have route they
need. The government should develop and build more highways, road, railways, and
bridges for them. This will only help the community, but it will also aid in our economy
building since there will be accessible farm to market route for our local produce.

By 2032

Monitor and evaluation

The people on the ground should take part in this development as they will be
greatly affected by this program. The DPWH should be the one to lead monitoring and
evaluating this initiative. For every year, the progress should be assessed and be checked
if it is aligned to what is needed and also in the timeframe. The DENR should also be
involved so the project to assess the risk and destruction of the environment.

7. Pag-ahon: Lifting the Masses from Poverty

Government office involved

a. National anti-poverty commission
b. Department of Social Welfare and Development
c. Department of Labor and Employment
d. Department of Finance
e. Department of Human Settlement and Urban Development
f. Department of the Interior and Local Government

Immediate Support. Since poverty and hunger is very rampant and everyday
people are suffering, first we need to roll out immediate subsidy and support for them to
eat. There were unused and misallocated budget from Bayanihan Act 1 and we can utilize
it to increase the “pantawid gutom program” for the mean time as we push for long term
Public Housing. Housing is a right. Masses should be given proper housing in
proper allocation to encourage them to move. There are families who don’t want to move
because the area where they will be allocated it too far from their work and opportunities.
Therefore, we must be strategic in choosing the location. Also, if these people, will be
provided with homes it is scientifically proven that it will boost their integrity and morale
that will push them to strive harder in life.
Opportunities. Long-term solution is what is needed to really eradicate or at least
lessen the poverty in the country. The poor should be given training and education for
them to be able to land jobs that can feed them. Provide an accessible system (agencies, job
fair, government offices hiring etc.) of income generating opportunities for them to be able to
provide for themselves.

By 2032

Monitoring and Evaluation

The DSWD together with DILG should spearhead this program since they
have the greatest grasp and experience on the ground. It is also better if the executive
branch will do a bit of micromanagement in this matter as this is a prevalent and pressing
problem in the country.

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