Research Connection Read A Research or Study Related To Students' Diversity in Motivation. Fill Out The Matrix Below

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Read a research or study related to Students’ Diversity in Motivation. Fill out the matrix below.

Problem Research Methodology

Students’ diverse learning progress exists in every This study adopted a qualitative method which enabled
classroom. This study aimed to discover what strategies the researcher to gain an insider’s view of the field
can be used to deal with students’ diverse learning through close association with both participants and
progress in classroom. The data gathering consisted of activities within the setting (Burns, 1994). The data in
two structured interview and observations. Qualitative this study was collected through two structured
approach was utilised to analyse the data. The study interviews and observations of classroom practices and
reflected on the practices of addressing students’ students. Observations took place in the school, with a
diverse learning progress and made an action plan for particular focus on a Year One classroom. Observations
improving primary school teaching. The findings from were the first step of the data collection and helped to
this study have the potential to enrich the teaching conceptualise the interview questions for a more in-
approaches in both primary and secondary schools. depth investigation. The interviewees involved a senior
principal of the student diversity system and a Year One
classroom teacher. Interviews were conducted through
everyday conversation between the researcher and the

Title and Source: (Complete APA bibliographical entry format)

Wu, Ruiting & Tu, Yongwei & Wu, Ruijuan & Le, Quynh & Reynolds,
Bronwyn. An Action Research Case Study on Students' Diverse in the
Findings Focus on Students' Diverse Learning Progress.
Conclusions/Recomendations (2012)
According to the principal (2007), “Both group support This action research case study investigated students’
programs and individual assistance have been used in diversity in the classroom with a particular focus on
supporting students with diverse needs to fit into the students’ diverse learning progress. This study
mainstream classrooms”. The Centre for Excellence examined literature on the research of students’
provided programs for students who needed additional diversity in order to seek a theoretical support for
support in all areas of the Curriculum (The Hutchins conducting this research. It also examined school
School, 2006). These programs included remedial policies and supporting systems in assisting diverse
language classes for ESL students, remedial classes for students in a single-sex primary school in Hobart. This
students with learning difficulties such as ADHD, and study particularly focused on how the Year One
one-to-one individual lessons on the arts, such as visual classroom teacher dealt with students’ diverse learning
art, choir and instruments, for gifted and talented progress in her classroom. The study also reflected the
students. During school time, there was a particular researcher’s own experience on addressing students’
period of time of one hour allotted for any student to diverse learning progress and made an action plan for
attend those programs once a week. Students could improving primary school teaching in the future.
choose the program either by choice or by the
suggestions from the classroom teacher. The regular
remedial classes were free for students to attend;
however, there was a charge for one-to-one lessons
Cultural Influences

•Situated learning

Social Influences
1.In not more than 100 words write your reflections on your very own experiences in relation
Teaching to
Activity A, B, C, D, E and F.
•Identification to address socio-
As mentioned in letter A, I experienced being motivated culturalthe
in elementary school by gaining dimensions.
approval of
•Internalization CULTURAL
my teacher for every tasks that I was doing then.INFLUENCES
And it was also mentioned there that when children
grow up by the approval of friends we can get the satisfaction that we want, this is because as we grow
up we are more dependent on our friends and sometimes even they are the only ones who support us
•Verbal persuasion
we became happy and we are satisfied. It is also noted in letter E that most of the student whose have
low-income families are more likely not to continue to study. I'm not saying that I experienced this but it
almost happened, because when I was in grade 5 my grandmother was hospitalized for more than two
months and there our family got into debt, which is why I almost didn't go to school. But by God's
goodness I am still studying and I can say that its a big blessing for me to still studying up until now.

2. By means of a graphic organizer, present the social and cultural influences on the cognitive
and motivational processes of learning.
3.State and explain in not more than 3 sentences each of the principles on the social and cultural
influences on motivation.

Two principles to consider regarding social and cultural influences on motivation are:

1.Students are more likely to model the behaviors they believe are relevant to their situation.

It simply means that the behaviors where the child displays, they just adapting it to whatever situation
they are in. The child’s behaviors that comes out and are displayed or performed by them, reflects on
their present situation. Or in simple words, all the behaviors they possess are based solely on what
situation they have been experiencing.

2.Students develop greater efficacy for a task when they see other themselves performing the task

In other words, children become motivated when they see others that already achieved what they are
supposed to do. And through this, it serves as a model so that they can also achieve what they want to


Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW!

From the Module on Students’ Diversity in Motivation, we realized that motivation is really important
and as it was define, it is an inner drive that causes you to do something and persevere at something. It
energizes you to do something. It is the strength of the drive toward an action. And we also learned that
motivation divided into two types, the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. We can say that motivation is
extrinsic when that which motivates a person is someone or something outside him/her. And motivation
as intrinsic is more beneficial than extrinsic motivation because intrinsic motivation comes from within
the person himself/herself. But whatever it is, motivation serves as big help to students' diversity as it
serves to be more beneficial for both teachers and learners. Diverse students is really hard to handle at
first but when student motivates others despite of differences it will become a huge help for teacher to
adjust, as well as for the whole class adjusting in their social and cultural differences.

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