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Let a, b, and c be real numbers, variables or algebraic expressions. @ Closure property : Addition : Multiplication ® Commutative property = Addition : Multiplication ® Associative property _: Addition : Multiplication @ \dentity property : Addition : Multiplication © Inverse property : Addition 0 : Multiplication a(2)-1-(2 with a #0 © Distributive property _: Left a(b +c) = ab +ac + Right (a+ b)c= ac + be PROPERTIES OF EQUALITY Let a, b and c be real numbers, variables of algebraic expression @ Reflexive property fase @ symmetric property :Ifa=b, thenb=a © Transitive property :Ifa=bandb=c, thena=c ® Substitution property: fa =b, then a can be replaced by b in any expression involving a ® Addition/Subtraction Ifa=b, thenat+c=b+c :Ifa=b, thena—c=b-—c © Multiplication/Division : If a=b, then ac = be ‘Ifa=b, then 2=2 withe 20 Cc Cc @ Cancellation property: lfa+c=b+c,thena=b :Ifac = be andc#0, thena=b Let a and b real numbers, variables or algebraic expression. @ a+0=a and a-O=a @ a 0=0 @ 2.0, axo a © = is undefined © fab =0, then a=0 orb=0. This is known as Zero-Factor Property The exponential notation states that if js areal number, variable, or algebraic expression and n is a positive number, then e@eoeoeoo060ce8 88 om)? = at (ab) = a™b™ (a) -% Examples: 44 4h = gta gs gas a8 VF = y%2) < y'2 (2x)' = 24x4 =16x* 2y zt 16 x eae ax8!? = Yor <5 x= ¥ 542) 31 In the expression, Ya , nis called the index, a the radicand while the symbol {is called the radical or radical symbol. e090 8080 Properties: Yar = ay" Yao -Yab Ya _[a Bal, b#0 We -"a ia) -2 Ye = bl Examples: Ye? =a} - ar -4 ¥5 .Ye75 - 95(675) - ¥3375 -15 y ‘50 Fo Vio" et fax = 2x {12% =|-12)=12, Forn= even number Y-15)° =-15, For n= odd number a) b) °) d) 2) Letx, y and z be real numbers, variables or algebraic expression. @ Sum and difference of same terms = (x+y)(x-y)=-y* Or Difference of two squares ® Square of a binomial icy =x! + dxy+ yy? 6 ole a nee ; Cube of a binomial t+ y)? =x + 3x¢y + 3xy’ + 1 —y) =x — ay + Sx -y* ® Difference of two cubes xy? =e - yo? + xy +?) ® Sum of two cubes rk ty = + yor —yty)) @ Square of a trinomial Qty tx ax + yh +2? + Day +e +2yz PROPERTIES OF PROPORTION if 2 -* then ax=y:d y a ‘ ac a ef A! gener = ac b =f then 2 ac a if —=— B= 4, then ad WB <5, then 2-2 then bod Fundamental trigonometric identities: (G. Funclons of half angiee: A. Reciprocal relations: AR BSA SECA : a il ; fanA a7 een. = ‘Sn H. Sum of two nee B. Pythagorean relations: 1. C. Sum of angles formulas: D. Difference of angles formulas: ue A. Algebraic Functions: B. Exponential Functions: 8 at) at ina 9. =atinat ay = atina Logarithmic Functions: ie togio ¢ 12 z (logy u) = ox du (iqu) = 2 13. (imu) = Trigonometric Functions: a du 14. 5. (sinu) =cosu a lau HU Gq osu) = - sinu 15. du 4 2 16. 2. anu) = sect u 4 Pie » ax Inverse Trigonometric Functions: j= Jos & eee) nut ox 1 du teu? dx 20. 4 (ein ox Cpe 21. Sosy) 2a: S ¢antuy- ay tary) Hyperbolic Functions: du 28. + a - SGinnu) = coshu a tea ds 27. J, (coshu) = sinha d 24, du = Gann) = eu 28. 2 (anny) = sech’u: 47. 18. 19, 23, 24, 25 26. 27. 28 10. a 2 du Fi ootw = csc? ut d . du ax BeCU) =secutanu a is =-eseucotu Flere) =—eseucotu Seeseaey gel. te ge 9 tout ce Ce 1_w eet) = ax aitan de ae Fogerty ==) ts x waa Zecotnuy = Asecny 4 eS ou Ltesenu) =-eschucothu A Basic Integrals: 4 foo =u+C 2. fou =au+C 3. fore = a fE-mwsc u Exponential & Logarithmic Functions: 6. Jowrerse Te foeteu =e"(u-1)+C 8. firvo =ulnu-u+C 84 _ injnul +c ulnu Trigonometric Functions: 10. fonucu =—cosu+C tae foosuduesinusc franusu-tfseoy+c Jootuctu=ifsinu +c Jrecuau~ifsecu-tany=c fesous-inesou cot +c 16. foos?udu-tanu+c 7. foosudu-—cotwsc 18. fecoutanudu- secur 19. fescucotudu=-cseuse 20, fin@udu-4u-tsinausc Qa 2 eis 24. |cos? udu =—u+— sin2u+C Died 22. fir? vsu-tanu-use 23. foo? eau - cotu uc Inverse Trigonometric Functions: 24. [sin udu =usin-tus Vi-u? +c 25. feos" wu -uoosu- H—u? +C 26. iar *usu-utan Su-invi-u? +6 27. foot tus ucor*usts Neue +C 28. foce tum =usee-*u-rlsi hi? —a]0 29. Jose tudo =uese"'uctue Vi? | £. Hyperbolic Functions: 30. |sinhudu=coshu+c 31 Joosnea =sinhu+C 32. framuci~ineosn +c 33. fom udu = Injsinhu| + 34. fore hudu = tan“Ysinhu) +C SS: & fosciuau=trfann dlc 2| 36, fosohudu=tarhure 37. foserrc =~cothu+C 38. fecchatannu 39. [eserucot udu 40. far? uau =+sinzu-ture 4 e a. Joos? usu= 42. fon? udu=u-ternu +6 43. foor?usu-u-comuse F. Teigonemette Substitution: 44, Ve? udu let: 45. f a? +u?du let; 46. [M2 -a2du let: sinh2u4 Sus -sechu+C eschu+C tee #2 Me eel ee ae as Tey Sas ea z 8 6 u=asind u=atand u=asecd H. Wallis Formula: Formulated by John Wallis % = ay I = I Ss} a 5 (m+n)(m+n-2)(m+n—4)---40r2 (Ue sin” 6 cos" 6d0 =: Kit 48. if both m and n are even =k 2 where: « 1 if otherwise a=

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