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Evaluation of the Organ Care System in Heart

Transplantation With an Adverse Donor/Recipient

Diana García Saez, MD, Bartlomiej Zych, MD, Anton Sabashnikov, MD,
Christopher T. Bowles, PhD, Fabio De Robertis, MD, Prashant N. Mohite, MD,
Aron-Frederik Popov, MD, PhD, Olaf Maunz, CCP, Nikhil P. Patil, MRCS, MCh,
Alexander Weymann, MD, Timothy Pitt, CCP, Louise McBrearty, CCP,
Bradley Pates, CCP, Rachel Hards, RN, Mohamed Amrani, MD, PhD,
Toufan Bahrami, MD, Nicholas R. Banner, MD, PhD, and Andre R. Simon, MD, PhD
Department of Cardiothoracic Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support, Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield
NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom

Background. A severe shortage of available donor or- cardiac arrest, alcohol/drug abuse, coronary artery disease
gans has created an impetus to use extended criteria or- or (2) recipient factors, ie, mechanical circulatory support
gans for heart transplantation. Although such attempts or elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), or both.
increase donor organ availability, they may result in an Results. Donor and recipient age was 37 ± 12 years
adverse donor-recipient risk profile. The TransMedics and 43 ± 13 years, respectively. Allograft cold ischemia
Organ Care System (OCS) (TransMedics, Inc, Boston) time was 85 ± 17 minutes and OCS perfusion time was
allows preservation of the donor heart by perfusing the 284 ± 90 minutes. The median intensive care unit stay
organ at 34 C in a beating state, potentially reducing the was 6 days. One death (3.8%) was observed over the
detrimental effect of cold storage and providing addi- follow-up: 257 ± 116 (109–445 days). There was preserved
tional assessment options. We describe a single-center allograft function in 92% of patients, with a mean LVEF
experience with the OCS in high-risk heart transplant of 64% ± 5%.
procedures. Conclusions. Use of the OCS is associated with mark-
Methods. Thirty hearts were preserved using the OCS edly improved short-term outcomes and transplant
between February 2013 and January 2014, 26 of which activity by allowing use of organs previously not
(86.7%) were transplanted. Procedures were classified as considered suitable for transplantation or selection of
high risk based on (1) donor factors, ie, transport time higher risk recipients, or both.
more than 2.5 hours with estimated ischemic time longer
than 4 hours, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) less (Ann Thorac Surg 2014;98:2099–106)
than 50%, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), donor Ó 2014 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

D espite ongoing improvements in mechanical circu-

latory support, heart transplantation remains the
gold standard treatment for appropriately selected
other risk factors, such as donor left ventricular hyper-
trophy (LVH).
The TransMedics Organ Care System (OCS) is the first
patients with advanced heart failure, leading to the best commercially available system that allows the beating
long-term outcome [1]. However, heart transplantation donor heart to be maintained in a warm (34 C) perfused
has a high early mortality, caused almost entirely by oxygenated state during transfer from donor to recipient.
donor organ failure. Under conventional conditions of This allows for an extended “out of body” time and min-
donor organ preservation, ie, cardioplegic arrest and imizes the detrimental effects of cold ischemic storage [4].
cold storage, prolonged cold ischemia time is by far the The OCS also allows ex vivo donor heart assessment.
greatest risk factor for primary allograft dysfunction and Data presented by Hamed and colleagues [5] along
death [2, 3]. Moreover, cold ischemia time multiples with interim results from the PROCEED II trial (a
prospective, randomized [1:1] multicenter noninferiority
study comparing the safety and efficacy of the OCS
Accepted for publication June 2, 2014.
with the cold storage of donor hearts) suggest that a
Presented at the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of The Society of Thoracic
Surgeons, Orlando, FL, Jan 25–29, 2014.
Address correspondence to Dr García S aez, Cardiothoracic Trans-
plantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support, Royal Brompton and Drs García Saez, Maunz, and Simon disclose financial
Harefield NHS Trust, Hill End Road, Harefield, UB96JH, United Kingdom; relationships with TransMedics Inc.

Ó 2014 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/$36.00

Published by Elsevier
 ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

Abbreviations and Acronyms

HVAD = HeartWare left ventricular assist
IABP = intraaortic balloon pump

LVAD = left ventricular assist device

LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction
OCS = Organ Care System
PVR = pulmonary vascular resistance

rising lactate level is a reliable marker of donor heart

abnormality [5, 6]. The heart OCS may be particularly
well suited to the assessment of “extended criteria” donor
hearts with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
(LVEF), LVH, previous donor cardiac arrest, prolonged
predicted ischemic time (> 4 hours), alcohol/substance
abuse, and unknown coronary artery disease status
because of a lack of coronary angiography [7–9].
Previous attempts to use extended criteria allografts,
with the aim of addressing the severe shortage of avail-
able donor organs has increased organ availability but
Fig 1. Organ Care System (OCS) support unit (resting
has also resulted in high-risk organ/recipient combina-
perfusion mode).
tions and poor outcomes [2]. The individual risk-benefit
ratio is further affected by the ever-increasing com-
plexity of today’s recipients, such as the presence of left
detailed organ assessment at the time of donation
ventricular assist devices (LVADs) and severe pulmonary
that included transesophageal echocardiography, cardiac
hypertension. In particular, transplantation in patients
output studies using a pulmonary artery catheter, direct
with LVADs is challenging, and the concept of LVAD
evaluation of the coronary arteries, and measurement of
bridging on outcomes after transplantation has been
left and right atrial pressures.
controversial. Some experienced centers have compara-
Donors were transfused with red blood cells, if neces-
ble posttransplantation results in this group [10, 11];
sary, to raise the serum hemoglobin level to 10 g/dL.
however, the international registries continue to identify
Immediately before aortic cross-clamping, the right atrial
it as a risk factor for increased mortality [12, 13].
appendage was cannulated using a 34F venous cannula,
In this article, we report a single-center experience of 30
thereby allowing approximately 1.5 L of donor blood to be
consecutive donor procurements using the OCS, 26 of
collected to prime the OCS module. Unfractionated
which were subsequently used for high-risk heart
heparin 10,000 IU was added to the blood collection bag
in addition to the standard donor heparinization protocol
(300 IU/kg). Cardioplegia was instituted with Custodiol
Material and Methods HTK (Essential Pharmaceuticals, Ewing, NJ) at 4 C (800–
1,000 mL depending on donor size) was used to induce
The Heart OCS cardiac arrest and protect against ischemic injury during
The heart OCS (Transmedics Inc, Boston, MA) is the period before the heart was connected to the OCS.
composed of an organ-specific perfusion module with
disposable and nondisposable parts and a compact
wireless monitor. The monitor displays real-time system Heart Management and Assessment on OCS
and organ measurements, such as aortic pressure, coro- Donor hearts were implanted on the OCS using the
nary flow, blood temperature, and heart rate. The heart is proprietary heart instrumentation tool set. Four double-
perfused in the resting mode (Fig 1). Warm oxygenated pledgeted 2-0 Ethibond sutures (Ethicon, Inc, Somer-
blood is pumped into the aorta, thereby perfusing the ville, NJ) were applied at 90-degree intervals to the cut
coronary arteries, and deoxygenated blood enters the edge of the ascending aorta, and an appropriate aortic tip
right atrium through the coronary sinus and passes insert (4 different sizes from 19.1–31.8 mm) was placed in
through the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle. The the aorta. A cable tie tool was used to secure the tip of the
blood is then ejected through the pulmonary artery to aorta to the aortic tissue. The pulmonary artery was
the blood oxygenator and is returned to the reservoir. cannulated using a 30F cannula, which was inserted into
the lumen of the pulmonary artery and secured with a 3-0
Organ Procurement and Connection to the OCS polypropylene purse-string suture. The pulmonary artery
After provisional acceptance of the donor hearts based cannula was then retracted to avoid any interference with
on available clinical information, our team performed a the pulmonary valve motion and was secured with a
Ann Thorac Surg GARCIA SAEZ
 ET AL 2101

heavy suture. The superior vena cava was oversewn with and (2) recipients who were high risk because of the
a continuous 4-0 polypropylene suture. presence of severe pulmonary hypertension, defined as
The heart was placed in the perfusion module with the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) greater than 4
posterior aspect facing upward and the left atrium and Wood units (WU) before reversibility assessment or
aorta toward the top of the heart chamber. Perfusion of presence of a long-term LVAD preoperatively, or both.

the heart was initiated with a pump flow of 900 to 1200
mL/min, with the aim of achieving the target coronary
flow range of 750 to 850 mL/min. If the heart did not beat

spontaneously after rewarming to 34 C, manual massage Donor characteristics are presented in Table 1. Mean donor
was performed to prevent distention. If the heart con- age was 37  12 years, with 7 female (23%) and 23 male
tinued not to beat or return to sinus rhythm, a defibril- donors (77%). Sixteen donors (53.3%) died of traumatic
lation shock of 5 to 10 J was delivered and, if required, or spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, 4 (13.3%) died of
was repeatedly increased by 5 J until normal rhythm ischemic stroke, 9 (30%) died of hypoxic brain damage,
was restored. The inferior vena cava was oversewn with a and 1 (3.3%) died of a brain tumor (meningioma).
4-0 polypropylene continuous suture in the perfusion Evaluation of the donor hearts during retrieval revealed a
module on the OCS. A vent was inserted through the reduced LVEF of less than 50% in 5 cases (16.6%). Five
mitral valve to decompress the left ventricle. donors had palpable coronary artery disease and 6 had
Venous and arterial blood gas samples were taken LVH with a diastolic interventricular septal thickness
simultaneously at 30-minute intervals for lactate quanti- greater than 13 mm and electrocardiographic criteria
fication using a CG4 cartridge in the IStat portable diagnostic of LVH. Prolonged cardiac arrest of a mean
analyzer (Abbott Point of Care Inc, Princeton, NJ). At 60- duration of 30  7 minutes was documented in 8 (26.6%)
minute intervals, the electrolyte status was evaluated donors. Estimated total cold ischemic time was greater
using a CG8 cartridge. Using data derived from PRO- than 4 hours in 14 cases; 46.6% had a mean transport time
CEED II, organ acceptance criteria included a venous of 200  33 minutes.
blood lactate level lower than the arterial blood value and
a decreasing or stable trend in lactate levels over time, Recipients
lactate level less than 5 mmol/L at the end of the period of Recipient characteristics are presented in Table 2. The mean
OCS support, stable perfusion measurement, and overall age was 43  13 years and 19% (n ¼ 5) were women. All
good contractility. patients had advanced heart failure (19% had ischemic
Immediately before disconnection from the OCS and cardiomyopathy and 81% had dilated cardiomyopathy)
implantation, donor hearts were perfused with 1,000 mL of and were considered high risk because of (1) an LVAD in
cold Custodiol HTK cardioplegic solution with a mean situ (n ¼ 11 [42%]) with a median duration of support of
aortic pressure of 40 mm Hg as displayed on the OCS 425 days (6–2,452 days) or (2) PVR greater than 4 WU
monitor. The total allograft cold ischemia time was defined before reversibility assessment (n ¼ 7 [30%]) with a mean
as the duration from donor aortic cross-clamping to the PVR of 4.98  0.6 WU. All patients with an increased PVR
connection of the allograft on the OCS plus the duration also had a baseline transpulmonary gradient of 12 mm Hg
from administration of the cold cardioplegia solution on or more and a mean transpulmonary gradient of 15 
the OCS immediately before implantation to the release of 2 mm Hg. The Index for Mortality Prediction After Cardiac
the cross-clamp after implantation in the recipient. Transplantation (IMPACT) score for all recipients was
12.9  7.7 points (range, 0–19), with a predicted risk
Study Design and Donor/Recipient Cohort of mortality at 1 year of 12.9%  7.7% (range, 6.03%–
The study design was a retrospective single-center review 43.14%) [14].
of prospectively collected data. A total of 26 consecutive Furthermore, 2 recipients (7.6%) were supported with
patients who underwent OCS heart transplantation from an intraaortic balloon pump (IABP), 10 (38.4%) had
February 2013 to January 2014 at Harefield Hospital were moderate impairment of renal function (defined as a
included in this study. A further 4 donor hearts procured glomerular filtration rate of 30–59 mL/min/1.73m2), and 1
using the OCS during the same study period were patient (3.8%) had liver dysfunction (defined as at least a
declined for transplantation. A protocol including consent 2-fold increase in at least 2 liver function measurements).
procedures for the OCS heart preservation/assessment Of the 11 recipients who received LVAD support preop-
was reviewed and accepted by the Royal Brompton and eratively, 4 (36%) had an ongoing severe pump pocket
Harefield NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Practice Com- infection at the time of transplantation.
mittee. All patients gave written informed consent for
orthotopic cardiac transplantation as well as OCS pres- OCS Instrumentation and Assessment
ervation/assessment. The mean time from aortic cross-clamping in the donor to
Main indications for OCS were (1) donor risk factors reperfusion of the heart to the OCS was 26  7 minutes
such as estimated ischemia time longer than 4 hours, (range, 13–39 minutes). One donor heart started beating
LVEF less than 50%, previous donor cardiac arrest, LVH spontaneously on the OCS. The remainder required 1 to 2
with an interventricular septum in diastole of more than shocks (maximum energy delivered, 10 J).
13 mm, alcohol/drug abuse, and presence of palpable Four donor hearts with a previous history of cardiac
coronary artery disease without coronary angiography arrest (30  4 minutes) were considered unsuitable for


Table 1. Donor Characteristics

Patient Cause of Death Age (y) Sex Arrest (min) LVEF (%) Risk Factors Outcome

1 Cerebrovascular accident 44 Male No 60 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted

2 Hypoxic brain damage 50 Male 40 60 Cardiac arrest, diabetes mellitus Transplanted


3 Intracranial hemorrhage 47 Male No 65 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted

4 Cerebrovascular accident 46 Female No 56 Obesity, alcohol abuse, palpable Transplanted

coronary artery disease

5 Intracranial hemorrhage 24 Male No 62 ... Transplanted
6 Hypoxic brain damage 20 Male 15 50 Cocaine-alcohol overdose, cardiac arrest Transplanted
7 Intracranial hemorrhage 54 Male No 72 Obesity, palpable coronary artery disease Transplanted
8 Intracranial hemorrhage 23 Male No 57 LVH (diastolic interventricular septum 15 mm) Transplanted
9 Intracranial hemorrhage 28 Male No 58 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted
10 Intracranial hemorrhage 33 Male No 55 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h, LVH (diastolic Transplanted
interventricular septum 15 mm)
11 Intracranial hemorrhage 53 Male No 60 ... Transplanted
12 Intracranial hemorrhage 54 Male No 60 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted
13 Hypoxic brain damage 24 Female 35 45 Reduced LVEF, cardiac arrest Declined

14 Cerebrovascular accident 44 Male No 66 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted

15 Meningioma 49 Male No 65 LVH (diastolic interventricular septum 16 mm) Transplanted
16 Hypoxic brain damage 17 Female No 43 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h, reduced LVEF Transplanted
17 Intracranial hemorrhage 34 Male No 70 LVH (diastolic interventricular Transplanted
septum 14 mm), alcohol abuse
18 Intracranial hemorrhage 26 Female No 60 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted
19 Intracranial hemorrhage 52 Male No 65 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted
20 Intracranial hemorrhage 40 Male No 65 Palpable coronary artery disease Transplanted
21 Hypoxic brain damage 36 Female 30 55 Alcohol abuse, cardiac arrest Declined
22 Intracranial hemorrhage 24 Male No 55 Electrocardiographic ischemia Transplanted
23 Hypoxic brain damage 35 Male 30 60 Cardiac arrest, estimated ischemic time > 4 h Transplanted
24 Intracranial hemorrhage 55 Male 25 55 Cardiac arrest, LVH (diastolic interventricular Declined
septum 16 mm), Estimated ischemic time > 4 h
25 Intracranial hemorrhage 51 Male No 45 Reduced LVEF, palpable coronary artery disease Transplanted
26 Intracranial hemorrhage 48 Female No 55 Estimated ischemic time > 4 h, palpable Transplanted
coronary artery disease
27 Cerebrovascular accident 38 Male No 60 Cocaine overdose, estimated ischemic time > 4 h, Transplanted
right ventricular dysfunction
28 Hypoxic brain damage 22 Female 30 60 Cardiac arrest, estimated ischemic time > 4 h Declined
29 Hypoxic brain damage 42 Male 30 48 Cardiac arrest, reduced LVEF, LVH (diastolic Transplanted
interventricular septum 15 mm)
30 Hypoxic brain damage 21 Female 40 60 Cardiac arrest Transplanted

LVEF ¼ left ventricular ejection fraction; LVH ¼ left ventricular hypertrophy.

Ann Thorac Surg
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Table 2. Recipient Characteristicsa

Number Diagnosis Age (y) Sex LVAD Risk Factors

1 Dilated cardiomyopathy 39 Male No PVR > 4 WU

2 Ischemic cardiomyopathy 58 Male HVAD LVAD, 5 sternotomies, moderate renal impairment
3 Dilated cardiomyopathy 29 Male No Moderate renal impairment
4 Ischemic cardiomyopathy 61 Male No Previous sternotomy, liver function impairment
5 Dilated cardiomyopathy 25 Male HVAD LVAD
6 Dilated cardiomyopathy 36 Male Synergy LVAD
7 Dilated cardiomyopathy 37 Female No ...
8 Dilated cardiomyopathy 24 Male HVAD LVAD, moderate renal impairment
9 Dilated cardiomyopathy 44 Female No IABP, moderate renal impairment
10 Dilated cardiomyopathy 56 Male HeartMate II LVAD, pump pocket infection,
PVR > 4, moderate renal impairment
11 Dilated cardiomyopathy 61 Male HeartMate II LVAD, pump pocket infection,
moderate renal impairment
12 Dilated cardiomyopathy 48 Male No PVR > 4 WU
14 Dilated cardiomyopathy 22 Male No IABP, moderate renal impairment
15 Dilated cardiomyopathy 57 Male No PVR > 4 WU
16 Dilated cardiomyopathy 26 Female No PVR > 4 WU, moderate renal impairment
17 Dilated cardiomyopathy 33 Male HVAD LVAD
18 Ischemic cardiomyopathy 48 Male No ...
19 Ischemic cardiomyopathy 33 Male HeartMate II LVAD, pump pocket infection
20 Dilated cardiomyopathy 48 Male HeartMate II LVAD, pump pocket infection, 4 previous sternotomies
22 Dilated cardiomyopathy 56 Male No ...
23 Dilated cardiomyopathy 58 Male HVAD LVAD þ RVAD Levitronix, severe renal impairment
25 Dilated cardiomyopathy 34 Male No -
26 Dilated cardiomyopathy 59 Female HVAD LVAD, PVR > 4 WU
27 Dilated cardiomyopathy 30 Male No IABP
29 Dilated cardiomyopathy 57 Male No PVR > 4 WU
30 Dilated cardiomyopathy 56 Female No Moderate renal impairment
Donor hearts 13, 21, 24, and 28 were declined.
HVAD ¼ HeartWare ventricular assist device; IABP ¼ intraaortic balloon pump; LVAD ¼ left ventricular assist device; PVR ¼ pulmonary
vascular resistance; RVAD ¼ right ventricular assist device; WU ¼ Wood unit.

transplantation after OCS assessment because of re- time was 87  15 minutes. The allografts were reperfused
fractory increasing lactate levels. These organs were for 78  38 minutes before disconnection from cardio-
also associated with poor contractility on the system pulmonary bypass. Three patients required IABP support
and ongoing hemodynamic instability in the presence for weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass: 1 patient had
of increased aortic pressure, which was suggestive of severe pulmonary hypertension, and the other 2 received
myocardial damage with increasing coronary vascular hearts from donors who died of cocaine overdose. In all
resistance. This was an important additional reason to the cases, the allograft function improved and the IABP
decline donor hearts for transplantation after 305  20 could be weaned after 4 days. The mean duration on
minutes of assessment. inotropic support was 113  85 hours and the median
None of the donor hearts were discarded because of duration of inhaled nitric oxide administration was 22
operator/technical failures related to the OCS support. hours interquartile range (15; 40) after transplantation.
We observed a favorable downward trend in lactate levels Five patients (19.2%) experienced moderate right
(Fig 2), with a lower venous than arterial level, indicating ventricular failure according to Interagency Registry
myocardial lactate consumption. The mean total out of Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (INTER-
body time was 371  102 minutes, and the mean OCS MACS) definition, requiring inotropic support/inhaled
perfusion time was 285  92 minutes. The longest nitric oxide for more than 1 week. The mean post-
period of OCS support was 464 minutes. operative blood loss in 24 hours was 812  501 mL. The
median intensive care unit stay was 6 days interquartile
Recipient Intraoperative and Postoperative Course and range (4; 8), (range, 2–149 days).
Survival One patient undergoing implantation with a HeartMate II
The mean operative duration for heart implantation was (Thoratec, Pleasanton, CA) LVAD who had a severe pump
60  13 minutes, and the mean total allograft ischemic infection became septic after the transplantation procedure
 ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

perfusion. In this series, 5 donor hearts had palpable

coronary artery disease, which was tentatively deemed to
be nonsignificant but could not be confirmed because of
the unavailability of a donor angiogram; the presence of
stable pressure and lactate trends during OCS support

suggested that the coronary artery disease was not severe

and consequently these hearts were transplanted, leading
to favorable early outcomes.
On the basis of publication of interim results from the
PROCEED II trial, which implied that a rising lactate level
on the system is a predictor of donor heart abnormality,
we made the decision to use the OCS for the assessment
of extended criteria donor hearts. Our data confirm the
Fig 2. Venous and arterial lactate levels (mmol/L) before and during importance of the trend in venous and arterial lactate
Organ Care System (OCS) support. levels and the difference between them as markers of
donor heart function. Some of the donor hearts assessed
and needed extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support on the OCS had sustained previous cardiac arrest with
on postoperative day 3, which was successfully dis- increased troponin levels or a reduced LVEF, or both.
continued after 5 days. He had preserved allograft function Transplanting these organs may potentially increase the
but died on postoperative day 44 resulting from bowel risk of primary allograft dysfunction and the requirement
ischemia. of mechanical support after transplant. We assessed the
Twenty-four recipients were discharged from the hos- behavior of these organs on the OCS; whenever the
pital with a mean hospital stay of 39  29 days; 1 patient lactate trend was favorable in combination with stable
has not yet been discharged. Survival at 1 month was perfusion measurements, the organs were transplanted
100%. At follow-up of 257  116 days (range, 109–445 with excellent outcomes.
days), survival was 96%. One outpatient had a reduced Other groups [16, 17] did not find differences in the
LVEF of 50%. Biventricular allograft function was well outcome when transplanting selected allografts with good
preserved in the remaining 24 patients (92%), with a LV function from donors with previous cardiac arrest of
mean LVEF of 66.3%  5.6%, mean fractional shortening 20 minutes using cold storage preservation. However,
of 37%  6%, and a mean longitudinal right ventricular allografts with longer downtimes may have reduced LV
systolic function of 13.6  3.1 mm. function, increased troponin levels, or regional wall mo-
tion abnormalities. Ex vivo assessment combined with
reduced cold ischemic time would minimize the risk of
Comment primary allograft dysfunction and potentially increase the
This is the first clinical report of heart transplantation donor pool. Four allografts with a donor downtime of 25
using the OCS in the context of an adverse donor-recipient to 35 minutes—2 with normal LVEF and the other 2 with
risk profile. The highly favorable early outcomes demon- reduced contractility—were assessed on the OCS and
strate the clinical effectiveness of this approach. considered unsuitable for transplantation, thus avoiding
A crucial advantage of the OCS is a substantial reduction any risk to the recipients.
in the total cold ischemic time for conventional cold donor The International Society for Heart and Lung Trans-
organ preservation; total cold ischemic time has been plantation registry continues to identify LVAD bridging
shown to be a risk factor for mortality, with an odds ratio as a risk factor for increased mortality after trans-
for death within 30 days of 1.06 per 15-minute increment plantation. The ex vivo heart perfusion allows optimiza-
[2]. The OCS allows for extended out of body time of at tion of logistics and meticulous preparation of the
least 8 hours, expanding potential geographic zones for recipients with LVADs. In these cases, we observed a low
organ procurement, reducing the detrimental effects of incidence of right heart failure, improved allograft func-
cold ischemic storage, improving short-term heart allo- tion, reduced blood transfusion requirement, and shorter
graft function, and leading to favorable outcomes. intensive care unit and hospital stays.
Increased donor age has also been identified as a risk Several limitations of this study merit attention. The
factor for reduced survival at 1 year [13] and should main limitation is the analysis of a small cohort of patients
be carefully considered when it is associated with from a single institution who underwent heart trans-
prolonged cold ischemia. Furthermore, older donors with plantation using the OCS as a method of allograft pres-
cardiovascular risk factors are at higher risk of coronary ervation/assessment. Moreover, because some of these
artery disease, which can only be reliably diagnosed with donors would not have been considered suitable for
an angiogram, and because of logistic constraints it transplantation, on ethical grounds the donor hearts
cannot normally be performed at the time of donation. could not be randomized to standard of care preserva-
Although the OCS allows for angiography of the donor tion/cold storage. Long-term follow-up is also required,
heart while it is in the system [15], the presence of particularly in the group of patients who received allo-
significant coronary artery disease can also be predicted grafts with LVH, reduced LVEF, or palpable coronary
from an increasing aortic pressure trend during organ artery disease, because such risk factors may have an
Ann Thorac Surg GARCIA SAEZ
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as yet undetectable impact on long-term outcome. 5. Hamed A, Tsui S, Huber J, et al. Serum lactate is a highly
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DR MATTHIAS LOEBE (Houston, TX): Thank you very much and ongoing hemodynamic instability with increased aortic
for this impressive presentation. Let me ask you, do you have any pressure suggesting myocardial damage with associated coronary
measurements while the organ is in support that help you to vascular resistance or coronary artery disease.
decide whether to use this organ or not, or is the advantage of the
system that you believe you provide better preservation and then DR LOEBE: And that is based on solid numbers or it just helps to
feel more comfortable to accept marginal organs or longer have a better gut feeling in making the decision whether to use it
ischemic times? or not?

DR GARCIA SAEZ: We certainly believe that the preservation DR GARCIA SAEZ:

 The lactate trend is a very reliable marker of
provided by the system is much better compared with the cold graft abnormalities, and the grafts are usually considered not
storage. The cold ischemic time is reduced significantly and we transplantable when the final lactate level is above 5 mmol/L. We
can push the boundaries and utilize extended criteria donors. The have transplanted hearts that had an increased lactate on the
visual assessment of the graft, the lactate trend, and the stability of system, however with venous lactate lower than the arterial one,
the perfusion parameters such as coronary flow or aortic pressure which indicates lactate myocardial consumption in a good graft
are usually enough to decide whether the heart is performing well despite not being optimally perfused. In these particular cases,
in the system or not. Several grafts with previous donor cardiac other parameters as the visual contractility and the stability of the
arrest were considered unsuitable for transplantation after the perfusion data on the system are usually enough to decide. In
OCS assessment due to persistently increasing lactate. In addi- cases of extreme extended criteria donors, the final decision may
tion, there was a reduced contractility of the graft on the system not be easy and it comes with the experience using the system.
 ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

DR DANNY CHU (Pittsburgh, PA): Is this OCS a closed system with poor or with worse ventricular function. What happens
or an open system, and if it’s an open system with a reservoir, do after the transplant? Did it improve or remain the same or
you see much hemolysis and thrombocytopenia issues worsen it?
DR GARCIA SAEZ:  All the patients transplanted have normal


This is a closed system on the right side of the left ventricular function on the follow-up. It is surprising that
heart. The oxygenated blood is pumped into the aorta to perfuse some of the donors had reduced function down to 45%, and we
the coronary arteries. Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium decided to transplant them after a successful assessment on the
(closed superior and inferior vena cava) via coronary sinus and is system, however with the possibility of requiring initial me-
then drained through the pulmonary artery with a cannula in it to chanical support. All these grafts came easily off bypass, and the
the blood oxygenator and returned to the reservoir. The left atrium recipients are doing extremely well.
is open and the left ventricle is beating empty. Some of the grafts are under stress conditions in the donor due
The system could produce hemolysis after several hours; to the catecholamine response following brain death. That may
however, without clinical impact on the graft or the recipient’s justify the reduced function during the donor assessment. The
postoperative period. We haven’t seen cases with severe throm- OCS may have the potential to recondition such grafts.
bocytopenia in recipients either. The amount of blood transfusion
in recipients with OCS preserved grafts is much more reduced
when compared with patients transplanted with grafts with cold DR MAZZITELLI: So you mean the ventricle becomes better in
storage. the follow-up?


 Yes, it does. We haven’t had any cases of
the presentation. A very short question about the donors reduced function on the follow up.

Notice From the American Board of Thoracic

Surgery Regarding Trainees and Candidates for
Certification Who Are Called to Military Service
Related to the War on Terrorism
The Board appreciates the concern of those who have If you have any questions about how this might
received emergency calls to military service. They may be affect you, please call the Board office at (312) 202-
assured that the Board will exercise the same sympathetic 5900.
consideration as was given to candidates in recognition of
their special contributions to their country during the
Vietnam conflict and the Persian Gulf conflict with Richard J. Shemin, MD
regard to applications, examinations, and interruption of Chair
training. The American Board of Thoracic Surgery

Ó 2014 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Ann Thorac Surg 2014;98:2106  0003-4975/$36.00
Published by Elsevier

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