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1. How did Trifocalization of educational system help in upgrading the quality of education in our country?
The management of the education sector has been given to three different agencies since 1994, each with its own area of focus. This trifocalization of education aimed
to give proper attention to basic training, and vocational, and higher education. The system of governance and policy guidance over public and private basic education institutions
is now under the Department of Education (DepEd). Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is in charge of technical and vocational education while higher
education is entrusted to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

2. Differentiate between
A. Population and Sample – The Population in statistics includes all members of a defined group that we are studying or collecting information on for data driven
decisions. A part of the population is called a Sample. Sample is the group of individuals who participate in your study. These are the individuals who you end up interviewing (e.g.
in a qualitative study) or who actually complete your survey (e.g. quantitative study).
B. T-test and Z-test – Z-tests are used when we have sample sizes (n>30), whereas t-tests are most helpful with a smaller sample size (n<30). Both methods assume a
normal distribution of the data, but the z-tests are most useful when the standard deviation is known. T-test refers to a type of parametric test that is applied to identify, how the
means of two sets of data differ from one another when variance is not given. Z-test implies a hypothesis test which ascertains if the means of two datasets are different from each
other when variance is given.
C. Chi-square test is relating to or denoting a statistical method assessing the goodness of fit between observed values and those expected theoretically. Written as x 2 ,
is any statistical hypothesis test where the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-distribution when the null hypothesis is true. Pearson’s R is the product – moment
correlation coefficient or the bivariate correlation, is a measure of the linear correlation between two variables.

3. Efficiency and effectiveness are two interrelated terms in administration and supervision. When and how can one be an efficient and effective leader of a school system?
As an efficient leader of a school system, she must perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the
To be an effective leader you must develop and maintain a healthy school atmosphere conducive to the promotion and preservation of academic freedom. Observe due process,
fairness, promptness, privacy, constructiveness and consistency in disciplining his teachers and other personnel. She must perform her duties and responsibilities successfully and
accepted to her teachers.

4. Enumerate at least 5 advantages and disadvantages in the implementation of K-12 curriculum.

The students are more competent, they’re not there to cope up with the world because they’re up to speed. The unemployment rates would plummet, because the
K+12 program makes high school graduates eligible for many jobs that previously required a two-year college degree. During the 2 year empty period, unemployment graduates
can start going out again, entering a LOT of job openings that the first generation of K+12 students made from having no college grads for 2 years. The extra 2 years also gives
more time for students to think of what to become as a member of society. That’s more than enough time. It also reduces the risk of students shifting a lot due to a lack of
contentment in school. Vocational programs are also easier to access, like what Don Bosco is doing to its current students, giving them practical lessons on mechanics and etc.
 Multi-tracking, while cost effective in the short term, actually ends up costing more due to higher utility costs, less or no down time for building maintenance, and the
loss of opportunity to build before the cost of labor and materials rise after population increases force the building of new facilities. Multi-tracking does not alleviate the
need for new school construction, it merely puts off the decision to build until it is even more cost prohibitive, thus locking communities into overcrowded schools and
multi-tracking year-round calendars.
 Multi-tracking can cause family and community disintegration. This occurs when siblings/neighbors are on different tracks. Further disintegration is seen when extended
family and church members are on different tracks, or in the case of single-tracking, different inter sessions.
 Teachers’ ability to attend college classes in the summer is compromised due to a year-round calendar.
 Teachers who have children in a year-round school, but teach in a non year-round school, or in year-round school on a different track or calendar, are not able to
vacation at the same time during the year or the summer as their family.
 Teachers have more problems with children staying focused before a break, and upon return due to the more frequent breaks throughout the year.
 Students on year-round calendars tend to lose out on summer employment to their non year-round counterparts.
 Student burnout can increase due to the reduction in down time during the summer. Advanced placement classes are sometimes removed in favor of year-round
 Students in year-round schools have more opportunities to forget what they learned due to the added and extended breaks throughout the year.

5. Discuss briefly the voucher system being offered by the government in pursuing high school students.
The voucher program is a government subsidy offered to junior high school or JHS completers to allow them to pursue senior high school or SHS (Grades 11 and 12).
One voucher is good to cover the costs of one entire school year. In SHS, students can choose the most relevant track for their career goals or needs and even the school. In fact,
students may pursue SHS at any qualified private high school, local or state college or university, pursue college or university, and technical-vocational school. The program will
begin in school year 2016-2017 when the first batch of students will reach Grade 11. The government will not give subsidy to Grade 10 completers themselves but will instead
remit it straight to the senior high school where students will enroll. JHS completers from private schools must apply for 80 percent of the voucher’s full value only.

6. Explain the Civil Service policies

a. Recruitment, selection and placement is the process of searching for, and identifying job candidates in sufficient quantity and quality to meet current and future
organizational needs. Positive efforts shall be exerted to attract the most qualified applicant. Employees shall be selected on the basis of merit and fitness to perform duties and
assume the responsibilities of the position in accordance with the existing laws, rules and regulations. When position in the career service become vacant, employers, whether
incumbents of next in rank positions or not, who meet the minimum position requirements may apply and be considered for promotion/appointment. Qualified next in rank
employers in the office where the vacancy exists are automatically included in the ranking.
b. Performance –one requirement of the selection committee based on the last performance rating. To qualify for promotion, performance rating should at least be
very satisfactory.
c. Promotion is the advancement of an employee from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and usually
accompanied by an increase in salary.
d. Retirement (under R.A.660)
 He is a member of the GSIS Retirement Insurance fund and employed prior to May 31, 1977.
 He has attained and/or completed the required age and length of service.
 His last 3 years of service are continuous.
 His leave of absence without pay during the last 3 years immediately preceding retirement do not exceed one year.

7. What are the limitations and advantages of Distance Education?

The main advantage of distance learning is that it allows you to fit your learning around your work and home life.
 You can usually also set your own pace of study.
 It is your decision as to when and where you study.
 It doesn’t matter where you live-you can gain a degree from anywhere in the world.
 As with a full-time degree, students may find that they gain useful, transferable skills, such as planning and research.
 A distance learning course often costs less than a full-time degree.
1. Provides for an increase in Access to education for those who otherwise have no other opportunities due to work, family or physical limitations.
2. Provides for a modality of instructions better suited for certain learners.
3. Greater flexibility for scheduling learning-students can determine time and place of class time.
4. Greater flexibility in location for study-students can engage course at home or work or on campus or at a library.
5. Distance Education is Learner Centered-DE places responsibility for learning with the learner who must be more active and self-directed.
6. Facilities greater learner-instructor interaction.
7. Increased interaction with classmates.
8. Facilitates Pedagogic Development-Individual Instructor Development.
9. Produces a carry-over effect into the regular classroom of improved pedagogic techniques.
10. Opportunity to develop technology competencies for instructors and learners.
11. Access to global resources and experts via internet communication and Internet resources.
a. Time and frustration involved learning how to get on-line for novices.
b. Lag time between student input and feedback-Time lapse between need for learner support and resolution.
c. Occasional internet provider downtime.
d. Student must be more active and self-directed in learning environment-Depends on individual motivation and initiative.
e. Occasional feelings of isolation-Potentially less group support for learners leading to isolation and possible non-completion of program.
f. Instructional design for group activities and group interaction more demanding in the instructor.
g. Demands large effort and cost to develop appropriate materials.
h. Demands large effort to create and maintain the technological infrastructure.
i. Distance Education is not for everyone. It is not for undisciplined learners nor flexible instructors.

8. Discuss briefly the importance of educational facilities as an indispensable component of both elementary and secondary schools.
School facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With Respect to teachers, schools facilities affect teacher recruitment, retention,
commitment, and effort. With respect to students, school facilities affect health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in achievement. Thus, researchers generally conclude
that without adequate facilities and resources it is extremely difficult to serve large numbers of children with complex needs.
A quiet environment, comfortable temperature, ideal number of pupils and classroom with adequate space can improve student outcome.
Schools facilities impact teaching and learning in profound ways. Yet state and local policymakers often overlook the impact facilities can play in improving outcomes for
both teachers and students. While improving facilities outcomes at a financial cost, the benefits of such investments often surpass the initial fiscal costs. Policymakers, thus, should
focus greater attention on the impacts of facilities and adopt a long-term cost-benefit perspective on efforts to improve school facilities.

9. Discuss the source of funds, which will help finance public educational facilities.
Sources of Income: GAA – General Appropriation Act (MOOE, Personnel Services, Capital Outlay)
Non-GAA (those that does not fall under the three sources of GAA e.g. canteen proceeds, PTA funds, donations, SEF/LGU, etc.)
Other Sources of Funds- special education fund, voluntary contributions, donations, etc.
Special Education Fund (SEF)-RA 5447-were created to provide additional financial support exclusively for school. The fund comes from the proceeds of an additional tax of one
percent (1%) on the assessed value of Real Property in addition to the real property tax hired thereon under existing laws (Section 20 of R.A.7160). An additional source of revenue
for the Special Education Fund is derived from portions equivalent to 10% of the taxes on Virginia Type, cigarettes and duties on imported tobacco w/o are remitted to National
Voluntary Contributions – to collect voluntary contributions for the construction, repair or improvement of school buildings, permission should be requested from the Dep. of
Social Services & Welfare Dev. Or the local office. This should be made by PTA or other entities but never by school authorities or teachers. The request should sect the purpose of
the collection, the amount desired to be collected at the period during which the collection is to be made.
Donations: ex. Foreign Assisted School Building Program….ex. Japanese government donates school building through grants or aid.

10. Explain how to determine the priorities and formulation of the school plan to affect the organizational development and effectiveness.
The overall objective of school improvement planning is an enhanced level of student achievement. To effect real change, however, the process needs to focus on
specific priorities. Student performance improves when teachers use curriculum-delivery strategies that specifically address the needs of the students, when the school
environment is positive, and when parents are involved in their children’s education. In planning improvements, therefore, schools should establish one priority in each of these
three areas-curriculum delivery, school environment, and parental involvement. In effect, the planning process involves answering the important questions: “What will we focus
on now?” and “What will we leave until later?”

11. What are the possible alternative actions to upgrade the quality of education in the Philippine setting?
In recent years DepEd has introduced a number of measures to improve the standard of teaching, revising professional benchmarks and providing more on-the-job
training. It has also made a concerted effort to attract the brightest and the best by raising compensation and making the selection process more competitive. Civil society is also
helping. Non-profit organization Philippine Business for Education launched the Scholarship in Teacher Education Programme to Upgrade Teacher Quality in the Philippines (STEP
UP), which is funded by Australian Aid, in 2015. The idea is to encourage the country’s best-performing college graduates and professionals to join the profession, with the aim of
producing 1000 high-quality teachers for the public school system by 2019. Accepting candidates up to the age of 45, STEP UP covers full tuition fees and offers a range of benefits
for participants. In return, successful applicants must work with DepEd for three years. The organization offers a similar scheme to encourage the best high school seniors to
pursue degrees in education, majoring in subjects including Math and English. The government insists that the education system must be more appropriate to the needs of the
country, including its economy. The aim is to improve students’ abilities in Science and Technology, in nurture critical thinking, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, as well as to
encourage them to support the wider community, especially those on the margins. Sex education, along with awareness of the issues surrounding teenage pregnancy and the
dangers of drugs (from Grade 4), will be strengthened and there will be special emphasis on the environment, climate change and disaster preparedness in a country that has
frequently injured earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and severe weather. To achieve these goals, the government is overhauling the curriculum to establish a “spiral” approach,
which is designed to challenge and stimulate pupils so that they develop critical thinking skills.

12. Explain the strategic role that personnel policies played in the school organization?
These are some policies played in the school organization whom school personnel policies must be followed and implement; No Collection Policy , Non-requirement of
Wearing School Uniforms, Free Exercise of Religion and Gender and Development (GAD)


1. Discuss the application of competing curriculum in your respective setting in order to enhance the performance of students/pupils.
Curriculum matters mainly because if its potential impacts on students. The fundamental purpose of curriculum development is to ensure that students receive
integrated, coherent learning experiences that contribute towards their personal, academic and professional learning development.
Using a wide variety of techniques, teachers encourage learning by delivering content in creative and impactful ways. Whole-group instruction individualized attention,
experiential education and using a global lens, are methods that provide teachers with avenues for success in the curriculum process. Teachers build lessons that include
simulations, experiments, case studies and activities to deliver curriculum. This interactive approach intertwines curriculum and practical experiences that immerse students in

2. Explain how important is the actual plan mapping in having specific school site and as location.
School mapping is an essential planning tool to overcome possibilities of regional inequities arising from the investments policies of the public authorities. School
mapping incorporates spatial and demographic dimensions into the educational planning process. Selecting the most appropriate site for a school is an important consideration for
a school district and the school community. The location, size and shape of school can materially affect the educational program and opportunities for students. School mapping
technique helps us to identify the most appropriate location of schools or their alternatives so that more number of children can be benefited from the same level of investment. It
is the projection of the future requirements after the comprehensive diagnosis. It is necessary to make projection to identify the potential demands.

3. Explain the application of management by objectives in your school to improve the delivery of educational receiver to the clients.
Schools managers are continuously engaged in numerous activities to efficiently manage school functions and provide better educational experience to student. They
hire and manage teachers and staff, prepare budgets, oversees other teachers, research and determine new curricula, set policies and standards.

4. Why educational planning must be through of and established as continuous process to most emerging needs.
Educational planning is very important to attain quality education. It takes into consideration the important issues, conditions, constraints and factors in education. Its
focus is on future objectives, vision and goals. It analyzes the process of educational development with the aim of making education more effective and efficient in responding to
the needs and goals of its students and society. It is a process that aims for gradual but continuous improvement and conservation in the framework of sustainable development. It
is used to gain control of the future through current acts.

5. According to DepEd in order to improve quality in education and elevate its standards the fine order should be given explanation in planning
The Department of Education (DepEd) is aligning strategic planning processes across the different levels operation. It is part of this massive effort to systematically
improve the critical institutional conditions that affect the delivery of basic education on the ground to ensure that the other important reforms are implemented.
A recent assessment of existing planning processes in DepEd revealed that most plans, although complaint with the requirements of the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), mainly focused on annual operational concerns. The plans needed to be more strategically focused for there was lack of clear and well-defined alignment of
activities and programs with the vision, mission, and values of DepEd at the central, regional, division, and school levels. Taking advantage of this opportunity for improvement,
DepEd embarked on a series of consultations, validation, and training to fine-tune and align the planning processes across the different operational levels.

6. Explain outcome based education as planning.

Outcome based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate
that they “know and are able to do” whatever they require outcomes are.
OBE reforms emphasize setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes. Nothing about OBE demands the adoption of any specific outcome.
When outcomes have been established, educators should design curriculum to give students the knowledge and skills they need to demonstrate. This helps the
teachers identify the needs of their learners and plan for the improvement of their skills.

7. Differentiate between personal and position power as exercising leadership power.

Personal Power is your skill and ability to influence people and events whether or not you have any formal authority while positional power is the authority you wield by
virtue of your position in the organization’s structure and hierarchy. Position power is like a manager. Personal power is like a coach.
Having this two can make a good leader. A leader with positional power should take an effort to gain more personal power. The more personal power a leader
possesses, the more likely it is to be an effective leader. A leader becomes transformational leader, people will believe that you have their growth and development.

8. What significant relationship do you see between the teacher educational institution and the department of education as far as pre service is concerned.
The Department of Education and other agencies keep on organizing teacher education programmes for enriching the knowledge of teachers and also for aver all
proficiency and betterment. All teacher educational institution accept pre-service teachers to complete their teaching course. They are enrolled in a teacher preparation program
and working toward teacher certification.

9. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people to follow them while managers have people who work for them. A successful business
owner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their team on board to follow them towards their vision of success.

10. Explain the principle of governance.

Principle of School Governance: The strategic role…Determining the school’s mission and ethos in the context of developing a strategy for longer-term development.
Approving each year the School Development/Improvement Plan, its targets and the allied budget plan, and making links between them.


1. What are the salient features of the K to 12? Choose among the four (4) and explain.
1. learner-centered, inclusive, and research-based
2. standards- and competence-based, seamless, decongested
3. culture-responsive and culture-sensitive, integrative and contextualized, relevant and responsive
4. flexible, ICT-based, and global

2. How are you going to manage your different resources like MOOE. SEF and canteen resources?
In managing different resources like MOOE, SEF and canteen resources, we should put in mind that all our decisions must in favor with the learners needs in increasing
their social, spiritual, mental and intellectual development or growth. We should make into account that their primary needs will be our focus.

3. What is the significant of long term planning in the educational setting?

It encourages you to purposefully contemplate what you really want students to be able to know and do by the end of school year. Developing this clear vision of what
you want students to accomplish will keep you on track to make a meaningful impact to your student lives. It will also increase your ability to maintain rigorous instruction that
strategically leads your students to reach their academic goals. Lastly, having a plan provides you with the comfort and security of knowing what you will teach throughout the

4. Why education cannot be separated from economic, political and social realities of the country?
Education cannot be separated from economic, political and social realities of the country because as an educator we are responsible in building and molding our
learner knowledge, skills and traits to prepare them in our modern world.

5. Explain and discuss strategies planning process in the educational system.

Educational planning is very important to attain quality education. It takes into consideration the important issues, conditions, constraints and factors in education. Its
focus is on future objectives, vision and goals. It analyzes the process of educational development with the aim of making education more effective and efficient in responding to
the needs and goals of its students and society. It is a process that aims for gradual but continuous improvement and conservation in the framework of sustainable development. It
is used to gain control of the future through current acts.

6. What challenges need to be addressed to foster learner success and retention in an online environment?
Our learners must be knowledgably equipped and ready to face different challenges. We should see to it that they should know how to use modern technologies to
make them comfortable and successful in every profession they choose to be.

7. Why are school administrators and curriculum managers important to curriculum implementation?
The school administrators play an important role in shaping the school curriculum because they are the people who are responsible in the formulation of the schools’
vision, philosophy, mission and objectives. They provide necessary leadership in evaluating teaching personnel and school program. Keeping records of curriculum and reporting
learning outcomes are also the managers’ responsibilities.
8. What are the major functions of administration and supervision?
The school administrators have the responsibility of running the entire school effectively. They have to oversee the smooth transition of the child from one grade level
to another and they should see to it that the curriculum is implemented vertically or horizontally with very minimal overlaps. Instead there should be continuity, relevance,
balance, so that overall curriculum will produce a well-rounded person.

9. What is constructive alignment and how does it differ from traditional teaching and assessment?
Constructive alignment is an outcomes based approach to teaching that we describe, illustrating with example from the teaching of anatomy. It is based on two
principles, constructivism psychology which posits that students construct their knowledge through appropriate learning activities; and curriculum theory which posits that optimal
learning is achieve when teaching and assessment methods are aligned to the learning outcomes that is intended students are to achieve. Students are those encouraged to
engage the learning activities that are relevant in achieving that outcome. Teaching here is not topic-based, as is traditional teaching, but focuses on what students are intended to
do after they have learned the curriculum topics. The outcomes statements contain a verb or verbs that specify this intended outcome activities, in this verb are specifically
addressed both in teaching and in assessment.

10. Explain the civil service policies and rules on government employees as to:
a. Recruitment, selection and placement is the process of searching for, and identifying job candidates in sufficient quantity and quality to meet current and future
organizational needs. Positive efforts shall be exerted to attract the most qualified applicant. Employees shall be selected on the basis of merit and fitness to perform duties and
assume the responsibilities of the position in accordance with the existing laws, rules and regulations. When position in the career service become vacant, employers, whether
incumbents of next in rank positions or not, who meet the minimum position requirements may apply and be considered for promotion/appointment. Qualified next in rank
employers in the office where the vacancy exists are automatically included in the ranking.
b. Performance –one requirement of the selection committee based on the last performance rating. To qualify for promotion, performance rating should at least be
very satisfactory.
c. Promotion is the advancement of an employee from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and usually
accompanied by an increase in salary.
d. Retirement (under R.A.660)
 He is a member of the GSIS Retirement Insurance fund and employed prior to May 31, 1977.
 He has attained and/or completed the required age and length of service.
 His last 3 years of service are continuous.
 His leave of absence without pay during the last 3 years immediately preceding retirement do not exceed one year.


1. Explain how to determine priorities and formulation of the school plan to affect the organizational development and reflectiveness.
The overall objective of school improvement planning is an enhanced level of student achievement. To effect real change, however, the process needs to focus on
specific priorities. Student performance improves when teachers use curriculum-delivery strategies that specifically address the needs of the students, when the school
environment is positive, and when parents are involved in their children’s education. In planning improvements, therefore, schools should establish one priority in each of these
three areas-curriculum delivery, school environment, and parental involvement. In effect, the planning process involves answering the important questions: “What will we focus
on now?” and “What will we leave until later?”

2. Discuss the application of competing based curriculum in your respective setting in order to enhance the performance of the students/pupils.
Curriculum matters mainly because if its potential impacts on students. The fundamental purpose of curriculum development is to ensure that students receive
integrated, coherent learning experiences that contribute towards their personal, academic and professional learning development.
Using a wide variety of techniques, teachers encourage learning by delivering content in creative and impactful ways. Whole-group instruction individualized attention,
experiential education and using a global lens, are methods that provide teachers with avenues for success in the curriculum process. Teachers build lessons that include
simulations, experiments, case studies and activities to deliver curriculum. This interactive approach intertwines curriculum and practical experiences that immerse students in

3. What are the limitations and advantages of distance education?

The main advantage of distance learning is that it allows you to fit your learning around your work and home life.
 You can usually also set your own pace of study.
 It is your decision as to when and where you study.
 It doesn’t matter where you live-you can gain a degree from anywhere in the world.
 As with a full-time degree, students may find that they gain useful, transferable skills, such as planning and research.
 A distance learning course often costs less than a full-time degree.
1. Provides for an increase in Access to education for those who otherwise have no other opportunities due to work, family or physical limitations.
2. Provides for a modality of instructions better suited for certain learners.
3. Greater flexibility for scheduling learning-students can determine time and place of class time.
4. Greater flexibility in location for study-students can engage course at home or work or on campus or at a library.
5. Distance Education is Learner Centered-DE places responsibility for learning with the learner who must be more active and self-directed.
6. Facilities greater learner-instructor interaction.
7. Increased interaction with classmates.
8. Facilitates Pedagogic Development-Individual Instructor Development.
9. Produces a carry-over effect into the regular classroom of improved pedagogic techniques.
10. Opportunity to develop technology competencies for instructors and learners.
11. Access to global resources and experts via internet communication and Internet resources.
a. Time and frustration involved learning how to get on-line for novices.
b. Lag time between student input and feedback-Time lapse between need for learner support and resolution.
c. Occasional internet provider downtime.
d. Student must be more active and self-directed in learning environment-Depends on individual motivation and initiative.
e. Occasional feelings of isolation-Potentially less group support for learners leading to isolation and possible non-completion of program.
f. Instructional design for group activities and group interaction more demanding in the instructor.
g. Demands large effort and cost to develop appropriate materials.
h. Demands large effort to create and maintain the technological infrastructure.
i. Distance Education is not for everyone. It is not for undisciplined learners nor flexible instructors.

4. Discuss briefly the importance of educational facilities as an indispensable component of both elementary and secondary schools.
School facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With Respect to teachers, schools facilities affect teacher recruitment, retention,
commitment, and effort. With respect to students, school facilities affect health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in achievement. Thus, researchers generally conclude
that without adequate facilities and resources it is extremely difficult to serve large numbers of children with complex needs.
A quiet environment, comfortable temperature, ideal number of pupils and classroom with adequate space can improve student outcome.
Schools facilities impact teaching and learning in profound ways. Yet state and local policymakers often overlook the impact facilities can play in improving outcomes for
both teachers and students. While improving facilities outcomes at a financial cost, the benefits of such investments often surpass the initial fiscal costs. Policymakers, thus, should
focus greater attention on the impacts of facilities and adopt a long-term cost-benefit perspective on efforts to improve school facilities.

5. Discuss other sources of funds which will help finance public educational facilities.
Sources of Income: GAA – General Appropriation Act (MOOE, Personnel Services, Capital Outlay)
Non-GAA (those that does not fall under the three sources of GAA e.g. canteen proceeds, PTA funds, donations, SEF/LGU, etc.)
Other Sources of Funds- special education fund, voluntary contributions, donations, etc.
Special Education Fund (SEF)-RA 5447-were created to provide additional financial support exclusively for school. The fund comes from the proceeds of an additional tax of one
percent (1%) on the assessed value of Real Property in addition to the real property tax hired thereon under existing laws (Section 20 of R.A.7160). An additional source of revenue
for the Special Education Fund is derived from portions equivalent to 10% of the taxes on Virginia Type, cigarettes and duties on imported tobacco w/o are remitted to National
Voluntary Contributions – to collect voluntary contributions for the construction, repair or improvement of school buildings, permission should be requested from the Dep. of
Social Services & Welfare Dev. Or the local office. This should be made by PTA or other entities but never by school authorities or teachers. The request should sect the purpose of
the collection, the amount desired to be collected at the period during which the collection is to be made.
Donations: ex. Foreign Assisted School Building Program….ex. Japanese government donates school building through grants or aid.

6. Efficiency and effectiveness are two interrelated terms in administration and supervision. When and how one can be an efficient and effective leader of a school system?
As an efficient leader of a school system, she must perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the
To be an effective leader you must develop and maintain a healthy school atmosphere conducive to the promotion and preservation of academic freedom. Observe due process,
fairness, promptness, privacy, constructiveness and consistency in disciplining his teachers and other personnel. She must perform her duties and responsibilities successfully and
accepted to her teachers.

7. Explain how important is the actual plan mapping in having specific school site and as location.
School mapping is an essential planning tool to overcome possibilities of regional inequities arising from the investments policies of the public authorities. School
mapping incorporates spatial and demographic dimensions into the educational planning process. Selecting the most appropriate site for a school is an important consideration for
a school district and the school community. The location, size and shape of school can materially affect the educational program and opportunities for students. School mapping
technique helps us to identify the most appropriate location of schools or their alternatives so that more number of children can be benefited from the same level of investment. It
is the projection of the future requirements after the comprehensive diagnosis. It is necessary to make projection to identify the potential demands.

8. Explain the application of management by objectives in your school to improve the delivery of educational receiver to the clients?
Schools managers are continuously engaged in numerous activities to efficiently manage school functions and provide better educational experience to student. They
hire and manage teachers and staff, prepare budgets, oversees other teachers, research and determine new curricula, set policies and standards.

9. Why educational planning must be through of and established as a continuous process to must emerging needs?
Educational planning is very important to attain quality education. It takes into consideration the important issues, conditions, constraints and factors in education. Its
focus is on future objectives, vision and goals. It analyzes the process of educational development with the aim of making education more effective and efficient in responding to
the needs and goals of its students and society. It is a process that aims for gradual but continuous improvement and conservation in the framework of sustainable development. It
is used to gain control of the future through current acts.

10. Explain outcome based education as a model.

Outcome based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate
that they “know and are able to do” whatever they require outcomes are.
OBE reforms emphasize setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes. Nothing about OBE demands the adoption of any specific outcome.
When outcomes have been established, educators should design curriculum to give students the knowledge and skills they need to demonstrate. This helps the
teachers identify the needs of their learners and plan for the improvement of their skills.


1. What is the difference between manager and leader?

The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people to follow them while managers have people who work for them. A successful business
owner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their team on board to follow them towards their vision of success.

2. Explain the principle of school governance?

Principle of School Governance: The strategic role…Determining the school’s mission and ethos in the context of developing a strategy for longer-term development. Approving
each year the School Development/Improvement Plan, its targets and the allied budget plan, and making links between them.

3. According to department of education, in order to improve quality in education and elevate its standards, the five order should be given explain in planning.
1. Collection and analysis of statistical information
2. Evolving policy proposals
3. Projections programming and Project Analysis
4. Costing educational plans
5. Decision. Implementation and Evaluation

4. What significant relations do you see between the teacher education institution and the Department of Education as far as pre service is concerned.
The Department of Education and other agencies keep on organizing teacher education programmes for enriching the knowledge of teachers and also for aver all
proficiency and betterment. All teacher educational institution accept pre-service teachers to complete their teaching course. They are enrolled in a teacher preparation program
and working toward teacher certification.

5. Differentiate between personal and position power as exercising leadership model.

Personal Power is your skill and ability to influence people and events whether or not you have any formal authority while positional power is the authority you wield by virtue of
your position in the organization’s structure and hierarchy. Position power is like a manager. Personal power is like a coach.
Having this two can make a good leader. A leader with positional power should take an effort to gain more personal power. The more personal power a leader
possesses, the more likely it is to be an effective leader. A leader becomes transformational leader, people will believe that you have their growth and development.

6. Differentiate between:
A. Population and Sample – The Population in statistics includes all members of a defined group that we are studying or collecting information on for data driven
decisions. A part of the population is called a Sample. Sample is the group of individuals who participate in your study. These are the individuals who you end up interviewing (e.g.
in a qualitative study) or who actually complete your survey (e.g. quantitative study).
B. T-test and Z-test – Z-tests are used when we have sample sizes (n>30), whereas t-tests are most helpful with a smaller sample size (n<30). Both methods assume a
normal distribution of the data, but the z-tests are most useful when the standard deviation is known. T-test refers to a type of parametric test that is applied to identify, how the
means of two sets of data differ from one another when variance is not given. Z-test implies a hypothesis test which ascertains if the means of two datasets are different from each
other when variance is given.
C. Chi-square test is relating to or denoting a statistical method assessing the goodness of fit between observed values and those expected theoretically. Written as x 2 is
any statistical hypothesis test where the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-distribution when the null hypothesis is true. Pearson’s R is the product – moment
correlation coefficient or the bivariate correlation, is a measure of the linear correlation between two variables.

7. What are the different roles as assessment in the instructional decisions?

Different Roles of Assessment in Instructional Decisions are: Instructional Placement Decisions, Formative Evaluation Decisions and Diagnostic Decisions.
There are Seven Criteria for Assessment: Measure important learning outcomes; Address all three purposes of assessment; Provide clear descriptions of student
performance that can be linked to instructional actions; Be easily administered, scored, and interpreted by teachers; Be compatible with a variety of instructional models;
Communicate the goals of learning to teachers and students and Generate accurate, meaningful information that are reliable and valid.
Other Methods of Linking Assessment to Instructions are behavior assessment, mastery learning, curriculum base measurement, performance assessment. Assessment
in the instructional process are placement evaluation, diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment.

8. Differentiate between assessment, testing, measurement, and evaluation.

Assessment is the process of documenting knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs, usually in measurable terms. The goal of assessment is to make improvements, as
opposed to simply being judged. In an educational contexts, assessment is the process of describing, collecting, recording, scoring, and interpreting information about learning.
Testing – a technique of obtaining information needed for evaluation purposes.
Measurement is the act of determining a target’s size, length, weight, capacity, or other aspect. There are a number of terms similar to measure but which vary
according to the purpose (such as weight, calculate and quantify) in general, measurement can be understood as one action within the term instrumentation.
Evaluation is the process of making judgment based on criteria and evidence.

9. What do you mean by “Teach Themselves”?

Teach themselves or Self-taught typically meant someone learning w/o a formal teacher or program, but access to teaching materials was fair game. The Merriam
Webster dictionary defines teach themselves or self-taught as “having knowledge or skills acquired by one’s own efforts w/o formal instruction.”

10. What are the curriculum innovation in our education curriculum? Cite one.
Curriculum innovation is defined as delivery actions to improve a learning environment by adapting a method of presenting a material to students that involves human
interaction, hands-on activities, and student feedback.
Studies show that students learn best when learning is active when they are engaged in hands-on activities, and involves in what they are learning. Scientists believe
that when children use all of their senses, it helps the brain create pathways that make it easier and quicker to retain information.

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