The Devastated Castle of Zot

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The Devastated Castle Of Zot

Tinseltwig is a town near the castle ruins. It was originally built around the castle and exists
beyond its original purpose. Its a pretty normal semi medieval town aside from the wind turbines
that power AC units which are installed in every building. As the players come down an old man,
Cornelius, ask if they are the chosen ones "You 3...are you...the prophecy spoke of four yet...are
you the chosen ones?" If inquired about he will say that 4 are said to come from the sky and find
the Gnomes Orb. One fearless creature who could consume the sun itself, one the Archdruid:
said to be able to turn unto any animal, speak to plants, and summon nature itself to their aid,
and the ageless one: said to have stolen the hood of Death itself, a thousand thousand years
old, the fourth a creature of chaos covered in ritual scars representing great battles it had fought
and said to wield a hammer that could split in twain a whole planet. The man will be interrupted
by the mayor of the town, a man completely covered in thick wool even though its quite warm
outside. He looks sweaty but is ever grinning. He will tell Cornelius to stop harassing tourists,
and introduce himself as Mayor Keef. Keef understands they are probably from space. They are
aware of space but have not reached the place themself, and probably will not be able to any
time soon. But that isn’t important, he will heartily welcome them and invite them to town, point
out a good hotel in town (the Furry Alpaca) and in passing mention the other inn in town, the
Castle’s Edge inn, so named because its proximity to the castle ruins. He will try to direct them
to the clothing shop where their primary source of income is earned in alpaca wool clothing. If
the castle is mentioned he will dismiss it, considering it nothing worth investigating and should
be ignored. At this point another voice will call out, “Make way for the burning!” they will yell. 3
men in breast plate wielding spiked hammers will be seen dragging a woman, crying. A fourth
man in leather wields a metal pole ending in a circle. The circle has spikes outside and inside,
her had has been placed inside, the spikes dig into her neck painfully. She will be tied to a pole.
“This woman stand accused of demonology! Her neighbor stands witness!” A dirty looking, sad
man will speak, “I smelled it first...foul smells from her home...awful...and the lights...strange
lights late at night! Not lights any candle nor torch know, purple and green, sickly, sinister! And
now me daughter has gone missing. The witch took her!” The inquisitor in leather will continue,
“A devil most foul has possessed her soul and it must be excised with fire!” He will light the fire
below her. As it raises she will begin to speak. “Let not sorrow become hate...I will speak and
you shall know I speak truth...may my lord fill me with a fire that cannot be extinguished, and in
return I shall offer him a vessel…” The inquisitors will be alarmed she can speak, for she was
gagged just moments ago. Assuming the characters haven’t stopped the burning at this point
her flesh will rend and rip and a white skinned, 8ft tall devil will crawl out of her chest, destroying
her, blasting the man in leather with a green flame, killing him. “Even death is no escape from
me!” The devil will say, and he will raise from the dead and attack the templars. The templars
can handle the devil but the players can help. If the players attempt to stop the templars the
woman will do the ritual sooner, releasing the devil. The mayor will suggest they not get

The ancient Castle of Zot was ruined long before the creatures that inhabit it now existed, and it
will continue in its ruined state, one suspects, long after. But the Orb Of Zot still lies waiting for
someone to find it and harness its incredible power, one can only hope that the demons don't
find it first…

“Hey there space cadets! You ever heard of the…” Dan consults his notes “Orb Of Zot?” Have
them make a skill check to see if they have. Mostly rumors, said to be a powerful purple orb
made by mad gnome wizard seeking immortality. An exceptional success will offer them some
semblance of truth: it didn't offer that gnome immortality, and lead to his demise. "Well thats our
next mission! Dill says we gotta find the orb. Course i'm very busy taking care of all these cats
and eating avocados(important business) so you'll have to take care of things without me. If you
do need me you know how to get ahold of me!" Dan will go to press a button but look over and
stop. "A sun? Yes ok Dill yur right I dont want to sent them into a Sun. Ok ok here im pressing it"
Dan will press the button and they will arrive at a small hut near the entrace of the castle. The
portcullis chained have long rusted and broken, the moat is fetid and liveless. Looming high
above them stands the sinister Devestated Ruins Of castle Zot.

Kyton The Chained Devil

Kyton is stuck. No one has entered the ruin in many years and it can’t roam if no one is inside,
this is its curse. It seeks the Orb Of Zot for it knows the orb’s true power, it can destroy things,
any things. Kyton is tired of being in this place, and he can use it to destroy the chains that bind
him. If he destroys all four chains, he will be free! And doom will befall the bastard town who
chained him there. Once the players are inside Kyton will become unchained and start
searching the halls of the ruin. Every 1d4 rooms the players visit, Kyton can visit one, possibly
finding the orb, and other items of interest. Any magic items he finds he can use and will be
awarded to the players upon his death. If he finds the orb of zot he will shatter one of his chains
and will probably use it on a random goblin out of anger. Monsters he runs into will run and hide
in his presence. 8/40/2 double damage from silver - Whipping chains 4 6 8 10 12 14 16, have
the player make a skill check occasionally when whipped to see if they’re bound, if they fail they
take a -1 on their next action

Maybe section off the castle into 4 themed parts

Treasure [1-30% chance there will be 2, 30-45 there are 3, otherwise just 1, if X then only 1]
1. X Orb Of Zot: Once weekly speak the word of power to shoot a ray of deathly energy at
1 target. Target must make a skill check or die. Once daily the word of power can be
spoken to destroy an inanimate object. Once daily the orb can be tossed to cause an
explosion to deal 3d6 damage in a 15 foot radius. The orb must be retrieved.
2. Amulet of Vigorous Health - 50%[+2] 30%[+3] 20%[+4] 10%[+5] stamina
3. Ring of Talents - 60%[+1] 30%[+2] 10%[+3] on 1 check daily
4. Kettle's Book Of Recipes - A book that includes instructions on how to cook various
types of humanoids and the best parts to cook, what parts of undead creatures are
edible, and a series of recipes relating to both.
5. Necklace of Fireballs (3 fireballs, 1d6 3d6 5d6 15ft)
6. Candle of Truth (anyone in the light cannot lie for 10 minutes)
7. Hat Of Disguise
8. Pearl Of Power 50%[-2] 30%[-3] 20%[-4] 10%[-5] stamina cost for casting spells
minimum 1
9. X Pipe Of The Sewers - Slimy looking pan pipes. They actually feel clean as though
someone crafted them to only appear slimy. Use with a perform or animal kinship check
will summon 1d20 mice, 1d10 rats, and 1d6 giant rats that will follow the blower around
for a while, the mice aren’t really useful for anything, the rats will distract enemies(-1 skill
checks) the giant rats will fight 4/4/1 2/2/3/3/4/5/6
10. X Robes Of The Tiger: 1/daily turn into a tiger
11. X Gauntlets Of the Meteor Orge - +1 to all strength skill checks
12. X Robe Of The Green +1 to all Animal kinship checks, lets one talk to 1 animal once
daily for 10 minutes
13. X Fine Dwarven Hammer - +1 to all Metalcraft checks, allows one to cast the spell
Breach once daily with no stamina cost.
14. ---X Ruby of Distraction - +1 to all Trickery checks. Allows one to cast Illusion once daily
without stamina cost.
15. Slippers of Spider Climbing (10 minutes daily)
16. X Gloves of Swimming and Climbing - +2 to swim and climb checks once daily for each
17. X Cool Robe Of Neat Stuff(as robe of useful items*
18. X--- Belt of Dwarvenkind - +2 to any craft related check, +2 to social interaction rolls with
19. Monkey paw Back Scratcher - Can be used to scratch a monkey. That monkey
will now follow any of your commands for the day. Will only work on one monkey
per day. Its also good for scratching your own back.
20. Pandemonium Pizza - Just a normal provision but wow its delicious!

1. 1d6 goblins occupy the room. They have caught a wolf and desire to cook and eat it, but
they have no way cook it. The players are rewarded with 3 treasure if they help the
goblins cook the wolf.
2. X A lever with a sign that says “Pull to open” next to a locked door with an extremely
poorly hid trap door right under the entrance. Pulling the lever surprisingly opens the
door. If you touch the door without pulling the lever, the trap door opens. The trap
door drops to a monster encounter in a small room but can be climbed out of easily.
3. A room full of doors, each of them leads to a dead end except one. A sad goblin
keeps opening the doors hoping to find the next room, never able to find the right
4. orb of zot
5. 10 barrels inside a room. Each are filled with sand, 1 contains a sleeping goblin who
will yell and scream if woken.
6. A series of really, staggeringly obvious traps. There's a tripwire that's made of thick hemp
rope, a wooden pressure plate set in the middle of a cobblestone path, a massive stone
boulder that has fallen in a hole, a hole covered with twigs and leaves in the middle of the
stone floor, a large boulder sitting over a partly open door, an open door with a red hot door
knob, at the end are 3 goblins holding a rope attached to a pendulum near a bridge.
7. A door painted onto a wall with two door knobs sticking out, one labeled "fame" the other
"fortune". Touching fame will turn you as blue as a smurf, only reversible by a wish. Fortune
will cause 10,000 cp to fall from the ceiling at great speed causing 2d6 bludgeon damage. A
third door is the exit.
8. Orb of zot
9. The room nullifies any sounds made, players must communicate entirely through gestures
OOC, monster encounter.
10. A large, nice banquet hall. Aside from the players, there are clones of each character, some
already arrived and some still arriving, a voice insists everyone sit and eat. The food is
delicious, some of the clones are similar to the characters while others are very different yet
still clearly the characters.
A room filled with gold coins, upon closer inspection, they are meticulously painted wooden
11. The party walks in on a group of hostile goblins in the middle of them practicing their
synchronized dance routine. After one round of surprised embarrassment, they will attack
unless the players either start playing music or challenge them to a dance off.
12. A pool of water is here, a wooden sign stands, someone has painted “Lucky stream!”
drinking the water will increase the drinkers Luck by 1, once. Bathing in the stream will
permanently increase luckby an additional 1.
13. A pool of water is here, a wooden sign stands, someone has painted “Salubrious lake!”
drinking the water will increase drinkers Stamina by 1, once. Bathing in the stream will
permanently increase Stamina by 1 additional.
14. ------A pool of water is here, a wooden sign stands, someone has painted “Magical pool!”
drinking the water will increase drinkers mana by 1, once. Bathing in the stream will
permanently increase mana by an additional 1.
15. Orb Of Naught
16. A room with a flying pig. The flying pig is the treasure, frankly.
17. A room with an armored knight sitting by a warm fire. He will gladly take company. Sitting by
the fire regenerates health. The knight will tell the players if inquired he seeks the orb of zot,
or at least he did. He now suspects it is a myth, or maybe buried deep under a rock, or
swallowed by a goblin. He would prefer to relax by his fire, but offers them 2 treasure in
return for their company. 2T
18. A gnome flies wildly around on a flying carpet. 2T on saving him
19. A goblin uses an amulet to summon and eat fine meals. He will invite them to have dinner.
1T is offered either way
20. Orb of zot
21. The players walk into a Devil’s Game Show, requiring them to answer trivia with knowledge
checks and perform various feats of abilities and skills. 4T
22. The players enter a huge cylindrical room with a stone bridge leading to a round area in the
center. The bridge will collapse if walked across. The center area is surrounded by a
bottomless pit on all sides. In this large center area are 10 humans dressed in what appears
to be pirate garb, all wielding tridents, chanting. They all ignore the players, but suddenly
begin violently killing each other. One man will be left, they will excitedly proclaim that he did
it, he survived, he is the only one left, then fly about 80 feet in the air and huge amounts of
water will begin gushing out of him. The area will fill completely with water in about a minute,
and the entrance to the next level will be at the top. The man has become a new god. NT
23. The players find a large room with part of the wall broken open, they are high in the tower. A
goblin has used the natural sun to build a small house with a garden, she has a pig and
hound. She will offer the players a nice dinner if they are interested. The goblin will
appreciate the company and insist they take 3 treasures
24. The players find a restaurant using goblin meat, and run by goblins. There is a single hob
goblin among them as manager. NT
25. A scythe sits alone in a room, the blade stuck in a large stone. Must roll a 12 to remove. If
removed the scythe fades away but the next enemy the that looks to attack instantly dies as
death appears briefly. He will look at Odessa begrudgingly as he disappears. NT
26. Copper Dragon 3T
27. A lone goblin sits atop a large stone with a long stick cast over a river leading downstream.
He appears to be fishing and will say as such, says they're not nibblin much lately. Close
observation reveals his fishing line is long gone. A fire sits burning dimly nearby and many
fish bones sit in a pile. NT
28. A goblin is stuck in a thick clump of webbing, giant spiders skitter nearby. He will ask for help
being released but will yelp if the players try to attack the spiders, explaining theyre hid
friends and only like to eat flies and orcs. Upon helping he will says "But I cannot deny my
lovelies fresh meat" menacingly. He is kidding of course. NT

Copper Dragon: A copper dragon sits atop a stone platform coming up with humorous jokes with a
skeleton who is drinking from a bottle of wine. The skeleton appears drunk and thinks all the dragons
jokes are so funny. The dragon will offer 3 treasures in return for the players laughing at his jokes

Why was the knight fighting the tournament with a sword made from cheddar
cheese? Because the cheese was extra sharp!
What did the king say when he heard that the peasants were revolting? He
said he agrees because they never bathe and always stink.
What were people who only ate vegetables called in the middle ages? They
were known as poor peasants!
Why were the armies from the middle ages too tired of fighting? This is
because in medieval times there were too many sleepless knights in the army!
What is the name of the cheese that protects a medieval castle from
enemies? The name of the cheese is moatzarella!
What is the name of the device that the king uses to control the moat around
his castle? He used a remoat control.
Why did the dragon spare the medieval knight? Because he did not want to
eat canned food for dinner!
Digging trenches during the middle ages was seen as a great honor because
it showed someone's shovelry!
Dracula had to move out of his medieval castle for a couple of weeks because
it was getting re-vamp-ed!

Robe Of Useful Items

d% Result

01–08 Bag of 100 gold pieces

09–15 Coffer, silver (6 in. by 6 in. by 1 ft.), 500 gp value

16–22 Door, iron (up to 10 ft. wide and 10 ft. high and barred on one side—must be placed upright, attaches
and hinges itself)

23–30 Gems, 10 (100 gp value each)

31–44 Ladder, wooden (24 ft. long)

45–51 Mule (with saddle bags)

52–59 Pit, open (10 ft. by 10 ft. by 10 ft.)

60–68 Potion of cure serious wounds

69–75 Rowboat (12 ft. long)

76–83 Minor scroll of one randomly determined spell

84–90 War dogs, pair (treat as riding dogs)

91–96 Window (2 ft. by 4 ft., up to 2 ft. deep)

97–10 Portable ram


Stat blocks
Skill 6
Stamina 9
Initiative 2
Armour 0
Damage as Weapon or Modest Beast
1 Belligerent
2 Obstinate
3 Petulant
4 Insolent
5 Sullen
6 Smug
You could be forgiven for thinking a boggart was a rangy man with an
exceedingly bristly beard, but no, once upon a time it sprung fully formed
from a Hole and has been ungrateful and ill prepared for everything since.
They rarely travel far from their birth hole although there is no pixie
compulsion to do so, it’s more a point of principle and lack of imagination on
their part. They can, if provoked, be violent in the defence of the land which
they consider to be theirs but they are prideful, stupid, and easily tricked.

Skill 5
Stamina 6
Initiative 1
Armour 1
Damage as Weapon
1 Curious
2 Dismissive
3 Preoccupied
4 Gossipy
5 Overly Friendly
6 Paranoid
Goblins are the vanguard of civilisation. The moment a Sphere bobs to the
surface the goblins creep out of the nooks and crannies to start expanding
their labyrinth. Left to their own devices they eventually tame and cover
every surface in walls and hedges and tunnels and steel and whatever
else is in goblin-vogue, though more usually they are distracted with an
accidentally awakened evil, or recalled by the Goblin King, or cut off from
the centre of the labyrinth and turned feral to live in the man-cities
Skill 3
Stamina 4
Initiative 3
Armour 0
Damage as Small Beast
1 Inveigling
2 Fearful
3 Fearful
4 Aggressive
5 Aggressive
6 Fake Inveigling (Aggressive)
Vicious little creatures dressed in potato sacks they stole from an old
mother’s cupboards. When you see footprints in the pie crust it’s time to
call the Gremlin Catcher because where there’s one there’s a hundred and
underneath your home is a veritable maze of warrens stretching off to gods
know where.
No proven link between the gremlins’ habit of appearing seemingly
everywhere and the goblins’ interdimensional labyrinth have been made
but fingers are firmly pointed.
Skill 8
Stamina 12
Initiative 3
Armour 0
Damage as Modest Beast
1 Spiteful
2 Malicious
3 Cruel
4 Hateful
5 Vicious
6 Barbaric
Immortal creatures of bitterness and spite, they look like vultures with
human heads and unusually large claws. Their immortal nature precludes
the need to eat yet they hunt mercilessly, most usually by lifting their
quarry up into the sky and dropping them after spending some time verbally
tormenting them. A greater pleasure still is when their victims survive the
fall, whereupon they descend and eat the exposed sweetmeats and cackle
with their mouths full. Altogether a reprehensible blight on creation.
Harpies are natural sorcerers, each knowing Read Entrails and any other
Spells you might deem appropriate.
Living Dead
Skill 6
Stamina 12
Initiative 1
Armour 0
Damage as Weapon or Modest Beast
1 Oblivious
2 Pondering
3 Distracted
4 Hungry
5 Aggressive
6 Distressed
The definition of ‘dead’ varies from place to place. In some Spheres you
might be considered dead when unconscious or still living until buried. Now
consider the ambulatory deceased and the defin
They take double Damage from Silver.
Skill 8
Stamina 8
Initiative 2
Armour 2
Damage as Weapon or Modest Beast
1 Severe
2 Hostile
3 Suspicious
4 Intolerant
5 Threatening
6 Inquisitive
Imagine a fat man but this man is a crocodile. Stand him on his hind legs,
yank his head into a civilised position, shorten his snout, and give him some
short horns and a large Weapon. This is a lizard-man, a preternaturally
militaristic race who spontaneously regiment themselves from the moment
they goose-step their way out of the egg. Their only social structure and
interest is the army, making them excruciatingly dull dinner guests.

Skill 7
Stamina 8
Initiative 2
Armour 0
Damage as Weapon
1 Industrious
2 Confused
3 Homesick
4 Angry
5 Frustrated
6 Violent

Imp 3/10/2 claws double damage from silver [2 2 3 3 4 5 6] [1 aggressive 2 cowardly 3 malicious
4 curious 5 accosted 6 on fire]

Demon 8/16/2 double damage from silver teeth and claws [4 6 8 10 12 14 16] [1 aggressive 2
satisfied 3 malicious 4 curious 5 impatient 6 accosted]

Combat room descriptions(d10)

1. A room with 6 pillars. They are 10ft. Tall and rough hewn, offering a +2
to climbing checks to climb them, great for ranged attacks.
2. A room with strange glowing symbols scrawled upon the walls. Getting
near the wall will cause a rejuvenating effect to any living creature,
awarding 1d6 stamina to them if damage has been taken. Undead and
demons will instead take 2d6 stamina damage. They are surrounded by
a glowing white light that feels like a great calm/burns and sears their
3. The opposite of 2.
4. A crumbled ruin covered in dust and destruction, pillars play upon the
around and brick layers in piles. A search will reveal a random treasure.
5. A unusually clean, clear room in a ruined castle. In the middle of the
room is a 10ft complex symbol meticulously painted. A ephemeral voice
speaks strange words throughout the battle, after 3 rounds a demon will
be summoned in the circle. Roll for his mein.
6. This room is flooded with water and fish swim in the pool. They seem
completely unconcerned with anyone, not scared away. Successful skill
check will allow a player to catch the fish, giving 1d6 stamina if cooked,
it tasted like tuna.
7. After the first round of combat a loud noise is heard from the northern
wall and the wall shakes with intense force! After 2 rounds a cheese
golem will break down the wall and attack unless offered some incentive
to not. God only know what kind of incentive a cheese golem might
accept. Cheese golem 7/30/1 4/6/6/8/10/12
8. A human will happily help you fight whatever is in the room. He is a man
in his mid 60’s, elderly, he is wearing a space suit similar to Dan’s. He
tells them his name is Creed Bratton and he arrived here after, he
believes, eating too many mung beans. They’re very nutritious but smell
like death. He will offer them a handshake and possibly pickpocket
9. The dining hall of the castle. Its huge room with a huge, aged table. The
food should be rotten and wasted but they are delightfully well
preserved, and the enemy can possibly eat food to gain stamina. A
kitchen is attached through an open door and a group of goblin ghosts
still craft fine meals there.
10. The treasure room! Roll 3 treasures as well as a monster. The
monster will likely be guarding the treasure.

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