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1. What are the five main tenets of food security?

Discuss each in 3-4 sentences giving a situational

example each in our own national or your local setting.
 The five main tenets of food security are palatability, safety, quantity, cultural acceptability,

The first is quantity there should be sufficient supply on food for people in a long period of
time. Mass production must be enhanced thoroughly to avoid shortage. In our local sector
food production is bond for economic productivity by residence to avoid hunger. One
example in our local in the production of seafood like crab meat, dried fish, and sea clams to
supply in a local and national sector.

The second is quality the food supply must required nutrients in terms of national value
which means that the distance from market to plate is to assure to have a good quality. In
our local sector the barangay officials always check the food quality in our local market to
prevent food contamination and diseases. My mother also sees to it that she will be
preparing our food with proper hygiene.

The third is safety it means that the food security must be within the bounds of food
nutrients responsibility. Individuals are bombarded with the advertising of large corporation
promoting their high calorie and nutritionally lacking fast-food but large amount of people
are partaker of this trend. One example is Jollibee, which is welled patronized consumers
regardless of not nutritious contents

Then, palatability it means the food prepares especially in households must be tasty and
prepared according to one’s preferences. Good taste and appropriate quality of food must
be a priority. In our household my mother always prepares our food so that it will suited our
palate and no food will be wasted.

Lasty, cultural acceptability it means that for every culture or group there are a selected
guide according to their culture. For examples are the Muslim, they did not partake or eat
selected food and other religious sector. Respect for each culture should be given respect
and other people also experiencing other cultural food. I myself love eating Japanese food
because I like the flavor and the experience while eating.

2. Discuss in 2-3 sentences each two major environmental concerns or problem you are exposed?
 The two major environmental concerns are pollution and global warming.

Our pollution is created by different gasses and poison discharge by businesses and
manufacturing plants, industry and engine fumes are the most obvious toxins. This is
detrimental and hazardous to people’s health and safety.

Human influences is the most no 1 cause of global warming, especially the carbon pollution
which cause by burning fossil fuels and the pollution that we destroy are forest. The
methane and other pollutants we release in our atmosphere acts like a blanket blocking the
sun’ heat and causing the planet to warm.

So basic solution in pollution, move away from fossil fuel, replacing them with alternative
energies like solar, wind, and water. I have contributed to pollution problem by using solar
light during night it also save our electricity.

So basic solution for global warming, plant trees, create more sustainable transportation
habits, lower your heating bill, and cutting your plastic straw usage because too much
transportation and too many gasses in our atmosphere causes to warm our planet. So, I
have contributed to global warming problem, instead of riding a motorcycle to travel to
another places my parents bought me a bicycle. I always use my bicycle and it is also a good

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