Usulan Pra Proposal ) Mahasiswa Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan Iain Batusangkar

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Nama/NIM : Nazmi Rahmadini / 1830104048

Semester/Tahun : 8 / 2022
Tanggal Pengajuan : 8 Maret 2022

A. Judul Proposal
FOR INCREASING VOCABULARY: (A study on the Second Semester English Students'
of IAIN Batusangkar)
B. Rumusan Masalah
What are the students' perception about the using of online game "Mobile Legend" for
increasing Vocabulary?

C. Landasan Teori
1. Perception
The word ‘perception’ as proposed by Schacter (2011) in Siti Aisyiyah (2015 :
34) was derived from the Latin word perceptio or percipio which means an action of
composing, recognizing and interpreting sensory information in order to give description
and understanding about environment. According to Szilagyi and Wallace (1980) defines
perception as a process by which individuals attend to incoming stimuli, organize, and
then interpret such stimuli into a message that in turn indicates an appropriate action or
behavior. Perception is the way people think of something in their surroundings and
refers to students’ subjective based on their experience.
Based on the definition about perception mentioned, the researcher concludes that
perception is a process which individual organize and interpret their sensory stimulus,
both internal and external sensory stimulus to give meaning to their environment.
2. Online Game
According to Rollings and Adams (2006) explained online games are more
appropriately called as technology, than as a game genre; A mechanism for connecting
players together.
In addition, Fitri (2012) online game is one of the developments of game ordinary
computer which is one of the internet-based sales product for providing entertainment
services in the form of games that can be accessed online and each player can
communicate directly (real time) and connected to each other. Online games allows to
perform fantasy roles and explore them with other people.
According to Bodenheimer (1999: 129) online games are defined as a game
program that is connected via a network that can be played anytime, anywhere and can be
played simultaneously in groups throughout the world and the game itself displays
interesting pictures as desired which is supported by computers and smartphones.
3. Mobile Legend
Mobile legend is an online game developed by Moonton, this MOBA-type game
(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) released on 11st of July 2016 in global scale. This game
requires players against the other team, because this game is global game so the language
used is English.
According to Andika (2019) Game Mobile Legend is a mobile game with the
MOBA type also known as a game that relies on sharpening strategies to work together in
a team of 5 players. In addition Valentina (2018) Mobile Legend which is game its
requires teamwork and team strategy to fight enemy teams. Those 5 vs 5 player with
various types of characters choose "Hero" and different types of skills.
Yuda (2020) game Mobile Legend is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)
type game. This type of game is a cooperation-oriented game that involves two groups
competing with each other, each group consisting of 5 Gamers destroying the main tower
and fort to win the match.
It can be concluded in this game that it is explained that the process of this game
cannot be separated from a collaboration in a team to destroy an opponent's defense.
4. Vocabulary
According to Richard (2002) Vocabulary is the core component of a language and
provides the basic for how well the learners speak, listen, read and write. Retno (2008:2),
Vocabulary is a list of words, which means any unit of language used in writing and
appears between space hyphens. Words are the besic elements in contracting a language.
And then Lehr (2001) stated that vocabulary is knowledge of words meaning. The same
definition by Nunan (1999) Vocabulary is a list of target language words. Wilkins in
Alqahtani (2015) states that while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.
From definition above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a core component
and the basic of language. Vocabulary is essential for successful second language use,
because without vocabulary we cannot use the structures and functions for
D. Desain Penelitian
Descriptive Qualitative Reasearch

E. Instrumen
Questionnaire & Interview

Diketahui/Dikonsultasikan ke Penasehat

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1. Mahasiswa mencek judul yang diajukan di website
terlebih dahulu
2. Setelah dipastikan judul tidak ada, Mahasiswa berkonsultasi dengan Penasehat Akademik
3. Setelah Konsultasi dengan Penasehat Akademik lanjutkan proses Administrasi Online di
Website (Pengeluaran Pembimbing dari Kajur

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