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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Prepared by:

Bengson, Grace Ann

Cave, Katrina
De Guzman, Maria Maureen
Galvan, Lyzl
Melendez, Jenzyl Kaye

I. Learning Competency
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
differentiate biotic from abiotic components of an ecosystem (S7LT-IIh-9)
with atleast 85% level of mastery.
II. Learning Content
Lesson: Components of Ecosystem
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation of Components of Ecosystem
Paper and pen
Pictures of 4 pics 1 word
Google Form

III. Teaching/Learning Strategies

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Phase
1. Preparation
Good Afternoon Grade 7 Science 'Good Afternoon ma’am '

We are your science teacher for

today, I am( Teachers introduce

'Yes ma’am (leading the prayer)'

Okay, before we formally start our
class, (call one student)kindly lead
the prayer.
'We're fine Ma'am'
Good day everyone, how's your
day class are you all alright? 'Doing great Ma'am'
That's good to hear, class, I hope
you are all okay.
'I am glad to say that there is no absent
Class monitor is there any for today Ma'am'
absentee for today?

That's great !

2. Motivation
Before we formally start our
discussion, I will give you some
ideas of what our lessons will be
for today.

Let us play a simple game, We

have here the task one entitled Fix 'Yes Ma'am'
me ! 'yes ma'am it was a nice game'

Are you familiar with 4 pics 1


Alright, Our game is somewhat

similar to that.

Here is the direction ,All you have

to do is to arrange the jumbled
letters to come up with a word
'Yes ,Ma'am'
that is related to our topic for this

Do you understand?

The pictures will serve as your


Let’s start
Onn glnivi gnhtis

What do you think is the answer?

'Student raise their hand'
'Student recite the correct answer( non
living things)'
Very Good!

Let's have another game.

viilng sihntg

In this new set of pictures and

jumbled words, what do you think 'Student raise their hand'
is the answer? 'Student recite the correct answer
(living things)'
Well done, Class!

B. Developmental Phase
1. Presentation of the Lesson

With that, what do you think will ' I think ma'am the topic for today has
be our lesson for today? something to do with our environment'

' I agree with him Ma'am I think it is all

about living and non living things in
our ecosystem'
Correct!, Our lesson for today, is
all about the Components of

2. Discussion of the Lesson

In today's lesson, here are our

Learning Objectives.

Now, let's discuss the

components of ecosystem.

But first let me ask you this

question. 'Ecosystem is a biological community of
interacting organisms and their
Based on you prior Knowledge physical environment.'
what is an ecosystem?

That's right! Ecosystem is the

place where living and nonliving
things interact with one another.

An ecosystem has 2 components 'Biotic and abiotic components, Ma'am'

Do you have an idea what are

these two components?

Correct, we have the biotic and 'Bio means Life'

abiotic components.

Wherein Biotic components from

the word itself Bio, do you know
what does bio means, class?

Correct, Biotic components is 'Animals'

composed of living organisms 'Human'
found in ecosystem 'Insects'
Now, Who are these living 'Trees and plants'
organisms? Can you give me

Very good class, all your answers

are correct in Biotic component 'Us humans'
We have 3 categories the 'Animals because they eat plants'
Producers which is plants,
consumers who do you think are
the consumers?
'these are the bacteria Ma'am'
Corrects this are us humans and 'insects'
animals and lastly the...

Decomposers who do you think

they are? ' This are things that don't have life
Good job!

We are done with biotic. Now we

move on what is an abiotic, If bio
means life and a means
without .What do you think is
the meaning of Abiotic?

Correct Abiotic components are 'water'

the Non living components, 'air'
physical and chemical aspect of 'sun'
ecosystem. 'gas'
Can you give me examples of non
living components ?

Good Job class, all you're

answers are non living
components that we or the living
thing needs in order to survive.

C. Culminating Activity
1. Exercise
Now, that you've learn the
different components of an
ecosystem, let's have the task 2
entitled Categorize the words, to
test your understanding.
'Student will get paper and pen'
I want you to get a one whole
sheet of paper and divide it into
2 columns. In left side write
biotic and in right write abiotic.

Here is the direction

Analyze and classify the word 'Student will answer the activity'
whether they are abiotic or
biotic components ,list it down
on your paper. I will give you 10
mins to answer it

Okay time's up.

'Student will give or share what they
(call students)Can you share have listed in their paper.'
with us what is your answers?

Very Good class, you all got the

correct answers.

'Abiotic factors refer to non-living

2. Generalization physical and chemical elements in
1. What is the difference between the ecosystem.  Biotic factors are living
biotic and abiotic factors? or once-living organisms in
the ecosystem.' 

'Abiotic factors affect the ability of

organisms to survive and reproduce.
2. In your own words, what is the
Abiotic limiting factors restrict the
connection of biotic components to
growth of populations. They help
abiotic components?
determine the types and numbers
of organisms able to exist within an

'Biotic and abiotic are the two essential

factors responsible for shaping the
3. Why are biotic and abiotic ecosystem . Both the  abiotic  and
important? biotic  resources affect survival and
reproduction process.'
IV. Assessment
Now , I'll give you an
assessment test. I'll send it to 'Student must open the group chat and
our group chat. You can answer the assessment'
answer it within 10 mins.

(message sent)

You may now start.

Identify if it is biotic or abiotic
1. Sunlight
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
2. Grass
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
3. Oxygen
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
5. Soil
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
6. Bacteria
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
7. Fungi
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
8. Plastic
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
9. Seaweeds
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
10. Wood
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
11. Pigs
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
12. Dragonfly
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
13. Fish
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
14. Calcium
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor
15. Carabao
o biotic factor
o abiotic factor 'Sunlight is an abiotic factor. It is the
main source of energy on Earth which
makes it an extremely important
abiotic component.'

Time's up. Let's check. 'Biotic factor. Grass is definitely living

so they are always considered as biotic
Number 1. Sunlight. What's the factors.'
Abiotic factor. Oxygen is an example of
gas and it is a non-living thing.

Well said. Next, number 2. Biotic factor. Because trees grow and
Grass. reproduce, therefore they are living

Very good. Number 3. Oxygen. Soil is a common non-living element.

It's an abiotic factor.

Right. Next, Trees. 'Student will raise their hands'

Correct. Last number. Soil.

Very good. So who got a perfect

All of you got a perfect score?

Very good.

V. Assignment
Now, for your assignment

Pretend that you are a hunter and

observe and list down biotic and
abiotic factors that you see in your
mini ecosystem (in your backyard),
and present it to the class next

This will be the format of your


Biotic Abiotic

'How many biotic and abiotic

Is there's any questions or components should we write Ma'am'
clarifications you want to ask?
'Thankyou ma'am, Where we can write
As many as you can, as long as it is it Ma'am'
presented in your mini ecosystem.
'Thankyou Ma'am'
In a short coupon bond
'Goodbye Ma'am'
Okay no more question to ask?

That's all for today. I hope you

learned something from our lessons
and have fun.

Goodbye class and see you meeting.

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