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Evidence by way of affidavit of Mr Simran Chahal aged 31 years as of 2019 March.

I, the above deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under : -

I will declare my evidence in 3 different sections. Section A where I will prove the
allegations she has put in her affidavit are false by giving attached proof which
contradicts her statements. Section B where I will prove that she has not intention of
continuing the marriage and live as a wife. Section C where I will give proofs about
her wealth status and her qualification status along with the dependency that I have
to support my brother education.
Till now I was hoping that I could figure out why my wife is doing this and hopefully
the marriage would continue, but now since she is putting one false allegation after
the other, I have no choice but to give the proofs I have about the behaviour she/her
family has shown towards me, my parents, and my grandparents right after
Section A) : Here I will state the point where my wife has put up baseless
allegations and counter same with some hard evidence otherwise ignore.
Please note if I am not countering any allegation does not mean they are true.
Countering : 3) Even when she has admitted she stayed for 3 months but I want to
tell the court during this tenure, she only visited on some of the days. We never got
an answer why is she not coming home to stay and I tried a lot for atleast we can go
out for a movie somewhere to figure out the problems. I booked tickets but she
refused to go on the final moment like 1 hour before the movie (Proof in whatapp
chat). She could have visited my house for around 20 days out of 60 days and
created more problems than sorting things out. This can be checked with attached
whatsapp chat and audio recording logs.
Countering 5) The date of marriage was not adjusted because of clinic opening, it
was just a simple request by family of my wife as her sisters would be visiting from
USA and Bangalore at that time. I am stating it because in her interim affidavit
she has mentioned her sisters as liability to parents but they are well off living
in USA and Bangalore.
7) There were no demands made any time during, before or after the marriage. And
infact the marriage was plain and simple that is what she has given in her
affidavit of section 12. Why she has not produced any documents to show 20 lakhs
on marriage.
9) There is no proof given by her for physical or mental abuse. All the documents
she has submitted for injuries are when she has already admitted that she has
stopping visiting the house and is living with her parents.
10) I never asked to stop visiting her clinic, I only wanted her to come home and
start living together. Again no proof for same, only false allegations
11) We never taunted her for driving infact we were ready to support her in any way
possible. That is the reason we gave her a car, who gives a car to someone to taunt
her driving skills.
12) I usually visited clinic to ask her to come home. Since she was still at clinic at
8-9pm attending her patients (where apparently she is going in loss) so I used wait
to talk to her.
Countering : 14) When she was not giving any proper reply about the problem she is
facing and what does she wants. I made a suggestion that we should write down
what each of us want and have her answers written there and then go through them
together. She finally agreed to visit at a common place Cafe coffee day (as she
never considered my house to be her house). The consent was there as it can be
seen from the whatsapp chat and audio recording logs of the day(CHECK THIS
DOCUMENT PROOF) when we sat in the restaurant.
Countering 16) The cook or our maid never left our house, she is still there and
regular. Infact she agreed to testimony infront of the court telling the court that my
wife never stayed at home and our cook kept on working with us without interuption.
17) On date "18.05.2018", I and my parents went to enquire at my wife's house on
why she is not coming back to the house. Their parents started fighting all of a
sudden with us and putting blame on my parents and me. The typhoid was thrown
as an excuse and later put it onto us that we caused it. Infact she never ate, drink
anything at our house when she visited. We are using aquaguard filter which was
changed to RO Filter as per her demand to coming back home. This can be checked
with (audio recordings PROOF) of that day.
18) On "18.05.2018" (during the time where my wife is saying she stayed here), we
never threatened to file divorce infact it was the father of my wife who did that.
(Audio Recording of the day PROOF) . They never promised that she would return
on this day as well. Typhoid case has been explained in section 17.
Countering 19) She used to insult my mother as my mother says hello/Good
morning whenever she used to visitg. She used to ignore and tell me ask her not to
talk to her. She showed the same behaviour to my grandmother who was visiting for
a day only. As a result my grandmother told she has insulted her and would not like
to visit us again. She has admitted this on whatsapp chat and audio recording of the
day we met in restaurant on 16th July 2018, Audio Recording of the day PROOF.
20) Even after everything she did, when she has explained to me that she is injured
at her house. Then I asked should I come, I got a reply that no need, everything is
stable now and I didnt picked up the call at 2am at night. "Whatsapp chat" Then I
came to know that she is doing this to prove it to the court as she has given her
medical bill after 9 days of her messaging/falling 21.06.2018. And in both her
medical bills it has been mentioned that she is a male. I doubt she even visited
21) She should atleast show some evidence where she has asked for the things and
I have not responded. Furthermore when she visited us to take her stuff, nothing
wrong happened. If my parents treat us badly at their house, does not mean we also
do the same. We treat our visting guests at full respect.
Countering 24) It was not me who was turning down any steps to reconcile, there
were no steps made by her. In fact it was my wife and her parents who were doing
the same, this can be confirmed from her relatives : Mama ji/Mami ji of my wife who
told us that my wife/parents are not ready to listen to them. We were guided to reach
out to Dr. Harjot Kamal (MLA Of moga, Punjab) as he is close with my wife's family.
After putting lot of connections to reach him, we finally got a meeting with him and
my wife parents. In the meeting they asked me to leave my current house and shift
to a house of her liking. We Agreed to that, but on the day we were supposed to go
out and look for the house, my wife refused to do so. So we contacted Dr. Harjot
Kamal again, and he said my wife parents does not listen to him and wanted him to
stay out of the matter. Another member who was witnessing the meeting (Sidhu
Madam affidavit proof) has given affidavit testifing same against my wife in section
9 in derabassi court. On top of that when we went in my wife's house to reconcile,
we were shouted at and blamed for things like typhoid.
Countering 25) she did not shut down her clinic, infact she shifted her clinic to a new
suitable desired location where her mother has purchased the clinic along with 2
more showrooms adjacent to the place. The time requried to shifting has been told
as shutting down of clinic due to mental stress. When she is having parents who are
owning 3 showrooms, own multiple house in Gaziabad, zirakpur, and having 2
sisters who are living in USA and bangalore. She is probably having more money
that I do. (Proof of showroom, house deed)
Countering 26) Same as 24.
27) Same as 26, 24, 18, 19
29) same as 25
30) same as 25
31) same as 25
32) I do have a brother, who is studying abroad in Poland. Who needs money from
me to continue to study. While my sister has no dependents as mentioned in 25
33) My wife is capable of doing 88000 per month as expenditure when she is living
separetely as mentioned by her while having no dependents. I do not wish to pay
any money to my wife since she is more qualified than I am and intentionally she is
putting false allegations to extract more money from me.

Section B) : Here I will give evidences that she refused to stay with me without
sufficient reasons.
1) Here she is admitting that is never her house and she never thought that his is
her house to stay in as a result she will come to my house. Whatsapp chat : (Page
1,2,3,4), (Google sheet), Audio recording of filling the google sheet.
2) Disrespecting elders and trying to create a scene, so that she can find a reason to
not to live as a wedded wife. Unfortunately for her that my parents were thinking its
beginning of new life to her and her behaviour they tolerated as their own daughter.
Proof of admittance can be seen by the reply she has written in google sheet
(Google sheet) where she says she will not respect them as she does not want to.
Same can be heard also in audio chat. Same can be verified in : Audio recording
while doing the google sheet. (Audio logs).
3) I am trying to have a vacation, or weekends so that we can spend more time
together. She denied that also and told is having patients all the time. Unfortunately
she is not making profits even with so many patients. (Google sheet)
4) When my family went to my wife's house to enquire about her status on why she
is not visiting us. We clearly got the idea that my wife knew that her parents will start
and fight and get reason to make her stay with them. This can be checked by the
audio records and words my wife used on 18th May 2019. Her parents is fighting
with us from the first dialogue of the conversation. They gave reason as they feel
my father is not a safe person to live with as he asked the sister of my wife to dance
before leaving the marriage. When we asked what is wrong in asking someone to do
dance in marriage function. My wife mother replied by saying that they will also
throw 4 man on our sisters. This kind of language upsetted my father. He said lets
focus on the present and solve the problems for the children. On which instead of
finding a solution they put another blame on my father which was he himself was
dancing in the marriage. On top of that they asked we should get separated and
asked us to leave. Hearing this my father said even now dancing is a problem and
left the house. Now they shifted the blames to me and told me you bought parents,
you should have bought your grandparents also. As you can see we never got the
reply what is the problem as we consider in our culture as dancing as morally
correct. I stayed there and tried my best to reconcile the marriage, and I will take full
responsibility for the safety. On which they gave another excuse she is suffering
from typhoid because she drank a glass of water when she visited. So they asked
me to change filter before she is allowed to go. All these can be verified from
audio recording of house visit.
5) Even when she is not coming back, she is only asking for marriage certificate. On
which I used to reply please came back stay and then you can have marriage
certificate. This probably coincides with her statement that I agreed for the marriage.
Her relatives only told us that she must have wanted this certificate because she is
looking to go abroad after marriage and her visa's are getting denied.
6) On July 2nd on whatsapp chat since she is not coming back. I told her that she is
causing mental stress and I need to visit some doctor as I am getting complaints
from my private company that they can fire me if I do not pull my work together. The
same can be seen as (Mental stress certificate), email from my boss (Email).
Although I needed to support my brother education so I worked day and night and
on weekends to save my job. Infact I got my salary increased to 1 lakh after a year,
earlier when we were married and separated, my salary was 60,000. On which my
wife while staying at her own house is claiming to court that she is getting a lifestyle
of 88000 expenditure per month.
Section C: Where I will give proofs about her wealth status and her qualification
status along with the dependency that I have to support my brother education
1) My wife is more qualified did BDS, MDS from Baba Farid University and more
educated than I am. Just to get lifestyle of 88000 per month I dont want to ask for
money from my wife. (linkedin profile)
2) Although she left her previous job at Advanced dental solutions from Jul 2016 as
Dental Surgeon. Which person will leave a job and start her own clinic if it was not
profitable. Proof(her linkedin profile)
3) Her relatives have told that they own multiple properties and gave some hits so
we enquired and came to know it is true. Her parents has house in Jalandhar,
Zirakpur, Indirpuram and own 3 showrooms. As shown in proof (Sale deed for
property), (Her current address), (His father address in indirapuram), (rent
deed of mother with her daughter.), (photo on top of showroom.).
4) My brother's education and rent expenses. (Proof)

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